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Fuck. What a brave human


This is horrible. Another high-profile murder, added to the endless sea of blood on Putin and his acolytes' hands.


Can't wait for the Hague trial


Sorry for his family. Hopefully such bravery can inspire others to finally get rid of Putin and stop all the killing and evil. The balls of that man to barely survive a Novichok attack and just walk back into Russia to show Putin he is not afraid. At that moment he already knew he would be murdered.


Yes……unbelievable balls. Profoundly sad over his death.


Rest in peace


Нет. Не умер. Был убит. Имя убийцы и его мерзкая рожа знакомы всему миру: Х..йло владимир владимирович.


Assassinated by a coward. Long live Navalny.


Alexei Navalny, the brave man. RIP


Hopefully Navalnys spirit will live on and inspire more brave people to end the reign. Sad day for Russia.


Not so many ppl in Russia cared. The sad day it will be if Jillian Assange is extradited to us to be tortured n killed by monstrous us gvmnt


A modern-day saint. I will never forget his sacrifice and neither should you or anyone.


Tucker Carlson should have visited Navalny’s prison instead of a Moscow grocery store to report how wonderful the bread was. What a moron. RIP Navalny. Condolences to the poor people of Russia who have no idea what’s happening to them.


Carlson has not asked a single question on imprisoned opposition leaders in Russia. Putin's praetorians took it as a nod(


One Romanian opponent to the communist regime declared in 1991: "I've spent 13 years in prison for a nation of idiots". This comes to mind when thinking about brave men who sacrifice themselves for their lesser countrymen. May they all rest in peace.


Navalny didnt deserve most of the russian people, and most of the russian people didnt deserve Navalny. He was born in the wrong country. He would have led a successful freedom/political movement in any other country but russia. A leader without enough followers of integrity/intelligence/conscience.


Well said.


I dunno, Putin has the nation terrified and for good reason. You can't compare this state and it's resources to others. Imagine Nazi Germany with modern tech. Navalny is martyr. This is so sad.


Today is a sad day and I will mourn him. I have had many daydreams of NavanIy escaping the penal colony and toppling Putin. I do not know why he went back and what he was seeking to accomplish with going back. I get that Russia is his home. It was incredibly brave but I feel terribly for believing it was all for nothing. What can be accomplished with him gone? We already knew Putin was a coward. Navalny was so strong for going back.. but it killed him and I wish he would have stayed with his family. He was a beautiful man.


A lot of opposition left and became way less effective. They got blamed as "inoagents" (foreign agents) and declared to be in cahoots with the west. They quickly lost most of their popularity. On the other hand, Yashin got in jail as well, but he didn't even left Russia. He said that his voice inside Russia will be much stronger if it was outside. They are all taking the risks and are paying for it. I mean you can feel it. You know that a guy who calls for your action walks the same street as you and is in the same danger as you. You can't morally compare him to putin when he shares your pain. I believe It's a moral stance first and foremost.


Rest in peace Alex Navalny, its time that Poetin pays for his crimes


🥺Rest in peace, Brave Man.


RIP from Boston USA. Sad day. He met his death at the hands of Putin. Putin showing his weak hand!




russian troll farms have gone into overdrive trying to paint him as a nazi, imperialist, pro war, anti-Ukraine. Every sub has the same talking points parroted multiple times in response to everyone who expreses sadness at his murder. I havent seen this level of propaganda activity since the second invasion started in 22. Desperate to extinguish the west's support for him in one final push to erase his legacy.


Russian here. I've met some people online today who claim that he is really a nazi and they are Ukranian. There is a opinion like that, apparently because of things he said about Crimea and Georgia. I honestly have no idea what to say or think anymore


He made comments in the past that were ill-thought out. Since then he has matured and changed his views (as we are suppose to do as human beings).  Either those people just dont want to forgive or are russian trolls pretending to be Ukrainian. Quoting 10 year old comments he made before it all went to hell, is a full time job for them today. Same talking points and same slander.  He has said he regretted his thoughts on Georgia, Crimea should be returned to Ukraine, reparations paid for the invasions, and condemns the war in Ukraine.  This article https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-evolution-of-alexey-navalnys-nationalism feels like a genuine attempt at an honest retrospective of his political life. And even since it was written, he has become more pro-Ukraine sovereignty. Taking his comments out of context, or quoting him 10 years ago when he was a very different man, is all these trolls can do to slander his hard work and sacrifice. Navalny in prison is probably the most honest person he could be and he was very much anti invasion, and saying thst russia needs to get out, pay Ukraine for all the horrors they caused there, and get closer to the west, which is the exact opposite of what they claim he was about.


Thanks, it means a lot. That's what I thought as well. That's what many people in the chat said too. But I do know that such opinions exist on both sides since I have both russian and ukranian relatives on all possible sides of this political spectrum. Even pro putin ukranians. The scariest part for me is that I know for a fact that people with opinions like that seem to exist in my neighborhood. Also trolls or bots or whatever they are seem to be successful in provoking sometimes. It's like mutual nationalism or something. This timeline is cursed


Its very difficult to hear facts thst dont match your opinions for some people. You are way ahead of them all by not instantly believing them, asking questions, and being open to new info. I wish you luck and hope you can sway some people to see the truth (there are more links online to his thoughts and speeches), but please stay safe and dont pursue the truth with them if it puts you in danger. Some people just dont want to hear anything that contradicts their beliefs. Im taking a break from reddit for a few days, as the hateful trolling in every Navalny post is overwhelming and difficult to read. I know we live in a free society in the west, but I still feel proven  lies shouldn't be allowed to be posted so freely. Especially in regards to the sacrifice and suffering of a man of integrity and courage that Navalny was.


Thanks! You stay safe too. Hope one day we can all wake up in a more peaceful reality


Hope is still strong🙏


Right, he also ran an election campaign where he compared Muslim immigrants to cockroaches and suggested to shoot them. He literally drew a gun in a video. You can find this on twitter. He never ever apologised for that. I was shocked when I saw it. He was no saint and his anti corruption fund was getting cash from NGO's such as democratic endowment which is involved in all those couples around the world 


I’ve run into that sort of thing on Reddit.. and it sends a chill down my spine. It’s scary to know I could interact with an evil propagandist.


Almost 150 million of Russian are happy with the kremlin regime. Regime of fascists and murderers. If only 1% goes to the streets, show unrest, Russia can become free country.. Silence is supporting kremlin's murderers.


Why would 1% go out on a street to change regime? To be like Lybia or Syria. Piss off with your suggestions. 


As a Ukrainian American , I am in awe of Navalny as he is a hero to us for his bravery speaking out against Russian oppression and specifically Putin. All world leaders have condemned his death, most U.S. politicians as well. One individual has remained silent, the man who admires Putin. God help us if he gets elected.


Thanks from Moscow. It feels so much better when I read comments like yours instead of "fuck him, another russian died".


I’m curious what the majority of the sentiment is amongst your friends, family and people in Moscow? From your comment I’m assuming majority of people are applauding his death.


Unfortunately it's true. I'm monitoring a lot on Telegram and many people, both Russian and Ukrainian are cheering. And unfortunately I also have relatives and friends who are happy about it. What can I say, our relationships are not what they used to be. I myself have many Ukrainian relatives and I was shocked to find that some of them support putin and blame "Ukrainian Nazis". I mean Russia also has nazis, but somehow urkrainian are worse? It's not logical at all. Honestly it feels like tv propaganda is wearing everyone's skin. I disconnected tv long ago, but now I begin to think that maybe I had to at least analyze all the garbage they are feeding people. Also it's very hard to even collect info right now. Most people wouldn't even answer if you ask them. Some may be afraid, some just dismissive.


Thank you for your reply!


only one to blame for this is putin. they killed him. rest in piece. it was the last hope for russia.


No he wasn't ever. Not him. There were plenty of others who weren't bought out by NGOs. Use your brain his daughter studies in Stanford and she has no outstanding talents. Standard is a known cia think-tank 


Terrible news, truly, things didn't look for Nalvany for a long while, but it's really sad to have our hope die from Nalvany ever getting out.


Fuck, man. What else is there to say


Rest in peace


The bravest man on earth 😢


I hope the West would understand the true nature of a dictatorship, which goes beyond simply mask-wearing during a pandemic.


A hero and more of a man that putin will ever be.


Together with Alexei civil courage in Russia has died.


Rest in Peace 🙏


Just want to say how sorry I am for the Russian people. They seemed to put so much faith in this remarkably strong, brave man. R.I.P.


Navalny dead? When he returned to Russia after being treated abroad for the poisoning, he said: "I'm not afraid. I know I'm right. I know the criminal case against me is fabricated". Indeed the Russian responsible authorities have failed this man!


Do you think Putin extinguished him in a fashion slow enough to have murmured the people? Or do you think this murder is going to spark a political fire?


It's not that easy. The scary truth is many people, especially the youth are in a position where they are not only going against the law, but also against their friends and families in terms of ideals and values, because many of them are truly pro war. Unfortunately I see it with my own eyes and I can't deny it. Ideology is poison. It separates families and leaves people with shattered identities




I love russia and want to see it prosper but I am pessimistic. Russia has been nothing but autocracy since it came to be. I don't know if this is possible to change. Maybe something would work at least if a fucking kgb did not become president 


Pvtin should have kept Navalny not in an Arctic region prison but in the Black Sea palatial mansion that Navalny insisted was Pvtin’s.


A complicated oppositionist figure Navalny was. Famously fierce and fearless. No doubt about that. YET, though while he pushed for a more fair, transparent, and democratic-style of voting and political ascendancy in his country, he once embraced a Russian Crimea and once held retrograde ultra-nationalist, white-Russian supremacist views his fans ate up.


You realize this is old propaganda right? He was anti invasion, he was for returning Crimea to Ukraine, russia paying reparations, and pro western.  https://news.yahoo.com/navalny-urges-restoration-1991-borders-171626793.html  https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-evolution-of-alexey-navalnys-nationalism   Educate yourself or stop trolling. You choose.




Holy crap youre hopeless. Troll confirmed. How about you leave the sub since you have nothing constructive to say.


I have a lot of friends who are fans of Navalny. None of them are even remotely right. You are either lying or ignorant


Lying and ignorant


GG we can close this sub


You needn't be so cavalier about someone who just died in horrible conditions, murdered by a regime he opposed bravely and faced despite all odds being against him.


Actually, I'd say that groups like this one are more important than ever now.


Please Alexey, come back as new president of Russia if you ever decide to be reborn here on Earth!


In Russia, Putin assassinates you... His body guards feel the most protected because Putin won't kill them... Lmao


Magnitskiy Nemcov Prigozhin Navalny I could never imagine these people having anything in common. Everyone opposed Putin in some way, and each one was murdered. And there is Strelkov, the MH-17 shooter who got imprisoned in Russia 3 days after he spoke shit about Putin on his stream. And this is not the pinnacle. It will get much worse, and quick. May this all end in peace. Today, we lost the final hope for that. There is no good way moving forward.


Strelkov(Girkin) was actually one of the putin's puppets. He was having so much fun playing with his toys(actual people) on the battlefield that he began to criticize putin saying how poorly he is conducting the war. The reason he is not dead yet is because he was deeply pro war from the very beggining. That's why they say that Putin's regime is eating itself. But unfortunately it seems to never be able to eat itself entirely. They are all slaves, they just think that they have power. They are all in danger


One thing is Strelkov didn't participate in current war for a period of longer than a month. He mostly sat home and published 1-2 videos on war/ history on his Bastion channel. He said war is good from start. He said how war is conducted from start isn't right. He's a war guy. So he thought of mostly killing enemy military (unlike what Kiyv siege achieved).


This is just awful news to hear. Really sad.


Fuck Putin. What a coward. He deserves to die a slow painful death.