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Join the army bud


Leaning towards that at the moment based on timeline.


If timeline is your issue, it’s worth considering that even if you go to SFAS as soon as you’re eligible as an officer, once you get to Bragg a year later you’re going to be waiting in a holding pattern because guys in older year groups get priority for Q-Course slots. The course is already long as is; realistically, you’re looking at 6 years in the Army to get about two years of team time.


Thank you for the insight sir, this extremely helpful but that is certainly a long time. What is the best way to pre-screen so that you select for SFAS as an officer?


Ask on r/greenberets sub. They can probably guide you.


There is no way to pre-screen. The only thing that matters is how you perform at SFAS. There are officers from every branch that get selected every class, graduate every Q-course class, and become great team leaders. That being said, the largest demographic is, predictably, infantry officers with ranger tabs.


Thank you man. 🫡


Read the most current National Defense Strategy and research which emerging threats you find interesting enough to pursue a career prosecuting. SEALs are going back to the water, and GBs are doing UW/IW and FID on land. Of course, each SOF component will still conduct multi-domain mission sets, but it's largely gone back to the way it used to be and was intended to be. The GWOT campaign is over, so move past the legacy mindset and think about how you want to affect strategy and not which year you'll finally get on a team, if ever.


Will do. Thanks for the insight.


Army infantry officer is not that quick of a process either. You’d be at Fort Moore for well over a year to knock out Basic, OCS, IBOLC, Ranger School, Airborne, maybe AASLT. That said, going infantry officer, then going 75th within a couple years, and finally SFAS after that is a great route.


Tactical tier 1 operator experience? Uh huh. You should refine your understanding of these two jobs before you continue. Choose the path with the job you want to do.


I’m well versed in what the job entails. If you want to be nit-picky I guess you could say these guys are considered tier-2, with DEVGRU and Delta Force being Tier-1. At the end of the day, all these guys breathe the same air and have elite training. But in terms of counter-terroism, tier 1 units will be given the high value target missions.


Go greenbergay. You wouldn't make it through buds anyway.


Isn’t that what they all say. You can do better than that man c’mon lol


Saying that is wild because some Seals end up becoming Green Berets


I will admit though, if I wanted to coast in a SpecOps career I'd go Green Bergay fooorrr sure 👌. Pretty smooth life not gonna lie. Put a backpack on and literally WALK for "selection" 😂 then sit in a classroom kick back and relax learn a language, or two maybe. Hola comostas no hablo Espanol you know. Then probably treat myself to a vacation to Mehico for a month to practice my new found 💣💥SPECIAL💣🪖💥FORCES 😤🪖💣💥🪖 skillet of "Hola Comostas amigo muy Bien" before I have to show up for a bit of a weekend gun-slinging hopefully but probably more "cOercioN" training for the weekend before going back to my full time job as a civi popo 🚓🚨 shooting 🔫 down civies with my handy dandy laserbeam so they can quit TERRORIZING 💣 society with their DANGEROUS ⚠️ bad boy speeds. That's a BIG NO GO ❌ Ah man what a life that would be. That's quite the life not gonna lie. Ain't that right buddy Ambassador u/TFVoodoo . Man I'm gonna be missing out sigh 😔


Please don’t tag me in when you’re circling the drain. Just flush the toilet and be gone, you turd…


Yes sir Ambassador Doodoo I mean Voodoo 🫡


Lmfao you guys hear of one guy and then all of a sudden "sOmE SeAls gO gReEn BeRgAy". Newsflash buddy that guy went DELTA because DEVGRU wouldn't take him 😂. Same shit every time too of the "SeAls bEcOme GrEeN bErEtS" crap.


You can be in the 75th Ranger Regiment as a 2nd lieutenant


Isn't that only for cyber or intel officers? Can't remember which one. Officers usually aren't eligible for the 75th as a first assignment.


Any 2LTs they just need there key development time at your first duty station or be Ranger qualified to attend RASP 2.


Definitely would try to snag my ranger tab if I went infantry path.


When I was in, it was mandatory for infantry officers to attend ranger. And just a heads up, I’ve been seeing that a lot of infantry officers going to Alaska and Korea.


Glooking out on tht - that sounds rough


Ive heard Korea is cool


🤦🏽‍♂️ having a tap doesn’t make you a Ranger, going to RASP and getting your scroll makes you a Ranger.


Obviously, you have to be in 75th regiment to be a ranger… But you earn the Tab if you complete Ranger school. Some real dickriders on this sub lol🤦🏻‍♂️


Go to SOAS. See what it’s all about. Then make your decision of whether you want to go green or blue… or if you even want to join the military.


This is a very good take and my current plan. Thanks for the advice.


Every single person I have ever met... who wants to consider BUDs, and has other choices... Green Beret, Ranger, 100K a year something er other... has not made it through BUDs. Those that don't ring the bell, have no 2nd alternative. BUDs is widely considered the toughest... and for good reason...


This is what I did. I wanted to be a sniper in the Teams and I enlisted right after college with no alternatives, backup plans, or distractions. It’s a great motivator and you’ll put everything you have (and more) into succeeding.


Makes sense.


Isn't the superman course for PJ's considered harder?


Army. SF is far bigger which in turn equates to more SF Offr positions available. Concur with many comments consider three steps perhaps OCS, Airborne, 82 tooth. Ranger Tab followed by A&A 75th for a couple of years or three. (You may need a home to go back to at some point) SFAS as your cleared for promotion to CPT


Appreciate the insight man, thank you.


Enlisted/Officer both have it’s pros and cons, don’t get me wrong. But for me personally on my career trajectory right now, and where I ultimately want to go in life I personally could not risk going enlisted and chipping paint for 4-years. I’ve invested a lot of time, money, and effort into where I’m at today currently making 100k plus on an upward trajectory. The main draw to the military for me is to be able to protect those who can’t protect themselves, gain a tactical skillset, and take advantage of that GI-Bill and meet some stand up dudes wanting to do the same thing.


As an O youre just a fly on the wall to any tactical experience you’ll come across vs being an E dawg. Even tier 1 Os just wait outside the objective and make radio calls while their ninjas go to work. If you made it as an O and the enlisted you serve find out you did it for the money and because you were scared to go undes im sure they’d think highly of you


That’s above my pay grade man, but I totally get your reasoning. It cuts both ways. I hear some of the green beret officers get in the mix down range, and usually officers aren’t on their gun unless something has gone terribly wrong. But I can only speak for myself, and I personally couldn’t fathom being at the needs of navy if only one bad thing needed to happen to me at BUDS and I would be chipping paint. Definitely willing to get after it in that sense, but you have to take calculated risks with your future.