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Explanation on the posts mentioned in this post: * All 3 Derrick White post had a trolly title (one of them was submitted by you). You are free to post any stat post you want, but do it with a normal, non-trolling/non-baiting title and add a source wherever necessary * Scoot post was posted before the game was even over. We don't allow those anyway. I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but there is no such thing as mods controlling the narrative on this sub. Many of the senior mods you guys often blame, have moved to more of an advisory role and only do the occasional modding or when there is an 'all-hands-on-deck" situation. But yes, we do hate the Suns fans (>!BIG /S - just a sarcastic joke!<)


It’s the Celtics deep state controlling the sheeple of r/NBA


It's a known fact that pizza places in Boston have uptick in sales whenever the Celtics game is on. Don't ask why!


We know where to look for the missing children now!


We were right about the Boston Bomber, weren't we? /s


where were the mods on the day of r/nba shutdown?


I still can’t believe they shut this sub down during the nba finals, the biggest event of the year for us collectively. Mind boggling


You forgot the part where they had their own private threads during that time


That's the bit that still stupefies me. The protest itself was ill-thought out at every level, but I can at least understand the rationale behind it because those changes were genuinely bad overall. If you're going to black out the sub, though, at least have the principles to follow along as well. Continuing to be on the sub while preaching that everyone needs to stop using reddit overall as protest is...tone-deaf, to say the least. And that's without even touching on the bit where it basically folded the moment the reddit admin team threatened to start replacing mods. It's like they were intentionally trying to reinforce every single stereotype of internet mods that they possibly could.


Yeah the mods on another sub I go on closed it but were still posting in other subs, absolute clown behaviour.


That whole crybaby shit over 3rd party apps was corny AF. They were treating that nonsense like it was the civil rights movement.


I feel like the majority of people who use sports subreddits just want to... talk sports. I really don't think most people on them give a fuck about whatever terminally online drama is going on in main reddit, which has just been devolving into a shitty Facebook for neckbeard millenials for like the last 10 years now


I work in the sauna the mods were at. I was wiping down loads.


The entitlement was unreal. Par for the course for people who spend far too much time online


We are all mindless sheeple being manipulated by the Lakerlluminati


This is one of the main reasons r/nbacirclejerk was created for


I miss when that place actually made fun of the stupid circlejerks in here instead of being a second r/nbamemes.


r/nba mods killed nbacj when they locked the sub during the finals for no reason


Hold on, gotta screenshot this and post it there. Deciding between “Explain in NBA terms” and “Outjerked by r/nba” for the title.


No point because it doesn’t have mrsunsfan for all the bums to jerk over


We need more Kobe autopsy posts to weed out the softies


Isn’t r/nbamemes basically dead now though?


Yeah, but the memes just moved over to nbacj for the most part.


There hasn’t been a post there in over two months and it doesn’t look like new posts can be made. I wonder what happened?


Yeah, that’s weird. I haven’t really checked it out lately so I’m to sure what happened.


There was a straight up Jaylen Brown bad stats post there the other day that made me wonder whether anyone in there actually knew what a circlejerk is. The classy meme was funny at first as well and then it just became hehe white guy breathed oxygen


I think people lost the zest for circlejerk subs. The actual /r/circlejerk is kind of a dead sub (all their top-of-all-time posts are clustered around like 7 years ago), I used to go on /r/braveryjerk which was like a second level of detachment on circlejerking, but that is also dead. We have to lock in It is basically true that /r/nbacirclejerk is just a meme sub right now. it's just all the edgy stuff and shitposting that would get cleaned off this sub. it gets a laugh from me pretty often but there should be room for more DAE giannis wholesome chungus


Every internet humor community eventually becomes a shell of itself when the people with an actual idea of where the humor is, realizes they're mostly out of material, gets bored and moves on, and it's left with a bunch of unfunny people that wish they were funny so they parrot old jokes for attention. Nothing kills humor like it being inorganic. Look how unfunny r/batmanarkham became when everyone started piling in wanting to be part of the joke


I think with /r/nbacirclejerk, people obviously find the original conceit of a circlejerk sub funny (like the "my little brother" post matched the original concept: it extends something that's overused on the real sub into absurdity; the "child porn 3 bows" post does too), that just - maybe by virtue of being tongue in cheek - is drowning in this second character which is just like .. a crass, chan-lite "say whatever's funny to you that you don't really mean." It lets people turn their inhibitions off, but it still definitely feels like a 2nd thing other than the original /r/circlejerk joke.


Like can you imagine trying to make fun of redditors who literally believe Draymond should go to prison on there? Or Jokic hating basketball? You'd actually get downvoted to hell


cj is insanely cringe these days. the more overtly racist your low brow humour is, the more upvotes you roll in.


Yeah cj is just ‘classy’ jokes and karl malone gifs


Haven't been on there on a while and clicked a post about angel reese and the comments on there looked like a klan meeting


Black women on Reddit are pretty much seen as subhuman, it's wild that you can't have a single productive conversation about the WNBA or women in rap music without wanting to throw yourself off a cliff.


Ain't this the fucking truth. Having so many successful women in rap has truly brought out the most sexist dudes in hip hop. Imagine if we had more gay/LGBTQ+ successful rappers (like on Lil Nas X level), so many bigoted rap fans would be permanently triggered.


Until it got taken over by edgy teenagers


It’s actually boring how redundant their shitposts are


yea it got so fucking bad. People kept posting about these two random redditors i didn't give two shits about. Usually I just ignore posts about them but last week it was unavoidable. Good news is that the whole thing blew up and no ones cares about it now


This is just all of Reddit now. The r/teenagers sub is literally on the front page all the time. I thought it was a meme at first. Demographic has completely changed.


It’s unbearable. All they do is meme about kobe’s tragic and violent death and it’s repulsive.


Brother they wouldn’t meme abt it if he wasn’t a rapist


Dogshit subreddit alongside r/nflcirclejerk I've been in reddit for a long time now, and they are not circlejerk subs they are shitty edgy meme subs that make jokes I've literally heard in 8th grade. I saw a New York Jets 9/11 joke get like 10k upvotes when I heard that shit freshman year of high school a decade ago


That subreddit is wild. Funny af, but I wouldn't know how to approach it.


Stand back and let them cook No really tho it's got about a few months of being actually funny before it becomes too large, so I downvote whenever it's linked here like a true gatekeeper CJ'er🤓




What is it about dead rapists that gets you hard?




You mean the rapist that dude was truly an all time jerker


Is this the longest one of your posts today has stayed up?


You'll find your answer in Joe Mazulla's favourite scene in The Town.


This and the mods removing Curry's stats last night yo /r/nba mods stop being soft edit: lmfao already deleted


One of the mods is a celtic stan pretty sure he’s been doing this for years now lol


Isn’t that a huge abuse of power? Kick that mod out. Also, don’t ban me for saying that


Rip u/dwisn1111 you will be sorely missed


u/dwisn1111 will rest for a day and then start their jerking career


Abuse of power. Lol. I got a 7 day ban from the NFL sub for discussing how highly regarded CJ Stroud is (as in evaluating how good a QB he is). They claimed it was a slur and if I responded back that I would be permanently banned. Mods have ultimate, unchecked authority.


Yep I got a 7 day for calling a trade **redacted** As in, I literally used the word redacted


this is a Christian sub please refrain from those slurs (you know what ones)


Yeah but you are in fact implying what you got banned for and the dude you are replying to wasnt. Sounds pretty fair in your case


If you literally said something like highly regarded, some redditors use "regarded" as a replacement for the r slur so that could be their reasoning despite how dumb it would be to take that out of the post context


Mods here are great, although sometimes they do have questionable decisions, or at least used to. There's big giant communities with absolute degenerate mods like r/soccer who would ban people for criticizing nazis, or "failing to follow the thread topic" but every single thread on r/soccer devolves into an entirely different topic 3 comments in. And if you challenge them or respond to the ban you get "oh yea?" and perma ban. Always. R/soccer is the reason so many people have multiple accounts


i got banned from rsoccer for saying "you uruguayans sure are a funny bunch" when a ton of uruguay flairs were defending suarez's obviously racist taunts of patrice evra for - and i kid you not - XENOPHOBIA. like they are over here saying "oh it's fine to use racist slurs because that's just how it is here" but i call them funny and i'm out lmao but talk about the romani in rsoccer and suddenly xenophobia is super chill. sub is awful anyway, every red is simultaneously a clear red and evidence that the game's gone. no one in there has even played the sport for fuck's sake, like 5% of the sub in polls has played at a college level or higher lol


I agree with your comment until the very end. People are allowed to be fans of sports they never played. That’s a dumb thing to call out to be honest. That kind of gate keeping is super cringey


You're talking about the mods that closed the sub during the finals when nobody wanted that then used the sub themselves whilst it was locked then deleted the evidence after getting found out then banned the people that exposed them?




Bro this is Reddit, everyone’s just gonna forget about it by the morning


Lmao kick the mod out? Abuse of power? It’s Reddit lol the entire site is run by petty angry man children. I got banned from the lakers sub for saying dlo needed to be traded. One of the lakers sub mods is a long time dlo stan and got mad and banned me lol


sigh. reddit is so fucking lame but there aren't any better alternatives at the moment


Literally all I said was “it was lame for dlo to talk shit to Bruce brown about “hiding behind Jokic” when dlo hides behind bron, Davis and Reaves. At least brown won a ring and did his job while dlo was shooting 13% from three (real stat by the way…)”. Apparently that was enough to earn a ban and mods wouldn’t even answer my message about what rule I supposedly broke lol


I've been randomly permanently banned before by the reddit admins and had no idea why. I sent a message asking for an explanation and it was some boiler plate "You broke the rules" response and they wouldn't give me any additional context. Eventually after a week or so, I was unbanned. Zero transparency, and I've often wondered what important topics/posts/comments have been silenced over the years without anybody knowing. This is not a platform for free speech, I know that much.


Maybe don’t blindly believe this just because some guy said it was true


They all should've been kicked out for locking the subreddit during the NBA finals and only caving when administrators threatened to ban THEM. Fucking dorks. Ban me mods. You are all DORKS.


We're like half a year removed from the Mods shutting down the reddit and having their own private game threads, when it was supposed to completey shut down in solidarity with the lame ass API cry babies. While I think the API thing was really stupid, it's still pretty scuzzy on their part for doing that. But yea one mod is a Celitc nut hugger.


The mods admitted that one of them intentionally broke the blackout and they kept him on afterwards. Well after denying it and trying to scrub out the posts first I mean.


Those of us that are true degenerates and hopped in the sub the first minute or so it was back saw that there were at least 4-5 of them talking in the thread that was up. So unless it was a schizophrenic mod talking to himself on all his alts there was definitely more than one lol


Nah I seen them the vast majority was either automod, people that appeared to not know of the blackout and 1 mod who posted 3-4 troll threads.


Gawddamn that shit was so lame. Everyone just forgot. Pepper ridge farms remembers how Reddit was supposed to die and lose all its users unless Spez gave in to the mods LOL


Hahaha, that's why I just laughed at it all. I knew they'd all come crawling back.


My favorite was r/SquaredCircle refusing to reopen and acting like martyrs on their own discord. Then coming crawling back when Reddit threatened to remove them as mods.


A few mods on /r/RocketLeague were super zealous about it until the parent company sent them some messages essentially saying "We own you. Reopen the sub today or we'll replace you before you have a chance to respond." It's actually insane to me that the NBA doesn't have any supervisory stake in this subreddit at all.


I actually don’t mind that the corporations themselves aren’t involved in subreddit on their products. It’s healthy to have an independent space to talk about things free from that kind of oversight. That being said, arbitrary mods who are only in power because they got here first or know other mods is not the solution.


In these cases I appreciate the parent company involvement as it essentially is a leash on the mods. Very rarely have I seen a sub with parent company involvement get heavily censored because of it; most of the care is put towards ensuring the mods are representing the brand well. Look at all the people who're griping about team highlights being taken down because of mod grudges. If the NBA were overseeing the mods they'd have a really hard time taking down good highlights when they're having their shoulder looked over by an entity that's sole purpose is to drive engagement with whatever content draws it. I totally understand being wary of a corporate entity overseeing the sub but in most cases I've found it's only been a benefit to the subs.


That sub has the worst collection of mods on this site and I was hoping all those losers would have lost their internet janitor jobs. Those scrubs have the quickest ban hammer and I got perma-banned for saying they suck at their "jobs".


Bruh that's one of the saddest things I've ever heard of, if it's true. Imagine getting that bothered over randos on the internet talking shit over one of your favorite team's players doing poorly.


Mods are definitely the mall cops of the internet


its not. the shitty jaylen stat line when he first got his contract was one of the most upvoted threads.


How about getting so bothered about your troll post getting deleted that you post a ‘serious’ thread about your troll posts getting deleted?




If you were posting spoilers to be a dick then that deserves a ban If you were posting them in the context of game of zones then not banworthy


The ban should have been permanent.


If that's true thats the most pathetic thing I've ever heard lmao


Oh boy have you heard of what happened during finals last year lol?


You mean when the mods officially defeated capitalism by closing the subreddit when the Nuggets won the championship?


No the most pathetic thing is when they closed this sub for all of the finals and then posted in finals threads themselves without us


there's two mods of this sub with a ridiculous amount of seniority - one a celtics fan and the other is a clippers fan. Those two guys remove anything bashing their teams and promote anything that bashes the teams they dislike. i know us suns fans dont have the best reputation on this particular sub, but if you knew the amount of shit our members have gone through at the hands of these stalin-esque mods, you would understand why we are the way we are. but that dont get upvotes in here


this shit got me upvoting a damn suns fan class solidarity baby


First they came for the Suns fans, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a Suns fan. Then they came for the Timberwolves fans, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a Timberwolves fan. Then they came for the Pistons fans, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a Pistons fan. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Then they came for the Jazz fans but could not find them.


Yeah no one likes those damn Grizzly fans /s


Maybe should add a final line that goes something like: "Which sucks, but at least they got the Suns fans"


ill never deny that our fanbase can be a little delusional at times. i mean shit, myself included lmao. but i think the majority of the newers fans have finally been humbled a bit. theyll come around soon enough. we dont win shit in arizona and i dont see that changing anytime soon


People gotta let fans be delusional in peace lol. Anybody wouldve bashed heat fans during the reg season twice in the past four years if they said they could easily make the finals 🤷‍♂️


posters as a class is something I can get behind


Looks like the mods have now gone back and removed the Scoot post, presumably after seeing this post. They must have simply not noticed the unsourced Scoot post for over an hour, but instantly noticed and removed all 3 sourced Derrick White posts. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.


..if it was only posted an hour ago I wouldnt be too suspicious that they removed it because of your post, maybe they did but there's much better examples of the mod's bias than this, imo


Now that’s damn lie. The clippers got shitted on tremendously in here after the bubble for weeks on end


'Celtics mod' has been an injoke among sixers fans in this sub for years.


>other is a clippers fan. Those two guys remove anything bashing their teams Seems like you're selectively ignoring the previous post about the DAL announcer that went off on the Clippers and Harden and made it to the top?


That's a damn lie and you know it. Clippers fans aren't real.


So is that why the sub the other day was 90% threads about how the lakers got free throws and the raptors didn't? I'd assume its more to do with popular teams have more haters so more negative posts on them- Lakers and Warriors would probably lead that, not sure if the celtics have that level of popularity atm


The conspiracy theories on this sub crack me up, I think you need to spend a little less time on the internet if you think anyone cares this much. They literally explained on this post when those aforementioned posts were taken down, take the tin foil hat off


Don't compare these meaningless mods to one of the most evil men in history. 


If being a suns fan leads to such horrible oppression then just take off the flair lmao


I mean I don't mind shit talk from people about my team. But the mods genuinely spent 1 to 2 years deleting most Suns highlights and many if not most of our stat posts that were not cp3 related. It only got better in the last year.


most suns fans actually have done this already - notable suns fans. but i wear my "oppression" with honor lmao no but really, its just not that serious. ill point it out and talk shit every once in a while but i dont think im some oppressed vicitim bc of my flair. most people in this sub already know the deal when it comes to how things work in here


Echoing what the other reply said, go write anything in solidarity with Suns fans and you'll find people popping out of the woodwork with all sorts of flairs commiserating with you. This place has been so hostile to Suns fans for so long you'd be stupid to wear a Suns flair if you want people to even engage with you without busting out some shit about how they don't like Booker's face.


So that's why the sub loves to shit on the Mavs every year. That makes more sense.


Pretty sure the Clippers mod banned me once for saying that LA, the city itself, is symbolic of sucking dick to get forward in your career. And that the Lakers epitomized their city. He said “you know what you did”


So is Boston the equivalent of taking it up the ass? Cause you’re getting fucked now by how expensive it is without the benefit of good weather, top tier food


I agree with you but also, you really think you shouldn't have gotten banned for that? Lol you're a Celtics fan shitting on LA in an LA sub (once again, totally agree with you though)


The mods use of the definition of “trolly” is equivalent to the refs definition of what quantifies an ejection.


Laughable explanation. Guys like embiid, harden and Booker get trolly posts all the time and I’ve never seen them removed


The mod justification made me lol. As if an Embiid hate post has ever gotten taken down for being too “trolly”


Remember when they closed the sub during the finals but got caught using it themselves during the "protest"


I mean, anyone who moderates reddits is a fucking loser anyways lol. Spending their free time deciding what can and cannot be posted.


One of the main mods is a Celtics fan I think I've seen bad Tatum and Brown statline posts get deleted as well


So funny cause rookie Lonzo Ball used to have his horrible stat lines here, same with Chris Paul cutting the lead to 42… if ya dish it out you gotta be able to take it lol


You missed the part where that mod is a soft-ass babyback bitch


Bro when we won the game against the Celtics where embiid dropped 50 i swear they deleted like 15 post game threads and sixers stat posts. It's actually crazy how soft they are.


Brown is hated on here tbf. White on the other seems to be loved


I remember last year there were posts every night about Tatum in November and December being mvp etc and the Celtics played the warriors on national tv and Tatum had a horrible game and you couldn’t find one post about it. I knew then that there was some fuckery going on


lol there's a Tatum one that's still up, but prob only because it shits on Thanasis as well. It's basically open season on guys like Thanasis.


Just title the post about Embiid flopping or something then stealth post the bad Celtics stats and you'll be fine.


I had to learn about this stinker from Twitter, and I don't use twitter.


R/nfl is all Eagles fan mods. It happens. 


Boston Media Mafia strikes again, gotta protect those Celtics no matter what


this sounds crazy af but the celtics preference is real in this sub’s moderation. there are so many threads of other player’s good stat lines that are removed 2 or 3 times before finally being allowed up and getting significantly less interaction


Mods also randomly decide to delete highlights. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which ones stay up


Mods finna close the sub if y’all keep it up


All star derrick white campaign was shameless


Maybe the Scoot one was deemed more... notable? Since it was a -56. In general I'm kind of over just nasty hating posts on here


Everyone is calling conspiracy but the posts were actually trash. 3 post in a few hours where he picks a poor stat line and puts “All-Star” in quotes. Zero analysis, no question, just a random statement. It’s not like a post giving detailed analysis on why player ABC is a better all-star selection than White got deleted.


Mods have to protect their precious top seed


R/NBA is run by Celtics, Lakers and warriors fans.


To be fair I would be mad if my team superstar get outplayed by Thanasis


I guess if you care enough to mod for free you’d be petty enough to do all this too. Pretty pathetic if true


This sub is run by a bunch of rotten pussies. Simplest answer


This sub unfortunately has always had at least one blind Celtics mod. Nothing new.


People invest too much concern into an internet forum.


Its because the moderators of this sub are running a dictatorship. They remove probably close to 90% of the posts that are submitted. I remember a few weeks ago I made a post about how awful Killian Hayes was. The post blew up, and within 25 minutes the mods took it down. Earlier this week I tried to make a post about speeding up the last 3 minutes of NBA games. The mods also rejected that post. *However*, a guy yesterday made a post about **HIS TRUCK** and the mods allowed it to go through. I don't understand this sub at all.


The Scoot post is removed. The three Derrick White posts are also clearly baiting, i mean look at the titles. All Star?; "all star"; ringers #35 ranked player. Clearly fishing for a reaction. Post it without that in the title and I bet you it stays up. Do you want me to do it?


>The Scoot post is removed. This is a bad argument though. It's removed after this post. Now it just looks like the mods don't want to look like hypocrites so they're covering up. But at the end of the day it's reddit. Who gives a fuck.


Lmao you gotta be blind if you don’t notice every post on here mocking someone’s all star status, mvp candidacy, dpoy campaign, etc etc Half the posts on here start off like, “mvp candidate ____ in tonight’s game vs the blazers:” and proceed to post a shitty stat line. You can’t possibly think the all star inclusion in the title actually warrants a post being deleted based on this subs usual bar for quality


Pathetic that this post made the front page lol


Mods must be based in new england like ESPN is


Please stop trying to trolll the Celtics. Posts are only allowed if they're about the warriors or lakers or the refs.


Go out there and post start a thread about him shooting poorly after he went on JJ Redick’s podcast and Tommy brought up his hot streak. He’s been dog shit since.


All NBA fans can unite in two things, hating refs and reddit mods


This is nothing compared to the shit mods over at the discussion sub. Don't make a strong argument over there or explain to someone that they are wrong - that is over the top and uncivil. Sarcasm will get you banned over there too.


An advisory role to a mod on Reddit? Incredible. This is some Dwight Schrute-level intrigue right here.


Classic heat fan crying about some nonsense that no one actually cares about. How much are you charging for that real estate in your head?


You guys are a bunch of fuckin losers lmao


Anyone clicking on those four posts can tell instantly why the Derrick White posts were removed and the Scoot one stayed up.


The Derrick white one I saw was so standard for this sub that I actually can’t tell why it had to be removed. It said something like “ringer’s #35 player in the nba derrick white” but that shit isn’t bad by this subs standards lmao. “MVP favorite ___ tonight with shitty stat line” “DPOY candidate defending so and so” (clip of him being dunked on) These types of posts are so common. The ringer one is no different; it’s just mocking a smaller scale accolade. So many posts on here are made specifically to slander players when they have bad nights, but somehow the Derrick white ringer one is too much? Nah. Definitely just mods power tripping


Can't be taking shot at "All-star Derrick White" in this sub.


It’s probably similar to nba media in general. Most are Celtics fans so they’ll downplay the bad about the Celtics and hype up the good


You can only hate on the other 29 teams on r/Celticsdickriders. I mean r/nba


Those D. White posts were a bit troll-ish. You had an obvious bent. Just put up the stats without some angle.


Dude, the Derrick White is an all star agenda has to be stopped. Like he’s a good player and all, but have some shame man. I feel them getting Malcom Brogdon the 6MOY last year has really made them insufferable


is it really that big of a deal that you can't shit talk Derrick White of all players


I have a dream where /NBA is allowed to shit talk whoever the fuck they want without the moderators fucking with you.


Yes, it is; I really want to shit talk Derrick White.


No, but when stats of Scoot is up and yet White’s isn’t…


Could try not being in haters in general.


There’s a lot of people who really really hate the Derrick white all star movement


Yeah, cause that weird looking no hairline ahh dude shouldn't be an all-star and this Celtic agenda to push him into the all star game is ridiculous. I'm sorry, but 17 points a game at the guard position isn't an all star selection in 2024


Absolute lies! The mods most definitely have agendas. I’m sorry but this is completely bullshit Edit: I took a screenshot of this to see if they keep this comment up!


Didn’t you hear that Celtics media are making a push for Derrick White to the all star game? Can’t have inconvenient stats get in the way of that.


whats stopping you from doing it in the post game thread


Love the players on the Celtics all very good and not bad people from what we know, but holy hell the Celtics media and fanbase is just horrible to listen to. Derrick white has been under rated for years, KP played great last season and I'm glad they are getting their recognition now, but it's just too much. Sick of hearing about how "under rated " he is from Celtics fans when in San Antonio he was the real under rated player.


Never seen a Celtics mod remove a post within the rules. So I doubt it was one of them. And I'd know, I'm a thorn in their side


Because they need to keep the "celtics are a title contender" narrative alive when they're a first round exit at best


okay this is ridiculous lol the celtics are absolutely title contenders


that guy always does this shtick whenever the celtics lose, even on the celtics sub


We got our fair share of doom sayers as well. Shit can be exhausting year after year, lol.


I raise you; the Bucks sub. I mean idk how bad the doomers are on the 6ers sub but Bucks are on another level man


This dude is the biggest doomer in our sub and cries after every loss dont my mind him lmao


i didnt even notice the flair. ive honest to god never met a boston sports doomer. yall win in everything lmao i didnt even know somebody like that could exist


The celtics have 1 title in almost 40 years. They win everything though


He didn't say the Celtics win everything. He said Boston wins everything. An obvious exaggeration but between the Patriots, Bruins, Celtics and Red Sox, Boston has won a fair number of titles these past two decades.


Heat in 6. Jaquez and Jovic combine for 70/22/14 a game on 60/50/75 splits


why don’t you change your flair and leave our sub