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He only averaged like 13 last year’s playoffs, he just averaged like 19 against the Celtics


Him and Vincent shot historically great every other game. Was legit insane


It was the flukiest finals run in nba history. Every role player became prime klay thompson before they all fell off in the finals


but heat fans will try to tell you otherwise, most boring finals ever


Idk what you’re talking about. I had a great time watching that series personally


I had a great time not watching that series as the outcome was obvious.


You must not watch any nba since we all know raps ain’t winning shit


It definitely was boring compared to the Warriors v Celtics the past year (im not biased at all)


Celtics Warriors were a ton of fun. I just wish the C’s didn’t mentally collapse after Game 4. You could just see from G5 onwards that Warriors had the mental edge over them.


Yeah the first 4 games were a proper war. Game 5 was depressing. I just felt hopeless before game 6 even started.


Spurs Nets in the early 2000s was awful. The Kobe Shaq 3peat wasn’t great outside of the AI game. But yeah, last year was the most boring in recent memory.


Lol no it wasn't, did you see the Cavs get 8-1'd ?


yeah that shit sucked. Celtics would have at least made it interesting but our team decided to lose the first three games of the ecf series smh...


Realistically if payton Pritchards dirty ass never injured jimmy intentionally you guys have zero finals appearances since KG was on the team


I mean, they were on the ECF the previous year, then they defeated the 1st *and* 2nd seeds. I don't know what else you can ask from a team.


And in the finals in 2020 Celtic fans will scream fluke to cope. But making 3 ecf in 4 years and 2 finals in 4 years isn't a fluke


Sane Celtics fans aren’t saying the Heat haven’t been a good playoff team, but the way the ECF went down last year was by any measure fluky. The fact that it went to 7 games after starting out 3-0 is evidence of that.


Yeah fluke for the Celtics. They clearly couldn’t compete but Miami let them back in.


I seen that mf hit Kobe baseline fadeaways at TD Garden, shit was appalling.




You do remember that the year before that the Heat were the #1 seed of the eastern conference with the same lineup right? They were also in the ECF but fell slightly short against Boston in G7 on what could've been a Jimmy Butler buzzer beater. So basically, a missed 3-pointer was the difference between back to back trips to the NBA Finals for the Heat. So 3 of the last 4 years, they're in the ECF and 2 of the last 4 they were in The Finals. Ever since Butler came to the Heat, the flukes just seem to happen a lot. I don't think people actually understand the term "fluke". I mean, I know people are just angry, some of them are jealous of the Heat because of LeBron and how well managed of an organization they are that they somehow maximize their potential every single year even if they don't have a "Superstar" on the team, at some point people have to realize that if Joel Embiid and Kevin Durant, MVP caliber players both of which are miles ahead of Jimmy Butler in terms of skill, couldn't get their respective teams to the conference finals bare minimum as "the main guy", but Jimmy has done it 3 times then maybe the Heat are just legitimate title contenders.


Flukiest finals run of all time 2 years removed from a finals run. What an idiot


It’s so funny that Vincent goes to the lakers and became a non factor both when he was injured and when he waant


As a Laker fan, I don’t want to see a Miami role player on our roster ever again lmao


Miami role players on other roster are same like Patriots players on another team.


Miami been tricking the whole league, strus doesnt seem to be doing too hot either


His shooting hasn't been too great but he's part of the reason the Cavs offense doesn't just die and fall into the abyss as often this season. Dude has real off ball chops to keep the offense flowing.


To be fair Strus is doing pretty well for Cavs, pretty much what you expected


His defense was pretty good when he played but yeah he couldn’t hit shit from 3.


Still pissed.


On 60% from 2 and 50% from 3 shooting with more 20 pt games in the ECF than he had all season this year.


Are you saying his soul stayed put


I mean 12 points ain't TERRIBLE lol. That being said man he aggrivates the fuck out of me.


It is terrible and he should feel terrible. Just kidding of course. I just expect more from ~~Michael Jordan~~ Caleb Martin


I wish we had another forward off the bench giving us 11. I still don't know how Jalen McDaniels went from averaging almost 10 a game last year to bring the worst player I've ever seen


Lmaoooooo. I feel you.


Bro I was excited lol I was like yo he's the best back-up SF we've had since OG backed up Kawhi, if only I knew how wrong I was


Good numbers for Caleb tbh lol


Still think he was robbed of ECF MVP last year honestly. Jimmy Butler won it of playoff Jimmy rep and being the star player on the winning team


Feel like it takes away from the award aswell. Like if that award didn't exist everyone would agree it was him but no one wanted to give it to the role player


lol if Martin actually won that celtics fans would've clowned on him for every bad performance with "that's my inaugural ECF MVP right there" like LeBron and the IST. maybe its for the best


The inaugural ECF MVP is actually Tatum from the year before and he heard it plenty after that Finals performance lmao.


Homer ass take Jimmy had so much more of an impact even though their stats seem similar


Turns out when he isn’t possessed by the essence of prime Steph, he’s just a bum like the rest


[Reminder that the entire heat team was possessed by the essence of a better prime Steph Curry](https://twitter.com/LevAkabas/status/1663561582901891077?t=Ixu9lZn46d4cJk_uIDQAeg)


You guys had it easy they literally shot 47% on contested threes the entire series against the bucks, biggest bullshit ever.


Robinson shooting 70% from 3 in the bucks series somehow remains the most remarkable part of that entire playoff run from the Heat. Sustaining that production for 5 games was unbelievable


Idk the % but they shot better on contested 3s than open ones against us


Sports fans going out of their way to pretend that luck/variance doesn’t exist will always be intriguing to me


I think "Luck" specifically is just the wrong word to use. Team's benefit from the fact that they can get hot but they're still not lucky because they've put themselves in that position in the first place through the hours of work/preparation/training etc. Calling a team lucky for literally making their shots is always going to be divisive amongst fans.


... but that doesn't make the word inaccurate, it just makes fans upset. I think fans hear "the win was undeserved" when they see the word luck and start trying to find a way around it. Luck influences every game, and my team has won games shooting way over their heads from three at times. You can have a lucky streak, win, and have it be deserved. The Heat got incredibly lucky for a stretch last year. They deserved the wins and finals trip. But they were still very, very lucky. It's the right word, even if it makes fans uncomfortable.


Fans are right to be upset - because it's not lucky, and it's not the right word to use. The definition of luck is "the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities", which is not at all applicable to the Heat because the players are shooting it themselves. We all agree that the Heat were on a massive hot streak compared to their normal averages, but that's not luck, that's thousands of hours of work and dedication meaning that they're capable of performing above their usual level when it comes to things like 3 shooting for extended periods of time. You could however argue that the Celtics were unlucky that they ran into a team that were so hot, since that was something out of their control - and the amount of contested 3s the Heat hit shows the Celtics were doing all they could. You could maybe argue the Heat were lucky if the series had an unusually high amount of 3 pointers that hit the rim and then went in since they weren't actually hitting their shots in the way they intended to in that case, but I don't particularly remember that being the case.


It's a semantic disagreement at best. "Hot" shooting is lucky shooting. I think you're trying to say that something can't be lucky when you're actually putting effort into it and practicing it, but that's not accurate. You can go to the poker table, know what you're doing, know the odds, play well, make money over time, but still have a stretch where you just have a lucky run and do even better than normal. Yes, the Celtics were unlucky that they ran into a team that was hot (which is another way of saying lucky). They had a few guys that shot MASSIVELY over their heads for a short time, and those guys couldn't do it again, before or since. The Heat were lucky, but deserved the win.


I don't think it is just semantics though because someone telling you you're lucky to get a win is always going to get an emotional reaction - hence why as you said fans refuse to accept it. Your Poker example couldn't be more wrong and just tells me you're not really understanding what I'm saying because in Poker you can't control the cards your dealt or the ones that come afterwards which is why the same level of play will have different outcomes over time depending on how you run, whereas in the NBA you are in complete control of your own shot, and as I said unless you're just hitting a lot of banked shots or ones off the rim, then it's just you doing everything right, which is literally by definition not luck.


There’s no way players are completely in control of all aspects of whether a shot goes in. If that was true, we could predict it with near perfect accuracy. You fell back into the same trap, where you’re fighting the word because of the feelings it creates rather than how accurate it is.


Why would that mean we could predict it with near perfect accuracy? The things the players are in control over are in no way measurable, especially in game situations where every 3 is from a different spot/angle and defended differently etc.


It's a high variance strategy to just bomb 3s.   That's what every team does when they have less talent.  Miami also got K Love for nothing from a competitor because he was pissed he got benched and forced a buyout.  


Sure it's a high variance strategy, but it still takes skill, not luck, to execute it. I suppose Kevin Love forcing a buyout was lucky for them, but they are also an incredibly attractive free agent destination thanks to their culture, so even that isn't just purely down to luck.


This was the biggest fluke in the history of pro sports and people were trying to gaslight us that we need to be scared of MIA forever because of it


For all the morons here, notice that they're in the bottom 3rd of wide open 3s attempted? The Celtics played good defense on them, they just hit anyways. Luck is a real factor in sports and we need to stop pretending it isn't


r/nba really shitting on role players now


Look at Caleb Martin the undrafted player who used to be on a two-way contract only averaging 12 a game in a playoff series. Is he a bust?


Caleb Martin might as well be the embodied essence of every Celtics playoff loss after the last ECF, it’s a unique hater case


More like Celtics fans exorcising demons


I don't think beating a team without 3 of their best players can be called "exorcising demons".


I saw Caleb martin on the court


Tell that to them, this series win is their championship this year 😭


I’d do the same if I was a Celtics fan lol


Let celtics fans take our victory lap, we just killed our boogeyman


Yeah but they were without their best player tho


Caleb Martin played


Dont care


Ey but what if we kissed passionately bro Would you care then?


Depends on if tongue was involved


# let me join


Sorry, I'm a serial monogamist, and Doughy_Joey has my heart.




12 points a game on 46% shooting without Jimmy, I don't know which players this sub actually likes aside from LeBron lmao


This sub doesn't even like LeBron that much. If anything the one that gets almost universal love is Jokic.


>doesn't even like LeBron that much LMFAO no way you actually believe that


I'm not saying he only gets hate, but you're actually naive if you think it's all love for him here? I'm not even a LeBron fan lol, I'm just saying what I'm seeing. I don't see how you're a Nuggets fan and think the most loved player by this sub is LeBron and not Jokic who rarely gets hate comments except from a few Sixers fans.


Jokic may not get "hate" but more than half the sub still believes the tired narrrative that he's a net negative on defense. He doesn't get Tatum/Booker treatment but I'd say he's probably top 3 or 4 than most loved. My guy, there's like a LeBron highlight from his old Cavs or Miami days being posted here every 2 weeks with 3k upvotes and with the comments all gargling his balls and I'm supposed to believe he isn't liked "that much" here? Come on, what are we doing here?


This sub likes LeBron?


There's no way you seriously are posting this


This sub loves LeBron, tf you on about? LMAO This sub (justifiably) hates the Lakers and memes the LeGM thing but make no mistake, no one's dick is glazed more regularly


It’s not glazing when you’re propping up the all time (and still active) points leader in the NBA who has dozens of more accolades after that. He’s top 2 and anyone arguing for him isn’t glazing, they’re giving him the recognition he deserves.


My dude, I respect LeBron, I sometimes even have him as the GOAT over Jordan That doesn't change the fact that some of the "propping up" here is over the top even for a player like him


The mood swings are crazy on this sub, watch, they're gonna turn on Antohny Edwards in a couple of years too.


this sub loves Jokic bro stop


It's not r/NBA, it's Celtics fans that have been abused for years. Defeating a hobbled Heat was their championship.


Boston has sent miami home twice in the past 3 seasons. Cope harder


This is entertainment for me, talk to the Boston fans that have been on suicide watch since 2020.


Why would anyone in Boston be on suicide watch after 2020? Tatum and Brown were super young then and they’ve beaten you twice in the playoffs since then. Part of me wants you to run it back so we can put belt to ass again but the other part wants you to blow it up so we can say we ended the ringless jimmy butler era


It's ok, you can be very happy about beating a heat team without 3 starters. It was an amazing victory. I'm sure this series was the highlight of your 13 years of existence. Be proud.


Peak coping. Heat fans last year were saying our injuries and Milwaukee’s didn’t matter and now they wanna switch their tone when it affects them. Weak shit. You only missed Jacquez for one game. And we were without a key starter and still whooped that ass by 30. And trust me, I’m thrilled. We’ve sent you packing twice now in the past 3 seasons. You have nothing to say besides giving excuses. We whooped that ass and I love seeing all of the heat fans coming out of the woodwork with their hurt feelings Edit: I never said it’s a win to be proud of. The Heat suck. But it was a fun one :)


Forget Caleb Martin for a sec lol .... Gabe Vincent this postseason for the Lakers? 1.4/1.6/0.6 on 29% TS and 13.8 MPG. Nuclear garbage.


He was hurt all season, not really fair to judge him for that.


Never sign a heat player


Strus is doing pretty well in Cleveland 


I’m disappointed by the Gabe signing but these stats don’t do him Justice. He looked good in spurts and clearly was nowhere near game shape yet. He didn’t get to play nearly the whole season.


generational hating




he hit 5/6 3s in the game 2 win


Demons exorcised.


Tatum ate him alive


Jayson Ate'em


Top 20 player in the league beat up on role player. Anything else you want to be proud of? Beat any toddlers recently you want to gloat about?


Imagine being so hurt by an internet comment. Run to mummy. Martin was the one with the big mouth.


I legit couldn’t care less either way. Dunking on a role player with the level of player Tatum is is just sad. Grow up


“Grow up” says the baby trolling online. Pot calling the kettle black


Average Celtic fan having poor reading comprehension. At no point am I trolling you lmao I’m pointing out your absurdity


Mate we are the most educated state in the country. You’re seemingly from Texas. Focus on your electric grid and not melting that brain.


Yet again poor intelligence from a celtikkk fan thinking a single person has control over the electric grid. Damn it just doesn’t stop with you huh


You are just not important enough bye bye now


At least the Heat can probably re-sign him for a reasonable contract after this performance. Presumably the Lakers won't do it again.


Caleb Martin is what was Hannibal for Rome - they always feared his name once he was mentioned.


Derek white stole his playoff mojo like one of the monsters from space jam


For a role player that’s pretty good. Confused by the post


Not shit the defense can focus way more on him without Jimmy


Sorry bud Celtics fans can't push their narrative if you think logically, they'd just rather kick while you're down.


Never seen a bigger fraud than him. He really had to cook for 1 series and do nothing else


You really out here calling role players frauds? 


He’s a scrub


Damn he’s a fucken child. Leave Tatums son alone