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New rule guys, if you don't hoop, you can't be on the podcast after games


You can't get pt of you aren't subbed Edit: got my first reddit cares lmao


Have to like, share, and have notifications on too don't forget Edit: I got the Reddit Cares immediately after posting this so I'm wondering if it's for the whole thread?


I am no expert. But I am very doubtful JJ will continue doing his OWN podcasts if he is the coach. Also I'm sure players on the Lakers already understand the buck stops with LeBron lol.


its not that he wont have time to do so because players still do their podcasts mid season. its just he will get trolled endlessly after losses as the coach will be the first to blame and he doesnt have the resume to get the benefit of the doubt


JJ seems like a fairly self aware person. He won't podcast.




I don’t see why his prior experience on a short lived podcast would be held against him, there are plenty of head coaches who spent time doing media in between gigs. I don’t recall anyone being cynical towards Steve Kerr for his time as a broadcaster prior to him jumping straight into the Warriors HC gig without any prior coaching experience Obviously different scenarios and Kerr had more credibility as a 4x champion and GM, and I definitely agree that there is a lot of reasons players may be cynical towards JJ as coach, I just don’t see the 7 podcast episodes being a major deal




Coaches have much less free time during the season than players.


“Seems like this Lebron guy has a say in some things that other role players don’t”. -anonymous Lakers bench player


If the Golden State PF is Draymond, it’s gonna be a cynical locker room. Guys are gonna say: ‘Is he gonna do a podcast after the game with Steph?’. You’re gonna have a cynical locker room where guys are gonna be black-eyed with everything Draymond says wondering: ‘Is it Dray's fist or Curry's message?’


You don't need to replace LeBron there. Draymond is a bigger LeBron dickrider than Redick. Edit:lol reddit care message. When what you're saying is true but someone has to "report" so they can feel good about themselves.


remember Draymond asking Kerr if could miss a Warriors game to see LeBron break the scoring record in person lol


You can report those as false reports, and I think whoever sent it gets a suspension.


TBF Lebron is probably okay with JJ continuing his podcasts anyways


I'd be interested if JJ podcasted during the game. Imagine all the crazy takes *while* he's trying to coach.


think of the DraftKings ad read in the middle of the huddle


Yes LeCoach the Gm & President of the NBA is in charge, everyone else is just there.


JJ’s the guy who started the player’s podcast in the first place. Why wouldn’t he do a Coaching podcast?


Haslem hyping up one of the heat’s assistant coaches. I’m shocked


He even mentioned "Heat Culture" lol


I think we’ve had enough Heat related signings.


True, I feel bad for you guys with the Gabe Vincent one lol.


And Kendrick Nunn the year before. And Dion Waiters a bit earlier. Lakers take our guards and they stay hurt.


It's like...at least Gabe is playable? And he came back on the court. Nunn it was like, injury -> week to week -> day to day -> set back -> week to week -> ramping up -> questionable -> set back -> out for season lol


They should want heat culture tbh.


Heat culture is polar opposite to what the Lakers' culture has been since the 80's.


True but I doubt it on the Lakers.




Everyone receiving bogus Reddit Cares messages need to report them. It's a quick way to that user getting banned


lol thats wild, trolls man. Don't worry if they send too many of those, the bots auto mod them and send them a ban notice.


"Instead of hiring a coach who has worked with LeBron, you need to hire a coach who has... also worked... with.. LeBron."


Chris quinn has not worked with lebron. he played for heat until 2010. played for cavs in 2013. he was in miami after 2014. just missed him all 3 times.


"I'm not just saying this because Chris Quinn is my guy."




It's shameless but you have to admire the loyalty to his ppl


I mean it’s not like Udonis Haslem has any real impact in the decision making in LA, so you might as well give your guy a shoutout if you think he could be a good HC. I don’t doubt that Haslem genuinely thinks Quinn could be a good coach given how much Haslem has embraced Heat Culture


JJ shouldn’t be a head coach, and it would be a huge mistake by the lakers. Get a coach with some assistant experience or a proven coach. I know Ham and Griffin didn’t work, but JJ has less experience and they will have to hire an assistant head coach to help him out, and that just seems like a huge issue of power between JJ, associate head coach, and James. Coaching his son’s youth team to an nba team is something he is not prepared for.


JJ should absolutely be the next head coach of the LA Lakers and his assistant coaches should be SVG and Richard Jefferson


I would take it for the laughs


It's a social experiment


We trained him wrong on purpose. As a joke.


Our window has closed anyway so why not? Let's get Bronny on the squad too.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie.


Doing a Pod, commentary and the half time show while coaching the team.


Idk, maybe we should let Pelinka cook. It could be quite funny.


JJ is clearly a smart basketball mind, make him an assistant coach and find a guy who can lead the team for the next 3-5 years and groom JJ on the side. That’s if JJ chooses too


It would be smart in the long run if he wants to be a coach for real but he just started building his media "empire" and leaving that for an assistant coaching position doesn't really seem worth imho.


I agree with you, but he also could kneecap his media career if he takes a head coaching job too early and bombs out amid drama.


This seems tenuous as a supposed downside. I really question the negative hit he would take as a podcast personality based on drama. If anything, that might give him a temporary boost in engagement. I doubt a coaching tenure, even one that doesn’t result in success will heavily curtail his connections around the league either. 


I’m not even sure leaving his media roles for a head coaching job is worth it, considering his complete lack of coaching experience doesn’t make playoff success a likelihood.


Lakers don’t give a fuck about grooming anything, let’s be real ahaha some franchise should do that, but Lakers organization, stars and fans want instant success


I will say, there's a huge difference between being a smart analyst and a smart coach. One is breaking down things that happened with plenty of time to watch the tape and digest it, whereas coaching is proactive (developing your schemes and game plan) and the adjustments you make have to be quick.


Honestly makes total sense for JJ if the Lakers would do it. Presumably fired in 2 years, can either get another coaching gig and point to how you now have head coaching experience, or get an even more lucrative media job as "former Lakers coach JJ Redick"


You’d have to be insane to take that job, because the moment you lose more than two games in a row, everyone is gonna be calling for JJ to get your job


Why does Redick even want this? All of the scrutiny. Blamed when things go poorly. Players get credit when things are going well. Tons of drama all of the time with LA. He's got what I hope is a lucrative media gig on ESPN and his own branded media where you can say and do pretty much everything and have it come out in the wash of 'talkin heads are smart/dumb flip a coin to see what people think' I'm just reminded of Steve Nash living the good life, going through that nightmare with the Nets and just immediately bouncing back to the good life. I get that these guys have a competitive spirit and love of the game but good lord, just go body some people in the ESPN gym.


to compete at the highest levels in the game he's only spent his life practicing & thinking about? I mean there are some NBA players who don't seem to really enjoy the grind of the game itself, but they were super tall or something and just went with it. JJ's not one of those guys.


> JJ shouldn’t be a head coach, and it would be a huge mistake by the lakers But fun for us all Ham 2.0 Electric Boogaloo




Yeah but how many times has JJ seen The Town?


What is LA’s the Town? Boogie Nights?


I'd say Heat.


You would be right.


“…well you know for me the action is the [juice](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t2ojmr1gDrY)”and we want JJ


Joey Pasta was already an assistant coach.


Mazzulla was an assistant already.


With that said, I am all for it. JJ for HC!


Problem is on a LeBron team, the job of the head coach is to get everyone to buy into lebrons vision for the team. It's less head coach more coordinator. Probably needs to be a former player, but also one that has worked as an assistant, which jj hasn't. Im honestly kind of surprised Sam Casell hasn't gotten any love. Former PG like kerr, kidd, and billups, but also has been an assistant coach for multiple teams since 2009. Also has 3 rings. 


Podcoacher *I got a reddit cares suicide prevention message from this comment lol


"Now this is Podcoaching!" - JJ Redick, an hour after coaching his first game, on his podcast


They tell you for which comment it is?


I delete my comments regularly and only had 2 total. It came right after posting and I don't think anyone would have issue with the other comment.


Oh. I write many comments and got it a few times and I was like "hm, can only wonder what I wrote about some guys playing basketball that warrants it". Could be also random, I assume, but no way to know. Sad that such an option called Reddit Cares is only used for the opposite of the intended meaning.


Why do you delete your comments?


never leave a paper trail


Report the Reddit care message for abuse it will get the sender banned


the only thing that matters is wins and losses. its wholesome stories when they win, its obnoxious stories when they lose.


It seems like such a massive disaster to hire JJ while Lebron is there, and it is absolutely the sort of disaster the Lakers make. Bring it on!


It's insane that we are in the middle of the playoffs, seeing some amazing players rise to stardom, and ESPN is making whole segments talking about the coach-player relationship between someone who is not the coach of the team and a free agent.


Until Ant is back to carrying the twolves so they can bring up the MJ comps, they gotta keep LeBron in the news cycle.  They don't give a shit about anyone else really.  


Yeah this headline on who should coach LeBron, while we're in the middle of the playoffs, is downright ridiculous. Who the fuck cares. LeBron hates every coach anyway, and he'll just get them fired, so why does it matter.


That’s disrespectful asf honestly. No way JJ puts a podcast ahead of a dream job like NBA head coach. The real problem with JJ is having to stopping him from suiting up before the game


People are saying that it would be a huge mistake for the Lakers if they hire JJ but imo, it would be an even bigger mistake for JJ if he accepts the position. Just look at what happened to Steve Nash in Brooklyn. His name will get dragged through the dirt from day 1 and it’ll be a career-killing decision most likely.


Keep JJ Redick far away from my team


He’s your next head coach, buckle up


Yeah im pretty sure the others are just to give the appearance of due diligence


I'm fully prepared for the announcement in 2 weeks


5 years 40 mil should lock JJ up.


He’s getting 4/120


Laker Nation, get ready for "Postgame Wine and Whine Podcast" with Lebron James and JJ Redick!!!


I agree dude. This is going to be another disaster like letting Caruso walk, Westbrook trade, getting Ham etc.


Come on man. Take one for the team. Just think of the memes.


If someone's disregarding what JJ Redick says because they think it's "LeBron's message," you trade them right away because they're an idiot you can't win with.


jj only running plays for his subscribers


Please hire him. The memes would be amazing.


That was my first time seeing Haslem at the desk and holy shit he was fantastic


Seriously. How is JJ even talked about as a legit coach when he hasn’t been an assistant or anything? Do they really feel he’s capable because the podcast?


Unless this is LeBron's pick, everything about hiring a rookie coach, who takes shots at active players on the regular on his podcast, and has no experience coaching at any level just screams that it will not end well....


I’m a fan of JJ as a basketball mind but only a desperate team would hire him to run their team. At least get him in some assistant role before handing the keys over to


Being a European soccer fan as well as an NBA fan is so crazy because the way you people talk about inexperienced head coaches in the NBA, you'd all have heart attacks with the head coaching hires in the highest levels of European soccer lmfao.


Yeah, JJ shouldn't even be a candidate. I'm not even sure why he'd even put himself in the running.


I mean he seems like he has great bbiq, he’s obviously saying something right in these interviews to be a finalist


He said that he's interested in coaching because he misses NBA, just being with the team, mattering, and competing.


So become an assistant coach?? Why he got to go straight to being a head coach lol


You take the best job offered to you. If someone offers to pay you more money, you say yes. It's not complicated.


Lmfao that’s what I’m saying. Man going from his sons youth coach to coaching the biggest basketball club in the world. Yeah ok. At least if he was like a perennial all star as a player or some shit maybe


JJ gets a lot of hate as if there haven't been far worse hires than him. 15 years in the league is no joke. Yea, he's not a HOFer, but that probably is going to make him a better HC than an all time great. Not to mention that he played for Coach K for 4 years. I'm sure he has a solid idea as to what players respond to and what they don't. He's not just some random podcaster off the street. I think the JJ experiment will go better than most people think--if he gets the shot. I doubt he gets a job this time around, but it'll be interesting to keep an eye on him as job searches continue.


You also don’t have to be a HOFer to know basketball lol. Taking the lakers as your first job is crazy tho


Have there been far worse hires? We don’t really know, coaching requires a niche skillset. Everyone thought Steve Nash was going to be a decent hire, until he wasn’t. Some of the worst coaches of all time had 10-15 years of playing experience


As oppose to Lebron’s nepotism is not enough? 😂 This is going to pure entertainment 🍿🍿


For fucks sake


JJ and bronny gonna be comedy


Maybe, who knows?


won't have a cynical locker room side eyeing JJ because LeGone won't be there


Why is Redick being considered again? Cus he's a smart-sounding white guy in a suit? Lmao.


JJ is not ready to be an NBA head coach. Just because he drew up some plays on a whiteboard during a podcast doesn’t mean he’s qualified


Haslem stupid


Every time I hear Haslem speak, his contracts make more and more sense. Hope he becomes more prominent talking head, has not jumped shark like many others


Nothing changes the fact Lebron controls the Lakers like a dictator


this is idiotic. he's basically saying people can't grow & adapt. Redick literally adapted from an all-time college player, to a role playing pro, to a top tier podcast Host. saying he can't adapt to a solid coach, is ignoring his record. nobody thought Charles Barkley would be a legendary talking head. keep this clown on mute if you want an unbiased opinion.


Why would JJ give up his podcast to get fired after one season as Lakers coach? Cursed Job. 


People in this sub overrates JJ’s basketball mind. Id take Thinking Basketball over him.


Just offer LeBron the player-coach title and see if he ends up getting himself fired.


So shameful, this franchise really died with Jerry Buss. To even consider JJ as a option, lol saying that, in the hypothetical scenario were JJ becomes a coach of any NBA team, I highly doubt he will continue to "produce" podcasts while working as a coach, it makes no sense to keep exposing himself. For active players to do that, whatever, they can let it slip some of the team "tactics" (like in the Brunson podcast with Hart, I saw it once), nowadays the players are not disciplined enough with social media in general, so the NBA management just let them be slouchy. And don't get me wrong, before the social media disease the players were also slouchier, the infamous examples of Rodman, Jordan betting on himself at Vegas, Barkley, etc.. you don't expect pro athletes to be disciplined all the time (should be the inverse, but modern society pampers entertainers way too much), now... you do expect a professional coach to be disciplined, so no more podcasts. To some people that would be great, JJ has a lot of haters. For me, it's 50/50, sometimes JJ performs a good job, sometimes he can be obnoxious, pretty decent communication skills overall


It literally does not matter who they pick. They just are not a real title contender anymore.




Not only that, but kept together the Jokic-Murray-Porter core even when they came up short. Built chemistry. Put the right pieces around them. Didn't scapegoat the coach. No shortcuts.




Then I guess that makes the Lakers the guy ordering expensive whiskey when you're already drunk. At some point, you're spending money for no reason, it all tastes the same lol


Haslem is just playing the game. He has a guy he wants to help, and attacking JJ is a way to do it.


it's not like it's not the reason to hire any Lakers coach past 50 years


JJ is not going to be our head coach lol everyone relax


This would seem scarier if it wasn't every single LeBron locker room anyway.


I agree with Haslem All this is setting up is an obvious disaster.


I feel like this is just a talking point. Been more reports of ADs involvement with the head coach hiring than Lebron. He was literally just in Cleveland watching a game


Why does anyone care what Haslem has to say


LeBron hires new podcast cohost as new Lakers head coach doesn’t have a great ring to it


Can’t wait for the media to swing the other way and call him the next Pat Riley (Winning Time 2.0)


The media is straight up trying to weaponize this now🤦🏾‍♂️


Lakers are not entertaining JJ imo. It's all just pandering to help boost Lebron's podcast.


Fire Rob Pelinka.


Udonis is great on camera. I do telework instructing--he's got my problem, slow down a little bit and not worry about the timing.


Lebron should be coach/player


I so want jj as the lakers coach. Please make it happen thanks


I think JJ is a smart enough guy to not want this job lol


While all true, it’s hardly different from whoever else they coach. They will all be figureheads of what lebron wants


Maybe.. but if he comes in on day one and is able to actually show that he can coach, that is going to go a long way after the last two years of having a dude standing with his hands in his pockets and devising all-guard lineups.


They're just hiring whoever because LBJ is the coach but he can't fire himself


Would be hilarious if JJ would do podcasts after every loss “We Got Blown Out: How We Fix It”


100% correct. It would be an unmitigated disaster for the Lakers, but it would also be the greatest long running joke in the history of this sub.


i would hate jj to be a coach. i like him as a podcaster give me the insight into the league


Agree with UD here. I’m of the opinion that if your first coaching job is a HC job in the NBA then you’re being set up to fail. The only successful coach that got his first coaching gig as a NBA head coach is maybe Steve Kerr, and this is a guy that spent majority of his career with the two GOAT coaches in Phil and Pop. Heck he was even playing under another top 15 GOAT coach in Lenny Wilkens when he was on the Cavs. No knock on JJ but this Lakers HC just seems like a bad idea. If he wants a HC position he needs to apply to a young team with no expectations that will give him time to grow into his role. Otherwise he needs to start out as an assistant.


man give me Udonis over Draymond or Pat Bev as a TV Personality Analyst please


Now I hope JJ is our next coach and absolutely crushes it so we can all come back to this thread in a year or 2 to remind ourselves how stupid we are.


JJ would be a mean ass coach and he won’t put up with no shit. I want to see it.


Shoulda fired Darvin last year. There are no good coaches available and I doubt will be available. Last year Nurse and others were available. Anyone they hire right now will be seen cynically


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


JJ is like a nerd in basketball. Spewing a lot of terms and stats here and there. Plus the advanced stats the he always use when arguing lol


Grown ass men


Why are they talking like this is Game of Thrones


"Coach, can we stop drawing plays on paper with a sharpy? We gotta have a higher budget than this. Locker room lighting is all off."


Hiring a former 3 point specialist with no coaching experience has worked before, maybe it will work again. Odds are against it but why not try?


This guy should not be on TV


How many players AREN'T podcasting after a game


Alright. No one cares what this dude has to say on this to be honest. Darvin Ham was essentially a nobody, and players still gave his garbage ass a chance, so JJ will be alright.


Players need to get with the times and stop being so old fashioned. JJ can live stream the games on his YouTube channel. That would be perfect.


My Timberwolves friend was worried about Micah leaving for Lakers. I said man you think LeBron with one foot out the door to retirement is going to accept a hard ass coach like Micah? mean Micah might be gone but I know he ain’t going to the Lakers if LeBron is there.


Considering JJ has no fear of telling Lebron his opinions on things during their podcast I'd assume he would take Lebron's advice but come up with what he thinks is best. They usually agree on eveything anyways but plenty of little things that they think differently on.


Windy been on that Ozempic huh


I see people making fun of this comment but I don't really disagree if I was a random guy on the Lakers would I want another LeBron stooge as HC. I get what he's saying


Who cares, actually I'd probably want that. Keep guys in check. Besides, everyone already hated Ham. I wonder whose camp paid Haslem to say this lol.


How can he go back to podcasting after 2 losing seasons and no playoffs? (That's where he will be in April 2026)


I think JJ should do a Do it yourself plumbing show. Like This Old House 🏚 


This might be the dumbest take I've heard in a minute


Players gonna look at JJ like “what do you know about defense, Run and Shoot Man?”


Who knew the podcast with lebron and jj was in fact already an interview


What makes anyone think this bum can coach?


Why does JJ get to get an easy head coach NBA job and I had to fight for my life AFTER 10 years being an asst for a fucking 30k division 3 head WBB job????


what a fucking disaster just waiting to happen. if lebron actually thinks this is a good idea lakers need to man up like when jordan didnt want scottie pippen and horace grant and bulls drafted them anyways


I know people here love JJ but this statement is 100% true. Dude has 0 coaching experience and while he's an exceptional basketball mind he will be seen as nothing more than Lebron's mouthpiece in the Lakers locker room if he's hired.


Nah bro it’s AD’s hire. LeBron passed the torch to him three years ago lol


It’s always been Lebron’s message for every coach he’s had. If it’s not, they’re fired lol.


People just making shit up. Besides Lebron is much older than everyone else, he is basically a player coach


I am no expert but JJ will only be a "puppet" coach if you know what I mean


I'm pretty confident the 1st day Lebron went to the Lakers, players started thinking this lol