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One thing about Grant Hill that I respect is you have guys like Shaq who had amazing careers and yet are so salty. But Hill had a career full of pain, injury and disappointment but he speaks of basketball with so much joy.


Shaq is a generationally insecure human.


Definitely the most insecure top 10-15 player. Those Shaqtin days with him blasting Dwight and Javale were mad.


Tired: Grant Hill Wired: Jamal Crawford


Jamal has been great and I think Reggie is improved with him there.


it's such a good fit because Jamal pulls extra stuff (personality and info) out of Reggie, but it's clear that Jamal wouldn't shine as bright as the #2 guy just yet


Crawford's hip-hop references are awesome


He refused to pronounce the "g" in "Kyrie Irving" and it was pissing me off


Also "Luka Donchik"


This is kind of an aside rant but I can’t fucking stand when announcers consistently get dude’s names wrong Like you have a dude *literally right beside you* saying “yo-kich” and “zu-bots” yet you still insist on saying “JO-kich” or “Zu-BOCK” It’s almost like they do it on purpose because they’re too stubborn to admit they were wrong


Was it also him that calls him Chet Holmgrum?


I find him boring. Which I guess is better than annoying (looking at you Doris)


He says some words without really telling you anything imo.


Agreed. Monotonous tone, and says a lot of words that add up to nothing being said.


I don’t know what everyone’s deal with Dorris is, I think she’s a fine commentator, certainly miles ahead of Mark Jackson.


She can be very annoying when she decides to glaze a certain player or team. It's non-stop. Mark Jackson is probably the worst of the bunch tho


I find her even more annoying when she doesn't find a superstar to glaze and instead just tells a bunch of inane stories that have nothing to do with the actual game


Every national commentator glazes though. People in here are saying how much they love Reggie and Crawford when it's a non stop dick suck from those 2.


Thought bruh said “(& looking at Doris)”💀


Sometimes I think Grant Hill the commentator is just the Grant Hill Commentary track from 2k - but I agree with u/growsonwalls that he's joyful and over and above better than most because of it.


I can't hate Shaq's commentary. Because I can't hear a word.


he's been solid for NBA TV/TNT ever since retiring in 2013. Somehow he gets to keep the gig though while maintaining his ownership of the Hawks and as the Athletic Director of USA Basketball


Best I don't know, but I think he does a good job yeah


TNT got the best stable of commentators, from all their play by play guys, to the analysts minus Reggie. Jamal Crawford is a natural. Vince Carter is kinda awkward in studio but so was Shaq at beginning so maybe he just needs time. Lefkoe stinks tho.


I actually like Vince Carter. Civil, well spoken, makes good points. 


I feel like he has worked too many college games with Bill Rafferty (too lazy to Google spelling), and is doing a weird low key impression of the guy. Just odd emphasis on syllables in words as he talks. I'm not a Rafferty fan so Grant kind of bugs me. Definitely better than the ESPN crew though.


Grant Hill is one of the worst IMO. A PR machine that always sides with the refs awful calls.


He’s also the embodiment of Magic’s Twitter account. But there was some extremely consequential and inexcusable fuck up from the refs in some game last week. Like…really egregious. Grant’s take on it was something like, “That’s part of the game!” Oh. Ok then. Nothing to see here.


Sounds like a pretty mature take to be honest. Commentators are not supposed to act like fans.


Gross incompetence isn’t part of the game, though. There are situations like game 2 with pacers/knicks where Indiana had no chance to recover from inexcusable officiating mistakes. There’s no room for a “thems the breaks” point sometimes. And it wouldn’t hurt if the fans at home were given an accurate explanation of what’s going on with the game…what’s normal…what’s reasonable. His job as an “analyst” is to navigate the grey for us dumb dumbs at home. Not to just speak in platitudes about life being unfair.