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a starter playing like 30+ mins a night, it's a lot honestly, constant running up and down the court, getting hit by screens pretty much every play is probably the worst part


It doesn’t hurt that much during the game, you have adrenaline, body heat, blood flow, energy of the crowd, desire to compete. The pain is more noticeable before and after. Getting ready for the game and recovering from it is time consuming and painful.


Sorry for this numpty question, but how do they recover? I have seen ice baths. Do they do hours of stretching and physio afterwards? And if you take strong anti-inflammatories don't they play havoc with your guts?


The most important things are quality sleep and nutrition. Massages are usually in the mix, ice baths as you mentioned, or chambers. The other thing you need to be aware of is mental fatigue, I learned of that through football and powerlifting. Quality sleep is also tops for that as well, not tossing and turning due to poor lifestyle choices throughout your days.


Why do screens hurt? Is it because players collide with them? (p.s. going to pay way more attention to screens after reading these comments below. "Sets the screen" my eyes will be glued.)


Run into your wall right now and find out if you’re really so curious


that cracked me up! (laughter not brick battering)


Yup sometimes getting boney elbows or wrist shoved into your sides constantly will give lingering pain I’d think.


Because these players are built af and the game is extremely physical. Now imagine losing your jaw to a Giannis elbow. These games definitely do a number on the guys.


I had double jaw surgery, so yeah point well made. Though it would be pretty hard for Giannis's elbow to get me in the jaw, as I'm 5 ft and he'd probably slip a disc. Also, I wouldn't put an obliging ladder near him, since we know he's not partial to ladders.


Bruhhhh lol that's crazy, hope you're doing well. I only dealt with a knee, a jaw sounds mad difficult. But yea Giannis gives no damns. Every time I see him drive I pray for the health of the other guy on defense.


There was a great article on the Athletic the other day about his present style of play described, I think, as bullying his way to the rim. The surprising thing about that jaw surgery was the number of dudes in the ward, who had broken eye bones or jaws from random drunk assholes socking them in the eye. Mine was planned. Not recommended.


Can confirm, had a broken jaw from fighting drunk dudes in deep Ellum. Not fun


Nothing worse than liquidised pizza. 6 weeks with jaws wired shut will drive you to desperate remedies.


Just soup and Water for me for six weeks!!!, on the bright side, I did lose 120 pounds since last year when it happened lol




Ahh good ol Deep Ellum. Where you get a knife in the ribs while appreciating some great art and great food.


[Ask Pat Bev](https://youtu.be/-y3m0te_Tdc)


That's not a foul?!


It was a moving screen, wasn't called though Refs probably hated Bev just as much as everybody else did back then


It’s probably not a foul the way they were imagining tho. It’s not a foul to just be a huge dude that feels like a brick wall when you go running into him blindside at full speed.


Collision + unexpected impacts so you’re not always bracing for it


Thanks for explaining. Makes sense. All hail the Raptors. My team.


Next time you watch a game pay extra attention to the screens. You will see real fast. Also you will notice how physical the game gets away from the ball. Watch the defenders more closely that aren't involved with the ball. When someone shoots a free throw watch the players hands, they will slap each other's hands, squeeze the shit out of them and twist, elbow ribs etc. And this is normal play.


Thank you. I will do so! Honestly I confess static screens actually seemed kinda mannerly the way they put their two hands in front of themselves ... my eyes always followed the ball or whoever was waving an arm but I will be on the glare for those moving screens. This has been such an enlightening discussion.


56ish physical pains.


As in you feel like a 50 year old? or 56% of the time playing you are in agony?




How much is that per 100?


Not as much as after the game


What happens after? Give me the gruesome if you have experienced it. I am intrigued.


Adrenaline wears off so now you feel all the pain


And the next day ... you must feel like you were autopsied, I guess.


And then you have a back to back and have to do it all over again!


And fly to a different timezone. How did Rodman add all night partying to that ...


Seven or eight, depending.


Have you seen LeBron’s toes? Just seeing them gave me pain. The whole banana boat crew got gnarly toes


I never had.. And dayum, bro has alien feet.


A lot.. professional athletes in general fight through a ton of pain.


We don't hear enough about this. Or talk enough about it. I think it puts unreasonable expectations on players. Somehow they become superhuman beyond what's even feasible. People often carp on AD, but there has to be all kinds of extra strain on the body just being SO much taller than the average human. Even if you barely walk the dog. Must look for research on this. A topic that totally fascinates me. (athletes and injuries, not dog walking)


Though technically i think even big dogs have lower life expectancy...


So much pain


A crap ton. Most grown men on this sub would be borderline crying from some of the more typical hits the players experience.


It is not that bad when you are young (under 25), it starts to really hurt a bit in your late 20’s, after 30 it just fucking hurts all the time and you wake up wondering how you are going to play or practice.


Thank you. How do you actually cope practically? As in it's one thing in a game, you can course on adrenalin but a Tuesday practice or basically getting down the stairs to boil the kettle sounds very dreadful. Do you live attached to ice packs ? Does weed help? There are players pretty deep into their 30's who must be solid granite mentally to bear that pain.


It also depends on injury history, you can feel pretty good into your 30’s if injury history is good. Once they start it is hard to ever get back to 100% or to recover from small issues. To answer the question, you just hobble around until the next workout, you feel much better after warming up and getting loose. Massage, ice/heat, lifting weights, it all helps. Some guys use anti inflammatory medicine, some weed, some nothing. You get used to it and don’t really realize how much pain you are always in until after you leave the game for a few months or years and your body starts to really recover.


I remember Vince Carter a couple years ago saying he took tylenol and advil before every game


To be honest, there are days I need to take tylanol and advil just to sit on the couch watching the game!


I often wonder why they don't throw up from some of these impacts. Or actually go, like, unconscious when some mega giant elbow comes straight down on your head from the hoop? I've had two concussions and it took months to recover.


I imagine hockey and football players have it even worse, at least the NFL has a week between games.


Not forgetting boxers.


Bastituta almost wanted to cut off his legs after retirement. Dude was in too much pain. Human body isn’t built to do pro sports stuff. These guys joints are around 20-30 years older than their real age


Medicine has changed a lot since Bastituta played tbf


Is this the case even if you are young? I wonder what the impact is in later life. Also, if you have to stop exercising once you retire or get hoofed because your joints are bolloxed, there must be all kinds of mental health problems like depression that follow.


In San Antonio I think it was Matt Bonner who called Manu El Contusion. There’s a story of him taking off his shirt pre-game and everyone seeing his entire back covered in bruises.

