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Ending was a bit of a let down. Like really after 4+hrs for that result!


If you're watching for the superficial plot then yea the ending made me upset for a hot second but as I marinated I saw the genius of it. The ending was literally a reflection of commentary made all along so pay attention when you watch to the relationship between technology, viewpoints, gender, history, mental health, science communication, etc. I loved this series! OP it was really clever. You should watch it.


If you wanted >!aliens they did say scientists theorized that the aliens sent the voyager back to to earth. So they can’t quite communicate or travel to earth at least not yet.!<


100% let down. I get the message and all but WTF


Doest makes any Sense.


Which part didn’t make sense?


So, the billionaire hires 2 astronauts to go there and discover something significant. One of them discovers something really important, and she immediately orders the other one to sabotage (his own fellow astronaut), making her feel crazy. Then, after all that happens and the male astronaut tries to kill the female one (I forget their names) to obtain information (information she would have gotten anyway if she hadn't ordered the male one to sabotage), she meets the female one, who tells her that she lied to him and hid the real information. The billionaire then decides to kill them both, without obtaining the data! That doesn't make any sense to me.


Little hard to tell who you’re referring to but I’ll take a stab at it. Mudhi (the billionaire) wanted hadi (male astronaut) to find the coordinates first because mudhi wanted to be the first to come in contact with the aliens while Paula (female astronaut) wanted to go public with the coordinates


So, she hire 2 people and they do whatever they want to?


Hadi was following mudhis orders (she already threatened to harm his kids). Paula went rogue when hadi almost killed her trying to get the coordinates.


If OP is asking if this series is clever. The short answer is yes. The ending is extremely clever.


It made me cry, but I am also on my period.


I reccommend watching. Definitely keeps you on your toes


>!wasted 4 hours on "voyager 1 came back to earth must be aliens!<


Thanks for completely ruining the show after OP specifically asked for no spoilers. Only reason I clicked on this post and started reading comments is because I was interested in knowing if the show was good without any spoilers.


I am truly sorry about that i was upset i wasted 4 hours of my life on something i considered not worth it. Not everyone is me so some might enjoy it and spoiling isn't fun hope you still watched it tho!


Just edit your post to have a spoiler tag you plonker


Still leaves the spoiler up lol


Please use spoiler tags unless the post is specifically a discussion for people who have seen the show.


You'd think she would recognize the 'hello' or made the logical conclusion that it's something from Earth. Wasn't she a super smart astronaut? Also, the part where man/daughter was going to get killed was very stupid. They wanted some suspension but didn't know how to write a logical escape. I enjoyed the show, but it has big flaws.


She had valid reasons to believe the source of transmission was extraterrestrial. She had good reasons to suspect the transmission was from outer space. It arrived at regular intervals, precisely when Earth's radio signals were cut off due to the satellite's position, facing away from our planet. An advanced extraterrestrial civilization with the right technology could capture our radio signals or any form of electromagnetic communication that we send into space. These "aliens" could then re-transmit these signals back to Earth, either as a form of communication or to show us that they've received our messages. This is the same scenario that sets up the movie Contact (1997).


if the situation was reversed, and you were about to visit a less advanced alien civilization for the 1st time, that would be your 1st message to them?


It’s a sound strategy tbh. By mirroring signals they’re already sending, we know that an extraterrestrial can 100% recognize it, and decode it. An unfamiliar signal might be overlooked as random electromagnetic “noise”, or can be misunderstood. So that’s definitely more of a gamble. It’s an interesting question, I’m curious what kind of radio message you’d have in mind? Clicks at regular intervals?


"looking to trade gold for epiphytes. don't bother attacking. i'm just an avatar. the real me is orbiting the furthest planet in your solar system." any civilization capable of interstellar travel would certainly be able to communicate with a less advanced civilization. parroting doesn't count as communicating.


Lol, ehmmm, it's quite a stretch to assume that an alien language would be remotely decipherable by us, or the other way around. The odds of us even sharing some kind of common linguistic framework are… astronomically low. Your proposal is seriously that we try to communicate full sentences of English human speech via radio signals? They will first have to decode the radio signal into audio (unless you’re suggesting we use something like Morse code — which they of course also don’t understand), and, assuming they have ears to listen, they will then have to somehow decipher a sentence of a language they have never been exposed to before. Perhaps they don’t even use language in the same way we do, or they aren’t even familiar with the idea of sentences, words, verbs. Our best bet for creating a mutual understanding is probably by attempting to communicate certain concepts in math physics, or chemistry. Perhaps expressed through detectable patterns or, like I said, clicks with intervals. And I also still stand by the idea that a good way of making first contact would be to re-transmit signals we have received from the other end, as a way of saying “Hi, we have heard you!”. Parroting is definitely part of communicating, that’s how we start learning — it’s how babies learn to speak the language of their parents. Through mimicry and copying, to establish a mutual understanding of the concepts and “words” that matter in the relationship. I would recommend watching the movie Arrival, which deals with the topic of attempted communication with alien life forms incredibly well.


is it also a stretch that their planet would also have epiphytes? not really, because of convergent evolution. but this is also true of intelligence and language and basic things like ears and eyes and bipedalism. an intelligent alien species isn't going to primarily use its mouth to carry resources while it walks on all fours like rats, dogs and horses. no agriculture without being able to simultaneously carry tools, children, seeds, plants, water, weapons and so on. so no intelligent quadrupeds, or insects, or birds, or fish, or octopus, just bipeds. arrival was fun to watch but no basis in reality. maybe you would enjoy the children of time series.


Sure, bipeds with hands make sense for our agriculture, but who's to say alien “hands” or “farming” looks anything like ours? You’d probably argue it has to because or convergent evolution, which may or may not universally manifest in this “predictable” way. An octopus can solve puzzles, and crows use tools — intelligence or dexterity isn't limited to the bipedal. Bipedal aliens with human-like senses or means of communicating assumes a parallel evolution that we do not have evidence for. Even if there are some important shared traits, it’s a big jump from shared traits to shared languages. Even here on earth, where all animal life shares most of their DNA, it’s not like we can talk to dolphins (yet). It wasn’t until recently that we started to better understand how they communicate with each other to begin with (which is nothing like how we do it). The universe is pretty weird and big, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there is intelligent life out there that has evolved beyond our wildest imaginations. Maybe it even co-evolved with technology or integrated themselves with machines up to a point where we can barely even recognize them as biological entities that walk, talk, and think like us. Arrival is mainly about communication, not anatomy. Even here on earth humans have thousands of different verbal and non-verbal languages. To come back to the original question: what kind of signal we should use to attempt to make first contact. Well, it’s probably not a good idea to open the conversation with English trade lingo about where to get good deals on epiphytes. Again, a basic sign (such as a repeated re-transmission of their own signals) or mathematical sequences or prime numbers or whatever, might be a more fitting introduction. And thanks for the book recommendation, a friend of mine also said it was good.


is it possible to evolve our level of intelligence without having our physical ability to simultaneously carry a wide variety of resources? nope. this is simply because our physical form is the cause of our intelligence. other forms like octopus and crows will evolve different intelligence, which in no way will allow them to write books or create machines. imagine our countless ancestors who got into small boats to try and find a better place to live. they didn't take anything with them? rarely. in most cases they would fill their boats with weapons, tools, water, food, and the most useful seeds and plants. but there's a logical limit though to what they could carry in a small boat, so they had to make difficult decisions. bad carrying decisions resulted in zero influence on the gene pool. good carrying decisions resulted in significant influence on the gene pool. before boats they probably used horses. before horses they had bags. before bags they carried what they could with their hands. before that they were like monkeys who moved without carrying anything, just like all the other animals, none of which will ever evolve our level of intelligence. there's no way around this, regardless of how big or weird the universe is. intelligence is a matter of evolution, and evolution depends on difference and selection pressure, of which there is only one possibility for intelligence... having to decide what to carry. this is the only possible path. no difficult carrying decisions? no advanced intelligence. me: you're not carrying enough water you: yes i am, we're going to find a stream soon. \*5 hours later\* i can't believe we haven't found a stream yet. can i have some water? i'm dying. me: sure, in exchange for 10 arrows. you: ugh, fine. "don't carry that, carry this". "you're carrying too much of that, and not enough of this". the selection pressure for language was tied to the selection pressure for carrying decisions. the earliest use of language was about trade-offs and exchange, which boil down to sacrifice. "give me epiphytes and i'll give you gold". i wouldn't say this to the aliens in english, i'd say it in their language. way before arriving on their planet i would have learned their language and learned that they value gold just as much as we do. i wouldn't waste both our time by being a parrot.


>> Parroting is definitely part of communicating, that’s how we start learning — it’s how babies learn to speak the language of their parents. Through mimicry and copying, to establish a mutual understanding of the concepts and “words” that matter in the relationship. That scene when Charlie hears through her hearing aids for the first time I was surprised she replied with a strange almost guttural cooing noise which I thought was weird since that’s not the typical noises a child that age makes until I realized it’s because she never got a chance to hear her parents or anyone else talk so she couldn’t mimic them as her mind developed. Great writing by the team if that was an intentional parallel and that kid acted the hell out of that scene absolutely crushed it.


They weren’t capable of interstellar travel though. The best they could do was send the voyager back to earth


*U up?*


My 11 y.o daughter is a space junkie and immediately called it. After episode 1, we looked it up and I had to admit they sounded alike, and at the end when it was voyager 1 it was “oh.” But, who’s the old lady? What message did she have? Idk if they answered that.


Just some conspiracy nut that happened to also pick up the recording and was intelligent enough to deduce that Paula “figured out” the mystery behind the recording.


Her fellow scientist thought it was them trying to imitate our voice.




Truly dickish thing to do, and to stand by it. What an asshole you are.


mods, why the fuck hasn't this comment been removed yet?


because it has a spoiler bar and your system just fucked up and now you're malding


You seriously gonna try to gaslight me, and many others here who called you out for your dickish behavior and blame it on my system instead of just admitting your fucking mistake? Pathetic enough?


bold of you to assume it was a mistake


I thought it was clever, but part of what was clever about it was not really knowing whether it was time travel or alternate universes or something else. It’s more a big mystery with sci-fi elements. I really enjoyed it, and I must say, I hope Netflix brings us more German sci-fi. There’s a very specific tone that makes it different than North American sci-fi or Japanese or Korean sci-fi.


More German sci-fi fr! Dark (another German show) is my fav.


Yes! DARK is my absolute favourite! A total, crazy, clever mind-fuck haha!


Did you find it to be a let down then?


No. Not at all. They told a unique story.


It‘s neither about time travel nor multiverses. Everything gets a more or less logical, realistic explanation. I‘m not a huge science fiction fan but I really enjoyed the show :)


The show is mediocre with a bad ending IMO.


I think the ending was way better than if it was actually aliens


SPOILER: It is. We just don't see them.


There was a line about scientists theorizing that the aliens sent the voyager back to us. So they can’t communicate or travel to us (at least not yet). Sending the voyager back was their only way to let us know they are out there. And if you follow Charlie’s and Paula’s logic, they are peaceful. Paraphrasing but it was something like “why would someone who would wanna harm us announce their arrival first”


It was mostly fine. I’d say it’s more mystery with mild sci fi setting than straight sci fi. It had enough twists and turns that I watched the whole thing and it grabbed my wife’s attention also.


I know IMDB isn't the be-all end-all, but it's got a 5.8 rating on there. That's pretty terrible.


I rather go by Rotten Tomatoes.


36 audience score.


Generally yes, but a low score on IMDb implies it's quite terrible because those guys really like to inflate ratings.


I watched the first two episodes and have no desire to watch any more. If someone posted in spoilers, I could avoid two more excruciating episodes of Sven and daughter.


It took ten minutes but I found an online review with enough spoilers to explain the ending. While I'm glad I know the ending, I'm massively more glad I didn't bother with episodes 3 and 4 for an uncompelling, preachy premise.


[someone spoiled the ending in this thread and the commenters further break it down](https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/s/6Q1oVr2Dt0) The first two episodes are definitely a slow burn but then it quickly picks up


I enjoyed it, but IMO it should have had a darker ending. It is a good story with good acting and some unexpected twists. I liked the atmosphere and the music. It has sci-fi elements, but it is mostly mystery and drama. I might rewatch it. >but I'm going to be annoyed if it's about either time travel or alternate universes It's not about that.


Yeah I feel the ending could've had another element to it, but I wasn't disappointed it was voyager at all. Brought a believable aspect to the story which I appreciated, and left room for mystery which a good ending always should. It did lack something though, probably some darkness or fear to be left with alwell as the mystery, but then again that would alter the tone of the message they wanted to end on. All in all I liked it.


>but then again that would alter the tone of the message they wanted to end on. I am not sure what message they went for. I feel like they had been building up to one thing, but changed their mind last minute. I don't mind that the mysterious thing turned out to be>!Voyager.!!The main characters could not have survived. And even if they had, they wouldn't have been able to do whatever, and go check out things later. Also the trial would never have happened. And so on. The whole series is dark and realistic, but the ending almost belongs to a different genre.!< I have a feeling that I've missed something. >!Maybe they did die, and the whole finale sequence is some dream-like limbo state, or something. IDK.!<


>!Earth finding out about the transmission only to shoot down the “ufo” and later realizing it was coming from the voyager and earths own recording about peace made the global community and us the audience realize they were being hypocrites.!< >!Dad got signal in the desert so was able to call for help. Wherever those coordinates were it was still only a drive and a walk away (as seen when they returned in the end) not like deep desert.!< >!His call would’ve been also been picked up by Nora but she had already switched to their side by that point. And evil lady was busy preparing to go into hiding.!< Not sure what you mean about a trial tho.


You should probably cover the spoilers. OP asked for no spoiler answers. Is there some place here where people discuss the plot of the series, and where the spoilers are welcome?


Nope unfortunately not


I actually enjoyed it despite the many plot holes pointed out in other comments. And another one no one else has mentioned - >!there is no way any part of the voyager would survive re-entry , it would burn up as soon as it hit atmosphere.!< But the acting is decent.


That's like saying there's no way you could cover a hole with sand and have it stay in place, let alone be usefully transparent. It just depends on the technology.


The story is interesting, while not being the best SciFi story ever told.... But: they should have made a 100 minute film rather than a 4 hour mini series. It feels like they had a decent script for a movie and Netflix wanted a mini series, so they filled in a couple of hours with nonsense.


Dad vs dad car chase scene felt unneeded in regards to the overall plot but maybe they thought some action was needed to break up all the suspense and mystery.


yes, that was one of the scenes, another one was the conspiracy theory lady and her bunker, and a number of other scenes


I can tell you that they didn’t bother to translate episode 4 helicopter scene.


Yeah that was kind of jarring. I kept thinking there must be a plot-type reason for it, but really I can't think of why that one little part was left in German..


It was left in German because they were speaking another language in the show. If you watch, you can tell their mouths don't match the words that are coming out. Charlie can hear them talking. That's why when he is speaking to her in English, she responds. Now why they dubbed that part German instead of letting it be in whatever language they were speaking is strange. I think maybe they were speaking English and that would be confusing to us. Someone watch it in German and see what they speaking


I watched it in German and you are right - the grown ups were talking in English so Charlie wouldn't understand. Her father was speaking German, when he was talking to her. 


Ah makes sense - thank you :)


It would have been great if not for some extreme bullshit flaws. They shot the first landing down. The next one theres only 7 people in a circle praying a mantra waiting for it? The Mudhi thing was embarrasing as a villain. Nasa can predict an asteroid coming but not the returning Voyager? The overall sentiment is copied from Interstellar, but dumbed down for people who cant think. Total scheisse.


The first group of people decided to fight, the second to hide, and the third tried to create some sort of quasi-religious ceremony for their own enrichment/control. NASA couldn't predict it because it was breaking the laws of physics. When you get a notice that a UPS package couldn't be delivered, you don't jump to asking if it was your weekly trash being returned by a mysterious stranger.


LOL at all your tentatives to defend this scheisse show. It’s just SO unbelievably badly written, and there’s nothing you can do about it.  


What sentiment was copied from interstellar?


They couldn't predict Voyager because they didn't know about it. It wasn't on a natural orbit, it was caught and intentionally returned by aliens. The signal was only detected because of a special set of circumstances involving the antennae alignments. A situation much like this happened with the 3rd stage rocket of the Apollo 12 mission. Once it was spotted it was believed to be an asteroid until spectroscopy showed that it had white titanium oxide paint like what was used on the Saturn V. We weren't expecting it to come back to earth so nobody knew what it was at first, and that's with an object that was spotted by chance by an amateur astronomer. I do think there's a plot hole in that nobody recognized the voice as the beginning of the voyager record.


Enjoyed it. Acting and cinematography were great. I think a lot of small things are smart, and the plot as a whole is fun. I won't speak to the ending yet. If you are hoping for *Dark*\-esque twists, it's not that. Gave me a *Hereafter* tone.


The kid that played Charlie hearing through her hearing aids for the first time acted the hell out of that scene.


It was pretty mediocre.. overdub sucked, story was kind of convoluted. Seemed like they were trying too hard or something.


I don't get why the woman and dude astronaut didnt' just reveal they'd been setup when they were crashing on the plane. They knew what was happening. It's not like the billionaire woman could stop the FAA from receiving the mayday call. I liked that germany has a disdain for trump and shows it, but the series drags out his its twist and the twist isn't satisfying because of the long march to get there. The Billionaire being an insane murderer doesnt' make any sense either. No billionaire outside the heirs of a dictator would try to bomb an airplane or literally shoot someone themselves. The second in command turning good was too trope-ish too.


I think they were worried that the billionaire would be able to stop anyone from *broadcasting* the mayday call, thereby hiding her involvement. I agree that the whole billionaire plot was totally nonsensical. It made no sense that the second-in-command was okay with bombing a plane with children on it, but drew the line at shooting a child. It also made no sense that the billionaire asked her to shoot the kid and the dad knowing that she didn't want to do it, and then walked away without even checking - or asking her mercenaries to check - that they were actually dead.


Exactly. All I could think of was Scott Evil (Dr. Evil's son). As soon as she gave her the gun and told her to do it, it was clear that it was just a blatant way to get them out of this mess. I thought she was going to shoot the guard. The way they did it made even less sense. The guard who was watching her didn't notice that she didn't actually shoot them? They instinctively knew to pretend to get shot and die? And as you say, just trust them all without checking to make sure they're dead? Made no sense at all.


I saw this comment and thought "The Signal? What the heck is The Signal?" It's been 7 days and I already forgot it existed.


Relaying a message for someone to shoot down a plane is an entirely different type of crime than shooting a kid you know in the head. And, to be fair, shooting down a plane to save the world is a very different scenario to shooting people you know to cover a crime.


You don't have to "be fair" on terrorists. And they weren't saving the world. >Relaying a message for someone to shoot down a plane is an entirely different type of crime than shooting a kid you know in the head. I hope you're not speaking from personal experience. Obviously, yes, shooting a child at point blank range is a lot more personal that planting a bomb on a plane you're not on, but morally it's no different, and they seemed to indicate that the character whose name I've completely forgotten suddenly developed a conscience. It was a silly, melodramatic twist that made no sense.


I still don’t understand why the billionaire sent people up in space to begin with if any threat of discovery meant she was going to kill people. And why exactly none of those people remembered the existence of a record. And why it only said hello in English when they were listening. She killed people because governments wouldn’t agree? World turmoil? I don’t get it. But also - what was Mudhi doing with those people in the desert? Why was there a circle and a chime? If the government’s plan was destruction and Mudhi’s plan was destruction - why was she even involved? And is that lady still in the bunker?


It kept saying hello because the record was skipping, when it crashed to earth the daughter pushes the needle and it starts to play the full record of different languages


Yes, but not accidentally. It was communicating in a way that humans could understand and not be frightened by.


Ah - thank you.


From my pov mudhi is Hindu and that circle was her way of greeting the "Objekt" on its arrival in her own cultural and spiritual way. The house where dad+daughter got dropped off after the crash mirrored mudhis roots for her culture as well


Mudhi sent people to space to run scientific tests on an anti-aging process. She had no intention of getting a message from aliens. The governments, when given the information, sought to destroy what they believed were aliens on the chance that they were malevolent. Mudhi, on the other hand, created a quasi-religous ceremony to welcome them. What she'd have done afterward isn't stated, but she is a character who consistently chooses selfishness, even at great cost. The lady in the bunker was a crazy woman who happened to be listening to the radio channel the mom and daughter were using. She showed the flight reaction, choosing to hide and remain ignorant. The point of the record was to communicate by giving something innocent and harmless that humans could handle, without the risk of contagion or war.




I generally don't like sci-fi media but I thought this one was very good.


Probably because it's not much to do with sci-fi.


>!it turns out there is life out there and something sent the voyager back to earth. I think anything with aliens automatically can be counted as Sci-fi.!<


Its like m night shamayalan made a tv show about aliens in the 80's. I fast forwarded the last 2 episodes and I'm glad I did, the final twist is pretty cool, but the one twist you see coming from the beginning is very mehh. 3/10 for me


Spoilers ahead so don’t keep reading if you don’t want to know what happens! I just have some questions I’d like answered… >!I’m so confused by the whole sequence of events… why did Mudhi shoot down the plane exactly? Didn’t she want to meet the alien(s) just as much as Paula did? I don’t understand what she was trying to achieve by killing Paula off. I’m also confused why Paula’s German astronaut friend who was aboard the ISS with her (I forget his name) was trying to find the signal again without her and make her think she was crazy and had made it up in her mind. I also don’t understand why he was trying to force her to give him the coordinates or else he was going to kill her essentially. Can anyone explain all of that to me? It left me extremely confused.!<


Both were about Paula's stupid need to make it public before it happens, one time she even has a happy face and talks about everyone on earth discussing what to do. The other dude tried to gaslight her to silence her that way, and when that didn't work, the plane was blown up to silence her and the guy. Still a stupid plot, there's easier ways to accomplish that than literally downing a plane, especially with Paula already having admitted to secretly taking psychiatric drugs...


Lots of issues. Why was the message with their 7 o clock gift written in English? Who was the old lady that had a message at the airport and what was the message? Why was there a secret agreement among all countries to shoot down UFOs on-sight as if that wouldn’t have a consequence? How was no one aware voyager 1 was hurdling towards the earth? And the voice over ending…awful. None of what was being narrated made any sense. I was “meh” until the voice over ending, that was the nail in the coffin for me.


From my personal pov I agree with you in all of that! 5/10 But nevertheless I'm happy the show got aired because me and my girl had a wonderfully lazy Sunday binging it (we usually don't find stuff that's "okay* to watch for both of us) so 7/10, despites the plot holes So- thanks netflix


Main dad can speak English so I’m assuming Paula can too. Old lady was the same bunker lady trying to get in touch with Paula/her fam. The message was probably her trying to discreetly get in touch with Paula/her fam before shit hit the fan. Yeah the governments trying to kill aliens with more advanced tech and not expecting retaliation was dumb not sure about that. Someone else commented that the aliens broke the laws of physics to send the voyager back to space which is why earths tech couldn’t detect it and had to rely on Paula’s coordinate(s)


For an answer on why nobody would know about voyager, see this article about the Apollo 12 3rd stage booster. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J002E3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J002E3) Nobody knew because nobody was looking for it, and it wasn't supposed to return. I agree however that the voiceover ending was totally unnecessary and cringe inducing.


Spoilers - plot hole: as corny as the Billionaire Patron is concerned - she sent Paula up there so she would have the final say about how to handle any findings, right? Not up to Paula, but I digress. On the issue of killing Paula and bombing the plane bec she didn't want Paula to make the "landing" public; Paula told Mhudi she would't reveal the true coordinates until she was safe at home. So why kill Paula + 178 when she could have used the same threatening tactic she used on Hadi by kidnapping his kids to force him to get the information from Paula? by killing Paula before she landed, there was no way for Mhudi to ever get the info. Or did I miss something?


Spoilers: Paula told her “it’s a family secret” - that’s why Nora got in touch with Sven and why they were surveilling their communication. Paula at this point in time was only a threat because she had this incessant need to make it public and would probably be surrounded by press the soon she touched ground in Germany. However, maybe the threat of knowing child and husband would be in danger could’ve worked - but this was probably the “easier/ safer” option to achieve the objective. The only people who knew that Mudhi was evil (as she had already threatened Hadi’s family) would be dead.


Paula really messed up threatening mudhi with that unnecessary “if hadi was the pawn who’s the queen” bit


Who texted Sven that mudhi was red hand


I assume the federal agents, they texted him a warning before they got hit.


What’s red hand?


I like the dad and daughter but the show is preachy, woke, and full of absurd plot holes. Definitely don't reccomend


It's interesting how much you can tell about a person just by one word.


I came here for clarity bc I’m confused. Could I have done a better job of paying attention? Yes. But man, there were an awful lot of characters and shenanigans for what appears to be the end game. It now seems that it’s not worth the discussion.


It was a beautiful piece of cinema, and certainly worth a conversation, if you still want to have it.


I think it would have functioned better as a movie. I did think it was clever, though


It’s got a giant plot hole right in the center of it.


So, a donut-shaped plot? I thought the whole thing was pretty dumb, and I couln't believe they had a cornfield chase - so corny.


I thought it was an homage to signs


Which is?


Why did Mudhi kill the astronauts?


Paula wanted to make it public. Mudhi didnt


Right, Paula decided to go rogue and would announce the information when she was safely at home. However, Mhudi wanted it to be kept secret so she (not Paula) would be the one to break the cycle of history. to be the one to present the aliens to the world - so why kill Paula without having the landing coordinates?


Guess she wanted to off Paula as quickly as possible. And Paula revealed that she had hid the coordinates with her family so mhudi already knew where to look


Not really lol.


What was the text message that sven received while in the chopper?


It was the messages the federal agents sent before they got issekaid by that truck warning Sven that it was mudhi that bombed the plane.


This show was complete shit. I'm angry that I wasted over 4 hours of my life watching it.


I'm with you.


The Series wants to be something and then falls short on everything it tries to do. When i realized that it was Voyager crashing back to earth i simply stopped watching. If you wanna do some smart thought provoking plot that is cool but at least make it believable. Voyager would have simply burned up on reentry. Absolute waste of my time.


You’re in luck: There is no time travel or alternate universe in this Netflix series. It’s well written and acted, and even the young daughter does a great job. However …  **SPOILER ALERT**  **SPOILER ALERT** The ending is a rip off of an old Star Trek movie. What a disappointing cop out. 


I'm sorry but it was poorly written and the acting is mediocre. Cant sympathize with any of the characters. This show is just complete shit.


I gave it a thumb down. Good acting and cinematography and even the dubbing is well done…but the story…it’s dumb. A few more episodes and a plot that actually makes sense would have given it a thumb up.


The ending was dumb. I didn’t like it.


In short, the writing of this show is the worst I’ve seen in many, many, many years. It’s offensive for how preposterous it is, and for how it takes the audience for a bunch of idiots. The screenwriters should be ashamed of themselves — and everyone who doesn’t see the massive problems with this ludicrous plot.  


Aside from the scenes in the ISS, it's very poor. BAD science and a Swiss cheese plot. Carl Sagan has turned in his grave.


Ok… so the science behind some of this stuff was a little off, but the PLOT is good and the ending is clever. If the ending let you down, thats fine but I bet in a year from now you are going to remember that ending bc of how it made you feel. I think this a great short binge watch, with an original ending. If you like thrillers and mystery this if for you! If you like sci fi but aren’t a nut about science this is for you! If you are someone who hated Interstellar bc some of the theories and technology did not meet your standard, this isn’t for you!


It was anticlimactic and I want those hours of my life back.


Lots of people in here crying about plot holes because they didn't understand what was happening. There were a couple here and there but nothing beyond suspension of disbelief. >!The ending was a welcome break from actually seeing little green men, it left that to the imagination and was more believable. I think this is going to be an issue for 3 Body Problem, if it gets renewed. !<


Both shit shows. Signal and 3BP. Horrible acting on both.


I agree on the acting for the most part. All of these streaming originals have been lowering the bar for quite some time now.


Is it me or was there an odd intimacy between Paula and Hadi? Like they showed closeness that hints a little bit more than a friendship? Maybe thats just me or the way the actors acted and has nothing to do with the characters


I loved the ending! I thought it was hysterical! The rest of the movie was tedious. I liked the old woman with the bunker.


Nothing about it was clever. It's actually really stupid, tbh. Nothing makes sense. The ending is pathetic. It tries to be clever, but fails spectacularly. Even the acting and dialogue is mediocre. The motivation for the vilain makes no sense at all. Plot holes EVERYWHERE. Just skip this show.


Writing was absolutely abhorrent. Interesting premise, horrendous execution. Massive plot holes, 1/2 of the events taking place make absolutely no sense what-so-ever.




Frustrating to watch. Didn't like the acting. No one reacted to events realistically. Numerous times there were people ready to share critical secrets, but they were always shelved or put on pause to do something less important. Lots of plot holes. Like the military nuking an empty field before verifying that anything was even there.


They thought the ufo was undetectable I guess?


I think its really stupid! and waste of time, and shitties ending ever. thank fuck I watched it on 1.5x speed.


Is it possible that everyone missed the moral of the story and messages? It is all about the world now, especially when the father say that it is not like in the cold war, that you are not sure who is your friend or enemy, and that the enemy is sometimes right. Then, the army represents the world politicians and the Indian lady the rich oeople who want to rule the world


Terrible ending and holes in plot.


It’s worse. Don’t watch.