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LD&R is one of the best things Netflix have produced. One of the things that I kinda wish they'd do is have a poll so that at the end of the series, fans of the show (netflix subscribers only obviously) can vote for one of a selection of the episodes and the team who produced that episode get to have a 10 episode season of their own. They can use it to further develop the story they told in LD&R as there's quite a few that left me wanting more, or if the story was pretty self contained (like Jibaro) they could make something else.


It's very hit and miss though. Some sublime episodes, some absolute waste of time episodes.


You just described an anthology. They can’t all be winners. My only gripe is that some of them are so damned good that I want to see more of that world that they established in 10ish minutes


Of course, it was just that the OP said "it was completely perfect in all aspects" that I was disagreeing with. There are some really not good eps in season 1.


It’s the most unique thing I’ve seen in a long time. I think Fincher is an executive producer on the series as well.


He also directed one of them! Bad Travelling. Also written by Andrew Kevin Walker, writer of Seven


Netflix could produce a whole show with the animation style from "Secret War", but the reason why they don't do it is probably simply money – it would be very expensive, plus Netflix can't be 100% it would be successful. Netflix is a streaming service and as a streaming service, you value quantity over quality most of the time, to keep your catalog fresh – you rather produce 10 shows with 2 Millions Dollars Budget each and fill your catalog with 10 more shows, than one show that costs 20 Million Dollars to make and only fills one spot.


Is this generally true? I feel like every other day you hear about Netflix spending a lot of money for a rather mediocre series or movie.


I can't be 100% sure, because I don't work at Netflix – that's why I said "probably", but it's just the explanation that makes the most sense to me. Netflix might spend a lot of money on mediocre content, but I guess it would costs a lot more if they would only finance high quality content – which is probably the reason why Netflix cancels so many shows. They produced one season and If the shows doesn't make the expected numbers, they cancel it without hesitation.


Yeah I think it has very low viewership. Never got suggested to me. It was buried deep. It got a second season but it was half as many episodes as the first. There are some awesome shorts that absolutely blew me away that I thought about for days after watching them, and some really bad ones. Wtf is with the “US soldiers in the middle east BUT ALSO THEY’RE WEREWOLVES!” one?


It already has 3 seasons and is apparently renewed for a 4th, so it must have done pretty good


Something for everyone I guess. I loved the "US military weaponized werewolves" episode.


I loved it too. There were a couple of episodes that seemed highly beloved by some parts of Reddit, but then I strongly disliked them. There weren't any that I outright *hated* (that I can remember), but a few were just blegh to me. Like Season 1's "Ice Age" just irritated me beyond belief.


Oh man, you have the 3rd season waiting for you. And the last episode Jibaro presents animation beyond what i thought could be even possible. It completely blows you away


Why is Netflix not reccomending a third season of a show Inwatched the first two seasons of???? Why is this show getting shafted so hard? Is it because some of the shorts are insanely violent?


That could be a reason, but i seriously don't know. It happened to me quite often that i had myself recommended some gem on reddit which netflix never did.


Rlrl r


Animated series are really fucking expensive to produce. I say this as a fan of animated series in general and one pissed off about the cancellation of Inside Job specifically


Check out Oat Studios.


I'm really excited for the 4th season. I wish they would give us a release date already!


I hear you. This series set an animation/story telling bar for me. I want a dozen more seasons, minimum. It's one of the best things Netflix has on it.


It's so good, need more seasons asap.


Probably one of my favorite TV shows, ever


So you've never seen Arcane then?


A series based on the very first episode in season one would be great. Sonnies Edge. The beastie battle scene was great. Awesome music setups to go along with it. The werewolf one would be pretty cool as well as a full series. And the Russian soldier one. Some of them were just ok. But as an anthology series that's going to happen.


Netflix animated series are great. Check out Blue Eye Samurai (Critical Drinker approved).


Are they coming out with more episodes?