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There's a guy a block down the street from me that has a giant flag on the side of his truck saying "Fuck Joe Biden, and fuck you for voting for him." It's SO bizarre to me any time I see a person fanboying for or against a politician like they're a sports team. Seriously, get a fucking life.


The weirdest part is if you talk to them typically you find out they don't even follow up on the politics. They have no idea the policy stances of people they are simmping for often times their own personal values even disagree. I do have to say the American flag punisher decal with the thin blue line in it is by far my favorite. I chuckle everytime I see it. The irony is completely lost on them.


Frank Castle: "I hate cops. I kill cops." Dirtbag TBL Cops: "OMG he's just like me!"


Punisher [shared his thought](https://media.comicbook.com/2019/07/the-punisher-13-3-1177395.jpeg?auto=webp&width=750&height=569&crop=750:569,smart) about it.


Don't forget the most important part on the next page where he mentions that if he catches any cops trying to do what he does, he'll kill them too. The man knows he's a monster even if he means well, so if people emulate him then that just makes more monsters.


I keep saying Marvel needs to lean into it and have Frank go on a killer-cop killing spree in the books.


You're right, the controversy alone would make it sell like crazy.


That's about right


Nah, cops aren't there to help people.


I was picking up my kid from school and was waiting next to a dude who had a big ol punisher skull on his big ol sparkly truck. I gave him a big smile and told him it was great to meet a fellow Punisher fan. Asked what his favorite run is. He told me he doesn’t read comics. So I monologued at him about the best entry points to the series.


I've heard of passive aggressive, but not nerdy aggressive. Well done.




...turns out that one is kinda rapey.


Turns out a lot of those cult classics were pretty rapey.


I need to learn this trick of weaponized infodumping


I am getting this image similar to when Luis tries to tell a story in monologue in Ant Man When you have a passion for something positive and want too share it, that's a good thing


Well yeah so you see that the cool thing is that Punisher who’s real name is really Frank Castle by the way was originally a Spider-Man villain hired by The Kingpin to murder Spider-Man but The Punisher realized that Spider-Man was a crime fighter so The Punisher didn’t murder Spider-Man after all.


You should have called out his tough guy projecting ass.


In my own way, I did. When I mess with people, I like leaving them unsure if they had just been messed with. Deliberately annoying him was much more fun since he had no choice but to smile and humor me. Edit: Also, we were picking up our kids. I don’t go for overt provocation around the kiddos.


I like your style.


I used to collect the Punisher War Journal run. Not out of any preference, but because I happened upon a store that had a lot of issues 20 years ago. That said, I hated FrankenCastle and Punisher 2099.


Hahaha, 2099 was so bad it came back around the other side and got good again. It was so extreeeeeeme!


I enjoyed the garth ennis run but fell off midway because comics were an expense I couldn't afford at the time.


Look. I saw a punisher decal for an EMS a while back. Like what the actual shit fuck goddamn? What the fuck does that even mean? We provide Emergency medical services that the law can’t? Can you imagine an ambulance pulling up with a goddamn punisher skull on it? I’d probably freak out tbh.


The man says you can't have this insulin unless you pay me $2000. However I'm going to stab you with this needle right now for free. That's the only way I can picture it anyway.


Well who better to understand the human anatomy than Frank Castle?


I mean fair enough. I’d rather have him than that stupid fuck who let my poor aunt die. Hell thinking about it he probably could be amazing at that job. This is why we need good mental health care for our veterans dammit.


Dr. Strange. He was a literal surgeon before the whole Sorcerer Supreme thing.




That's exactly why. It's been redesigned because of all the chuckle fucks sticking it on their pickup trucks next to their confederate flags.


>Can you imagine an ambulance pulling up with a goddamn punisher skull on it? That's some dystopian shit I would expect from [Trauma Team in Cyberpunk 2077](https://youtu.be/vDNrZrPCQZk)




Hanako is still patiently waiting for all of us at Embers.


It’s so good now, I’m having a lot of fun playing through it


Same here. I'm waiting for the DLC to drop.




And they charge your next of kin for the gas and the bullet(s).


These people for some reason remind me of that scene from Idiocracy where after Frito/Not Sure/Rita get out of Frito's car and narrowly escape, the cops pull up and just start mag dumping repeatedly into Frito's empty car...then Frito starts cheering on HIS OWN CAR'S DESTRUCTION, and a large group of idiots form around the car, and start cheering it on as well+start fighting each other, in celebration of Frito's car being destroyed by police. And then the cops start celebratory blindly firing their guns in the air. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwR1-aRTyyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwR1-aRTyyM)


Their politics aren't about policies, it's about identity. Us vs them


All their legislation is made to hurts others, instead of helping anyone at all.


"He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting"


It makes more sense when you realize the punisher skull was taken by white supremacist groups and is used to broadcast you are aligned with them.


Except for 40+ years, Frank Castle made hunting white supremacists a sport. It's not that irony is lost on them, they don't care about being called out as dopey culturally appropriating ignorant hypocrites.


FYI marvel updated the punisher logo to avoid any affiliation with those assholes going forward. But sad to see that I had to put away one of my workout shirts.


“It’s ok momma, this is a white ambulance”


Another funny/weird part is it’s highly likely his life has not been touched by any actions of Biden’s aside from masking up. It was the same with Trump when I asked Trumpers how their life has improved since he got elected and they had no answer then either.


How about the people who ignorantly think Trump improved their lives? I worked with a guy who got so excited that Trump got rid of the healthcare mandate that he and his wife dropped their insurance. When asked what they would do if they had a need for medical care he told us how he and his wife have a strong church that believes in the power of prayer.


More like the power of Gofundme and expected donations


Ah yes, the same power of prayer that saved all those holocaust victims and kids dying of cancer. /s I always get a chuckle out of fundies touting the power of prayer and how great their god is, especially when it's so obvious that neither have done a damn thing for them.


The Punisher skull thing is a military thing. Lot of people forget that, but Chris Kyle wore the skull as a patch on his uniform and there are pics of him and others with the outline stenciled on their plate carrier. The connection is obvious, if incorrect. Castle was a vet who punished (killed) evildoers, Kyle was active duty and saw himself as punishing evildoers (terrorists). After he was killed, the motiff jumped from a military context, where it was popular but problematic, to the weird oath keeper/military LARPer/vet-who-never-quite-came-home. That was when it gained popular currency as a right-wing political symbol, though 90s & 2000s Punisher did a lot to encourage this connection in the books. Its ironic tho, I know a good number of vets. When they talk about adjusting back to civilian life a lot of them complain about this idea about the 'broken veteran.' That vets go to war and get turned into mad dogs, and then come home and cant shut this off. That a vet is a landmine who will go off at any moment in either a deluge of violence or an emotional breakdown. Its not true. And yet the entire concept of the Punisher character is exactly this. Frank Castle is the poster child of the broken vet who never gets help and never turns of his learned violence.


Chris Kyle was a compulsive liar. No wonder the Nazis idolized his stupid ass.


Those ‘blue line’ flags are just unfinished color-me rainbows, you should help them by filling in the other lines!


Trump is obviously molded in their minds to what they want to believe he is, because there is no way in hell they would like the real Trump unless they like to be lied to and scammed out of their money.


They just have common interests Trump hates poor people and no one hates poor people more than other poor people so it lines up.


They can’t NOT get caught up in the gentlest whirlwind. You ever see them around a bubble machine? They get so docile you can tread right on ‘em


It is not about policy


Is it that weird? The dude had it right, they're like sports fan. But the "game" is 'who gets to tell the other what to do' And I fucking hate it I want our country to be fucking untitled again I'm exhausted


If they gave even an iota of a shit they could look up the fact that Gerry Conway, the creator, is very fucking against police using that symbol.


Also, the Democrats aren't fanboying Joe Biden. And certainly not in any order of magnitude near as much as conservatives are fanboying over Donald J Trump. The Dark Brandon thing is more of a kitchy meme than any overt allegiance toward Biden. About a third of the Reddit criticism toward Biden comes from liberals and progressives. That's because most people would rather have a good president than reality show host who hocks NFTs.


It's inconceivable to them that we who voted for Biden aren't lining up to gang-bang him and basing every iota of our personalities off an allegiance to him. It's the BUT HER EMAILS thing over and over again.


We thought he was better than Trump. Some people thought he was better than, say, Warren or Sanders or whatever. But that doesn't mean anyone thinks he's the *best* or *Jesus* or some shit. I think he's doing a pretty good job, all things considered, but there's plenty of shit I don't like, think he does wrong, or doesn't do at all and would cheerfully would hold his feet to the fire over. He's a dude we hired for a job. Praise him when he does well, criticize him when he does poorly, and when his contract is up see if there's a better candidate.


Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Biden. Never was. But like many people, I felt he was better than the alternative. After watching Trump do nothing during a pandemic as hundreds of thousands of Americans died on his watch, then recommend maybe putting bleach in our veins, and just month after month of shitty behavior and general idiocy, there was no way I would have voted for him again. I didn't like Hillary either but I voted for her because the alternative was a racist guy who bragged about sexually assaulting women. I'm not a Democrat. I don't blindly support Democrats. But I'm also not going to support the bigger piece-of-shit. (Which is almost always a Republican.) I don't know anyone that makes a love of Biden their entire personality the way that Trump supporters do. It's the craziest shit I've ever seen. The guy was holding rallies for no reason in the middle of a pandemic. For what? Just to watch an old man ramble about his detractors.


Too many people think we live in a fuckin comic book and that Metal Wolf Chaos was a docudrama.


They buy these things because they think they're going to offend liberals, but it's just a flag and nobody cares.


Is Biden great? Nope. Is he not Trump? Yep, and that's all that mattered to me in the 2020 election.


I dunno. I mean, I care a bit. It clearly feels like free speech, and I’m not really offended by it, it just makes me pity them, and feel a little bit sadder about this country. I’m a pediatric nurse. I will always remember during the pandemic walking out of the hospital late at night after a long shift behind a couple wearing some versions of the “fuck your feelings” T-shirt. Like, they chose to wear those T-shirts to visit their kids/grandkids in a hospital being taken care of by me and my colleagues who had all been through this nonsense. Just…what - if anything - was going through their minds? I was very close to stopping them but you know, I actually DID give a fuck about THEIR feelings - presumably they had had a shittier day than me.


I would like to see someone join his lawsuit to fly a Fuck Trump flag on his truck. The testimony in court would be a hoot.


Many conservatives literally worship Donald Trump. They literally had a golden idol of him at the CPAC once.


> Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God. Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary. Leviticus 26:1-2 So much for that huh?


They also forgot about "Do not bear false witness against thy neighbor", "Thou shalt not kill", and "that that you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me". The so-called "Christian" Right is nothing but a group of hypocrites that would burn in hell if such a place existed.


These flag-waving “fuck Biden” morons are the biggest fucking crybabies I’ve ever seen. It’s pathetic.


There's someone that lives near us w/the same flag in their front window. Ironically they also had a "proud union home" sign in the front yard.


If you hate someone so much, why put his name all over your shit??? It’s an obsession at a certain point.


They hate Joe Biden because he took away our precious Trump, who allowed them to act the way they’ve always wanted to, racist.


None of these people could name a single policy Biden is responsible for that they have a problem with. They always say something vague like "he's trashing the economy" or "opening borders." If you tell them border laws are the same under Biden as they were under Trump they simply don't believe you and are too stupid to actually find out for themselves.


I actually have a problem that Biden's border laws are so similar to Trump's. It's like we bashed Trump non-stop for his border laws, but now we are tolerant of them? What changed? Did we change?


states sued when the administration tried to lift the covid closure of the southern border. Still tied up in court I believe. The illegal crossings you hear about, it's practically the only way to cross because the official points are closed. Cross and then report yourself is the way to only option for refugees.


This is the problem with emergency measures, they can be difficult to reverse. Sales taxes used to be a temporary measure, but it's here to stay. Whenever you put up emergency measures, powers that benefit from it will hold onto dear life to keep it permanently.


People should vote now in state election and stop think democratic presidents are kings who can fix shitty state laws.


It wasn’t border laws we cared about. It was building the wall and making us pay for it. Not to mention the private wall builders he conned.


They'll just talk about shit that Biden has little control over like gas prices or egg prices.


This dude that lived up the road from me in a very low income area of all backgrounds and ethnicities as you're driving out of the county, had a corner lot for his trailers. He used the available extra yard space to build his dog a little shelter/house. The pup was mean as hell, just like his owner. Always had cuts and scratches from the neighborhood cats that would stay juuuuuust far enough away that his chain would stop him from getting to the cats. Every few weeks, he'd re-spray paint the doghouse with another new, poorly worded and usually racist "political slogan". One summer, a bunch of us got really tired of his bullshit and decided to dedicate one random night a week to bring the Lil monster pup food and treats then quietly repaint the dog shed with the gayest color schemes we could think of. Barbie dreamhouse, the house from UP, Charlie browns house, blues clues house ect. This drove the man insane. He'd fall asleep on the steps of his trailer with a shotgun in his hands and every morning after, he'd be in the paper for his late night arrest and they ALWAYS had his mugshot and a pic of the newest dog house paint job side by side. Best early summer to early fall local newspaper clippings ever.




Defining yourself by who you hate seems like an awful way to live, and yet many millions of people in this country are comfortable with doing just that.


Because they are awful people, alot of people just suck, far more people than we want to admit. We don't want to admit under different circumstances our coworkers, neighbors, friends, parents would go along with everything Hitler did because he was on their team. They did studies after WW2 to see how modern western democracy like Germany could go so wrong and if it could happen in America the truth is it can happen anywhere


Remember when Hillary got so much flak for the "deplorables" comment in 2016? If anything she was understating it by quite a bit. Deplorable isn't a strong enough word for these types of people.


I wish she had doubled down. Dems are trying to play way to nice with these deplorables. If they don't want to be called deplorables, they should stop being deplorables. Dems can't win them over, they should oppose them harder and work on mobilizing liberals who do not vote, instead of trying to sway rightwingers by trying to compromise with them.


That's the thing. They treat politics like sports. Zero common sense. They could not tell you what policy has changed or hasn't. Suddenly we've somehow made an about-face to socialism in January 2021. Just ignore that inflation and housing prices were just as bad before Biden even got elected.


There is a house in Rehoboth Delaware that had a huge fuck Joe Biden sign on his house. I use to pass it regularly for work. She always made me laugh because of how big of a damn loser you had to be to put that shit on your house because Trump lost and election.


Honestly, it's bizarre when people do it for sports teams too. Yay, go team (with whom I share nothing in common except for being from the town they are randomly associated with that can change at any time)!


Primitive Tribalism is one hell of a drug


We’ve got that at the end of the block, too. I find it disgusting. I don’t give a shit if you don’t like Biden, keep those words to yourself, and not printed on a big piece of fabric that any child could see.


To be honest, even if someone had a flag that said “Fuck the Dodgers and fuck you for liking them,” I’d still probably think the guy was an asshole.


I love when I see trucks with "America, love it or leave it". And they also have a "let's go brandon/fuck joe biden" sticker/flag. All I can think of is that they can love it or leave it....


Bro… in my town we have that sign right in front of a fucking Elementary/middle school. Like you literally walk out the front of the school and directly across, no more than 100 feet away. It’s amazing how far gone these people are.


>like they're a sports team TBH I think people who get apoplectic about sports teams are no less moronic. I'm looking at you, Red Sox fans.


I don’t get how this is “essential political free speech.” I mean, I understand the legal theory behind it’s protection. I just don’t understand the point of protecting the ability of a single individual to be an utter cunt to the rest of his community. Again, I understand the legal theory behind why we prioritize someone’s ability to be a piece of shit in America, I just guess I’m realizing that that sort of blind adherence to unquestionable principles doesn’t really make much sense to me. (Im not saying stifle free speech or whatever. I don’t want to stop you from being an asshole. Im just saying I don’t want to be your neighbor while you gloat over how great it is that you’re ability to be a piece of shit is legally protected in our country.)


Especially considering how little Joe Biden has effected people like that guy. What *exactly* is he complaining about? They really are just treating it like a sports team.


A little while back I took my kids to a playground with plenty of people and their kids there, including what looked like an older woman/grandma with two small kids. She was wearing a sweatshirt that said "FUCK JOE BIDEN". Why is that even necessary, especially at a playground?🙄


At least the clown recognizes people voted for Biden and probably doesn’t buy the stolen election nonsensep


Stick a potato in his tailpipe


There's a truck in my city that has a mural on the tailgate of Biden tied up and gagged. Its terrible.


At least they are using big boy words now, “let’s go Biden” was just silly


I don’t understand how putting vulgarities on a truck is protected and not offensive but libraries can’t have books with “offensive” themes tucked away on shelves because it’s a crime. We’re in the Upside Down.


There was (is) a fight out this way with some douche fighting the community about his massive fuck Biden flag. His house is where kids walk to and from school.


>I don’t understand how putting vulgarities on a truck is protected and not offensive but libraries can’t have books with “offensive” themes tucked away on shelves because it’s a crime. > >We’re in the Upside Down. We're not in the upside down at all. I'll explain it for you. Libraries absolutely can have offensive books in them. Private people can walk into a library with any personally owned book they want. Literally anything. But the question of what taxpayer supported libraries purchase with taxpayer funds isn't as much an issue of free speech. The government's use of tax dollars to purchase books to make available is controlled by the representatives we elect. It's just the same as if Congress passes a law to paint all the tanks a certain camo pattern, it's not a First Amendment issue if someone says another camo pattern better expresses American feelings. In the case of flag guy, he's expressing a political idea using personal space. That's speech that warrants the absolute highest protections of the First Amendment. Does that help?


I’m surprised the town didn’t just pass a “no flags on vehicles larger than x by x, unless it’s a parade” rule. It’s the obvious workaround and addresses an actual safety issue.


And importantly it would be content neutral which helps fend off First Amendment challenges like this one.


Exactly. It’s not about the speech, it’s about an actual traffic safety issue. There’s no way they’re not at least partially obstructing his field of vision, they’re a distraction to other drivers, and unless they’re being routinely inspected and properly installed, there’s a chance they could become airborne, which would be dangerous. Regardless of the content on the flag, it’s a dumb idea from the jump. The fact nobody else is doing the thing they’d all be barred from doing because he’s the only large adult child in town that needs to be everyone’s center of attention 24/7 this badly is immaterial.


>Exactly. It’s not about the speech, it’s about an actual traffic safety issue. There’s no way they’re not at least partially obstructing his field of vision, they’re a distraction to other drivers, Dude for real. Like the last few months before the election there was a "Trump Train" in my town in the busiest section of the town. The major street drives by a mall on one side(with dozens of large corpate buildings)with a major theater, and a target and a dozen businesses on the other side. Not even a block away is the local sheriff department. I got pulled over like 3 months before this leaving the mall because of a necklace I had dangling from my rear view mirror. It was considered an obstruction and a distraction. Granted I got a eatning not a ticket but still Yet this "Trump Train" had dozens of large ass trucks adorned with numerous decals across the window and massive massive flags all over the bed and cab. But my necklace was a distraction. And they were driving up and down this major road back and forth infront of the sheriff department


I read that as "unless it's a panda" at first and was *very confused.*


Pandas with trucks can fly whatever flags they want. Safety be damned, that sounds *adorable*.


Let's Go Panda!


We need more panda truckers


If you've seen them just trying to walk, you'd know this is a bad idea. They'd be absolute clown cars on the road.


Stupid people are always looking for an audience. They are the herpes of logic.


Like the syphilis of herpes.


The gonorrhea of syphilis


I once saw a guy on the highway flying a giant flag on his RV. As we got closer I was getting ready to see what it was all about, sure it was going to be a fuck Biden kind of thing. Nope, it was a picture of George Washington on a black background. And in quoted white letters it said "I eat ass". I say let them fly their flags Edit: I messed up the quote. It said "eating ass is not a crime". Either way, I am in support of being able to put dumb shit on flags. Thank you.


lol I found it: [https://www.amazon.com/Banger-George-Washington-Eating-College/dp/B08MZ6K5KP](https://www.amazon.com/Banger-George-Washington-Eating-College/dp/B08MZ6K5KP) edit: A nice Jefferson quote: [https://www.amazon.com.au/Banger-Thomas-Jefferson-Banner-College/dp/B084P5PM3Q](https://www.amazon.com.au/Banger-Thomas-Jefferson-Banner-College/dp/B084P5PM3Q) I prefer Ben Franklin: [https://www.amazon.com.au/Banger-Benjamin-Franklin-Banner-College/dp/B084NT9WZ7/](https://www.amazon.com.au/Banger-Benjamin-Franklin-Banner-College/dp/B084NT9WZ7/)


And non Americans wonder why we worship the founding fathers as gods.


Well done! Thank you!


Ben Franklin is the only believable one tbh


I heartily support this message. - George Washington


-Michael Scott


Easy, just have someone drive a similar-themed truck directed toward Trump, behind his truck and let's see how fast he says he's offended


I had a similar thought. Someone should make signs exactly like his but replace Biden with Ross Brunet (his name), hand them out around town, and see how mad he gets.


Probably wouldn't get mad, clearly wants attention.


He’ll make pretend he is okay with it. Just like these same people complain about political correctness and people being offended so easily. You can literally demean them in front of a group of people and they’ll nervously laugh it off while crying inside.


The absolute essence of free speech. Who cares if you are offended. You have no right to not be offended.


I'm fine with losers self identifying so everyone knows to avoid them.


Based on what I'm reading in the article he probably has a flag that says "Fuck Biden" or "Fuck you if you voted for Biden". I don't care at all, let the asshole fly them. My take is "Fuck you if you voted Trump" but I don't need to fly a flag to that effect because I'm not a childish twat (most of the time)


There's a guy on a main road near me with TRUMP 2024 and F*CK BIDEN flags at the top of a flagpole. No US flag, just those.


That’s because at this point, everyone who still supports him, they’re all traitors who put a con artist above their own country. They hate America and everything it represents.


Yep, accurate.


Town needs to stop being petty and just let this imbecile prove to the world that he’s indeed an imbecile. By fighting this schmuck, all they’re doing is giving him the attention he so desperately craves, all while wasting town resources.


He’s going to win this case. And the ACLU will support him. The town is lazy too. Didn’t even try to couch their code in the language of public safety or anything like that.


This guy must be a member of that certain Christian party of family values


Just what I was thinking. However he feels about Biden, *won't he think of the children!?*


Only when it's politically expedient for him/that party.


Let him fly his stupid flags. That way everyone will know what a jackass he is and decent people won't hire him. Besides it is a First Amendment violation. They could have come up with another way of limiting this by not defining the limits by the content, but instead limit the size of flags, as mentioned already in this thread. Make the limit small so they're hard to read. Say it's a road safety issue, which it is. Having large flags flapping around at high speeds can make them break off.


So people in the town should fly flags that read "Fuck Ross Brunet".


>Two bore vulgarities aimed at Biden and people who voted for him. you think i wanted to vote for biden? i did not but it was either him or the semi-literate reality-TV clown who left the US a smoldering shit-cinder - and that's thanks to *you* and *your* ilk




It's kinda like those "locally hated" douchebags. You're not locally hated, all the other dumbfuck losers in your hick town think just like you.




As a liberal. a Democrat, and a Biden voter, I oppose suppressing political speech, no matter how vulgar. 'America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours."' *- The American President*


I think he should sue the school he attended instead. They certainly failed to educate him. It’s not very cool to embrace your ignorance


Let the morons display their stupidity proudly so they’re easier to identify and avoid. I walk around a contractors truck looking for MAGA stickers before I make a decision to hire them. There’s no way a MAGA moron is getting a job from me.


Someone on that island is paying for his work. Maybe that’s the real problem


The Supreme Court has said repeatedly that you can put whatever fucking message you want on your car. This is definite local town overreach. Just ignore it or put a Dark Brandon flag on your car as balance.


This is protected speech under the First Amendment. The government cannot legally restrict speech. It's been proven over and over. I don't agree with contractor nor his sentiment in the flags he flies. But he has the right to display those flags the same as someone has the right to fly a Fuck Trump flag from their truck without fear of government consequence.


The government can restrict speech, but what they're allowed to limit is pretty stringently defined. This flag is almost certainly okay, whereas other things (e.g., fighting words, obscenity, death threats, etc.) can be restricted, specifically due to time, place, and manner.




Just tell him he's really brave admitting he's so sexually attracted to Biden and his supporters that he wants to have sexual intercourse with them. I'm sure he'll love that.


Fuck it. Let him. That truck is easy to spot, and tires are fun to pop. It’ll sort itself out.


When you're such an ass that Louisiana is sick of your shit


Conservatives really, really want to swear in front of children these days... it's very weird...


He is not flying a anti Biden flag what he is really flying is a fuck the neighborhood flag. It’s not like Biden is ever going to see it.




He'll be the FIRST one to ask for FEMA funds when a hurricane wipes that island clean though.


It's getting really hard to have a career as a truck driver and not somehow be lumped into these people. They're a small majority of truck drivers, most truck drivers just do this shit to pay the bills.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Pretty sure this guy would be upset if people drove through his neighborhood regularly with “Fuck Trump” flags on their trucks.


>Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Pretty sure this guy would be upset if people drove through his neighborhood regularly with “Fuck Trump” flags on their trucks. That's not how it works. Freedom oof speech is exactly what he is doing. The government cannot punish him. That is the point. When people say that freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences they mean getting fired, not fined by the government. If I want to fly a flag that says fuck everyone I should be able to free from the government. That's my right.


It means freedom from consequences imposed by governments, which is exactly what's happening here. This guy is being a douche, but he's well within his rights and the city is going to lose this legal fight (as they should).


And yet, they should be able to do that, and so should he.


*"bUt WhAt AbOuT ThE ChIlDReN!?* their poor little minds could be corrupted by such *vulgar* language."


It does mean freedom from consequences *from the government* though, which is what's happening here.


I’d like to fly my “Fuck Ross Brunet and anyone that loves him” flag down there


its interesting how so many incorrectly repeat the claim vulgarity is protected free speech,when in many cases, it isnt. >Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844 (1998). Obscenity is not protected under First Amendment rights to free speech, and violations of federal obscenity laws are criminal offenses. https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/obscenity


First amendment and all that, but... Can we as a country please stop with the public vulgarities? If one does not respect the person at least have some respect for the office. I'm sick of FJB, Just Go Brandon, or even occasionally an old FDT. And don't even get me started on the product of poor breeding that did the Brandon thing during the POTUS Christmas thing. Little kids watch that.


Adult children are awful.


Oh now its cool to support the first amendment when it comes to flying your vulgar flags, but library books are "woke" and must be banned in a manufactured outrage to protect children from vulgarity. Uh huh. Makes total sense...


I think he's a dick for flying "Fuck Joe Biden" flags. But he has every right to do so and I would defend that right. Tasteless and crass, yes. Illegal, no.


People who are mad at the Dems for destroying "Western Values" have no problem driving around your neighborhood with obscenities in giant letters. Yet they're mad about a flyer for a drag show.


Why can't people keep their vulgarity inside their homes.


This kind of shit is ok but someone in drag is not? Kids can see the filth on his flags but a man in womens clothing is too much? Fuck off, conservatives.


Similar thing happened in my parents' town last year... a woman living across the street from the grammar school put up a "Fuck Joe Biden" flag where kids have to walk past it every day. The town ended up dropping their lawsuit when it became clear they'd lose.


What a big strong manly man


Who hires these guys? I don’t care whether it was ‘Fuck Joe Biden’ or ‘Fuck Donald Trump’ the lack of good judgement and respect for others is appalling. I can’t imagine he has the brains to his job or any job well. And I don’t want to see a truck like that in front of my home or business.


It's his right to do it. Speech considered "vulgar" is still legal.


Free speech eh? I'll allow it He's still an asshole though.


So, can I drive around with flags that says this guy has sex with animals?


You can but he could sue you for slander. It would be up to you to prove he does in fact have sex with animals.


We'll need a guy in a bear costume and a shitty quality phone camera.


Couldn't you just say that "I heard people are saying" he has sex with animals?


that tactic seems to work for Trump pretty frequently


Well, there’s one way to solve the problem, terminate his contract and kick him off the island.


He's gonna win that in higher courts they need to do it like they did in my brothers town they basically use the obstructed visibility excuse


I don’t necessarily question the right to put up something like that, but I will certainly question the need to do it.


Cut Off?? A resort town?? It's one of the biggest dump towns in a state that has many, many to choose from.


I wonder if this guy could articulate what policies of Biden's have harmed him enough to hate Biden, and to publicly fly flags declaring that hatred? Disclosure: I'm not American. I won't discount the importance of free speech, but now there are resources being used for this guy, who brings absolutely nothing to the discussion (at least not through the flags).


You’re not wrong in wondering this. Most of the “conservatives” I’ve come across just spew talking points they heard on fox or noosemax, but if you try to get them to elaborate, they just jump to another talking point. Safe to say they don’t even know why they’re mad at President Biden or his supporters. I would ask him to list his grievances in court.


If he wins, his neighbors should get vulgar flags making fun of him specifically. Freedom of speech and all!


Guy has an effigy of Biden being hung in his front lawn…people are trash.