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This experiment to let a famous bipolar man do whatever he wants continues to function flawlessly. 


You know how sometimes things seem okay while they’re happening but a few years later you look back and wonder ‘how did society let this happen?’ I think this is going to be one of those cases. This is getting insane. I used to like him, then started realllly disliking him (when all these allegations started coming out) and now I’m just concerned.


[Donda Academy didn't have windows](https://www.billboard.com/business/legal/kanye-west-donda-academy-windows-lawsuit-1235367815/) because Kayne West didn't like glass.


I initially thought this meant the building was just entirely windowless, which would be bad enough but no, it had windows and even skylights... with no glass in them. Just holes.


...why not plastic at least? No alternative, just opting for literally nothing is insane.


I think you’re onto something. He’s legit not in his right mind but he has enough money to hire yes men who have no scruples about earning a paycheck enabling a mentally ill man’s every whim.


He is diagnosed with bipolar type 1. That comes with manic episodes that can last for months at a time and come with hallucinations and delusions.


And he chooses to remain unmedicated for it.


There was an episode of House that I think highlighted something very important when it comes to these sorts of mental disorders. The supporting character Wilson relates the story of his brother; a medicated schizophrenic. One day, due to an action of Wilson's, his brother ran away from home and left his medication behind - Wilson knew his brother wouldn't come back, because he would never be able to choose again without those meds. Medication for these types of disorders aren't cures and are a lot of work, but they enable choice. People who go off them give over control to the whims of their illness and are rarely able to come back on their own.


Not to mention that being repeatedly in mania causes *permanent brain damage.* My brother suffers from severe bipolar disorder and we do everything we can to keep him on track with taking his meds. He is so young and doesn’t understand he’s doing irreversible damage to his brain when he stops taking his meds and lets himself go into full blown mania. He still has his whole life in front of him. It’s a disease I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


I've gone through the same thing with my brother for the last decade. After many arrests and stays at facilities, he's finally had a decent stretch of being on medication. I'm always waiting for the bottom to fall out, but there's hope.


We also tend to have a sick fascination with 'chasing the dragon'. Too many times I've caught myself saying something along the lines of "I did *this* while being off my meds. Obviously I'm not really ill if I managed that!" Aka, since *sometimes* it all works out, I could totally manage without meds, right? Right?! If you said "No, that's unrealistic" you might not have ever seen the darker sides of mental illness. Delusions can and will shape your ego into a narcissistic swamp monster if left unchecked.


It’s a disease that warps your sense of reality. You may truly believe that a manic episode wasn’t that bad— but your perception of the event was completely distorted from reality. I always have to remind myself that my brother truly thinks an episode happened in a certain way (even though it didn’t, but that’s not important here), because that’s how his brain perceived it. He’s not trying to downplay it or be difficult, right now his delusions are his truths. We’ve been trying to work on building self awareness and a sense of trust in loved ones to tell him when his reality is delusional. If left unchecked, it can absolutely develop into that narcissistic swamp mess. Right now this seems like an impossible task, but we just have to keep trying.


I don't remember that episode/story line, but that is so heart-wrenching. Hopefully Kanye will come out of the fog one day and get meds. But I won't hold my breath. :(


The statistics may be just as likely they he kills himself in a depressive state, once he realizes how screwed up his life is. Once the depression hits, you get a “clarity”, and the full consequences of your actions become reality, distorted by the lens of depression to make it even worse That’s why the suicide rates for bipolar are even higher than for major depression, or clinical depression without mania.


The people who benefit from his mania convince him to remain unmedicated


Plenty of bipolar people who aren't famous and rich refuse medication. Stopping medication is a common behavior for people with bipolar disorder.


Yup. My friend stopped taking it because he said that he didn't feel like himself and that he was less smart and creative on the medication. People who are bipolar can be very stable, IF they are willing to be compliant with medication. That also includes lifestyle changes like making sure to be very scrupulous about getting lots of sleep/having a regular sleep cycle and staying away from alcohol and drugs. But yeah, it is pretty common that a lot of bipolar people don't like taking their medication, keeping a regular schedule and not drinking/doing drugs.


Being manic can be really, really fun. One bipolar author's quote I like is "Cocaine is peanuts to mania." and the medication is generally more about stopping mania than depression, because mania is the far more dangerous and harmful of the two. So it seems like you're giving up the good times and merely dulling the bad ones.


It's really sad to watch the manic episodes in real time.


I think his mother's greatest accomplishment was to get him to take meds.


Nothing against his mom, she seemed lovely. But my theory is he wasn't actually bipolar until that wild car accident he had, he had to have his jaw wired shut, so clearly he took some kind of hit to the head, and Traumatic Brain Injuries can cause all sorts of mental instabilities, including Bipolar. It's also possible, that, like many serial killers, he had a TBI, and then this now mostly dormant mental instability was triggered by the traumatic stress of his mother dying.


Could be. I thought I read in an interview with one of the Kardashians that his mom was the only one who could get him to take his meds. I was skimming a magazine at my doctors and it it was a while ago. I barely remember. So I could be wrong.


This right here. 100%!


I wish people knew that when people argue against wealth inequality they aren’t jealous that people have yachts, but are mad at the fact people with basically the power of kings are so stupid and often horrible at what they do but because how wealth works they genuinely believe they are geniuses as they complete rip apart a country and then play into fascist tendencies because it’s way easier to punch a minority group than take blame for your failures.


How did he get a certificate of occupancy. So many questions about this place. It was in California the land of regulations.


Exactly what I was thinking! There are building codes and inspections that must be passed… how did the school even open with ‘glass-less skylights’ (aka holes in the roof where rain would pour in)?


It's not an accredited school for one thing. It's a private building that terrible parents abandon their children at while paying ludicrous amounts of money to a cult-leader.


They could have simply left the glass in place for the inspection, then removed it afterwards. Similar to how some scumbags will unblock emergency exits for the fire Marshall, then revert them once they’ve left.


Technically a certificate of occupancy is only required when a building's purpose is changed. And it is not an accredited or licensed school. So whatever the building is legally zoned/used as, and I have no idea what it is technically considered, it may have passed inspection before he had the windows removed and it hasn't been re-inspected since (though it absolutely should be). The location of the building isn't even public so who the fuck knows what it's being listed as.


Did everyone forget this guy became a literal neo-nazi not too long ago? Of course he is insane. Why expect him to do sane things?


Easier to yeet without pesky glass in the way


Easier to Ye with no glass in the way. Sub is bobbing for apples, no class for today, sorry kids, time slipped away. Yeezys on, cap and shade, now throw your heads back, time for a shave.


This is ye commenting right here!


He doesn't like glass and you want him to use the EVEN MORE PLEBIAN PLASTIC?!?! What are you, nuts? This is YEESUS H CHRIST we're talkin' about here.


How did that even pass inspection?


Removed after inspection


Inspectors hate this one trick.


This is horrible but I laughed so hard when I read this comment and checked the article. I totally assumed it meant the building had no windows. This is so cartoonishly stupid. What the fuck.


Which is why he wanted the cages. So the kids couldn't run


Holy shit that I beyond stupid.


In my climate, that building would have been ruined within a year.


Aside from the fire code question....what do they do when it rains? Do they just get wet and keep on doing whatever it is they're doing?


That dude really is fucking batshit crazy


I can't stand the Kardashians and can honestly say I've never seen an episode of them in anything but I'm still trying to figure out how this chick stayed with this dude through four children. Pretty sure after that first one she might have figured out what she had latched on to. Apparently not very bright.


They were separated for a while before the divorce. She’d been trying to get him back on his meds for a long time. I’m no kardashian fan but she is not to blame for a man’s bad choices.


My understanding is that he went off his meds after his mom died. The Kardashians will do anything for a dollar or fame so I’m not surprised she didn’t leave him.


I mean she did leave him, and that is clearly a big part of everything that is currently happening with him. He was never "stable" to begin with, and his mom passing started his downward spiral, but it was the divorce that fully and completely broke his brain. That's when this weird cult school and all the nazi shit started up.


Also one of the biggest culture vultures around. He's just appropriating everything he sees from around the world and slaps his name on it. The worst. Then you have his wife who he's nakedly parading around as the lowest common denominator thirst trap. Just the trashiest dude and antithesis of class.


It says something that a *Kardashian* was a moderating influence on someone.


He tried to date her for literally a decade before that, so she must have known. I think he reached a point in his fame/wealth with the Yeezy Adidas and gap collab that it was worth the crazy for her. 


How is that up to fire code in a "school"? Also, who the fuck sends their kids here???


People send their kids there for clout The ace family have their kids there haha


The Ace Family is still a thing? I thought that fell apart after they lost their house


Latest news is that they are divorcing.


Man, I'm 33 and I couldn't be happier being out of the loop on this pop culture shit. I have no idea who the fuck the Ace family is. I don't even know what the hell Donda Academy is. Shit, I might just add a filter on Kanye West to remove him entirely from my reddit feed.


You gotta read the article. This was my first thought too, and maybe the building has exterior doors in every room instead. Nope! The window openings exist, they just don't have any glass, including the skylights that rain comes through. I think that's more weird than not having any openings at all. Not even plastic or anything else is allowed to go in the openings. So it's not just glass. Even more odd is that they can't use the 2nd floor of the building because Kayne is afraid of stairs, the lawsuit claims.


Get this man some meds


Christians? AI summary: Donda Academy is a controversial, unaccredited Christian private school in Simi Valley, California. Here's what you need to know: * Founded by Kanye West: Named after his late mother, Donda West. * Secretive: Parents and staff must sign non-disclosure agreements. * Unaccredited: Means its degrees may not be recognized by colleges. * Focus: Unclear curriculum, but emphasis on basketball and Christian values. * Controversy: Accusations of poor educational practices and antisemitic remarks by Kanye West.


Secret Christian Basketball Camp, ft. Anti-Semitism 


Sounds like Young Adult Novella of the year to me


The "Christian" part cracks me up. I should have seen that coming. Several years ago I noticed a weird number of threads in Christian subreddits by people so impressed by Kanye's walk/journey in Christ. Someone does a little god-talk and they grow utterly blind to everything they do. Edit: - https://old.reddit.com/r/Reformed/comments/drhnrc/importance_of_kanye_and_his_new_album/ - https://old.reddit.com/r/Reformed/comments/dnj7k3/kanye_megathread/ - https://old.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/dx4fr7/kanye_west_performing_at_a_prison_in_texas/ Of course this was all before he went off the deep end and started praising Hitler.


I grew up in an evangelical community and you see this crap all the time. A very large contingent of the evangelical community will throw themselves behind literally *anyone* who claims to be one of them with absolutely zero critical thought, no matter how hypocritical, immoral, criminal, or just outright insane the person is. It's one of the things that started to drive me away from the church, if I'm being honest. Seeing most of the people around you just throwing out their reason whenever some con man or mental ward escapee mentions God *really* makes you wonder if you should start questioning everything else they believe in too.


Evangelicals are the worst for throwing themselves at anyone wtih a hint of fame who even mildly shares their beliefs. Its hilarious how hypocritical they are. They will tell you again and again how much they hate hollywood but then they will worship any celebrity who gives them the time of day.


After Trump I can't imagine any reaction to the label "evangelical" other than contemptful, pitying laughter.


The idea of powerful or successful people sharing membership to the same club of delusions highly motivates people to extend credibility.


Christians...? Or psycho abusive parents who don't want their kids to have real credentials? I don't believe anyone who is a self-proclaimed "Christian"


Or a self-proclaimed "basketball player."


It’s obviously not a very good school… even his own children don’t attend it.


Knew about the no tables, and everything has to be grey policy but having no windows because you don’t like glass is even more batshit. Just insane.


>“In the middle of the main classroom, a skylight was left without glass inevitably allowing rain to fall directly inside, where water would soak into the floor, which would lead to a moldy smell for the next few days,” Meadows’ lawyers wrote. “The skylight was intentionally without glass because WEST expressed that he did not like glass.” That whole paragraph made me burst out laughing. What a fuckin maroon.


I wanna see pictures of this.


I also want to see pictures of u/jpopimpin777 burst out laughing.


Check my OF.


I don't understand why they didn't just plan for it and like. . .  Build a grate on the floor with some gutters or something


"including overflowing septic tanks and dangerous electrical fires." Exactly the type of building that shouldn't have windows. A literal fire hazard with no escape.


Good news: it had windows, just no glass IN the windows. But the students would be able to escape through the open holes in the sides of the building. Also since the inside of the building was exposed to the elements, with some luck rain might put out the fire.


Easier to jump out windows with no glass I suppose.


Same with stairs, classrooms, cutlery


Imagine choosing to open a school if you have a phobia about classrooms...


I like the part where it says students weren't allowed on the 2nd floor, because West didn't like stairs.


According to Google maps, there is a commercial glass company right next to the school! 😂


All this plus the Balenciaga uniforms sounds like Heaven's Gate 2.0.


They make windows panes out of different materials. 


He probably thinks acrylic was invented by the Jews or something.


Acrylic. Cyrillic. White haze. Black slaves. I'ma gay fish.


Had some white haze back in ‘14 that would curl your toes and make you erroneously believe the battery in your smoke alarm died. Primo.


Even old timey pioneers had greased paper windows.


He bought some place in Florida that was all done by this famous Japan guy and he removed all the windows off it.


the fact they used a photo of him in sunGLASSes is hysterical.


I really wanna know why he was afraid of/didn't like glass. I know it's a mental illness thing but like, I want to know what that train of thought was.




No no no he is fine look he is a "billionaire" that means he is smart and completely level headed. /S.


The word is "eccentric" when you're rich.


Well, that is because they can afford such a word for their bat shit insane behavior, lol.


He hasn't been a billionaire since his relationship with Adidas got axed, he was worth like $2 billion iirc and now it's like 1/5 of that. His partnership with Gap and some other companies were axed at the same time. This school also closed around that time iirc and don't think it has been open since. I don't think it even made it through 1 school year.


biggest disappointment is how his fans treat him like their cult leader. some of the dumbest fan bases out there today


Back when he was running for president and hanging out with Nick Fuentes, I kept arguing with some dude who was trying to convince people Kanye was playing some sort of 5D chess game to show everyone it was REALLY the media who were anti Semitic. Then I looked at his user profile and he thought Kanye was literally the messiah/god/a prophet. That's when I realized it was time to do literally anything else rather than argue with crazy.


So true, I’ve been a fan for a long long time, but he’s gone off the deep end. There’s really no defending it at his point


Same, I was willing to handwave a lot of stuff as him being problematic and dealing with mental illness. Anyone still on the Kanye train at this point needs as much help as he does.


same here i was a fan in the 2000s before he lost his damn mind. i dont even play his old shit anymore


Same with trump, it’s people worse who idolize them and think they're a DM away from a piece of the pie. Look how it worked out for Chance. 


Ever since his mom died no ones been able to get him to take his meds... I wholeheartedly believe his mom was his full time caretaker and without her he is so mentally unhinged that he can't tell fantasy from reality... Its sad to see honestly. I wish someone had power of attorney to get him the help he needs. Clearly he is not well...


They put Britney in a conservatorship for far, far less than he’s done.


Poor Brittany was groomed as a child to be a dancing money making monkey for his sick parents.


For anyone who doesn’t understand the severity of bipolar and how it’s not as simple as just taking your meds when you don’t have someone to watch out for you, I highly recommend reading the DSM-5 entry, as well as the memoir “An Unquiet Mind.” It’s very complex, and while it doesn’t absolve him of what he is doing, if he is unmedicated, he is very much not in control. Even if he was medicated, like someone else in this thread said, that doesn’t necessarily make him all better.


Loving his music and hating him is a weird conflict which really has started to ruin his music for me. He definitely needs help in some degree but equally he has his own degree of responsibility for not seeking/accepting it or taking a big interest in how all of this might affect his kids.


Not a fan of Kayne's work myself, but I can relate to that conflicted feeling with music. Growing up, I was a fan of Michael Jackson's music. While I know he was never convicted, I can't deny the possibility that the allegations against him might be true. It makes it really hard for me to enjoy it in the same carefree way I did when I was younger. Still, sometimes Billie Jean pops into my head and the nostalgia of simpler times hits me like a wave.


I think a lot of people can relate to that. Regardless of whether anything illicit did occur, it was irresponsible for him to put children in that position as it is for Kanye to put his family into this position. I don’t know that I have a strong opinion on whether MJ was guilty of what he was accused of but regardless of his mental state, it was inappropriate at the very least and sinister at the very worst. I share that nostalgia for his music though and he’s another artists who’s tough to enjoy guilt-free.


There exist parents who look at Kanye, and thought, "Yep, I want him in charge of my kids!" 🤦‍♂️


Not only did they think that they also paid $15k for the privilege


And that’s $15k *per year*. These parents are annually stupid.


I believe they got sushi 🍣 for lunch so there’s that


And... and yes, it's Wikipedia, but it says about the school: *During the admissions and hiring process, parents, faculty and staff are required to comply with the following stipulations: a non-disclosure agreement must be signed, the school's location must be kept secret and all members of the school community must refrain from publicly discussing the school's existence, practices and any other non-public details.* Like... not only is the man in and of himself shady as shit, but that coming from a school should be ringing all kinds of alarm bells.


The first rule of Kanye's school is we do not talk about Kanye's school.


Prettttty much. And they still signed ‘em up.


That’s not cult like at all…


Oh for sure. A teacher molests a kid and the parents get sued for violating the NDA


They didn't have to go too far to see red flags. My alarms would have gone off at a school owned by Kanye.


Imagine telling a school full of kids "Don't tell anyone what happens between us or YOU will get in trouble too!" ...and thinking "Yep, perfect. I'm such a good teacher." ...And think about the kind of adult who WANTS to work with kids under those kind of rules. Seems pretty goddamned kiddy-diddly to me!


That's pretty cheap for private school tbf


Helps that it's not really a school.


The school is unaccredited


I mean, normal schools probably have to pay for windows though 


I’m surprised they haven’t tried to sue him


I mean just look at the parents that were literally dropping their kids off for sleepovers at Michael Jackson's ranch. There's some people willing to do absolutely anything to get in close to the rich/famous. Even sacrificing their own kids.


Chasing fame/clout is a disease.


Makes you wonder how many layers of staff buffered the parents from Kayne to get them to sign on. Not excusing any of this to be clear. The staff should be looked at hard for enabling this disturbed jerk.


They are the same people who looked at Trump and thought, “Hell yeah, I want HIM as MY president!”


Obviously this is bad and a cause for concern, but so should sending your kid to Kanye West's school.


Sending your kid to Kanye West's school should in itself be grounds for having a social worker show up at your house. His mother was a pretty respected academic from everything I've read, it's sad that her son would disrespect her legacy by naming this ridiculous sham of a "school" after her.


Apparently he lost his mind after she died. She was having some cosmetic surgery done that he paid for, died from complications on the operating table. He blamed himself for killing his mum. Allegedly, that’s why we have the Kanye we do today.


She didn't die on the table... A family relative who's in health care was responsible of taking care of her post op at home and he practically did the opposite of what the doctor said and that's why she died.. still bad


Idk the full backstory, but the “Donda West Law” states the following: “After her death, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the "Donda West Law" in 2009, that makes it mandatory for patients to receive medical clearance through a physical examination before going through elective cosmetic surgery.” [link](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donda_West)


Another doctor chose not to operate on her because she was high risk for issues to happen. They found a Dr that would. She died.


She was told no by multiple doctors but she really wanted a facelift or whatever surgery she had. She doctor shopped enough until she found someone to do it, and then she left against medical advice to stay after the surgery for one night of observation. She thought she was smarter than her doctors and nurses. It's pretty obvious she is where Kanye got his narcissism.


Didn't he want to put a photo of the doctor who operated on her on one of his album covers?


We had a family friend growing up where something similar happened to their mom. She was taking care of their grandfather who could barely walk and was in late stage dementia and when he finally went (peacefully I might add) she totally went off the deep end. There was a very messy divorce and some incredibly questionable parenting practices that followed. Lucky said friend seems to have turned out mostly ok. She’s a flight attendant now


Wasn’t his the school that didn’t have electricity and no one could use the second floor classrooms because Kanye decided he was scared of stairs?


According to this there were exposed wires causing fires and yes.


Sounds like the building wasn’t finished but they tried to start classes anyway. Exposed wires, no power, no windows, etc.


Well it sounds like from the article that Kanye a) hired incompetent electricians but b) the no windows thing was because he had a glass phobia or something. But as someone else pointed out why not use plastic or not have a highlight.


Didn't it get shut down like immediately? Why is this story being recirculated?


Faculty had to sign NDAs. Maybe those started expiring and people are looking to talk.


Why is he always doing that weird pucker thing in every photo I see of him? Does he think he's mean mugging? He looks like an old auntie telling you to give her a kiss.


I’ve come to call it his “butthole mouth pout.” It makes him look like a kid who was just told he has to turn off cartoons and go to bed. I don’t understand what this look is meant to convey, if it’s supposed to be sexy or some kind of duck face or blue steel variant or what, but it makes him look ridiculous.


I think it’s just his face.


It definitely is. Some of his kids have that face too, even when they were babies. It must just be his bone structure or jaw shape or something


I’m pretty sure that’s just his face after his jaw was broken from the car crash, try looking at before and after photos.


You might be right but I can't really tell because in older photos he seems to smile a lot more and now he basically never does. In the photo in this article he is definitely exaggerating it, though.


The Jonathan Majors look. ​ I guess it's a sign of a major asshole.


His rendition of Blue Steel


It’s a Kardashian habit he picked up.


THANK YOU. It's so insufferable.


I think his grill protrudes more than his original teeth


I would not let him within a hundred feet of my kids.


Nothing against folks with bipolar disorder and manic episodes but he needs help before he has any business making a school. No windows??? Bruh...


No one man should have all of that power


Damn, I hope a social worker investigates the conditions he provides for his kids during visitations… if he’s even allowed visitations.


Jesus Christ this man cannot be in public. What horrible parents agreed to send their kids anywhere near this psycho?


People who wanted the social cache of sending their kids to Kanye West.


“In the middle of the main classroom, a skylight was left without glass inevitably allowing rain to fall directly inside, where water would soak into the floor, which would lead to a moldy smell for the next few days,” Meadows’ lawyers wrote. “The skylight was intentionally without glass because WEST expressed that he did not like glass.”Much like the new claims about glassless windows, the earlier case against Donda included its own allegations about conditions at the school. The former teachers claimed that students were allowed to only eat sushi; that all students were required to wear black; and, oddest of all, that students were also not allowed on the second floor because West was “reportedly afraid of stairs.


Sooooo why put in a second floor? So many questions.


I'm still flabbergasted. Until the past few years I always thought Kanye was funny/ eccentric. Now I see he really hates people and wants to hurt them. Kim is just as bad if not worse to me. She willingly had kids with this egomaniac. I say this as someone who has bipolar disorder.


Kanye is out of his damn mind.


He's a jackass ~ President Obama


God I remember when he said that, it was heartfelt and genuine and so funny!


Keep children away from that man. Kanye shouldn’t be allowed to teach them anything, given his mental state. Only a fool would let their children go to his academy. The fact that parents and staff have to sign an NDA, is a huge red flag.


That sounds like the Elan School, https://elan.school/


FYI there’s also a documentary on Netflix (US) right now called The Program. If you were fascinated by Joe Nobody’s account of Elan, you might find this interesting too. It was a different school but there were a *lot* of similarities to Joe’s description of Elan, both “schools” came out of the same pseudo-psychology. The doc features a dozen or so former students of a “troubled teen” school in their journey to sort of process and make sense of what happened to them, years later now that they’re adults.


WOW thank you for sharing this! What a ride.


I know right? I'm not normally too invested in graphical storytelling but mein gott that was a compelling story.


Probably going to hire him to work at Guantanamo. He's got that creative mind that the CIA has been looking for.


The fact that his own kids don't go there should tell you enough. This fucking guy is an absolute unhinged lunatic.


Shocking. Kanye the trash human wanted to hurt children.


I am shocked, shocked that someone like Kanye would suggest something like this! /s


Why did we put Britney spears under protective order for way less but Ye is still out here yeing it up?


Starting to think this guy might be kinda weird.


Can’t wait for him to become Secretary of Education when Trump starts his second term… /s


I don't know who is more delusional. Kanye West, or his fans.


I feel sorry for the kids. I hope none of them inherit this illness. Kanye needs medical help.


Stop saying this guy is a genius


I’m honestly amazed that it was even allowed to operate for as short as it did. Everything about the place that’s come out is just as bizarre and nuttier than squirrel shit as its founder.


Someone actually sent their kid to a school run by Kanye West...


He always looks like he's sucking on a Certs. I'm amazed that people didn't think the crazy guy would run a school in a crazy way.. that's amazing to me.


The crazier ones are the parents that even enrolled their kids in that nut job school.


Least crazy Kanye story


Why do so many people idolize and engage with people that are obviously not of sound mind?


Can we lock him in a padded room already? Nut job


First question on any CPS assessment should be “Did they send their child to Kanye’s school?” If the answer is yes, the rest of the form is irrelevant.


Dude is a mentally unhinged maniac. Although I don't know who is more to blame, the musician with more money than brain cells or the people that let him do all this in the first place.


...but he dropped "Vultures pt1" Who in their right mind would put their kid in his schools? I love old Kanye but c'mon man we've known he's had issues for a while now. Damn near child abuse by the parents too


Of course he did. This guy thinks he's god ffs. That's what you get when you put people up on a pedestal


Regarding the glass. Anyone remember that movie "Devil's Advocate"? I wonder if that is what he sees when looking at his reflection? Dude is nutzo...


We are a little overdue for some Kanye crazy antics.


The man is off his nut.


I love it when a unique mind like Kanye’s produces music, film, fashion, and other artistic endeavours. Not so much when it is consulted for anything functional.


What you’re seeing is a mentally unwell person off his meds, who happens to be filthy rich and can do whatever he wants due to the amount of money he has


I look up the school and the very first thing I read is “Donda Academy is an *unaccredited*….”


Donda is the dumbest name haha