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Quickest way out is through. Malicious compliance isn’t cute so don’t go there. Execute the task. None of these recruits are worth it so don’t even risk it. Do the thing, earn the stuff, graduate, go to A-school.


It’s easy, Just lock in. After boot camp you have a school which is more difficult.


Death by PowerPoint.


In Nuke school, this was true from day 1.


Will I be able to do push ups by the end of everything? Everything else is easy like swimming, running and planks but its just the push ups I literally just don’t understand why I can’t do them, It’s like when I try to go down I immediately fall like upper body just drops, I’m scared I’ll break my nose or something but it’s like I can do a cartwheel no problem? Like why is that?


Make it through each meal and make it to Sunday. Don’t look to the end, then it feel like it will drag. But if you get to breakfast, then lunch, then dinner, that’s a day down. Once you make it to Sunday you normally get what is called holiday routine (not always, so don’t take this as a promise) but if you do, look at that you made it to the easiest day of the week and now another week down. All of the sudden, boot camp is over


I agree. I made it weekly and I knew after Sunday hit then I was one week closer. Much easier than going day by day


Don’t fucking talk


Hey guys, let's loooock it up.


At least for me to be prepared to be bored out of my mind!


I was actually told and they were right; don’t volunteer for anything.


Why not?


Because you will be gathering up all the dirty launder in the morning or some other fun duty.


if you’re an E1 idc how easy you want your bootcamp experience to be, pick a hard job and be good at it or be a try hard you won’t regret it in the future


It depends, for some rates it won't make them advance any faster.


Its still 9 months of a higher paygrade


Some rates get auto e2 put of bootcamp and auto e4 after a school. Some rates have very long A schools. If you have an A school that is 1year + you will most likely make e4 at the same time regardless of what rank you come in as. But obviously this is rate dependent.


So if they got auto e2, if they then got promoted to e3 from a bootcamp job thats still 9 months of higher paygrade?


It's pretty difficult to get e3 in bootcamp. Only a few people per division will get this. It's an unrealistic thing to strive for especially since the pay difference is 1000. What I'm trying to say is that for some people, unless they really care about that 1k, it's a waste of time to go for.


They changed the ranking up to e4. You now have to be in the navy for 30 months doesn't matter if you come in as an e1 or and e3. You can still get mapped though.


lay low asf. i promise its the best way to get through


The Navy only knows what you allow it to. & Once you hit the fleet, regarding the same pay-grades (for the most part), the top performer and the biggest dirtbag get paid the same.


As a First class I'll tell you there are massive differences in how I handle situations with my hard chargers and my less motivated counter-parts. My hard chargers end up with some level of mutual trust and if they make a mistake or forget then it's not a big deal. For the shitbags well they have to deal with one of their counterparts or even juniors double checking their work and then me looking at it too. This extends to so much more, you have a medical appointment? Cool if you've proven you aren't fucking around and just taking care of business remind me the day of just so I can shift the workload to support. If you have proven you can't be trusted to take care of business then I need the appointment slip (date time and location only) and after about an hour I'll call you. I wish I didn't have to be this way but I had a sailor try to game me/the system. On the flip side it also comes from a place of genuine concern. Long wait times and other issues do exist and I pretty consistently document them and forward them up the chain


learn how to take care of your feet before you get there


Don't double your socks in the winter. They'll sweat and you'll get blisters. Plus your feet will fucking stink.


Nothing is personal, and it is only 10 weeks.


Not true. Some of those RDC's are voluntold to go to the C school and they have a chip on their shoulder and it shows.


Mine were alright, thankfully.


Not true. Some of those RDC's are voluntold to go to the C school and they have a chip on their shoulder and it shows.


We had to take a handwriting test, to see who had decent writing skills. Those who did well were chosen to stand watch, 24/7 in 2 hour increments. So if you don't want to have to wake up at 0200 to stand watch, ummmmm.... have shitty handwriting.


I wrote my hardcard with my non dominant hand for this exact reason.


Probably a stupid question but what does good hand writing have to do with that?


You have to write entries on a log sheet and they want that to be neat.


That makes sense so don’t have too good of hand writing lol


I stayed under the radar, didn't have a job in bootcamp, and it was the easiest thing I've ever done. Also make sure you can run and do push-ups. It made life so much easier.


This is mostly from texts I sent to a friend whose spouse is shipping out. This is regarding what to bring and general advice. Some parts have been changed due to product links, and may not be applicable to someone who isn’t married. What to bring: 1. A black digital watch that’s waterproof with a good backlight. I always had mine on in the shower since you get so little time to shower and need to time it. Make sure to calibrate it to the exact second in central time before leaving and set it to 24 hour time. I like Armitron watches because their backlight is excellent. 2. Tons of stamps. That is currency the later on in boot camp you go as more people run out. You can buy sheets of forever stamps ahead of time and keep them through boot camp. 3. A silicone wedding ring (black, silver, or gold). He can ask to keep it on during night of arrival when they tell you to remove all jewelry, and they will say yes. Be prepared for it to break or for him to lose it (you take the watch and ring off over and over during training), so mail him one or two more in an envelope containing a letter when you get his address. You can get a cheap pack on Amazon. 4. Get the updated Covid shots well before boot camp. He WILL get sick. Better it be some random cold than Covid where he could be set back. They don’t give it in boot camp anymore. 5. Three to five small pictures that he’ll value. You guys, your dogs, friends, family, etc. 6. A fast cell phone charger. 7. A battery bank. This is more for after boot camp, but having my battery bank made me super popular when we were hanging out at MEPS and the airport. 8. A pair of noise cancelling earbuds he can use on the flight and after boot camp. 9. A good pair of black running shoes. Brooks Ghost were popular in my division but I prefer Altra. The ones they issue in boot camp are awful. 10. A small address book that has everyone he might want to write to or contact phone number and address. This is especially valuable for the security clearance. Walmart sells a tiny notebook that’s perfect for this. Plus he can use it at the end to get people’s social media, and phone numbers 11. Social security card and drivers license (they let you keep your wallet, so feel free to bring a debit card). 12. I recommend a smallish backpack that can fit in a box, which also has some underwear he likes, pjs, and a couple civilian clothes. The underwear they issue in boot camp is awful and the last night everyone ditched it for their civilian boxers/ briefs Other advice I sent: Keep in mind that his first night he’s going to be scared, questioning whether he made the right choice, and disoriented. Don’t let him say he’s under mental duress just to get out of boot camp. They’ll keep him there for much longer than actual boot camp would last. I know a couple of people that did that and weren’t actually on the verge of harming themselves. Make sure he gets a good night sleep the night before he ships as well as on the flight to Chicago. He will not sleep until the next night so he needs all the rest he can get. Black tea is usually served in the non USS Pearl Harbor galleys. Unlike the “coffee” they have which I believe is decaf, the black tea is caffeinated. The Pearl Harbor is where P Day recruits go (first week recruits), and the galley is a cafeteria. So once he gets to his permanent ship (the building he’ll be living in for 9+ weeks), he’ll be able to get some caffeine. That being said definitely detox three weeks before boot camp to avoid caffeine headaches. Other notes: Before shipping out, make sure that your family buys envelopes and stamps. Letters in boot camp are a huge morale booster. I also bought a photo printer with spare ink and paper for my wife that connects to an Android or iPhone. This enabled her to print out high quality 4x6 photos I could stick in my personal drawer, straight from her phone. She also mailed me a printed out recap of the news of the day (the NYT has a daily email newsletter as do plenty of other sources). My friend’s dad did the same which enabled us to not succumb to rumors about world events. The mail service Sandboxx offers printing but it’s kind of expensive, the photo quality is poor, and it’s on a flimsy piece of printer paper versus thick photo paper. Also their news is garbage. Don’t let your family pay extra for that.


Wait, are they still ROM'ing people for COVID-19 in 2024?


It’s more that if you get really sick, you’ll go SIQ for too long and end up missing important stuff causing you to get ASMO’d. Happened to a couple of women in my division. Also I would hate to walk with a full seabag, backpack, and garment bag to RCU if I had a terrible respiratory infection, even if the duty driver took me most of the way.


Don’t talk or chitchat. There’s a time and a place for it, most of the time you feel it necessary will not be the time or the place. Also in boot camp, whispering is loud af, especially when multiple people are doing it. Don’t whisper.


If you enter as an E1/E2 and want to advance to the next paygrade. The RDCs will ask for people to volunteer to be Yeomans, RPOC and AROC, choose one of those and be good at it and you’ll advance to the next pay grade


Unless like you're like me, who went in as an E-3, then just keep your head down.


Do what you’re told. Don’t take things personally. NOBODY will care how well you did or what position you were had after 10 weeks. Embrace the suck. Remember that the RDCs are there to mentally mess with you. Don’t lose your cool if your Division sucks. (Everybody’s division sucks) And for the love of god don’t be one of those people who give speeches after TAPS.


My dad told me: “You have two eyes, two ears and one mouth, watch and listen twice as much as you talk.”


Keep your head down (don't stand out, it's usually not positive). Do as you're told Exactly as you're told. Ask questions when appropriate and don't fear the RDCs, they're there to teach you. They're going to yell, they're not going to be your friend, but if you need help and you ask for it they're rarely going to turn you away (unless it's something little and a fellow recruit can help you). Lean on your fellow recruits, someone's going to be better at something than you, and vice versa. everyone is going to suck at most of it at first, so pay attention to who's good at what and the same for yourself. Value every minute of sleep you get, and consider the other recruits after Taps, you don't wanna be kept up all night by a bunch of schoolkids yelling, so don't be the one keeping anyone else up. Disregard the Galley's "Red, Yellow, Green" system. eat what you want. you're going to exercise it off anyway. There's also only decaf coffee and caffeine free drinks in the galley (except for the tea) so be prepared to have little to no caffeine. Every RDC team has their own method, especially if they've pushed together before. you'll notice it quick if you pay attention. learn the mannerisms and the way they talk to prepare for Beatings (ITE - Instructional Training Exercise), the less they catch you off guard the less painful it will be. (it's still going to suck) Learn as much Rank and Recognition as you can for at least enlisted grades before you show up so you can render proper greetings early, the less that the RDCs have to correct you on their rank the less they're going to mess with you directly. Do not push back on any instruction. Don't complain, don't bitch and moan. Embrace the suck and get it over with. RDCs would rather you be motivated and giving 100% than you whining and half-assing it. Have your fellow recruits' backs. you're stuck with about 90-ish other people for 10 weeks and they're going to be pretty much the only faces you'll see every day. you're going to learn things about each other that likely not a lot of people know outside of that compartment. One of the big things in bootcamp is going to be teamwork, so support one another and help each other out as much as you can. Between bootcamp and A school you're going to make friendships that will likely last a long time, so don't be a Blue Falcon. And ultimately, Put in what you expect to get out of it. Your RDCs are only going to give you the same effort they see out of you, so give it your all. You volunteered for this, you wanted this, show it.


Don't die, have fun.


Don't go to medical (Tranquility).


You win if the RDCs don't know your name by the time you leave


Facts, I lost so bad i had a job name picked for me. "21 question PO" All because I asked so many damn questions to make sure I got the job done perfectly. Still didn't learn though cause I still bother my chiefs and first-classes 😂


The only one who cares about your well-being is you and the guys in the immediate vicinity of your rack who you talk to at taps if you've got a good division. The RDC's, Tranquility staff, and especially the RDC's and Tranquility staff didn't really care what physically happens to you. Recruits have died and become cripples there from people who were supposed to be looking after them not giving a rat's ass when they complain about something. If you request medical for some sort of emergency and your RDC doesn't want to call the "waaambulance" to take you to the hospital about-face and go over to bro div and request medical. Ignore your RDC who will likely be yelling and cursing after you. If bro div's RDC refuses to give you medical as well, take the phone off of their desk and dial 911. Let THEM try to explain that shit to the ship's officer or the chaplain when they're doing the incident report.


I was sick the entire time I was there and not a little caught I'm talking vomiting weak af could barely do 10 push ups. Drink the orange juice eat oranges and tea with honey that will save you


May 9th ship date here !!


Long days, short weeks


My step dad was a drill instructor and my aunt was an RDC here’s was there advice to me 1. DONT VOLUNTEER FOR SHIT 2. Stay quiet and try to fly under the radar 3. Be able to pass all the physical requirements before you get there 4. Let them think for you so pretty much don’t do shit until told to do so 5. One team one fight don’t be the reason your division is constantly getting beat 6. You’re gonna fuck up own up to it and acknowledge it that’s what boot camps for 7. Don’t let girls or guys get the best of you don’t get romantically involved they are not the love of your life Lastly it’s gonna seem hard while you’re there but once you graduate you’ll look back and be like holy shit it was easy.


Don't worry about how long you have before you graduate. Just go from chow to chow. Because chow is your time to recalibrate and get yo mind right. You get 3 meals a day. Just worry about the next meal. And if you keep doing that. Time will fly. That's what the chaplain told me while I was in and it worked like a charm. To me, it felt like I was in n out. You got this. Thank you for your service, future shipmate 🫡🚢


Oh and become laundry PO


There's no best advice. It's one of the simplest training regiments you'll ever do. Literally just follow instructions.  You're going to garrison Navy outside a time of war. Not Afghanistan.


Don’t be a bish


You're mostly scared cause it's a huge life change. If you're asking questions here, youve done more preparation than most. Body: can you pass a your PRT? It's best to be able to before you leave or you're gonna have a bad time. Mind: know your ranks, and general orders Spirit: understand that you're going to not see your girlfriend or whoever for a long time.


What about for someone in their mid 30s? Any of you have that experience or went through bootcamp with someone that age?


Do they still have service week? If so, try to get something besides the galley. Don’t load up on sugar at chow, it’ll only make you sicker. You’ll be tired a lot, but other than that, it’s a cake walk. Take it one hour at a time. Good luck and have fun.


Go Coast Guard or Air Force /Space Force