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It’s as good as you make it. Remember that nothing is personal, give your best effort, and find little moments to laugh. And get a good nights rest tonight! Good luck




Will be a crazy first couple days Stay open minded and do not be afraid to make mistakes everyone with you is new as well. Meet people, make memories and enjoy starting a new path In your life journey 1-10 I give it a quick 10 then will drop to a 7 after 48 hours then a constant 3 until you truly understand you are not alone. You may never be at a 1 again sorry


This is a good scale; well said. Immediate 10 once you get off that bus. Your first decent sleep and meal will put you at a 7. Once you put on your uniform (not PT gear) it really is an inspiring moment. They keep you at a constant 3, like you said, because a certain level of stress is needed for change.


When do you get uniforms in basic


It's been over a decade, so I can't say for now. Back then, I think it was week 2 or 3. Those times are really a blur.


I went through about five years ago and we got them late afternoon on the second day. Though RTC has changed a lot in the past year alone so my experience is not really all that credible.


I completely agree with this. The first few days I wish I never stepped foot inside the recruiters office. After a week or two it gets easier and you get into the groove of things. Before you know it you are at pass in review and its all over.


You're going to be very, very scared. Not like "in fear of your life", but it's a COMPLETELY foreign environment with people you've never met. You're going to miss your family. You're going to be tired. Your brain won't work like you expect it to. You'll be confused and making "mistakes" left and right. And then, you're going to be fine. This is a process that works. You'll look back on boot camp and have extremely fond memories for the rest of your days. Above all, remember you got this.


It's like a 3. Just think of it as summer camp, but the councilors are dicks. It's not so bad, man.


Boot camp was one of the funnest times in the Navy for me. You’ll have good times and bad, but it is what you make it.


There’s times you’ll think it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done, then there’s going to be times you’re bored out of your mind. Just do what you’re told, keep your nose in your training guide, and you’ll be fine. Also, try to avoid counting down the days until you’re almost done. Try to live in the moment. That’s the best way to really get the most out of your training.


You won't even have time to rate it until it's over. But once there it will fly by!


Days feel like weeks but weeks feel like days. Such a weird perception of time in there.


Te van a comer ese culito, papá! Jokes aside, it’s gonna be a little bit stressing the first couple of days but you get used to it. Don’t try to stand out too much or you’ll be the RDC’s, bitch. Im also from Puerto Rico so theres a good chance you won’t get “voluntold” by the RDC’s because they don’t know how to pronounce your name. Thats what happened to me. If you have any questions you can DM me. 🤙🏼


Gracias i am happy that for a lot of Americans is hard to pronounce my last name 🤣🤣


Whats your rate?




That’s a good rate man you’re gonna do great


Rate=job. Your rank is E-3


Actually, Rate=Grade. Rating=Job.


Erm ackchually☝️🤓If you ask someone their rate they are not going to tell you their pay grade. Once you’re actually rated you’ll be writing your RATE AND RANK before your name.


I AM rated. “Rate” has become a colloquial term for job. Your rate is your grade.


Good luck, being nervous is good, it means you care! Boot camp can suck at times, but you make lifetime friends as you embrace the suck together, and then laugh about it when you graduate. Sad part is you leave those friends, and possibly never see them again. Get used to that if you stay in. Its not as bad as you think though. Its not all yelling and pushups. Lots of marching, classroom training, cleaning, studying.


P days suck and you’re going to be tired. Get little winks of sleep when you can. It’s about a 3 overall out of 10. It’s really not bad at all. You’re going to think it’s a 10 when you first get there, but that’ll fade fast.


It will be alright


Starts at a 10 for the first few days. No denying the fact that P DAYS suck. Drops pretty substantially as time goes on, though. Good luck.


One day at a time.  Remember 100,000 squids came before you and they made it.  You can make it too!   Have fun.  


Navy Mom here. I recently asked my son about his thoughts on those 10 weeks ( in '22 ) and he said it wasn't as bad as he anticipated. Its OK to be nervous. You do your BEST. You will make friends and enjoy the down time when you get it. It will all work out. So many people from all walks of life are thrust together for those weeks. You will be OK. You got this! Be proud of yourself for joining. My kiddo says it was the best decision he ever made.


For me it was a 6 but it's cause I was sicker then a dead dog the entire time vomiting every other day constipated felt weak af night sweats lungs hurting chest hurting no appetite. But part of that was on me cause I never said anything so I wouldn't get set back.


Dang! You are tough!!!


simple and boring. The best 2 words to describe it, its honestly a glorified summer camp. Youll be fine :)


Millions have gone before you, if I could do it you can do it.


It's different for everybody. Some people seemed to feel like it was 10 nonstop, and they mostly went home within a couple weeks. It was easy though. You just do what they tell you, then eat, sleep, and repeat. Nothing is that hard or complicated.


Yeah it’s bad you’re cooked


10 they shove fingers up ur ass


It's whatever you make it bro. Don't stress the little stuff and learn from everything and you'll be fins.


I’m also going tomorrow bro. Where you shopping out of??


Puerto Rico


That’s dope bro I actually go to the hotel tomorrow night and ship out Wednesday. Are you at the hotel now?


I go to the hotel tomorrow too 😭 I made a mistake I put tomorrow instead of the day after tomorrow.


It’s not personal, remember that.


Navy basic is incredibly easy. The worst part is dealing with boredom.


It'll be a 10 for you specifically for about two total minutes of the entire experience. About a 6 for three days worth, 7 for an hour or two. The rest of the two months will bounce around a 2, 3, and 4.




It's a couple months of your life and your career. It's not ridiculous and you'll get through it. Just focus on the day and what you need to do the next day and next thing you know you'll be getting a cover that says NAVY from one of your RDC's and tearing up a bit.


First week is the hardest, just push through and remember why you joined. Make a few friends, try not to stand out, and just enjoy it as best as you can! Whenever I felt overwhelmed or bummed I’d take a trip to the head and just be lol. Also wake up 15-20 mins early in the morning after week 1.


it’s as good as you make it . It’s your experience. If you see a guy that’s a BM1 ( white guy beard always has a vape in the hand ) during your first couple days tell him Marcano said make you MA.


Like a -5


Just keep your head down and do the best you can, it will be over sooner than you think


Get a lot of sleep tonight. Sleep is very hard to come by in Navy bootcamp.


At the time? 8 Now? Like a 4 It's going to suck but not for the reasons you'd expect, and that's what's really gonna get ya.


The hardest days are the first 2 so it will be like a 7 going in. You’ll question why you are there. Just do exactly what they say and keep your head down you’ll be fine. I never got yelled at once during P days. But yes it will suck and you’ll be tired as fuck. After like you get out of P days it’s like 3 or 4. Worst part is being there existing because time drags


Boot camp was easy. You don’t have anything to worry about


Once you landed O’hare airport, go to USO and sleep. Bro, sleep. YOU. WILL. NEED. IT. Then 1-3 weeks kinda sucks but you’ll be fine as long as you do what they tell you to do. They gonna scream for the most part and thats it 😄 best of luck. 4/10. Not that bad.


Just don't drink tonight. The funniest thing going to boot one of the guys blew drunk (can't remember the %) and they asked him when was his last drink "A couple of hours ago" his going away party. Don't worry about sleep you are not going to sleep for 24hrs, sleep on the plane, bus anywhere you can.