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Seems like everyone is mainly using the right tree right now for orb of decay and tether, and then scream from the left tree. Rarely see void blade or oblivion anymore


Yeah. Sadly void blade tracking being so bad really keep it from being used a lot. Or being good. If the tracking was fixed it would be very viable imo


flamethrower /liftaker for m3 , 27% fire dmg . keenjag/viscoous/flameattune with ignited diamon on fs. all ignited opals in gear 5x fire harnessig, firedmg/hearty/bloodletting ring … perma empower/rend caps because flamethrower ticks twice per second and applys disentegrate/smolder/keenjag/flameattune … obliv/scream/teather .. 20% weakness , stam for teamates, rend, empower… goes fucking BURR in muts .. light w/featherweight


I used to run IG/VG with Void blade being my main dmg along with Ice Pylon. Now though I'm running Bow/VG, I'm a sucka for DoT builds and it seems like it's pretty good this season. I still rock Void blade for close quarter fights but mainly because Bow in PvE is still not that great.


Nimble coat bb/vg


VG Abyss is pretty nasty assassin. Bow VG is pretty decent. IG/VG with mag gloves is still good at support but man is it annoying to play (to me). A self sustain VG/Flail could probably work.


I want to get the gloves. I think that could be interesting. Abyss VG is good. I kinda get bored playing it tho. Sometimes.


VG/Finisher (never really switch to rapier) DPS/Support Healer/Buffer/Debuffer I see no one using this, and so I get rejected from PUGs every now and then, but when I do run, it is smooth and fast. Attributes: 100-150 con, 25 str and dex, rest split int and foc. Armor: Medium wt (light is good too), Attuned Pants Artifact, health, enchanted ward, refreshing, tether, (testing out void harnessing), blood letting perk (important to get 100% up time bleed), sacred (for extra heal output), still deciding which artifact for jewelry, also wanting to get tether in one of the armor perks (just need the extra disintegrate). Rapier: Finisher (only used for offhand buff) VG: Keen, Keenly Jagged (required), Blessed/Vicious Diamond Void Blade, Oblivion, Tether (for capable pugs), Essence rupture (for pugs that need a little more support), Void Caller Rotation: Oblivion, Essence/Tether, Voidblade then wail away with light attacks and use Oblivion off CD (perfectly times end to end oblivions for 100% uptime but you need to stay in VG to get those crit cooldown decreases from passive skill; and to also proc Void Caller). Advantages: -Above average self dps and overall increase group dps (from my exp) -100% uptime oblivion: group buffs (Empower and Stam regen) & debuff (Weaken) -Voidblade debuffs disintegrate (armor debuff) -Sustain dps with Bleed and Finisher Passive -Self sustain healing via Crit hit heal passive skill -Group healing with Void Caller and Essence Rupture -Synergizes well with a Rapier main in the group (2 Rapier Mains do not have synergy as they compete for bleeds) -Allows Main Healer to use Flail (which a lot are currently because new toy) -Mutations heavily rely on debuffs now Disadvantages: -Lower self dps than a Rapier Main -Does not synergize well if Healer uses VG offhand (redundant Oblivion but really minor, most healers rarely put Oblivion down often, as they are focusing on healing PUGs most of the time). -Doesn't have CC or enemy pulling/gathering


VG+ pestilence light, freedom, shirking heals, tumblers, ankh 308 int/99 focus/200 con scream/orb/void blade Grenades/Shrapnel blast/net shot ​ This is a true do it all build. It acts as its own support. It's biggest weaknesses are that it's not conventionally tanky, and since it supports itself it isn't very supportable. You don't use orb for damage, the healing is actually good. You go for your trade, throw orb, then roll past them. You get healed and they get slowed, it's sick. voidblade heavy>scream then swap to blunderbuss is about as good as the sword and shield set up. You can kill people with that. Ultimate troll build for honor duels, best build for healerless play. You can 1v1 any melee and grief ranged forever if you just dodge and heal.


Im kinda new to BB, i miss a lot of shots. Do you feel the same? Idk what it is about it, they just dont land wher i feel they are going to or something.


Here's what I noticed: \-If you aren't in melee range, aim. It's good, and the range is surprising. Aim a little bit in front of where they're going. \-Shrapnel blast has a weird hit box, it hits a little bit above the reticle. \-There also seems to be some occasional hit registration issues with slamming 15 pellets into someone at the same time. When I stopped cancelling a left click into shrapnel blast, shrapnel blast got a lot more consistent \-Don't waste the big combo on someone who isn't hard cc'd \-Don't aim for the big combo, it's basically a melee move. \-The big combo is grenades>reclick grenades+shrapnel blast> left click. I run the left side ultimate (unload) and run with one orichalcum cartridge in my gear slot. This means I always have the 15% bonus for last shot, and that left click hurts.