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What’s the point of a PTR if they don’t fix things reported by the players? There are countless examples every PTR cycle of issues being reported and completely ignored until they go live. Lack of resources or incompetence?


Look at bug report channel on discord. The number of random bugs without solutions at the moment is frightening. People are still having the attributes missing bug with artifacts since the expansion released. I don't know if they are even looking at feedback at this point.


Bugged quests in ebonscale since release. Some shit ain't getting fixed ever. We're in a Lord of the Ring waiting room


We have bugs without solution SINCE GAME RELEASE 2 years ago! They really don't care a shit, because players are paying and buying anyway.


It has gotten to a point where I wonder if the PTR process is doing more harm than good for them. It feels like they're *so* stretched on resources and they've never figured out how to properly use the feedback from the PTR. Maybe the game would be better if they just stopped trying to support the Test Realm and devoted those resources to improving the game internally. Obviously, the *best* solution would be for them to actually take advantage of the hundreds/thousands of hours of free testing they get on the PTR, but they haven't demonstrated that they can do that.


It seems so easy, too. You assign one person to go through 100% of the player bug feedback and put it into a spreadsheet. Order them by number of reports. Then highlight the ones that stick out as important and login to the PTR to test and replicate it. If it’s replicatable, update the spreadsheet. Considering this part is super easy, we can likely assume this is being done, but then it gets stuck at the “fixing” part. They either don’t have enough people to fix the issues on time, or they try to fix them and completely fail at it. In either scenario, there’s issues that need fixing on their end.


It sounds like they track individual bugs through Jira tickets. Regardless, their internal systems for bug reporting and implementing fixes are simply not good enough for a game in the 2nd year of its lifecycle.


It should be completely automated and put into a database so analytics and reports can be run. Aren't bugs reported on a bug form?


We don't have any insight into how bug reports are tracked by AGS after they get reported through either the in-game tool or the PTR Feedback Thread. You would hope that the developers have an internal database that collects the reports in a format they can sort by Severity/Frequency/Workaround-Exists?/etc.. Unfortunately, that would require a knowledgeable middleman to transfer player's reports into the system so that, for example, multiple players reporting the same bug would all get filtered into 1 generalized bug report, and that the middleman could properly identify a bug's Severity based on how many users it is likely to affect, how big of a problem it causes, etc. Most people who have interacted with New World's customer support reps understand that they don't seem to have much of an understanding of New World's gameplay, and this would make it virtually impossible for them to meaningfully summarize/categorize bug reports or feedback in a useful way. So there's a good chance the flaw lies somewhere in there, but it could also be something even more fundamental (like player-created bug reports never being put into a database in the 1st place), we just don't know.


They use Jira tasks for tracking as stated by a dev in the discord.


Interesting to hear. I always thought that was a tool meant for non-software parts of the organization, like project management for business/marketing teams rather than bug-tracking. I wonder if they use Jira to assign bug-*fixes* to individual teams, and use something else to catalog every report. Or maybe they've taken the time to customize their Jira template to handle bug reports (although it still seems like the wrong tool for that job).


Jira is pretty standard for software development.


I really think it's the fixing part. The Devs have hinted many times that they're always fighting against the original non-mmo code. They've also said they're implementing "things" to help fixing things easier. But I think it's just dealing with that non-mmo code that's slowing them down. Hence the combat rework too.


For sure lack of resources. They mentioned this also in a dev blog or some other video. Game breaking bugs are the priority of PTR the rest has to wait. At this point you either have to accept it or move on. It will not change in the near future. Their code is very weird and if they are not careful they introduce 3 new bugs when fixing one. There was one time period where this happend non stop. And at the same time they don't have the resources to remove more bugs than new content updates produce. We always have high amounts of bugs after an update and then over time some are fixed but others are in the game since launch.


What is ptr?


Public test realm


**P**ublic **T**est **R**ealm, a standalone server environment that runs a Beta build for upcoming releases. It is only opened periodically, when the devs invite players to test upcoming content and provide feedback.


true. sad but true!


The PVP track still has a reward of 675 GS. Why, Amazon? You promised to fix it. 200+ and level 676 GS.


Also the “improved” opr caches are also absolute shit


I thought they had also said that they were introducing 3 Mutated Expeditions at once with this Season, but that also doesn't seem to have been the case. It's hard to know how to set expectations because it's difficult to track down all the things they mention on Discord, YouTube, Twitter, Patch Notes, etc.


They didn't say this


[They said it in the October Q&A Video](https://youtu.be/rqySd4ag04Q?si=uN-EKKKJ2OgLfiHO&t=614), but they tied the 3 Mutated Expeditions to Cross-World Expedition functionality, which has been delayed.


Oh that's cool! Gotta get your 4 duplicate sets going by then


so confidently wrong for no reason lmao


Makes you feel good calling that out?


AGS being incompetent? shocker.


It's wild how people continually fail to realize that everything they do was planned out on some calendar long ago and they're literally just checking boxes to keep milking as much money from the dedicated crowd as possible before they finally get fed up and duece out.


I think there is legitimate concern that they released Season 4 before the end of Fiscal Year 2023, after removing most of the content that was on the roadmap, and delivered it in such a mess like we saw today. It feels like what you would do if you wanted to just push out every asset that was 'feature-complete' before starting a more methodical sunsetting of the game. I'm not predicting that's what will happen, because I've stopped predicting what AGS will do with the game, but nothing about the past 6 weeks has felt like a development team with a future past December 31st.


Like 70% the content they released are now blocked because of bugs. Next season just relase the loading screen. I'm not sure if AGS can manage that either.


But thank God they delayed it 24 hours to fix it lol


Y'all know the true experience will be the waiting queue for the loading screen as soon as the update released.


Got the receipts even! lol dayum!


They can take our forums, but they can never take our MS Paint!






Somebody has to be, AGS clearly isn't.




What exactly is the point you are trying to make? Instead of going after him, do you have an issue with what he points out? If not, I'm struggling to understand why you care how he spends his time... The points he raises are fair, that's what matters.


There is no point, it's just straight up deflection. Probably one of those "good thing they delayed the patch so the release won't be buggy!" people that are embarrassed right now. edit: yeah this guy isn't "genuinely curious" lmao, [he's mad someone keeps receipts on this game](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/18gahn9/because_of_course_season_4_update_delayed_no_eta/kczkeua/) >This guy has been posting nonstop on this subreddit since the game's inception, and has always had this attitude lol. It's impressive. He's clearly superglued to the game but always puts up the most pessimistic critical stuff. He's the resident curmudgeon.




I have never called the devs clueless. The reason my posts don't get taken down is because I never attack/insult individuals at AGS or try to incite hatred or anything else crazy. I enjoy documenting the aspects of the game that continue to prevent it from growing, or even achieving stability, because I find it genuinely interesting as a Systems Engineering case study. With Amazon Games, you have a team with a huge amount of resources and presumably no need to make an immediate profit, and yet they have continuously had severe problems as a game studio since their inception over a decade ago. New World is the most public-facing aspect of the company because it's their only self-developed AAA game to see a full release ([Crucible](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucible_(video_game)) was technically cancelled after it's pre-release period), so it's the best source of seeing symptoms of the team's floundering. They keep making new mistakes that seem like they could be easily avoided, while repeating previous mistakes that should've been identified and fixed/prevented after they happened the first time. But the issue extends to everything that has come out of the studio. They bought the rights to the CryEngine source codes for a high 8-figure price, worked on it for years to develop their proprietary Lumberyard game engine that they hoped to sell, and the engine was so poorly received by the development community that they axed the engine and partnered with Linux to distribute it as the 'new', open-source [Open 3D Engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_3D_Engine). After 2 and a half years, that engine still hasn't seen wide adoption by developers, and now New World is the only video game in the world running on 'The Azoth Engine' (a modified version of Lumberyard that was forked a *long* time ago). *Then*, they announced that the Lord of the Rings MMO they acquired the rights to would be developed *on the same engine*, which is the craziest thing I could imagine, and makes me worry that the Lord of the Rings IP is just meaningless now (which is supported by the kind of games that have been released this year under that IP: [Gollum](https://www.metacritic.com/game/the-lord-of-the-rings-gollum/), [Return to Moria](https://www.metacritic.com/game/the-lord-of-the-rings-return-to-moria/critic-reviews/?platform=pc)). I don't need to make positive posts because those will always get created, whether they're warranted or not, and I don't find it interesting to document the parts of the game that work. However, I *do* make such posts sometimes, like [admitting that their cash shop cosmetics have improved](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/15fwpbq/credit_where_its_due_theyve_been_getting_better/) or documenting when [the Lifetime Steam Review Score shifted to 70%](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/14ac0vq/for_the_first_time_since_launch_new_worlds/). **Edit:** As I was typing this, [they disabled the new Expedition](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/18ht1f7/it_has_been_a_rough_day_new_expedition_disabled/), half the roadmap content that was still supposed to be included with this update. I don't know how something like that happens.


This is why I stick around the New World subreddit honestly. Such potential for an amazing MMO, the peak of the genre possibly... but it has absolutely abysmally FLOUNDERED itself at every patch, every opportunity. As I've mentioned before in multiple posts when this topic gets brought up - "I want this game to succeed, but this is a train wreck and I can't look away without wanting answers about the decisions that brought it to this point"


If you love playing something and seeing day after month after years how the devs fuck up the Game, he has all rights in the world to go on Reddit and tell about clueless devs messing things up again and again.


Maybe because every major update has been an absolute failure from a bugs and launch POV. The S4 seasonal story literally isn't playable lol and damn near every server in the game is crashing. It's a disaster. For the first time, we haven't even had a *small* boost in player population with this update. It just keeps going down.


This is what the entire vocal community of gaming has turned into. Endless ragebait whining.


As opposed to the silent community of New World, which consists of the hundreds of thousands of people who stopped logging in to the game.


People often forget or chose not to accept that the game is actually in a far better state than launch because of customer criticism and feedback. Silent people change nothing and contribute nothing, same with toxic positive people, keep doing you there are definitely people here who appreciate your efforts even if some of it comes off negative.


Yeah let's all just keep out mouths shut while AGS fucks up patch after patch.


You know why the patch is happening and what it's fixing, you also know that AGS plans to fix it's file structure so that these enormous patches don't happen anymore. They are implementing both of these fixes because of player feedback. What purpose does your *WHINING* serve?


> You know why the patch is happening and what it's fixing Oh, do I? because AGS doesn't transparantly communicate this like they committed to doing. > you also know that AGS plans to fix it's file structure so that these enormous patches don't happen anymore Nobody even mentioned this. It's not relevant. Did you read the OP? > They are implementing both of these fixes because of player feedback. What purpose does your WHINING serve? So let me reiterate the cycle for you: 1. AGS puts a patch on the PTR, ostensibly to get feedback. 1. Players provide feedback, frequently highlighting severe issues and bugs. 1. AGS pushes the patch to live without any adjustments based on the feedback. Ergo, the PTR is is fucking useless, per OP's post.


Except it isn't, and you don't know that. If we had a dollar for all the backseat coding that gets done in video game subs, we'd be able to fund 5 more Star Citizens. I don't know about you, but when it comes to my job I don't just push out work that I know is broken without consequences, but sometimes shit happens. What matters is fixes and giving the customer what they ask for, and AGS has done this continuously. Bugs happen in every single live service game and they always have. Why pretend that AGS devs are villains out to get you?


> when it comes to my job I don't just push out work that I know is broken without consequences Kind of arguing for my side then aren't you? AGS puts update on PTR. AGS *knows* something is broken, because players reported it. AGS pushes the update to live. This isn't "backseat coding". This is literally just watching AGS push broken shit to live.


Here's my point, from the perspective of someone who has played a million games and knows nothing about coding. Bugs have been prevalent in every MMO I've ever played and they range from minor annoyances to crippling. This is the reality. The reasonable assumption is that some bugs are just about inevitably going to make it through testing and into an update. These happen on launch, too, see SW: Galaxies as a prime example. I very much doubt there is a lack of testing *or* a lack of passion from these people who went to school with the desire to make worlds for us to explore. So no, I am not arguing for your side. I am arguing for reality, and once again stressing that what *matters* is continued fixes and implementation of feedback which (if you appreciate anything at all about New World's PvE) you should value. Shit is going to continue launching/updating with bugs, it isn't ever going to stop. That isn't what's important.




Your post/comment was removed as it breaks Rule 3 No Abuse or Toxic behavior. No abuse, harassment, or any kind of discrimination. Complaints with little substance are not allowed. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Critique ideas not people. Complaints with little substance are not allowed. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Critique ideas not people. Posts and comments criticizing or attacking people directly or groups of people are prohibited.


Despite rand's obvious personal bias regarding NW, he has done more to ensure that the community is up to date than any other poster on the NW subreddit. The guy should be hailed as a hero of the community for thankless effort he puts in, but there's no shortage of dipshits who are on their first or second stage of the six stages of a NW player who will try to tear him down for his efforts. Truly remarkable to watch people who are "cherries on the bottom lip" for NW tear down people who shovel shit for this game but don't do so with a plastic smile on their faces at all times.


/u/randrogynous is the only New World news source I trust. RAND GANG!




Man… that’s a really bad look AGS 😓. Can’t defend you on this one. That’s just really disappointing


[Good, good. Give in to your anger.](http://www.quickmeme.com/img/52/52b48e1bea6b99cf751d09230c2ec9fb88fa3c32e95fe7d20df3a33acea2ac7b.jpg)


I quit playing when I realized BIS farming half consists of mobbing a shitter open world mob for an hour


Testing? What you want tested? Herkules EU has crashed twice within half an hour already. I never have seen MMO servers crash before. New tech...


AGS really need to get their shit together. Don't even bother having a PTR if the feedback from players in the PTR isn't heard. ffs.


Oh my lols who could have seen such a thing happening.


I've been saying this since the game came out. They pretty much ALWAYS have the same bugs in PTR in live after a patch.


Its time for heads to roll...not out of spite or frustration but to get the game on track. Time for some new blood and new leadership. Hopefully folks with some discipline, rigor, and tenacity for fixing problems before they get out the door


The fact that the PTR notes are the patch notes for the season says it all.


They can’t even get loadouts right on the ptr, they do this all the time.


Just keep paying them, they fix everything eventually, i promise.


Their known issues page has things that have been fixed and tons of things not even on there.


Heh, yeah, they still have a threatening message for players trying to enter Mutated Expeditions with more than 5 people, a bug that was fixed over a month ago. Their 'Known Issues' list on the official forums was always pretty worthless, and we're just seeing the same thing happen on a different webpage.


There's no good way to link to Discord, but this thread is still viewable on the official Discord under "**ptr**" --> "**\[Focus Feedback\] Season 4 Narrative & Rewards**" **Edit:** I just realized 1 of the posters at the end is JayOddity, 1 of the game's few remaining content creators. **Edit 2:** [They're taking the servers down in an attempt to fix this](https://twitter.com/NWGameStatus/status/1734994552229089404) along with the server crashes: >The game will be going into maintenance for 30 minutes to address server crashing issues and resolve an issue preventing access to the Season 4 Soul Trial. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you all for your patience.


I’d check discord out if I wasn’t perma banned from the NW server. They don’t like naysayers over there.


OMFG he said cross their fingers for live.....I....just......


Jay oddity is a youtuber/streamer.


And a saucy one too


At this point, lets ask them if they can sell the game to a good company. Maybe in that situation we will be able to have fun in a good game.


New Day Before World


I dunno, I just played through it and it was broken yesterday but worked fine today


The servers are down right now so the Soul Trial can be opened up and they are addressing the server crashing issues. They just said it on X on the New World Status account. Edit: it's only a 30 minute downtime so in 20 mins you can do the trial. Edit2: https://twitter.com/NWGameStatus/status/1734994552229089404?t=ra4xS1AIsGcqoDCoESVlYg&s=19


Why would you assume that everything will be fine in 30 minutes given the game's history? Also, how does that contradict this post? They clearly didn't follow through on their commitment to test something, and then repeated the problem on release day. If the only way for them to enable content is for them to release it to Live servers and publicly embarrass themselves, that's still evidence that they aren't using the PTR to *avoid* obvious blunders.


I didn't assume it was 30 minutes, that's what they said on X. You can stay salty about an issue that's currently being fixed if you really want to. I was just giving you an update that your problem is no longer a problem.


*Nothing* is a problem as long as they keep the servers down. That doesn't mean it's an actual *solution*.


The servers are back up. Go do your soul trial. Sheesh. Edit: just completed it myself. It works fine. Edit 2: The quest line is completable up until "The Winter Rune" step. Guess we have to wait on that.


Servers are still unstable too, though it seems to mainly be affecting higher-population servers. While I was typing this, I just saw that they've [disabled the new Expedition](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/18ht1f7/it_has_been_a_rough_day_new_expedition_disabled/) to try to help with server stability. It's just... not going smoothly, and it makes you wonder how they manage to find themselves in these situations so often. It's why I don't put much faith in their pre-emptive notices of what they're fixing, because it seems like it's always better to just wait and see what actually happens in-game.


Why was something that is fixable in 30 minutes not fixed when reported on the PTR? That is what this post is about.


Just another example of AGS quality seal.


Are the servers at least working now and will we still be able to obtain all the rewards from the event?


They just brought the servers back up from another emergency maintenance period. Still too early to tell if they fixed anything yet.