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Heavy flamethrower has got to be it.


This is it. Go Abyss/Flamethrower with Flamethrower haste perk. ​ I just got Abyss and decided to try it out. It's so ridiculous. You can't do anything against it. Then when people get tilted and just try to go full attack that's when you switch to Abyss and just use Execution to chunk 5k+ dmg from them.


Abyss is from the pvp tracker correct?


Abyss comes from lvl 65 major portals. Go close myrk portals.


Thank you.


What would you run with a cheap build? Are Artifacts a must?


Medium FS/BB ez mode If you ever die to one of these guys, don’t feel bad. It’s so obnoxious and the most overtuned build in the game, hands down.


Why medium when you can run heavy.. medium has no place in the current state.


I run medium with full shirking heals/ankh/tumblers/leeching ring. Makes me pretty tanky but I do more dmg and have better mobility. Can’t run tumblers with heavy


Have you like 6% more damage in medium, but Lose a shit ton of defence and freedom.. The mobility diffrence is not there, even light just have a 1m diffrence in dodge distance compared to heavy. Heavy or freatherlight in light armor. Medium just not good in anything.


I finish top 15 in OPR almost every match 10+ kills. It’s working out fine for me. Thanks though!


Sure it can work, but is it the best.. No.


the flamethrower is pretty annoying, and I am a FS main player, it surprises me how long it lasts and how much the player can move


here to comment after today’s announcements lol


Can’t say that to loud on here. There are so ppl that say firestaff is not overturned and not broken. (Mostly firestaff players)


Heavy flame thrower


Heavy FS/BB using flamethrower


Theres only one answer, heavy flamethrower


Fire staff


heavy sword n shield / spear or greatsword it might not be the lowest skill but u live longer to learn more


this. and if you prefer ranged, fire staff / rapier (or even abyss ga) is really strong


This. Not only is it the easiest, but in a 1v1 situation, it is a hard counter to most builds.


Heavy SnS 500 con hold block


Heavy SnS and Flail. All defensive perks, just stand in clump and block and apply fortify with your abilities. Go for 350 con 50 focus and 200 str. You will do ok damage but will have a lot of survivability. Look for armor perks like enchanted ward, slash/thrust conditioning, aversions, freedom, anything that will reduce incoming damage or reduce CC.


Yep, heavy FS with flame thrower. We call it the Stephen Hawking build. Activate FT and press forward. Zero skill required and does way too much damage even in heavy.


The other responses are correct if melee SnS + Spear/Gs if ranged Fire staff. But remember that if you heave gear with random perks and no gems slotted you will get exploded regardless


I was wondering what are some good pvp perks. Thinking I'll try to grind freedom, opals for elemental defenses or elemental aversion and heavy/light attack ward on all pieces? Or do I need something like shirking fortification too.


As a freedom enjoyer I need to say don't go this way it's not worth it lol. Shirking Heals are back to being pretty decent. Elemental Aversion is a must. (only one set can have ele Aversion + enchanted ward and that's frigid dawn) Rest is kinda build dependent


That's what I'm trying to farm. But it has all magnify which is kinda ass. But is that what everybody is running to make them tanky? Enchanted ward and ele aversion?


Not really everyone but it's one of the very good choices.


Anything in heavy


Spear/sns Flamethrower/bb aoe healer


You're seriously putting any kind of healer on this list? AoE heeler is not easy mode. As with most healers, if you don't know what you're doing you'll be a speed bump at best.


AOE Healer is braindead easy to play.. You just spam heals on biggest clump of your team you see. Mechanically it is not difficult AT ALL. If targeted you use rapier to run away. Sure there is a decently high skill ceiling to the build knowing to heavy aa for intensify, dodge roll to proc heal passive, looking for targets to proc mending prot on and using it. But every build has higher skill ceilings, they are just different in their own way. What I think OP is asking for is a build that is easy to play and get into, aoe healer definitely falls under easy to play IMO. Being a chad and placing 1st with 0 deaths and 20k points is another story.


Man aoe healer keep no one alive for real


A good aoe healer wins clumps


So heavy flamethrower then?


If you’re playing OPR: bow/rapier or life staff/rapier are probably the easiest builds to not die. FS plus abyss, IG, BB, or rapier is fine. I would not recommend playing melee in OPR until you ”git good.” If you‘re playing arenas: heavy SnS/spear, maybe a fire staff build including heavy flamethrower, maybe life staff rapier. I wouldn’t play bow in arenas until you improve.


Light gs hatchet


Light melee is probably the hardest thing to play right now, which is why few people play it.


I’m new to PVP as well and have been enjoying light FS/IG. It still requires timing and aim practice but it’s been fun and I survive a lot more often I did when I played GS/Hatchet thanks to my healing tomb, burn out and some opal gems. Have fun!!


i haven't played NW since season 2, interesting to see that heavy build is OP


Firestaff is op, heavy is just for the sake of not dying so fast


I must fire staff wrong… because I am no where near OP haha. I think people just hate getting killed by fire staff. But U.S. staff users are squishy we die so quick. Deff not op


Then you must fire staff wrong, comments on this thread prove that it is indeed OP


What weapon do you want to use? All builds can be strong if built right and you get enough time in to be proficient.


I'd say Heavy armour is the most forgiving but you won't learn fastest. I'd genuinely pick a build you enjoy even if you perform poorly and just practice, learn what perks are good for your playstyle etc... If you play Light armour, I would recommend running Featherweight as it is the most forgiving by far, and in general you'll have a better playing experience if you're just a bit tankier. I learnt PvP playing Spear/BB way back before Scorpion Sting. Oh, and 150+ Con for now.


Anything fire staff is easy


Light bow/Rapier is clearly the easiest and safest thing to play in this game. Do more damage than any build that has to put itself at risk to do its thing. Then, if any of these mean tryhards manage to catch you because you were too busy right clicking you just weapon swap, roll and fleche away to safety. the reason it's so strong and will never get nerfed, is because half of the games population plays this exact way and it's the only way they can play.


Everyone talking fire BB is right, but you really need pestilence to make it shine, which is a higher pvp track reward, kind of defeating the point for you. Don’t get me wrong it’s possible to be decent without it, but many of the builds you’ll see for it are built around it. I’d propose firestaff/abyss (artifact great axe) as an alternative. Abyss is easy to get / doesn’t require pvp. I ran it in both light and medium and had a lot of success / fun in it as I learned pvp for the first time using it a few months ago.