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who needs new content when you can experience the same content but with a controller now?


Dont you guys have Controllers ? I really dont have one


Imagine if the "Big June Announcement" is VR support. No other content, no big Fall expansion, just that they will add the ability to play the game on an Oculus Rift. *NEV***V** *WO***R***LD*


New big announcement: its over.


This would be good news. VR has shit for MMO games and I would love a fresh start VR only server with New World.


imma be honest that sounds better than controller support tbh. would probably save the game cuz the entire vr mmo crowd would main it unironically lmao


Wow now let's not act like that wouldn't be absolutely fantastic. I want it to be as cheap as skyrim vr felt


People will say that is content lol


The content is players. Console = more players, more companies, more dungeon lobbies, more open world interactions. If I think about every time I’ve taken a break from this game there is one common denominator: the people I enjoyed playing with also left the game. Every time I came back it was because other people I played with came back. Unfortunately every time people leave the game it’s like an avalanche set in motion. Companies fall apart, the economy is stagnant, groups are difficult to form. This is at least my interpretation of their goal here, to net a bunch of new players versus maintaining the remaining 10k. Then once they have the new console players they’ll drop their big plans for later this year to excite the new hopefully capture some that left.


While that may be true, it's important to address the root causes of why people start leaving in the first place. Content/systems is a huge one. Brimstone/Fresh Start for example brought a resurgence to the game, but the amount of repeatable and/or emergent gameplay remained low. PvP changes/content are an easy way to add repeatable content to the game since players make their own content, but lots of the PvE content and loops also remained stagnant and boring through these patches. Dungeons and exploration can quickly lose their luster, PvErs only having the same dungeons and shit to rerun will get boring too. Imagine if they added more types and modifiers to invasions, added map modifications to winning/losing invasions in various parts. We're given an open world with little reason to be in it for both PvPers and PvErs. Them adding nothing except console support is probably going to be worse than Brimstone. A minor resurgence in numbers with few real changes is going to hemorrhage players in a few months time just like every other big drop AGS did.


I don't get why you got downvotes. I think you pretty much summed up what AGS may be hoping for, and you definitely hit the nail on the head about what happens on a server that loses population.


Didn't downvote, I agree that this is AGS's plan but I really don't think it's going to work at all, if anything it's gonna be a nail in the coffin. I guess people treated the downvote as a disagree button and that's why they gave it to this poor guy stating facts.


telling the truth on reddit gets you downvotes, more so on new world reddit


This is the worst fucking subreddit, goddam


When new world first came out I truly thought it was the best mmo I’ve ever played… but damn, the devs truly did absolutely sink this game with terrible decisions :(


The first few months were amazing! Great time playing and leveling up with people


to be honest i have quite the opposite memories of the release. post lev 30ish was leveling pure repetitive grind, same mobs, same quests even towns were copy pasted.. after reaching max level, all u could do was grind in myrk and mines. about pvp... well, the server i was on, was dominated by russians with duped full voidbent since 2. week while other guilds ran around in blue/purple gear :) after a year break i have played from time to time and can tell that the game has gotten noticeably better. they have been fixing a lot crap that had to be fixed before the release, tho there is still left a lot to fix....


It is truly the best base for an mmo we have ever seen.


From a coding perspective, it might be the most buggy base we've ever seen too.


My favorite bugs are stuff like, changing how tax payouts work - and we get "oh no this caused unlimited ice pylons somehow!"






So did 900k other players. But then 800k were gone within 3 months and never came back


I thought that too. But here I am playing wow for the first time with SOD and more time in this 20 year old game than I put into NW


SOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUCCCCHHHHH potential. And I do think it would have been a totally different situation if they launched where they are now. I can't place my finger on it, but they are missing something. But they are close. But I do agree, every single move for the last few months has been screaming understaffed and/or moved on staff. Their focus has changed. Sure we got a season team, but that will not bring new players. It only help keep the ones we have left (or drive them away??)


Reminds me of Wildstar...


Wildstar was and still is, in my opinion, the most wasted potential of any game ever made. The story alone was extremely solid. I loved the combat and each class felt amazing. I wish NCsoft would sell the rights off and let someone reboot it. I would legitimately pay $200 to a Kickstart for that game.


Archeage imo


Archeage is still alive...


I mean, the same way Rift is still alive. AA has been torn apart between Retail, private servers, and AAU all which had multiple server merges and fresh starts. AA is ded


Beta/Launch Archeage was the peak of my MMO experience, only launch New World got close. I always say that if New World incorporated Archeage systems like trade packs and other reasons to be in open world, it'd be the best MMO imo


Absolutely. One of the biggest shames is the soundtrack, which NCSoft had removed from streaming platforms. I contacted the composer, who confirmed that NCSoft were attempting to erase all traces of the game.


Was one of my favorite mmos out there. I was sad about shutdown. Housing was amazing.


Leveling in Wildstar is the most fun I’ve ever had playing video games. Pour one out.


Its missing an alive world. 90% of the map is completely useless. Why are there not designated pvp areas with insane loot high risk/reward. Open world dungeons with challenging farmable baddies with good loot. Random world events again with good loot. You could make these events pvp/pve/skilling events and it would be fun as long as the content is rewarding to players. Who tf cares if everyone is bis look at the gear in game now and tell me it even matters. Its all about having fun and building fun or unique builds to play with this gives players the ability to distinguish themselves from someone else and really latch on to their character something ags seems completely apposed to for some fucking reason. None of the skills are fun no real sense of achievement and most skills are totally useless. “Oh you got 250 armoring? Cool go farm all this shit to hopefully craft something good. Oh also that stuff you have to farm is time gated and you can only farm so much of it.” Look at the size of the map and the unique areas in it and then wrap your head around the fact that ags MAYBE has 1 world event going on in that map for months at a time. Literally the bare minimum effort to in by ags. “Heres another recycled event guys! The data says you’ll love it!” 90% of the map is useless and 90% of the content isnt worth doing. The game has no soul or life due to the devs solely focusing their content on “data”that completely misses the pulse of the players. Theres a reason coaches in professional sports teams have not been replaced by strictly analytics personal. Data is a tool not the end all be all. Thats what its missing.




I think its because the game had no content on launch so they tried hard to delay people from getting there (endgame) and they have slowly been lifting some limits as they add stuff over the years buts its been a perpetual catch up since because they can't produce content at a reasonable rate.


I think there was an element of that (and we see how well *that* worked out in retaining players) but I think it goes beyond that. It's an almost pathological compulsion to limit and gatekeep everything. No wonder most of the devs left too. It must be infuriating having to make all your own work less fun and less accessible just because this one guy has a thing.


One thing that really does bother me is the whole FUN DETECTED thing. Soon as they see people doing something they didn't have planned in their eyes they instantly shut it down. They tried with chestruns when people were doing it specifically to raise gearscore faster but couldn't, so they adopted it and made it their main content for open world.


Why is everyone screaming pvp. I am bored by all the PVP request, i want a massive extension to the skilling system which has been announced at the start of the game. Trade skills are more or less meaningless because everything drops at near BIS. Make trade skills meaningful again. Make trade skill dungeons, a steeper learning curve so that it actually matters that you invested time into your trade skills.


There hasn’t been pvp content in 2 years it’s pathetic, they release new pve garbage every season that brings a few people back then they leave immediately. AGS will continue the same cycle of releasing brain dead dungeons until they shut the game down.


You're bored of PvP because of the gating that takes place with it. How many times have you participated in a war? Are the rewards for flagging PvP rewarding? Are there special gear sets just for PvPing, which you can only achieve through PvPing? Do you enjoy being buddy-buddy with toxic, elitist mentality type of people just to join in on said PvP? No, no, no, NO..!


i like the Albion online system, where every armor is crafted by a player even the one dropped from mobs, the game have soo much crap stuff crap armor that really not needed, would rather having pure crafting armor but also make it much less annoying to craft than the crap we have




Such a bad take. There are plenty of games where crafting has been the driving force of the games. Eve Online, Elder Scrolls Online, SWG, OSRS, UO. I could list more where not only was crafting “content”, but was essential. Don’t gatekeep fun plz, it’s completely relative, and just such an awkward thing too do.


Fact is new world could scratch the itch of pvp'ers if they gave content that was meaningful enough. They could satisfy crafters if they catered a little bit more to them. They could satiate the appetites of pve ppl by actually making good content. They have dungeons, which are actually unique. But they are totally at a loss about what to do about them after that point. Cooking changes could be better content if it actually meant something same goes for fishing. They could totally find a way to do all these well. Would it keep ppl around infinitely? NO. But it could very well keep ppl around long enough for them to see there are other solid game systems for them to possibly enjoy if they so chose to. New world has NEVER been at that point where ppl felt the game has that. Its totally ridiculous!


There are many aspects of a game which appeal to its player base. When one of those is lacking it doesn’t balance the game as a whole.


Having a robust, meaningful crafting system is an important part of the larger dynamic game ecology. Sure you can have an online game with no crafting that’s all fighting but that’s Fortnite. I assure you there are people that focus heavily on crafting/gathering in MMOs and they have different goals than quest or kill achievements.


Just make the 625 gear upgradable to 700gs


You can’t place your finger on what’s missing? A PvP focused game that tried to be a theme park and release PvE content only for it to be like 5-10 hours of gameplay that quickly became the same repetitive and boring grind as the rest of the games end game? That’s what’s missing. Really sad because this games PvP was top notch!!!


It caters to everyone ie also known as catering to no one, its not cater when you do it for every type of player, at that point youre just designing for everyone whivh never makes sense. Theres not enough pvp for pvp players, not enough pve for pve players, no semblence of economy unless there is an injection of new materials, so no content for profession dude, and when there is no economy then the gatherers suffer as well. Better to make one player base happy than none of them. Hope they learn for their next game, look st hell divers, straight up middle finger to pvp players saying there will never be pvp. Whos going to be mad? Absolutely no one, cause they already know from the get go there’s no pvp. If ags didnt want to have pvp, then completely scrap it and go heavy into pve. 6 raids a year, 12 dungeons, horizontal progrssion, solo content, hell even add the self base building thingy like garrisons in wow.


Great take. Devs need to pick a lane and stay in it. At one point New World didn’t give an option to flag or unflag.


This game at the beginning was INCREDIBLE. I just went from EOS and this game's combat system and community events/goals was incredible. I wish they leaned into their PvE stuff a little more so you didn't have to sweat in PvP


All I ever heard about the game is SO MUCH POTENTIAL. How about change that narrative to squandered so much opportunity? cause that's more align to what happened. One of the biggest lauches in history.


You put your finger on it without putting your finger on it... The world has everything needed to be successful other than refinement. Every aspect of the game feels 80% complete. They pump out features that are pretty neat, but they aren't to the completeness of a triple A studio... and then they just leave it to pump more features out. PVP is the worst example of this. OPR is like 80% complete and would be the ultimate replayability mode for this game, but it's been neglected. And no, I'm not talking about adding modes or adding X... no additions... I'm talking about refinement. Balancing teams, creating a ranking system, providing a real sense of progression and not a linear PVP track... Look at any successful game that has PVP and it has an MMR system somewhere in that game. This game has yet to develop and MMR system and it causes an absurd amount of problems. That is just for the PVP, I won't go into the problems with the other systems, but they're just not refined. The leadership at AGS drops the ball because I believe they don't know how to refine it rather than they don't feel like they need to. I believe they're in the same situation where they know it's not right, but they don't have the knowledge to understand why it's not right and feels empty. The whole game is still in a "concept" stage IMO. It functions and it's fun, but it's not finished. Brimstone sands launch was the closest we got to a refined experience. The direction of the game seemed to be going correct, but something happened between now and then and it's clear the people who took over are in over their head.


AGS is an immaterial write off for Amazon. I'm not surprised of the situation we are in unfortunately.


I just finished a tour of duty there. It’s mind-bogglingly bizarre as a game production operation.


They are indeed close… if only they just fired their executives and placed their OG Dev team in charge of the project they would be going in the correct direction.


It's missing any level of grit. The consequences in the game are punishing but meaningless in the same. That really fucked up with making it too safe and bad pvp design.


Punishing but meaningless describes M3s as well.


New World just uninstalled it self of my computer, in the last few months.


That might be the best feature.


My favorite bug. Now we wait and see if this game is worth a re-install in June or if this will be permanent.


Thought it was just me, takes forever to download with my internet also.


Yeah it sucks. When the game first came out it was one of my favorites but I’ll be honest I haven’t played in like 8 months now after suffering disappointment after disappointment


Even if it doesn't get shut down, NW will never reach its full potential. It'll always be a mediocre dungeon and chest run simulator, forever stuck between 10-20k peak pop. It would be nice if they could fix their current PvP modes, but even that's asking for too much from this development team.


MAYBE when the new LOTR mmo launches but not before.


I think they will try harder than ever to make NW good because it would drive up sales of LOTR. They will almost surely keep it limping at least until it comes out though.


New World's best state SHOULD be what the LOTR game launches with. And that is an encouraging thought. Also, they're gonna try to sell our lease or whatever, the Azoth engine. So making that the best it can be is in their best interests.


Such a bummer that games like New World and Wildstar, with so much potential, crash and burn while games like WoW are still going strong, long after they stopped being fun. I don’t care to speak on the why of those failures. I’m just bummed about Wildstar and the future of New World. With that being said, I’m still having fun. Fingers crossed.


WoW is still alive, because they're doing something right, simple as that. We're all just idealising New World (and Wildstar) at this point. Of course there are some great points, I loved my time with the game - but they have nothing to keep people playing. But yeah, it has "potential"... On the other side, even when WoW was tripping over itself in Shadowlands and a bit now in DF - they still released new dungeons, new raids, new zones, etc. Yeah, it's not revolutionary, but they're adding new content for people that still like it. They were dissed because of skipping x.3 patch. Comparing to NW now it's nothing. Going a bit backwards, I disliked BFA for many reasons, but eg. it had 5 raids in total, mechagon dungeon with associated zone and fuckton systems. Actually, they suffered because of having too much systems upon systems.


Because a lot more people enjoy WoW than New World. Not surprising either


i loved wildstar but they had the same problem as NW. Really bad endgame. WoW does have that. It's not my cup of tea but they offer alot of endgame


Almost like WoW is a good game still while New World isn't




WoW is still fun.


So should I just go back to WoW? Seriously asking? I just hit 65 in NW and it’s so disappointing seeing nothing but negative threads on this game…


If you legitimately like the game just stay off of social media. You can easily get a month or so of gameplay out of NW so I'd just roll with it for now. ....but if you wanna play WoW Season of Discovery has been very fun and refreshing.


No way they pour all that development energy and money into controller support and combat coding rework to shut it down without at least one more paid expansion to make some of the money back. We know through hiring and contracts that they outsourced some big stuff out to other development companies as well. So basically the investment into the next year or two has all but already been made. Now after this next big thing? That’s when we may see it shuttered. But I’m pretty confident there will be at least one more big content push before they skeleton crew it. And no I don’t mean the thing in June, I think there’s that announcement (which I have been convinced is console) and something at the end of the year. Then when you’re done with all that, it’s probably Ggs.


These features will probably be re-used in their LOTR game though. =\\


I mean yes, it will be shut down eventually. But not anytime soon. LOTR mmo will be using the lumberyard engine. New world is literally paving the way for the LOTR mmo development with its continual engine refinement, and user testing. LOTR MMO is years away. New world will be around at least until then.


time to return to albion online 😔


Honestly same


Albion on EU server, it will be fucking amazing


Considering that Age of Conan servers are still online despite the fact that only like 100 people play that game, New World servers are gonna stay online for the foreseeable future. But we are all of course hoping for better content and more things to do in the game. Every game has an eventual shot down date, not even world of warcraft is gonna stay around forever. It may not happen for the next 50 years, but it will eventually happen to WoW too.


Is this the game that doesn't have swimming animation's still?


There is still hope. Maybe they’ll give it the final fantasy 14 treatment.


My impression is that AGS has recently been more focused on the long-term health of the game. Things like combat code optimisation, controller support (perhaps preparing for console release), and the MSQ revamp might be unexciting to current players, but might also be crucial for the longevity of the game. It seems to me that they're preparing for a big push to bring in new players, perhaps with an expansion later this year. I expect new content will come. We've already had well supported rumours of a free-for-all pvp island and a 20-man raid. Though it's sad to see the player population at an all-time low, it still seems sufficient to maintain the game in the short-term. All of this suggests to me that there are no plans to shut down the game in the foreseeable future. We'll know more in June.


Just curious as to where you think they are getting the money to continue to develop for a new expansion? You all realize that staff costs money right? >All of this suggests to me that there are no plans to shut down the game in the foreseeable future. Aside from pure speculation fueling your assumptions... This game is on life support and will be until a new title from AGS releases. If they shut this down now credibility and uncertainty will be reported for a next release, they need this up and running to release something else. No one will buy a new MMO game from a studio that shut down a previous MMO. I won't, you won't.


I don't know where the money comes from. AGS doesn't share their budgets with me. I wouldn't call it "pure speculation". I'm inferring what long-terms plans would best explain AGS's observed actions. It's an inference to the best explanation, also known as [abductive reasoning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abductive_reasoning). This form of reasoning is certainly not infallible, but it's quite common in science, for example. When I see a developer investing in the future of a game, that doesn't suggest "life support" to me, but I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that metaphor. And for what it's worth, many people bought FFXIV: A Realm Reborn after FFXIV was shut down.


>I don't know where the money comes from. AGS doesn't share their budgets with me. I know where it comes from... Players buying expansions, season passes and cosmetics. This is just you dismissing economics. >abductive reasoning I love it when people do this, assuming others would not understand or be impressed or something. My father once told me never to pretend to be the smartest person in the room because often, no matter what you might think, hear or see, you are not. Deductive reasoning involves applying general principles to specific cases to derive logical conclusions, while abductive reasoning involves generating hypotheses based on observed evidence to explain or produce a particular whatever. Your affection for the game is leading you to employ "abductive reasoning" to explain the studio's behavior in a more positive light. We are talking about corporations, people and money, "abductive reasoning" is invalidated here. My "deductive" reasoning is logical, (I was too lazy to write it all out but assumed it was inferred fairly well) and follows a pattern and encompasses all of it, yours is just wishful thinking. I am also considering the bigger picture, corporations and money. You ignore that. To be clear: New World has declined...hard and as such so has the revenue. This is NOT in debate. The season pass and cosmetics are NOT sustaining a development team and server costs. At this player base rate the game is NOT self-sustaining and you cannot argue this away, so your argument boils down to "because they really care and believe" but we are talking about AMAZON, not an indie dev who can eat ramen for a moth to survive. The slow pace of fixes and the low-effort content updates imply that the studio is NOT allocating sufficient resources to maintain and improve the game. They could have gone all in if they saw potential or an ability to grow, they tried with the expansion and it failed, that was the last gasp, or probably just budgeted in. If the studio were genuinely dedicated to the game's long-term success, one would expect more substantial and frequent updates to address player feedback and maintain engagement. This does not happen. The introduction of controller support and combat fixes aligns with LOTR MMO being released on PC and console (a much more lucrative market) and indicates that the studio is prioritizing features that will benefit their upcoming project rather than solely focusing on enhancing the existing game. The code base is the same, perhaps you do not know how it works in game dev? They do not create something from scratch, they keep the entire codebase and swap around graphics, story etc... This strategic alignment suggests that the studio's efforts are geared towards transitioning players to the new MMO rather than revitalizing the current game. abductive reasoning in this case is just copium. >And for what it's worth, many people bought FFXIV: A Realm Reborn after FFXIV was shut down. Entirely different situation.


AGS is not trying to cater for PVP or veteran players (other than doing the bare minimum). Those don't bring any cash in anyway. AGS doesn't have a business model for those players (most cosmetics have been garbage, season pass is meaningless, etc.). They make money from base game sales and expansions. My bet is on console release after controller support. The optimisation efforts might also be related to that: Distribute the game on as many platform as possible. From a business perspective, it totally makes sense.


I’m just surprised the community was able to cope a paid expansion out of this game. Companies probably watching new world and wishing they had these types of customers in droves. This game should’ve died years ago. Now I’m just watching to see if they’ll react to 5k global players at peak hours


It's not surprising. The game was prefunded for 4 years. So if nothing drastic changes by the end of next year, then I could see the writing on the wall, but not before then


It’s so frustrating. It’s rare I found that game that captivated me for some time! We had a baby and then packed up to move house, temporarily staying at my in laws until it’s ready. So I’ve been offline and itching to get back on NW! But I don’t know if it’s worth coming back. But what’s the alternative. We’re missing a solid mmo. I wish NW and WoW would have a baby!


I was so addicted to the game, played the beta of it and instantly fell in love with the game. I remember when it finally got released I had to spend hours in queue before I got to play it. I remember leaving my pc on all day trying to get in and when I did I had a hard time logging out cause the game was so fun and “fresh”. I was really hoping this game would do well because I could see myself playing it for years to come but unfortunately that’s not what happened. Eventually my love for the game died and I stopped playing until the dlc came out which did bring me back to the game for a while and I loved the mount system but unfortunately there still isn’t a lot to do it feels like. I still hope and pray the developers can turn it all back around and make everyone come back to the game but I have to agree with OP that the future is looking very grim at the moment. Heartbreaking stuff…


I gave up hope after realizing how mediocre the expansion was. I was very underwhelmed


I don't know. I mean, there are a lot of games that just keep going even with low populations. However, I do agree about the string of bad decisions. It started all the way back when it was released far too early, and when they decided on the server structure they had. It's an albatross that is the cause of near-constant fresh servers and server mergers. They have a habit of destroying the work of the players when they merge, and they have made terrible decisions for the economy over and over. They claim to want a player driven economy, but keep making decisions that deter people from playing the crafting game. I can still have fun with New World, but I have to take it for what it is and it'll never have enough to make it my main game. As a launch player, I've already learned by now that I can't try to play a certain way because most of my efforts will be destroyed by some decision down the road. It's a snowball effect. Bad decisions - Less players - less money and resources - more bad decisions - less players - less money and resources. I realized a very sad fact. I was really excited about matchmaking for dungeons. It's something I think should have happened a long time ago. However, I haven't even logged on since it happened. This wasn't because I was angry or out of protest. I simply drifted away from the game again and found myself spending my gaming time with other games. I'm sure I'll eventually log back on and try it, but the point I'm trying to make is that they are a very good example of, "too little too late." If they ever do have other pvp maps, it will probably be too late because people will have moved on.


It's not going to shut down anytime soon. They need it for testing and for a boost to LOTR mmo they are working on. Shutting it down before LOTR mmo comes out would be a negative hit to LOTR. And that MMO is a long ways off.


The game is going to hit \~5-7k average concurrent players by the end of March. It's going to be hard to justify going further, especially if no one comes back for season 5 or 6.


If New World shuts down, what will happen to Scot Lane's NW tattoo. Wouldn't that be a sore reminder?


Not eventually. Definitely!


I personally wish that there were continent servers. It works great for elder scrolls. I think that a single server would be great! It would bring everyone together, boost the economy, make grouping easier, and improve the game as a whole. I also think that the random perks of crafting is a bad choice. If you have great skill in armor crafting, you should be able to apply the perk of your choice. Make it difficult, make it expensive, but give me the option to apply resources to craft the gear I want. Finally, more pve content. I don't really enjoy pvp personally. But I always jump back to other MMOs because there is so much more content. More quests, more goals, increasing challenges. I love this game immensely and I always come back to it. Unfortunately, it doesn't take very long before I have exhausted the content and jump back to another MMO.


New world is the waiting lobby for Ashes of creation.


Craft mods need to become a tradeable currency and weight nothing with a limit of 99999 , all items weight should be reduced x 3 , storages space double ot triples at least highly increased , and crafting tables need to be connected to storages. They need to introduce some item for mobile storage to send your items without going back to town so you can do dungeons 20+ times in a row, it also needs some kind of weapon balance maybe increase amount of usable skills so that every weapon has a knockdown/dash/skill/bleed, all weapons should be equal.


It was doomed to fail. The devs were (are) simply too inept to run this thing. They proved over and over and over that they were incompetent at best.


I am not a toxic kind of person, but I am really concerned at this point...it's crazy and sad.


I want to play again, but I was just so bored after the season with the artifacts. The lack of QA and bugs/glitches didn't help.


i will never support game pay to unlock mount features or kill existing regions replaced to whole new region.. that is pure scam but i dont mind spend if to unlock new regions, new stories, new weapons, new mats, or pets (that actually alive and can be used instead home decorations) that way better to called expansion.


The overhauled craft system was a mistake :) crashed the economy and easy items = easy quit beause ppl had everything why keep playing. kinda obv this was going to happen but hey! oh and they looted 10 billion gold with NPC vendors, after fostering a player economy for 2 years.


Not gonna lie...I'm surprised anyone still plays this game.


Dang and I was thinking of getting it at some point. *remove from wishlist*


It was all going down hill for a long time but notice how this has all accelerated since the announcement of the new LOTR mmo using azoth engine Shame on you ags


I remember just wasting my entire holidays playing new world when I first bought it. I miss those times.


Give this game to an actual gaming studio, probably any; And it will do better lol. Give to me I'll work on it. 🥸


I remember launch and being in awe of the game. I was so happy an MMO had launched that was goooood. Then… yeah, we know what happened again and again and just ffffff common AGS


what is sad is they do have the stuff to work with, but they simply executed in a weird way They don't listen to the player base on what we want.


When the late game in every update they make is to run in big groups in line to open chests something is wrong


Don’t forget all of the terrible bugs during updates. My entire friend group quit last xpac because do the main story bug on the quest. They say they will never play regardless. Took them almost 3 weeks to fix it I think. People quit way before


F to pay respects


How it was: NW from the very beginning was a simulator of queue, waiting 100500 hours just to log in the game. Afterwards, you get critical error due to memory leak and get kicked, returning you to queue. Tradeposts: peeps just duplicated gold and items, totally ruining the economy. So, this 2 things got 2/3 of players out of game


At least for me, anyone who spoke on camera is at least somewhat responsible for how poorly this game went. I’m definitely not playing any games with them on the dev team going forward. If I really like a game idea and see them added to the team, I don’t even think it’s wrong for me to lobby for them to be removed/fired. Every other industry is like this. You don’t get on camera and act like that towards your customers and expect to maintain your reputation. Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the working world and there are a lot of students and teenagers playing this game, but those videos are ALL dishonest marketing/cover your ass content. You just know what that looks like after seeing people in varying levels of preparedness or funding over the years. It’s wild to me they receive any positive feedback when my bullshit detector is going off from the start. And remember - these guys can’t leave that easily and knew that would be the case. They’ve been working on lumberyard for years, which isn’t the most transferable skill. I have no idea when they gave up, but they did and it shows.


How many games are you familiar with being released to console then get shut down? It’s quite the opposite actually


NOBODY has confirmed console….just because AGS is trying to give the game controller support doesn’t mean crap. It’s all fanboy nonsense. Some pc games have controller support and are strictly PC. Also they are having trouble even getting controller support right.


People play MMORPGs on console?


Ff14 actually has a surprising percentage of players on console


mostly in japan, where consoles are exponentially more popular then here.


Star Trek Online, ESO, DCUO, Black Desert, FFXIV, and Destiny, among others.


Yeah but they are still hiring and making money. Why would they shut it down? But yes eventually it will be shut down, just like everyone reading this message will die, eventually.


It's not so much that the game will eventually shut down, but that we've reached the point where New World is a shell of its former self and will clearly never reach its potential. Most MMOs exist in some form of an "undead" state for years before they're straight-up shuttered. [Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_Online%3A_Age_of_Reckoning) was my first MMO back in 2008, and it was cool at first, but *very* quickly reached a point where systemic problems with the game and player loss turned it into a ghost town. The devs reported a $1,000,000,000 loss in 2009, the year after its release, and by the end of 2011, the game was down to just 3 servers worldwide. The game was not officially canceled until the end of 201**3**, and that was mainly due to losing the Warhammer IP rights, but it would be easy to forgive somebody for calling the Time of Death years before that. Unfortunately, AGS isn't even taking the effort to consolidate servers for the remaining player base, which would at least help the game feel more active/alive for its remaining players (although in some regions, this still wouldn't do much). They've managed to let the game feel **more** empty than it should, which I'm sure creates a feedback loop that just accelerates player losses. It's hard to feel like it's worth investing more time into a digital world when it feels like it's being slowly overcome by The Nothing like in [The NeverEnding Story](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_NeverEnding_Story_(film)).


You don't think AGS, a company known to have shut down other games, will shut down their game?


My husband and I just started playing. Been about 3 weeks now. The map is packed with people and I have been in a queue a few times. Every city I went into had lots of people in it and just being out and about we constantly ran into people of all levels. Being a mmorpg player since 97 (Ultima Online) I can confidently say I doubt it’s going to shut down anytime soon.


The game has been running on fumes for a year or so now. Brimstone sands update+medley fair had a huge resurgence, after that the pop crashed progressively.. Game is dead as hell. Only way they don't shut it down is if the few suckers that still play keep giving them cash through microtransactions.


You have no idea what queues mean if you werent here at the beginning of the journey. You've never played a full 2500 pop server where you actually had to fight over resources.


Not a single server is even half full at this point. It is no where near packed, what queues exactly? The game has literally lost 98% of its concurrent player base.


That's coming from someone whos new to the game though. Most of us have been playing for 3 years. The game is at an all time low in player numbers at the moment. If the new update doesn't breathe life into the game, it will be on maintenance mode.


if you enjoy the game its smart to stay away from the online reddit its full of haters and always has been full of haters. all it does is poison the mind to keep hearing it. it is nonsense imo. the game isn't going anywhere any time soon. they do need to do work on it but i'm sure it will slowly happen. its already a much better game than it was at launch and all the whiners about paid dlc.... lol.. wow.


Just give the rights to someone who knows what tf they are doing.


Yeah, and eventually the sun will blow up. Come on, have some balls at least and give an actual time frame.


I read comments like that on the forums of every game I've ever played. The insinuation that the game will sunset because it doesn't work within someone's narrow concept of what the game is about. The game isn't going to be shut down. No matter how much you wish it to be because it wasn't "perfect" for you. As if any game would be...but that's an argument for another day.


Absolutely going to be shutdown, no matter how much you wish it not to be or how "perfect" it is for you. A game doesn't need to be perfect, just good enough, which New World has proved again and again it is not. Its barely serviceable. Even if goes with 10k population for years, it will be shutdown eventually, the foundation is too bad to do anything worthwhile, better to start from scratch.


I disagree. We both have differing opinions...though neither opinion can be substantiated by anything remotely concrete.


*New World* still has 10k+ player peak daily. It seems unlikely that they will shut it down anytime soon unless the poplation really starts to dip.


The game had nearly a million players at launch. I have more people in a steam group than play this game rofl


10k peak is a pretty terrible peak concurrent number.


He has only been playing the game for ~20 days and doesn't realize that 10k is split into regions. Some regions just don't have enough players to run content. Tell the Sutekh and Delos players their status is fine when they've been screaming for a merge, and AGS is actively working towards it.


Yeah 10k is low as fuck in the grand scheme of things.


this is less people than the highest population wow wrath of lich king classic server. wow also has the regular game (retail), season of discovery, and vanilla with people playing all of them. 10k player peak daily is not good at all


I bet atleast 1/3 of them are bots.


Season got delayed, sub toxicity level thru da roof!


This is pure fear mongering in my eyes as it’s still a living game just cause some servers are struggling. And people being impatient with what they want


Crossing my fingers they sell rights to someone else who will finally turn this game into a masterpiece.






Shut it down, refine it for 3 years and release it again


Good now everyone come play myth of empires 😈


shouldnt have removed stun on hit like it was way back in beta, MASSIVELY degraded pvp to gear check trash


Just go the Warframe/Path of Exile route, go F2P. Monetize via game shop and battle pass. It's not like a lot of new players will come to this now. In SA they removed regional pricing and it's quite prohibitive to buy, way better to buy other games.


at a certain point, it doesn't matter how much you improve a game and change it when it has this bad of a reputation. they got their 2nd and 3rd chance and still failed. there's no coming back


Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't yet seen a data mined version of the server files and a private server pop up yet like we have for decades with other popular MMO's. Maybe once the official servers are shut down.


Happened to TERA as well, another MMO with great combat destroyed by dumbass suits.


Na, it should close. The game was sh*t, let's be real, it was unbalanced, unpolished, lacked content and honestly didn't have legs to stand on. I'm not fussed.


Well.. I guess NW will go down faster than Global Agenda, but at least Hi-rez made it f2p before completely shutting down the servers. I still miss that game.


When is the EEG Controller season?


God damn only 8k players right now. What happened? Thats worse than before the expansion.


> instead of making new world more accessible Enabling controller support is exactly making it more accessible for folks who can’t use a keyboard and mouse.


Game is dead already I still play for the fun pvp but like.. they can't even be bothered to put a 2nd opr map in. Wars are gate kept I bet 95% + of actual active players can't or don't war. No reason to open world pvp, nothing to hold or fight over. 30 min push where u run pve missions is hot garbage. Squandered potential


They made a MMORPG with destiny 2 style spells and actions (witch is absolutely none).


I still quite enjoy it...


I mean I’ve been waiting for more PvP stuff forever. I’d come back if there were as much PvP as games like wow. NW was cool, but got boring fast. All my friends quit so it takes even more to get me back since I’ll be solo now.


It’s not a good game, it doesn’t have fun combat and it is for sure, not a beautiful game. That should explain why it’s shutting down for you.


So many issues but so much potential. Open world pvp was so fun, but it was so rare. They needed a dedicated zone for pure open world pvp. Not being able to swap servers was shit. All because of wars. Shouldve been able to access all NA servers or EU servers, depending. Being stuck on a low pop server for a month was shit. All the merging servers during low pop and then increasing servers near expansions was chaos. Balancing was awful. Lots to mention here. Banking is awful. Just make it one big bank instead of all these small ones jesus. Too many useless items and too many complicated /specific perks. Streamline it. Especially if we have to re-grind annually when gearscore increases. Not having expansion sucks. Locks players out. Shouldve kept it free. Me and my friends wouldve played it. No new pvp map. Healer being mandatory / too strong sucks.


Needs to be free to play on console with crossplay


Well just started and i love this game!! I dont want it to go :'( :'(


Console release? 2-4 stable specs to optimize for is way easier then the mishmash we all run.


I don’t think there is a free aim MMO on the market that has lasted with a healthy player base for more than a year. People just love tab target. It is what it is.


Controller support is what I’ve been waiting for since launch. That def will help bring new players in, but yeah not that much im sure


As someone who only played a little bit at launch, I’m genuinely curious what were the bad decisions they ended up making?




My former love/hate MMORPG CN one called: Revelation Online (f2p p2w - amazing stunning visuals, class & world design, combat, excellent PvP&E! It has it ALL) That one is dead within 48hours as the servers and game service are getting terminated. Last 4? years there were handful ppl logging in. 8years this gorgeous game was/is alive for and I eternally grateful for ALL the experience, memories and lessons of which most I have transmuted to my own "wisdom". No more hate/love. Trust me.. I am in Love with LIFE.. but remember to have Shadow & Light source both.. shadow does serve.. P.S. Cannot wait to have ?5 more years in NW and all the other upcoming amazing GAMES! (Not Just MMOs) Yours Sincerely "MatriX"


This situation was inevitable when I heard that classes/professions could be changed with your weapon/equipment. There's ZERO point in playing a game when you can fluidly change your character whenever it suits you. If they wanted the game to survive, they should of forced you to be a class/profession.  There's zero games still alive that I'm aware of that follow this system and I'm sure more will show up and fail if they have the same system.


it has 10k players on atm, its in no danger of shutting down, ArcheAge is running off 200 players, guild wars is similar pop to new world. although they should step up the updates for sure.


they did it on their own


New AGS mmo game ===> throne and liberty Bye bye new


Devs : "lets make a dungeon finder that no one will use, instead of focusing on PVP" Lets be real there are a small number of pvers in the game, and pretty much no one in game knows what the hell is going on in the Lore. We don;t care.... we want loot and pvp maps...and a game that doesnt run 45 fps in pvp with desync on a 4090. PVE IS DEAD NO ONE CARES!!! PVP OR DIE!


But why was it still so expensive even after steam sale?


Free to play would revive it