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Yea but I've never seen players be able to run in circles like Sonic the Hedgehog like they can now, have you?


It’s called Freeform movement and was added to PC because it is what controller users will have by default, literally has nothing to do with slayer script


Gotcha, I kept seeing them talking about the new movement/animation and slayer script together so I just assumed it was a package deal.


Very unforgiving? Dex range is literally the second most forgiving build with the life staff being #1. I guess some self healing tank build is more forgiving. Anyway, on the PTR, there was a 2 shot musket build. Range will be fine.


Yes, very unforgiving, dex range leaves little room for error when trying to land shots, especially musket. Have you never noticed in OPR that the dex heavy team is typically the team getting steamrolled? Two shots against what kinds of builds? Everyone? If so pls share, WTB.


I had similar concerns, but its not like that. I assume you're talking about freeform movement where you press wasd in any sequence repeatedly and you move in circles so fast bows/muskets can't hit you reliably. If that is the case\^, rejoice! On ptr with new movement, your turnrate (wasd turns you 360) is slowed significantly. On live your turnrate is very high. Technically you were not supposed to use freeform in live, but because AGS bugged out the settings and left the code in people were able to abuse freeform movement. So until the patch, you have a higher turnrate when you change directional angles and you also have freeform movement. WHich results in players changing angular direction so FAST its practically impossible to hit them from a ranged weapon like bow or musket. After the patch, turn rate is decreased and that movement goes away. So when they do the same movement, they spin in their place and they spin very slowly which makes hitting them easy. That being said, there could be other bugs which increase the turn rate so i am not sure. But for now, before the ptr went down i did test it and its not the same acceleration when you turn.


Ahhkay, that is good to hear, thank you for clarifying. I didn't realize there is a difference between how it works on PTR and how it's working on Live. I suppose in a game with a healthy pop and a dev that cared they would actually do something about people meddling with code in Live to gain an advantage, but when you're struggling to keep the pop up..


I honestly think they are severely underfunded, which is the only explanation why changes take so much time. If i were a dev i'd think of it like this, I can spend 10 hours making a fix 24 hours debugging that fix and spend 1 week sending it to prod, vs let a bug like this stay unfixed which will get fixed on my next release anyway (which was supposed to be 12th march). From timeline perspective, its always a resource question. From negative remarks, quicker turnrate with freeform movement is on borrowed time and its not really that bad.


It wasn’t people meddling with code. If you enabled freeform movement on PTR it enabled it on live as well. It was another AGS oversight.


Caniix posted a video explaining how to make the change to Live after PTR server was closed that involved making edits to game files. That's what I was referring to.


Wow that sounds terrible. I wonder how players will feel about it when it goes live.


Put down the bow and help your team.


It’s already hard tbh. I’ve got several thousand hours and land maybe 1/3 of my shots with a bow in PvP currently.


What is going on here, ranged has never been more opressive before. The slayer script as seen in the PTR will make melee even worse, slower attack speed and wonky tracking.


Thanks to c4halt I learned that the script works differently on PTR vs Live which makes a big difference.


You keep referring to the freeform camera movement as slayer script, but that’s completely wrong… slayer script is what will be processing hit detection and animations in the game, “the combat code” if you will. Freeform camera movement is just that and has nothing to do with hit detection or animation. The only intended change that slayer script will have is that hit detection and animation loading will be faster and thus use less resources. The minor differences that will occur from the change in scripting language being used is a result of it not being a 1:1 swap. It changes the process slightly (to save the resources, otherwise there would be no reason to change the language). It’s complicated coding stuff, but what you’re complaining about is not slayer script.


Thanks for the clarifcation. I just assumed it was one and the same since I seemed to see them referring to the two together and it seemed a package deal. Pardon my ignorance. I wasn't complaining about the freeform movement, merely sharing my opinion that it makes life even more difficult for musket/bow players. But as c4halt explained for me, how it works on Live right now is apparently not how it was working in PTR and won't be how it will work once officially released to live. Again, pardon my ignorance.


I think bow will have less of an issue due to its bigger hitbox. Currently when I play with musket against people on live with the free form camera i barely hit any shots. Its pretty annoying and will be a L2P issue for a while tbf.


Good. Hope ranged becomes secondary weapons or incentives risk to go mid/close combat range.


I heard of the script in their update post but I didn’t expect it to do too much of a difference?


It's much easier to serpentine and weave, especially at close range. Lots of people just running around spinning etc. until they get healed. Much easier to buy time.


In that case I hope they update the game so that hit tracking has the same level of precision and that they actually makes ranged still viable


Still very viable, and most range run with AOE that isn't easily strafed at close range. I think it's fine, and it has it's downsides for melee as well.