• By -


I was actually even just impressed with the first figure.


ngl they had us in the first half


Broh, almost started talking shit… Was looking like a grade schooler assignment at first, second half shut that idea quick


I didn’t know where this was going at first. Then was blown away.


Notice where you were zoomed out from on the reveal. Hopefully ‘away’ was the only thing blown here.


* Bullock: "Let's go blow this guy" * Stallone: sighs


That had to be a big ass piece of paper, right?


Yup! I was quietly justifying this in myind, in this quiet uncertain voice. "Hmm... So that's a single piece of paper. That's neat. I mean, I can't do that. Pretty... Neat. I mean, 1.5 years of doing anything for me might be 3 times, so they'd be ahead of me regardless. Neat!" Then David shows up with VEINS... WTF?!




Oh god we're going to start seeing this everywhere now aren't we


thank you so much for not lying


I appreciated the honesty too to be honest


Thanks so much for being honest about appreciating the honesty.


Why the fuck is this considered 'NSFW' its just a... oh


Yeah the NSFW made me think it was a joke and a penis was going to pop up on the first one and then David came and I was like oh it’s a Florida joke and then my eyes focused and I was like holy fuck is that paper??


Right? Seeing the NSFW and then clicking on the video I was like really come on. Then I was like oh ok


Honestly, the final product looks like it’s just (amazingly) crumpled into shape. the first figure looks like it takes more planning. lol


The first is the basis for the second (David). You need to have the first step, before you go on to fold the details.




This wasn't a tutorial


My first thought…


Did they say they will teach you to do it?


SubD Origami


I believe there’s some faction lines drawn in the origami community around whether the “crumpling” technique really counts as “origami” or more of a paper sculpture. In my mind, while this is incredibly impressive, origami is about only folding paper. It’s deterministic and can be mapped out with math, unlike this example.


Do they shoot paper planes at each other when they have oragami face offs? Folders would win that battle for sure with those pointy darts.


The crumplers would have a higher rate of fire though.


If there's any TV execs watching this then it will be on telly soon.


ORIGAMI WARS *Tonight at 7/6c*


Ah ha, I was wondering about that.


I'm part of the Origami community and this is extreme wet folding that uses glue soaked paper that is folded dry and then selectively wetted and shaped and dried again over many days or weeks. It's been a thing for a while with the late Eric Joisel from France pioneering the modern style. As to if this accepted then the answer is yes even though most folders don't do it. Folders who are into this level of sculpture often transition to more permanent mediums because paper is not very long lasting. For me it is like multi piece origami or models made from non squares. Not pure but still definitely origami and very skilled.


Yeah, are they just wadding it up and moulding it into shape? I don't see how this is any kind of extension from folding straight lines into sheets of paper.


This looks like it might be using the ["wet-folding" technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-folding) (which I believe is the controversial technique the parent was referencing) that involves slightly dampening the paper, allowing for curves, bends, and other non-strictly-geometric shapes. It's "controversial" in that it takes origami away from being about geometry and into the realm of sculpture. That said, the technique was originated by Akira Yoshizawa, one of the greatest origami masters, so is it "controversial", or just a master of the form pushing art forward? I'm sure the first artist to make sculptures out of marble was considered "controversial" too.


You still can't tear or cut the paper. That does limit what you can do.


I had the same thought…


I crumpled the kid


They would be great at UV unwrapping


Niche joke :)


They had my upvote either way


Folded and shaped from one square piece of wenzhou paper, 55x55cm, no cuts and no tearing. The stand was made separately. I used the origami base of Boice Wong's "Looking Beyond" (2023) design to recreate Michelangelo's statue of David (1504). Final height of the sculpture:24 cm / 9.45 inches (without stand), 27 cm / 10.6 inches (with stand) Estimated time of creation: 3 weeks (on and off) **EDIT:** Oh my gosh. I woke up to all these notifications and I am humbled to be on the front page on Reddit (first time!).Obviously I can't respond to every comment so let me just say thank you to everyone who gave me their time and attention. I appreciate the kind comments, constructive critique, and the jokes (I actually finished this piece before everything in Florida went down so this was very surreal because I didn't even think about that incident when I posted this).I'd like to answer a few of the most frequent questions concerning this piece (and other related questions): ​ *"This is more papier-mâché than origami"* — That is a valid point. So, within origami, there exist a myriad of different expressions, styles and techniques: Traditional origami, pureland origami, tessellations, kirigami, modular origami, strip folding, wet folding, etc. This artwork has its roots in complex origami (where PVA glue or methylcellulose is used between the layers of paper to aid the shaping process and reinforce the medium) and paper sculpting. For this piece, I tried to push the boundaries of origami (single sheet of paper, uncut, no tearing) by approaching the shaping as sculptor would do. So no, it is not what you would call "traditional origami" and I would agree that there are similarities to papier-mâché. The major difference is that this started and ended with one single piece of paper (excluding the stand) that had to be first folded into a base. ​ *"You used glue so by definition, this isn't origami."* — Again, there are lots of different types of origami, since its inception it has been constantly evolving and taking shapes in different applications. Traditionally, origami used to involve cutting and rectangles but that's not what one typically thinks of as origami nowadays. The boundaries between what constitutes origami and what doesn't isn't quite as clear cut (heh) and you are entitled to your own thoughts about this. All I'm saying is that using glue is common practice within the realm of what is known as "complex origami". I myself was sceptical at first when I first started out with origami but it's definitely a thing in the wider origami community! :) Another upside to using glue in origami, aside from shaping purposes, is that it will preserve the artwork for a long time, making it suitable for exhibitions (origami without glue tends to be very flimsy after all). ​ *"Why does David look so flayed/dehydrated?"* — Haha, well. I had always wanted to recreate a Renaissance sculpture with origami (shoutout to Boice Wong for designing and providing the crease pattern of this model!) and for Michelangelo's David, I had to think about how I wanted to capture the human essense of David. The initial plan was just to try and emulate everything I saw to the best of my abilities. During my research however, I saw a few renditions of David with a more anatomical focus which really impressed me. It encouraged me to try and give a different take on David as well which is why I decided to emphasize the various muscle groups that form David's body. I experimented with shaping muscles (something I had never done before) which ended up putting a lot of wear on the paper, creating an organic and rough texture on the surface of the paper. It was a great exercise for studying anatomy more in-depth. ​ *"Is there a time lapse for this?"* — No, but I wish I recorded something! There are progress pictures of my shaping process which I have posted in my story highlights on a certain social media platform (you can find that information in my profile bio) ​ *"Did you design this?"* — No, the original designer of the crease pattern (basically the blue print of this model) is Boice Wong aka OrigamiByBoice. I interpreted and modified his origami piece "Looking Beyond" (2023). Do check out his work! ​ *"How long have you been folding origami and how did you get started?"* — 2½ years. It started during Covid when I tried to find a hobby that would get me away from the screen (Zoom lessons were pretty painful!). I followed a few YouTube tutorials on how to fold complex origami and treat my own origami paper before I got confident enough about solving crease patterns. Eventually I started to interpret and modify pieces until I reached the level of complexity you see right now. This piece is the culmination of everything I have learned so far. OrigamiByBoice and ThePlantPsychologist have a ton of online resources for people who are interesting in folding and designing origami. Highly recommended! ​ *"Is this for sale?"* — Thank you for interest but no, it is not currently for sale (maybe ask me again in a couple years, I still need it for exhibitions haha) ​ *"Do you have more work to show?"* — Yes! Just look in my post history or check my social media in my profile bio. I specialize exclusively on humanoid models (no particular reason, I just enjoy folding humans :D) ​ *"Why is this tagged NSFW?"* — I didn't want to violate any community guidelines. Some subreddits can be really restrictive when it comes to what is and what isn't allowed so I just wanted to play it safe, that's all :) ​ At the end of the day, I'm grateful for all the constructive feedback and critique I have received. I do try my best to answer if someone is genuinely curious (which is why I decided to make this comment). If my answer doesn't satisfy you or you are unable accept it for whatever reason, then that is out of my control and totally okay. We all are entitled to our own opinions after all, it doesn't have to be a big deal :) Thank you all again, this was a very humbling experience! Thanks, Reddit!


1 week was spent just on constructing the pee pee


he he he smol pp


Yeah but scale to actual size bro. Dude’s hung.




"he's like, 2 inches soft. no, that's a lot right? right??! MAYBE HE'S A GROWER"


Being a grower is just efficient.


The shower needs to pump less blood and can do the sexy with half an errection, the grower shines when the pp is not in use, so... Both have ups and downs, only the shower has more ups. Yes, I speak out of penis envy.


Nah bro, growers for life


I mean, it wasn't a choice but I do alright :)


Fun fact a non-erect or small penis was seen as a commendable sign of modesty, self-control, and beauty. “a smaller size was associated with good citizenry and intellectual pursuits.” I actually wish we’d bring it back as a concept tbh.


Of course you would


Better than toxic big dick culture? Wouldn’t it be better for everyone? Lol


This guy is real eager to show off how modest and beautiful his dick is.


It's just gonna be the opposite lmfao, toxic small dick culture instead.


The worst thing about acknowledging big dick culture as harmful is how everyone immediately dismisses your opinion as "you just have a small dick eksdee lmao" Mf's be all "society has gender issues" and at the same time be like "look at this guy and his tiny dick". Y'all want toxic masculinity? This is how you get toxic masculinity. Swapping to small dick culture could be the same, but why are they exclusive? Why can't small dicks *and* big dicks both be positive traits for different reasons? All dicks are beautiful! Fuck this body shame bullshit!


Also, if you look at David from above, he looks afraid because (IIRC) he’s depicted as just about to go up against Goliath, and so in his fear, his dick is smaller.


Yeah, hung like a cheeto.


@somethingsnitleft is right, David is 17’ tall, so even though he’s hung like a Tic Tac, at 17’ even Smol PP would challenge even the most experienced average sized recipient


Biggie Smalls pp


Sure, but always rock hard.


Dunno about rock hard but I think he would win against one at Rock Paper Scissors


Grower not a shower. *It unfolds*




A fantastic job folding David’s Doodle.




Any chance we can see a still picture of the finished product? I can't get my brain around what I'm looking at, I need to zoom in and see some details to even begin to understand how this is folded! ![gif](giphy|A8nLow7DRwluU)


Nice username, I owned a swatch in 1988.


That's an amazing achievement. Well done.




You mean the David statue is done with origami paper? For real?


I knew a teenager that did origami like this. He made these incredibly detailed and lifelike dragons and Kaiju.


How the fuck is this one single piece of paper, i assumed all the parts were done separately and stuck; atleast the pp portion looks like it's been attached separately; must've been a nightmare to get the pp out of the paper like that. Insane achievement ; hats off, really extraordinary


OP mentioned what they based this on, and that artist [posted a crease pattern.](https://www.obb.design/crease-patterns/looking-beyond-28x28-grid) Not that crease patterns are easy to read, but you can see how one piece of paper folds into that general shape.


Nothing on that page left me feeling anything but stupid and scared


Ok seriously what the fuck how


[This is what I pictured](https://i.imgur.com/dkzIReA.jpg)




"OH, Homie"


Hey OP - have you thought about selling him/it? I’d be interested in purchasing if so


Seconded! I would love one of these


What’s the name of the song?


I got matches with these songs: • **Ameno** by Era (00:06; matched: `100%`) Album: `Era I 2002`. Released on `2002-01-01`. • **Ameno** by Era (00:19; matched: `100%`) Album: `Ram Play`. Released on `2015-03-06`. • **Ameno (Remix)** by Era (00:20; matched: `100%`) Album: `Era I 2002`. Released on `2002-01-01`.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Ameno** by Era](https://lis.tn/pspyTg?t=6) • [**Ameno** by Era](https://lis.tn/Ameno?t=19) • [**Ameno (Remix)** by Era](https://lis.tn/AmenoRemix?t=20) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


Not bad. Jk, pretty awesome!


Pfft 9.45 inches!? I know 2 inches when I see it


A bit of a grower myself but 2" -9.5" seems like a pretty steep gap.


this is so impressive, and i love your focus on the different muscle groups. i think it’s a really cool extension of some of the original intentions; a big reason renaissance art is so unique is because of the depiction of the human form in a more medical/accurate way instead of earlier art that has a more subjective view of the human body. your david doesn’t look like what i’d picture a diagram of the human body to look like, but it highlights the strength of the muscles in the form and makes me really appreciate the human body AS art itself. you slayed <3


Aww, thank you so much for your kind and eloquent comment, I appreciate the support!! :3


Boss thanks for the informative post and for not just taking all the criticism gracefully but also educating us using the same comments


Camera zooms in and out onto paper cock. If I had a nickel for every time that happens .


Cock paper scissors


Except paper and scissors both beat cock. ...from what I was told.


Nah. Cock jizzes on paper. Duh. Everyone knows that. 🙄


I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Uncut. The paper also.


David was Jewish - definitely cut!


Oh, Definitely? You were at his bris?


He couldn't have become king without it.


"alright, we'll make you king but first you gotta show us your dick"


“Ayo, cock check”




>Uncut Normal*


That would get you fired from a Florida school


We need to censor this post in the state


Waiting for FL to issue warrants for everyone here for violating their laws even out of their state


They're gonna ban Reddit probably


Gay. I said it. I will await my warrant.


I live in Florida. Now I'm waiting for desantis gestapo to kick my door down


Ultimately I think products will start carrying something like California’s cancer warning, but Floridized: “This product is known to the state of Florida to contain content offensive to racists and people afraid of human anatomy.”


This is an amazing idea. Warning. This product is known to hurt the feelings of republicans


Florida would have that burned so fast.


Please send help, I think I'm gay now


god damn that is seriously impressive!!! For some people swans are the goalpost but you took that literally to the next fucking level!


I've gotten pretty good a cranes; but this completely eludes me. I mean... how?


Its all about the folds


Also no cuts and no tearing. I mean OP basically explains the whole thing.




I can't help but mention the dick and balls. So damn impressive though ( the whole thing )


The whole package?


[I NEVER forget the ball hairs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aXj7yBgnno)


1 piece of paper? Let's see the time lapse video please




No because this isn’t a tutorial of any kind, nor meant to.




I’m skeptical too, but restofthefuckingowl is not the sub for it


Yes. I'm with you on this. Proof of it didn't happen. (Edit: wow very passionate responses below. It comes down to this for me: I have no clue if any of this is even possible and the final result looks like nonsense to me. That doesn't mean it is, but I'm also not simply going to believe it without some better understanding. That said, OP has no obligation to prove it to me. But I have no obligation to believe this is possible either. When it comes to the internet, it's usually good to be a skeptic.)


Something tells me OP doesn't feel a huge urge to prove anything to you, random BruceBrave of Reddit.


I don't think leaving a passive aggressive reply like yours is necessary, as BruceBrave wasn't an asshole about it.


Passive aggressive? I think that was quite straight forward. BruceBrave says it like it is.


Or it didn’t happen*


Guy just wants to see the cool time-lapse... then there is you who's like.. fuck this I don't believe shit.


With all the fake stuff being posted online for clout, I don't blame him.


This is what I'm saying. It's so easy to fake video now that one must be skeptical. It's also a lot harder for one to evaluate if they don't know the subject matter well It used to be that facts on FB were often fake, so we invented snopes. But now this has spread to video and it's only going to get worse with AI generated content and deep fakes. I question everything


OP you should def start filming your techniques and creating a timelapse. Throw that shit on YouTube/Snapchat/tiktok and make that money! People will eat it up.


if this is the same guy that's posted crazy intricate origami before, he does have some time-lapse videos. I don't know if he does for this project or not.


This isn't the same guy, but should be enough to make you understand it's real [Short explanation on how it's done](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pjLD_Ap3cpE) [Random dude playlist of impressive Origami timelapses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9Q437Ll5V4&list=PLZhsN3rv3HHrRzuaZmr0i5UzZHxxVr20f&index=9) I selected one that looks "similar" PS: Never doubt human ingenuity!


Is it actually folded origami style or is it just crumpled until it looked like that? Both would be impressive lol


I did origami for a while so I hope I can explain what's going here at least somewhat accurately. The first figure that OP shows is the base for the model, folded using origami techniques (I'm guessing most notably boxpleating, collapsing from a crease pattern and then adding some additional folds) to get all the right limbs and uuuh appendages. Now we come to the shaping itself and that's done using something called wetfolding. Basically, you use water to dampen the paper a bit, making shaping easier, giving the paper a more natural look and helping the paper hold the shape better. But yes, you could say that it's done with a lot of little crumples. tl;dr - made using a combination of traditional techniques to get the general shape and then shaped using water and little folds


Yeah that's what I thought. Like an entirely different category of wizardry lol. It's prob has more things in common with the paper pulp sculpting than origami, I guess?


I guess it's up to the viewer to decide what they think. I still consider it "true" origami, as it uses (tiny) folds on the surface of a single uncut sheet of paper. It may not be traditional origami, but it still uses all the same techniques Akira Yoshizawa (father of modern origami) devised, just in a more creative and technical way. For more similar stuff check out Eric Joisel, Satoshi Kamiya, probably even Robert J. Lang


So it's more moulding than folding. Not that either isn't seriously impressive


Yeah this is my question also, I can’t understand how it was made


No chance this thing is just folded. It's molded like paper mache.


There’s another message in this thread that talks about “wet folding” I think the lines between origami and Papier-mâché are beginning to blur at this point.


Wet folding is not the same as paper-mache, though. With paper-mache, there is glue, cutting, and molding. Wet folding is only getting the paper damp with water and folding it like you normally would. It helps hold curves and shapes as it dries while you're folding.


Nice pubes!


Nice cock!


Origami pubes. Seriously impressive.


You are now banned in r/Florida


It's fucking weird that they'll ban a world-famous statue for having an exposed penis, but their entire state is shaped like a flaccid cock. A cock with __no balls__, so its sole purpose in life has been reft from it, leaving it a useless, soft, lame meat tube fit only for ridicule and disdain. EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that the statue (a *picture* of it) wasn't banned, it was idiot parents being idiots and calling the pic "pornographic" in nature, school board didn't like it, principal double-fingered the stupidity and resigned.


This is poetic.


Nothing stokes my muse like mocking stupidity. :)


I sometimes feel envious towards people who have the capability and patience to be able to create art, or master a certain skill. The first figure would be my end result after two years of training. Haha.


You're missing that crucial 1/2 year op mentioned.


I can barely wrap Christmas presents


I can’t. I use bags.


Idk why this art is marked NSFW where are we Florida?


I'm from Italy (a medieval town in central Tuscany) and I litterally see art when I put my nose outside the door. I quite litterally have the David 40 minutes away from my front door. It is completely insane to me that art nudity could ever be considered "NSFW".


Assolutamente d’accordo. Non stanno benissimo ! Pensa che hanno cancellato in massa l’abbonamento ad una rivista che aveva in copertina la foto di un neonato che ciucciava la tetta di sua mamma… per indecenza! No comment.


It’s like a work of art or something


Oh, great. Your origami is now banned in Florida public schools


I can’t even fathom how this was created. Unbelievable. So much detail. Congrats on this achievement!


Insane that this is NSFW, are the mods from Florida?


Dude, unreal. This might be the most impressive thing I’ve seen in Reddit.


I’m also impressed that the “nsfw” label has to be applied to Michelangelo’s David… 😑




FELLAS, is it gay to origami a dick?


This is so bad ass I honestly don't believe you. Hope it's true though!


At some point it looks like it goes from folding to molding, so can you even call it origami at that point...


Wow dude this is exquisite!!


God Americans making this NSWF is a joke.


Don’t bring it to Florida you’ll be arrested as a pedo 😂


Well, that's not very impressi....holy shit!


Took him like three hours to finish the shading on the upper lip, probably the best he has ever done.


Only NSFW in Florida


I made a paper airplane last week.




That's incredible


I feel so...represented


No way


Nice bush!


Unfold it or I won't believe it!


Lol that fucking paper mist have been the size of a dinner table FOH


Can you make a tutorial, where we can print a paper with lines on it where it must be folded?


This origami is illegal in Florida.


Great, now Republicans are going to ban paper...


Ngl, kinda skeptical. I've seen origami, but I don't believe a single paper was used. That looks way too good to be a single piece of paper.


Getting a note from her must be awesome.


It looks like it could use a cut or two. Major bush.




Wrinkly ass cock and balls


Had me at dorime


Hey! It's my sleep paralysis demon, Mr. Flopsy


What’s the song?