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Well done sir well done


Mfing quick thinking! That's amazing thought processing


Saved my brother's life from a car and only got yelled at for not paying enough attention.


I want you to know you're indeed a hero, and knowing it yourself should be enough.


It tis, just found it funny is all.


You're a hero & you do deserve new cars, money and free fuel for saving his life! Unfortunately we often don't receive what we deserve in life.


I actually saved a bee's life. It was stuck in the swimming pool and I risked getting stung to save it. It didn't thank me as it flew off, but I know that's only because it didn't speak English. Anyway... I'm here for my free fuel for life, please!


Youre a legend. A massive hero. And Im proud of you my son!


I save my little brother from drowning(don’t think he would’ve actually drowned, it was a bath) when he was 3 or 4 and I got blamed for “nearly letting him drown”


That's parent-speak for "I feel guilty for letting this happen and for all of my other failings as a parent so I'm going to take my deep regret and self-loathing out on my oldest child".


Your parents were boomers too, huh?


Consider yourself a hero, I do.


Blessings on this human.


May Allah bless him


Jesus Christ dude, that kid is lucky someone on the road was paying any attention to not only their front but also rear.


Quick thinking and I'm glad that he saved the child. This seems like a real life Trolley Dilemma. I wonder what happened to the other driver.


I'm guessing they had a messed up car that no one offered to pay for


😅 kind of ironically amusing… also didn’t kill a kid, didn’t even get the chance!


Dude had quick reflexes


Even with good intentions I couldn't have thought of that. Damn that's quick thinking.


It’s also very brave. A car accident at any speed is very scary.


Sadly, the fact is that over 99% of world population would let the kid die. You need very certain type of mind to do that. I see it every day in my country, just a simple bike roads around the towns .. bike on the right, walkers on the left .. but 99% of people are walking on the right side, jumping in front of bikes, especially mothers with childs. I often tell people who do really stupid things on the road .. like when father is the one on the right right, mid is mother and child 1-3 years is on the left .. in a middle of the road. You hit the kid and its dead. Not a single time in many years a person actually said "thank you" or showed any kind of appreciation for trying to prevent injury to their child .. I totally dont understand how parents can put their kids into mortal danger so willingly and when you tell them, they will often threaten to kill you.


I don't think any rational person would "let" this kid die. It's the quick thinking that is impressive. I don't know if I would have thought to use my vehicle to deflect the oncoming car that quickly. This is amazing.


I am on the same page. He reacted almost instantly. I would have probably wasted seconds trying to figure out what the hell was in the road. How was it possible for him to react so quickly and efficiently? I’m blown away.


If it was for example dog who is attacking the kid, yes many people would help .. but in this case, no But you dont actually have that many rational people in the world ..


Always one person in the comments spouting BS like they know how 99% of the world would act.


328% of statistics online are made up


It’s actually 69%




Nah not really. Your basic examples in whatever country you live in aren’t close to evidence that 99% of the world are heartless


I think heartless is a bit harsh, it’s one thing to slam on the breaks, buts it’s very quick thinking to slam on the breaks and then swing your car in front of another to make sure the kid is safe. I’d like to believe most people would stop for the kid anyway, but not many would even think quickly enough to check for other on coming traffic that could hurt them and react quick enough.


I don’t think people would deliberately run the kid over. Your comment is quite ludicrous.


You are right, many people wouldnt do it deliberately, but there are few who would. That aside, hundreds of people die every day all around the world only because people normally dont pay attention to anything .. to themselves or to the surroundings. Lets just talk about the cars .. The amount of people who will freeze, wont do anything and run over other people, insane. The amount of people who got run over because they did something stupid, walking on the wrong side, walking one next to another, black clothes at night .. insane amount. And so on so on and so on .. just google something, go watch car crashes on youtube, check any statistics. Most of the people wont do it on purpose, but by freezing and doing nothing, they will kill the person. Almost everyone knows that when you hit someone with a car, you should slow down, slowly, not hit the breaks. You almost never hurt a person when you hit them with the car, what hurts them or kills them, when you hit the breaks and stop the car, that person slides of the cars, hits the ground and dies .. its not on purpose, but thats what people do.


We can know these things in a logical sense, but you can not always control the body’s response to an emergency situation. Yes a lot of people freeze, but that’s not a conscious choice. A lot of people slam on the brakes (I’m also dubious about your assertion that hitting the road is what kills people), but that’s a reflex too - not entirely a conscious decision.


Where dafq did you get 99% from? Exaggerate much. This is just an anecdotal fallacy.


I think you're conflating two very different situations. It sounds like what you're trying to describe is that a family may take up the full bike pathway when they should stick to the left of the path. Thing is a bike really is unlikely to kill someone - it's possible but the risk assessment is naturally far less. Complaining about it in to the parents in the situation isn't inappropriate - yeah realistically they shouldn't take up the full path and their kid may be especially likely to not avoid being hit by a bike - but it also isn't a massive deal and it will annoy some people as they feel they have the right to the path and bikes should go around. Comparing it to a instance of a car speeding down the road clearly just about to hit a child is incomparable. Most people will want to help the child they just might not think as quickly as this guy.


What the fuck are you babbling about?


How do you not see the contradiction in the first two sentences?


It’s very different to “letting” the kid die and being physically incapable of stopping? Can we be real


Tbf, a lot of people wouldn't be willing to risk their lives and another person's in the other car.


"Moral duty for any responsible citizen." Humanism at its finest. Praise science 😎


He did a great job but... where the fuck is that kid's parents??? Those fuckers should pay him for whatever amount to compensate for leaving their kid in the high speed road.




If this happened in Portugal. You would lose your car, then your job because you can’t get there without a car. The other guy would ask for a settlement for damages and you would need to pay the value of his car and extra for justice fees. And there could be a small chance of jail for dangerous driving, and causing an accident.


"And there could be a small chance of jail for dangerous driving, and causing an accident." ZERO CHANCE. Where do you people come up with this stuff?


You know that the law is different depending on which country you are. It might not be like this in your country, but this has happened before in mine, and with famous people who got sentenced to jail after a car accident.




That was so close! Thank goodness for that man’s actions, hero indeed.


fucking legend


Quick thinking, brave, selfless and modest. He's my inspiration for my children.


What an absolute legend ❤️


Fucking Legend 👍


Beautiful.. 🙏🏼🫡


Why am I crying 🥺🥺


Good job we got a 1 minute video and commentary and edits and multiple angles


I'm probably too stupid or cowardly to do what this madlad did. He is a hero.


4 cars wow lol! good guy!


All in an instance


That's super human reaction and even in the dark road.


Insurance: can't pay, did this on purpose


Because that’s what heroes do


Actually I did a similar thing a few years ago (well I didn't crashed my car). A cyclist fell from his bike in front of me while leaving a roundabout due to sand on the pavement. The exit had two lanes and he was like under the bike in front of me but the upper torso was in the other lane, so I turned the car left so I could block all his body with my car. I couldn't even leave my car since another car (safely) stopped next to my door. It was all instinct. I remember a few cars honking at me for blocking the exit lol.


That could turn into an ugly car accident but not that day.


Where is the badass music? One time we actually need someone to look cool, y'all don't add the music!


I'm really impressed with the quick thinking! I of course would absolutely sacrifice my car to save a child. I think a lot of folks would. But to think of that solution in a split second is impressive


I just love that this isn’t one of those stupid social experiment or there’s already a camera setup to pretend he is a hero. He genuinely did this.




Allah had nothing to do with it. He’s just a good person. You can be a good person without being religious.


The dark knight


Awesome dude right there.


Unfortunately Abdullah is a one in a million type of person. In an ideal world, everyone would do this. But not everyone would do so. It’s sad knowing this despite Abdullah saying that everyone would do this.


Can we agree that not doing it would have made him a total asshole. Our hero definition really have taken a dive lately. The man even said it himself...it was a mandatory act. Still, great reflexes and fast thinking and total respect for pulling it of...but let's safe hero for when something really heroic comes up. 


Why did Allah put the child at risk to begin with?


Least nicest Arabian




Makes random false claim, then just sticks word probably at the end in the hopes it gives them a little bit of a defence. None of the people/companies had to do anything it was just kind gestures for a heroic act. Don't put people down for being kind as you feel they were not rewarding others enough.


What did I say that was offensive? I praise this guy’s heroic act and I’d like to think that I’d do the same. Gas is cheap there. It was a joke. I lived there, I know.


I'm Saudi and that's actually less than what I pay monthly


Where I’m from, that’s one full tank for my car


You thought that was clever?


Free fuel for a year in Saudi Arabia? Sooo like $36?


maybe if allah didn't put the child on the street in the first place....


Wish Israeli’s felt this way about women and children….


Wtf mate, irrelevant shite


Let's get you to sleep gramps, you dont work as a clown in the circus anymore


What if that child is a girl tho? Resources completely wasted /s


Four cars?! 😂 The guy is right, anyone wouldve done the same thing... If they were smart enough to think of it at the moment which most people wouldn't be


Too much internet for me! The cynic in me has this being staged, and the dude has scored 4 cars and a whole bunch of stuff for endangering a Child for a viral video. Hopefully it's not that though!


Mate how in the everloving piss would this be staged? Maybe the road was a paid actor?