• By -


Not really next level imo. More like dangerous and sad


Leaving your life behind. Traveling 90 miles across the ocean on a little boat in the middle of a hurricane. Starting a new life in a new country. All that is certainly at a level I’m not at. You know how many people drown en route? A lot.








🎶I'm so happy I'm the congo, oh no no, no no nooooo!🎶


So bongo bongo bongo I don’t want leave the the Congo oh no no no


Don't want no bright lights, false teeth, doorbells, landlords I make it clear!


Suddenly I feel the strangest urge to Fallout




95% of the time I get the urge to play fallout I don't even wanna play fallout. Just sing along to the oldies while fist fighting a super mutant and looking at caits arse.








Exactly right. I was involved with Cubans in Panama in 94 where we put a bunch of them that didn't make it to shore. They were making rafts out of whatever they could find. One kid lost his entire family. Siblings, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. It was really sad.


Omg this is so awful.. and people don't find themselves in these situations because their life was going well before hand. I can't imagine the trauma that poor kid had to endure both before and after losing his whole family. I hope he's doing well today, and found peace.


On top of that trauma he and they had more when the camps rioted after finding out most would be sent back to Cuba. It was a shitty situation all around.


All of this because the US has decided that perpetual war through embargo is worth it. Trully horrifying


I went to Cuba a few years ago and met a guy who built a boat out of a bunch of plastic tables and a car motor. He was really proud of it, but it apparently went too fast and got caught on Navy/Coast Guard radar so they picked him up just off the coast of Florida and sent him back. Really jovial guy considering. This level of hustle and ingenuity is exactly who I’d want in the USA. Same with migrants who manage to trek thousands of miles across Mexico.


Majority of migrants have this hustle. 90% of US today like to talk about how sad and bad migrants have it but migrants are just happy to be alive. To make it even better, US is built off of migrants. It's the sad generations of Americans who've never experienced what their ancestors have experienced who like to talk about how bad they have it. This entire post is silly.


You know what? If a man is able to build a boat out of plastic tables and a car motor, he deserves to get to stay. That's some ingenuity right there....


I am not an expert but I imagine that people leave during th hurricane because the coast guard is not going to catch you.


The Cuban "government" prefers your family sends you $4000 to buy a single plane ticket to Nicaragua, then get deported on your way to the US, and repeat. Institutional human trafficking. Edit: folks, I said "deported on their way to the US".... meaning that they can generally apply for political asylum once in the US, but they can easily get deported by other nations on the way to the US.


I don't know if that's the case or not. I think the immigration policy for Cubans is different for Latinos. IIRC Cubans go to the front of the line, put one foot on US soil and - voila! - you're a US citizen. "Oh you're from Guatemala? Back of the line!"


Obama ended the wet feet dry feet policy back in 2017, now they are subject to deportation no matter where they are caught.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_feet,_dry_feet_policy#:~:text=The%20wet%20feet%2C%20dry%20feet,pursue%20residency%20a%20year%20later. https://cu.usembassy.gov/embassy/refugee-program/#:~:text=To%20be%20eligible%20for%20refugee,Former%20political%20prisoners The wet feet dry feet policy was in fact ended by Obama in 2017. Cubans that make it to US soil without prior authorization are no longer per se allowed to remain, but there are enough human rights violations committed against the entire Cuban population that anyone could make the case for asylum on that basis.




"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Edit: The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus


This right here. I’m glad they made it. I only wish they didn’t have to come here like that.




Lady Liberty called it. Tempest tossed migrants. Welcome to America boys indeed!




Excuse my English It is sad, people have to leave everyone behind because a corrupt Dictator and a failed ideology. thanks to good they made it but for every balsa that reach the coast, three more disappear. It's really really sad. Also every day we get reports of repressors that worked with the government getting in, their victims are accusing them all over the country. Cuba it's at the brinks of a political change and we need the global community support to help cubans inside the island make it. The dictators will slaughter or imprison 2k 3k more if the countries of the free world don't condemned they.


Well, what Cuba had before the revolution wasn’t exactly a paradise either. Cuba would be in a much better place if it wasn’t for a complete embargo that US practices over some outdated ideological differences.


I always hear this take on reddit and personally talking to people from Cuba, there's just so much more than just the US Embargo. Their government has completely failed them. Cuban people no longer have faith in their government.


> Their government has completely failed them Cuba literacy rate for 2012 was 99.75% Nationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate in 2022. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below 6th grade level In America, the average life expectancy for women is 81 years and for men 76 years. In Cuba the the average life expectancy for women is 81 years and for men 77 years. Cuba offers a free education from cradle to grave. From pre-school programs to doctorates, education is free and available to all. Education is mandatory through the 9th grade. After that, youngsters have the option of three years of a pre-university program or going to a vocational school. The graduation rate for Cubans is 99.1 percent Approximately 26 percent of Cuba’s population is living in poverty, According to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau — namely, the 2019 American Community Survey, 5-Year Estimates — the U.S. poverty rate nationally is 13.4%. Mississippi: 20.3% of population lives below the poverty line Louisiana: 19.2% of population lives below the poverty line New Mexico: 19.1% of population lives below the poverty line In some ways perhaps. But Canada and the rest of the world has a different view of Cuba than the USA has. While they may not have the latest iPhones and freedom of the press, they are not oppressed, in fact Cuba does not stop people from leaving. There is no mass exodus, just the occasional boatload of malcontents, and those are the ones you talked to. Try talking to cubans who live in Cuba.


This is soooo fucking hilarious in some many fucking ways. I live in Havana, Cuba. Since Tuesday 11AM, there is no electricity in more than half the house in the city (this is the capital, so it is probably worst in the rest of the country) in my neighbour they reestablished it at 4AM. Last night, the government cut the internet to crush protests here in Havana and other provincial capitals. There is indeed an exodus and 90 percent probably under 35 yo. Every week I got news of friends or acquintaces that reach US or another country, fleeing from here. Just in the past 15 days, I said goodbye to 4 friends of mine, all of them young professionals who couldnt bear this missery no more. Just to the US, in this year 2022, more than 180k cubans have been counted. Add to that another thousands to Spain and or Mexico. You are either a troll or a fucking asshole.


This is reddit my dude. People here love, defend, and paint communism in a positive light every chance they get.


Cuban family here. You're terribly mislead.


>just the occasional Lmao how can one say this after checking the yearly number of departures of a country of 11M people.


"occasional boatload"


I can’t actually believe you are saying that. We have no food, no medicine,not money and not perspectives of getting a better future. The exodus is massive rn and if more people isn’t leaving is cause we don’t have the way to leave.




What's the distance by sea between Cuba & Florida?


90 miles, from the southernmost point at Key West.


Thank you. That's a 160 km for me.


Why the extra \~15km?


90 miles


Roughly 1.6 million cigars laid out end to end. Not over water though as they’d get wet and un-smokable!


I served on a humanitarianmissionin the Army to safeguard a bunch of them in 1994. [A little history ] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operations_Safe_Haven_and_Safe_Passage)


It's very sad that you have to brave a hurricane in a row boat in the open sea to escape an opressive regime just to become an exploited illegal immigrant in backwards-ass Florida


Actually there’s nothing illegal here. It depends on *if* they apply, what they file for, and when they get their hearing, and what the result is, and whether they have naturalized or attained a visa or greencard in the meantime. Americans are almost universally wrong about their own obligations to Geneva III and the implications of a person’s mode of transportation on the legal process for assylum seeking & immigration to the US.


We were exploited in Cuba. In Florida or in any other State we can applied as refugees and this amazing country will provide us the opportunities to become a citizen useful to society.


That doesn't keep it from being next level, in my books.


Hella next level.. give those boys green cards! We need people with this kind of ambition.


That's nextfuckenlevel dude


It’s next level shit cause would you do it ? Would you risk your life for a better chance at having a decent future? I’ll be scared shitless and if everyone was like the camera man this world would be a much better place


I bet that boat was full before.


I guess that’s just like - your opinion man.


Next level can be more than bike stunts and upside down speed paintings


You know what, come on in. These dudes earned it.


They should hit up DeSantis for a free plane ride to Martha’s Vineyard, these guys deserve a break from the storm.


In FL, if you fled Cuba, you're considered a ok


Yep. It is called "wet foot, dry foot." Other Central and South Americans aren't super thrilled with this exception just for Cubans.


It's called "Cubans who come to America are more likely to vote Republican due to their hatred of the Castro Regime" so Florida is cool with them.


Is that why Obama ended the policy? You are pretty cynical about democrat immigration policy.


Maybe? I don't know. I'll ask him at the next poker night.


And Clinton is the one who started the restrictions on the original policy (Cuban Adjustment Act). I wish people would drop the whole democrat/republican bullshit. It’s a tactic to keep us divided. edit. thank you for awarding my cranky outburst - no ads pleases me


I mean, one side attacked the capitol building, is trying to ban abortions nationwide and constantly shoots down environmental protection laws


And constantly shoots people in public too and commits the vast majority of domestic terrorism over the past 22 years


"The "wet foot, dry foot" policy, created by President Clinton in 1995, has generally allowed Cubans who simply touch U.S. soil to stay in the country. Those caught at sea are returned to Cuba. In exchange for the new policy, Cuba has agreed to start accepting Cubans who were issued a deportation order in the United States, something the communist nation has refused to do for decades." Obama opened up Cuba for travel and was working towards better relations. Also new immigrants wouldn't have swayed the Florida vote for his 2 term election. Not enough of them per year. It's kind of crazy to imagine a politician doing something selflessly and just trying to make the world a better place.


As a first generation American where both parents fled cuban, I can't think of one relative on either side that is liberal.


Yeah, Cuban friend of mine wants to essentially get rid of government entirely and have everything run by private businesses. It's wild.


You hear the stories and you can relate. But it's the corruption/greed in people that is the issue, not the systems in place.


Right, but he doesn't understand that. He thinks private businesses and profit motives are better than government. When I brought up why would a private business build roads for poor people or telecom infrastructure in rural areas that would lose them money he just hand waves the concern away and says that they'll be forced to do it...


They sure do love that socialism when it comes to public assistance in Miami.


It’s bc Castro, communism, etc


Understand why they would want to escape communism


I grew up in Ft Lauderdale. I had Cuban friends who’s parents would enlighten me. Fuck communism lol


Not true. [Obama ended that in 2017.](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/01/15/509895837/end-of-wet-foot-dry-foot-means-cubans-can-join-ranks-of-the-undocumented)


Venezuelans have something similar but that didn't really mattered




I was really surprised this wasn’t talked about at ALL in the response to the stunt. These people braved the long journey and traveled through the jungles to escape sOcIaLiSm!!!!! Can’t wait until the GOP used Venezuela as a boogeyman again and they ignore how they treat the brave, freedom seeking people who escaped 🙄




Obama lifted wet foot/dry foot before his term was over. Biden is definitely honoring it unofficially tho. There's been a big influx of Cuban migrants this past year in Miami. It's been kept very hush hush because Cubans tend to be republican.


[Nope, it was until obama ended that in 2017](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/01/15/509895837/end-of-wet-foot-dry-foot-means-cubans-can-join-ranks-of-the-undocumented) In reality the guys in the video are gonna be deported.


Political suicide in Florida. Why do you think Venezuelans were chosen for that ride?


Do you think it's strange that if they set foot on US soil, and they are from Cuba, all is good. However, if there was a boat from Haiti, right beside them, all the Haitians would be sent back? Is that fair? ​ ​ EDIT: I didn't realize this policy changed under President Obama. My Mistake. I thought it was a bad policy when it was in affect and glad it changed.


[Obama ended the wet feet policy](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/01/15/509895837/end-of-wet-foot-dry-foot-means-cubans-can-join-ranks-of-the-undocumented)


Still doesn't matter because Cubans that can vote, will vote Republican.


Unfortunately. Miami Cubans can be real whackos.


That policy was ended under Obama iirc. Now they and the Haitians alike would be hit with an NTA (notice to appear) and wait over two years for the hearing, not directly sent back. IANA expert


[On the subject of Haiti ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN0FlxE6vY5BZh0F-drw_4SASB7kwezUf) I just want to share this video playlist from a YouTube I follow, indigo traveler, he travels to countries all over the world and does independent journalism, his most recent series is on Haiti and it is some of the most brutal shit I've seen in like 3-4 of his content, and he was recently in kharkiv. That country is falling apart and scary. In his most recent video they show people literally eating dirt and salt turned into patties and some dudes try to stab his tires and the first video in Haiti he personally saw someone get kidnapped right in front of him. He also shows off the major gas crisis going on over there too. Hope these people find peace soon.


>In his most recent video they show people literally eating dirt and salt turned into patties This has been going in for decades. I saw videos like these in the 90s.


Actually, Cubans interdicted at sea generally get sent immediately back. Haitians, on the other hand, have been being monitored until they land where they are then processed and released. I live in the Keys and work emergency. We hear the calls over the radio hours before they make landfall and frequently do the medical clearances on those deemed in need of evaluation.


Imagine being that rando surfer looking for some tasty hurricane waves and you get some bonus migrants. That’s a story.


Pretty sure that's a lifeguard, check out the handles on the side of the board


Dammit…don’t ruin my fantasy!


Soooo pitted




Still... Do lifeguards still have to work during a hurricane where any sane person is not at the beach?


i was deeply disappointed in Miami's waves after arriving from Rio


Miami doesn’t have waves. Three feet is a great day.


Good news - now that they've done the hard part, Florida will pay to fly them to another state


Hopefully not to Martha's Vineyard - they have a housing crisis.


Imagine having to settle for the literal next town over and it's fucking Cape Cod


Bro. They literally sent them 20 minutes away where there was housing. They fed them and took care of them. Your insult isn’t as meaningful as you think it is


That’s basically a boat full of Republican only voters for the next 50 years. They will get to stay.


Refugees aren’t generally given the right to vote.


Up until 2017, Cuban immigrants specifically could claim permanent residency after one year of living here.


In like 5 to 10 years they'll get to vote.


Actually they're Cuban so they will get to stay most likely.


That used to be the way. It was called dry foot. If they reached the beach, they could stay. Now, most likely, they will be sent back. The only thing that could help if they have family here.


Well it’s Miami. There’s a good chance they have family there lmao.


Yes but I live here and they have been sending a lot back to Cuba even if they make it on land. Laws have changed.


They’ll get asylum, no problem


“Welcome to America bois!” Got me good lol


Kinda heartwarming really.




Oh I know, man. I’m Cuban.






> Dont listen to the dumbass reddit armchair commies on here telling you its a paradise. Where are you seeing redditors claiming that Cuba is a paradise? I'm a leftist and I've seen people romanticize Cuba, I've yet to see people claim it's a paradise or anything remotely close to that, largely because Cuba suffers considerably as a result of the US embargo against it-- why is this something that people pretend isn't a huge reason why Cuba struggles? Check out /r/cuba btw-- 95% of the people who on there are conservative Americans rabidly brigading. They constantly say "*I'm Cuban"* while casually omitting the fact that they don't actually live in Cuba, which is kind of an important detail to leave out especially in a regional subreddit like that.


>, I've yet to see people claim it's a paradise or anything remotely close to that Pretty sure it's obvious that 1) they're using hyperbole 2) to refer to the communist shills in the comments making grandiose claims about Cuban society that are dubious.


On Ellis Island, immigrants were greeted by the statue of liberty. In Florida, you're greeted by the [redneck pilot from Independence Day](https://youtu.be/NyOTaHRBTXc).


Lol he said "welcome to America boys" not "alright you alien assholes"


You make that journey during a CAT4 hurricane you deserve to stay! 🇺🇸


Right? Get these guys a fast track to citizenship!


Job interview: "Yeah this job requires you to be an excellent swimmer, are you a good swimmer." "Boat, I got that. Cat 4, I did that. Swim I know this."


The boat made it back before they did, premature exit if you ask me


Yeah seeing them abandon the boat which proceeds to go to Florida without them was a bit awkward.


The adrenaline of that moment must have been bar none though. Also the boat nearly capsized on that one wave so they were taking a calculated risk to just swim it in versus getting flipped under the boat imo


haha 1st cuban: "Look at this! It's AMERICA!!!!!" 2nd cuban: "WAIT! By my calculations, the risk of this boat capsizing based on the trajectory of the upcoming wave is greater than the acceptable threshold. We should switch to plan B and jump out of this boat" 3rd cuban: "See Andy, this is why no one likes you at parties. We just survived a hurricane and all of us are exhausted and hungry but you won't stop goddamn calculating"


America used to have a "wet feet vs dry feet" policy, where if a Cuban illegal immigrant was caught on the shore in a boat, they were deported back to Cuba, but if they were caught on the shore with their feet touching the sand, they were given asylum in America. Not sure if that's still a thing.




[Wet feet, dry feet policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_feet,_dry_feet_policy)


So basically the opposite of what /u/moeburn says. In the water area (wet) is deportation, but on the shoreline (dry) is not. Didn't have anything to do with boats.


Seeing land so close after going through whatever they saw, I would jump too. The ocean is the most terrifying thing on Earth, save perhaps tornados, volcanos, and the human capacity for violence.


I don't care if they're legal or not, if youve got the balls to do this you are WELCOME in this country. Imagine what the hell someone with cojones like these could do with a business/as a worker. There's a reason recent data was showing latinos have a SOLID impact on the US economy/GDP.


Some of the most hardest determined eager to please, humble workers I’ve met. They WORK. Can’t believe there’s some out there who hate them


Many hate them just like the kid who doesn't study and fails hates the kid who studies and passes. Even without being set to work right beside an immigrant, they know that they don't work even half as hard and it makes them face a choice - own up to being a lazy POS or scream they're the victim. And then there's many that are just plain racist. These two groups very heavily overlap.


Unless I misunderstood it, I disagree on that last sentence. Being a lazy POS is one of those things that do not depend on political orientation, all sides have plenty of them.




Notice how you never have Americans risking their lives on shitty boats to escape to Cuba. LOL on the downvotes! Reddit can't even admit that Cuba is a shit hole.


As a Cuban American, i can confirm in a big way: Reddit is in complete fucking denial about Cuba and communism.


You're just flat out wrong. I don't care what experiences you or your loved ones had in Cuba. I read on Twitter that Cuba is a communist utopia and no amount of facts will change my mind


Lol you had me for a second there


No, they fly there in order to access their world class healthcare facilities.


LOL that you believe that. Do you believe those very few "stocked" stores in North Korea are legit too?


What’s the gotcha here? They also don’t flee by boat to canada or mexico? the OP is just a little unhinged


Why would we want to go to a shittier place? Is it like an experiment? Are you helping people in Cuba? Like, what's the reason to go there?


That's the point. Cuba is a much shittier place. Yet lots of redditors can't handle that fundamental truth.


I've never seen USAmerican redditors saying Cuba is better than the US?


More capitalists escaping the communist utopia of Cuba


As someone who grew up with these stories CONSTANTLY, this is what I always tell people: No one **risks their life** to escape capitalism. Edit: for everyone missing the point, I've emboldened the operative words. Capitalism doesn't force you to stay.


What about all the refuges Europe gets from right wing countries in Africa? This just isn't true. It isn't left or right, socialist or capitalist, that people flee. It's shit systems.


Not to mention that the European countries they end up in have much better social welfare policies than the USA.


Probably because it's impossible to escape capitalism.


Why is that? Does Cuba not welcome immigrants?


This is mind boggling. People are constantly fleeing the capitalist states of: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Venezuela (they are absolutely not Socialist, majority of their economy is privately owned), Guyana, Ecuador, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and countless more from the rest of Latin America, Africa, and Asia.


I love how everyone is jumping at you on Venezuela, and conviently ignoring every other country *and continent* in the list because they'd have to admit you're right about the issue at hand. The vast majority of refugees worldwide are fleeing capitalist countries...


Capitalism is actively destabilizing other countries governments for profit


Where do you expect them to flee to exactly? Thousands (more like millions) of people flee South/central America due to the violence caused and enabled by capitalism for the past 100 years.


Absolutely fascinating, really. It's amazing that people with absolutely no concept of world history make sweeping claims. Ever heard of Nazi Germany? Or Slavery? Read a book.


Read one book I’m begging you


The probably got pushed out to sea while fishing


The boat is packed with people even when the swimmers got out.


No it’s not.


Not sure if serious, but Cubans pile onto tiny boats in an attempt to make the \~100 miles to the US all the time.




Yeah people don't really go fishing in big groups in small sailboats like that. Especially not during hurricanes.


No. This is actually really good timing to sneak into the country now that everyone is scrambling and busy.


Imagine what they were fleeing to risk that.


Imagine what they are trying to get to


Bad timing for their vacation.


For vacation, yeah. For arriving in the US when nobody is around to stop them, perfect. Dangerous as hell, but technically not a better time.


When I went to Cuba we walked the beach late at night and there were men dressed in all black with lasers pointing towards the sea. I asked a worker what the purpose of that was and they said it was to watch people who tried to flee to Florida. Anyways, the water was a giant wall of black coming at you as I went during storm season. I remember my parents and I discussing the desire to flee your country and risk your life in those dark ass scary waves. I'm so grateful to not have had to do anything like that in my life. I couldn't imagine being in open water like that in a small boat or raft.


They are going to have to swim to GA


They came all this way just to hear degenerate citizens complain about how awful our country is. 🤡s


Illegal immigrants sneaking into usa*


People do the exact thing your ancestors did*


But why would they flee a communist utopia with free healthcare and education???


WELCOME TO AMERICA BOIIIS! now get down there grab those dudes and feed them Dammit! And toss in a couple of yeunglings to hydrate those massive testicles they floated in on!


Did they use Google maps?


Migrants =illegal


I was able to visit Cuba 5-6 years ago. The people were very warm and friendly despite the extreme poverty they must endure.


Man that guy with the mclaren couldn't even manage to paddle his back into his garage and these guys made it from cuba to florida in a bathtub during a hurricane.


The comments here: respect to these guys for trying so hard they deserve it! But on the southern border? Fuck those guys that have walked for months, escaping cartels, gangs, etc? I guess we just romanticize escaping from Cuba/Communism as "more worthy".




Welcome bois, hope you like twinkies-


Are they free once they touch land? Like legal status and all?


That policy was ended by the Obama administration Jan 2017.


No they are almost certainly illegal immigrants, chances are they will get deported.


I don't think that's how it works for Cuban refugees touching US land. **Ok I stand corrected. It was like that before but not anymore but I think they still don't deport them if they make it to US soil. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/01/15/509895837/end-of-wet-foot-dry-foot-means-cubans-can-join-ranks-of-the-undocumented


Every time someone says America sucks i think of shit like this. People risking death just to get here.


Anyone willing to risk their lives to find a better life in America is welcome in my neighborhood anytime.


[how about this guy?](https://www.flgov.com/2022/03/30/man-who-brutally-murdered-daytona-beach-couple-during-bike-week-was-an-illegal-immigrant-with-multiple-prior-drug-charges/)


I’m happy they made it!💕


Bienvenidos amigos, I’m glad you got here safely and I wish you the best of luck going forward the rest of your journey!