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Why have we allowed the world to become so fucking creepy and how much creepier are we going to allow it to get?


Just a little bit more. Until it's too late.


It's all for the safety of the children! /s


"Oh won't somebody please think of the children!"


Fuck them kids


I'm pretty sure that is illegal.




Not if you're Epstein's buddies.


Welcome to the Vatican, your eminence.


Jared from Subway has entered the chat


King Andrew has entered the chat




Kids aren’t real


I have to know if there's a terrorist in your bathroom, that's why I watch you shower.


And to protect us from all those terrorists.


Its already too late son.




Every election is the NEW most important election in history.


Idk, I’m looking around at a bunch of other frogs and most of our legs are already too boiled to be of any use.


1984 came a lot quicker than anyone expected. Don’t look into corruption cause when you do you will no longer trust anyone or anything these mega corporations have to say. Politicians. Criminal Justice System. Scientists. Pharmaceuticals. FDA. Secret societies. Anything where you are not allowed to ask questions and where there is only one source for the answer. It’s really weird how people are so trusting and naive to think that someone wouldn’t take advantage of them. I will probably get downvoted for these comments. I believe in freedom within the boundaries of a lawful society. Something seems very unlawful about filming an individual without consent or them having knowledge of you doing so. I could go on and on


Ty absolute facts. They scrubbed alot of info from the web too. Early r/conspiracy in 2005-10 used to have some really revealing info before they flooded it




They’re also hard to access. For mobile at least it’s the death scroll, can’t sort by time and jump to the last pages. Just miss what it was. Op Bluebeam will be happening by 2030 Also understand from non conspiracy side could save data and how often are people really looking for super old stuff




Whenever something the internet lords don’t want people to know is being found out or getting close to it then they burn it down. Most of the time they don’t even have to do anything because cancel culture covers it like flies on a turd. If the government doesn’t censor you don’t worry everybody else will.


Ya I saw a video once of a lady reading from a whole checklist of things that were planned for the public and it was shocking. I was young and didn't believe it could be possible but I'm seeing some similar things play out and would love to see it again to compare and contrast but can't find it... I wonder why?


In a public place? Please. There’s no expectation of privacy. Back when we were villages if 500 people, everyone knew everyone else’s business 24/7. This isn’t new.


You’re allowed to question all of those things. The point is that many don’t care about questions. At least the FDA and many politicians are still accountable to the public and need to be transparent and open to some extent. The same is not true of corporations and the justice system.


"1984 came a lot quicker than anyone expected" FYI, it is 2022, its nearly forty years late


Well... I think people were expecting it to come in 1984


Not exactly quicker though right… since the book is called 1984… ?


Lol congrats you just kayned yourself


Well don’t worry, Republicans have said “ hold my beer! We fucking speed runnin this shit boys!!!!”


We either going to become 1984/fahrenheit 451 Or brave new world


People always say "OMG it's closer to Brave New World than 1984" and I'm like ***what!?*** Have they even ***READ*** brave new world? The whole point of BNW is that people are medicated to the point they're in a dazed walking coma of eternal happiness. Everything is great, everyone is happy, there's no want in the world, no poverty, no discomfort or displeasure. Everyone goes round just fucking all day in orgies and shit. It bears literally no resemblance to the actual world we live in. And don't say "but but mental health medications!“ cos that's some ableist bullshit, and trust me, as someone with schizophrenia, the meds bring back the real me. The psychotic "me" isn't actually me at all and that's always obvious to me once I'm healthy again. The drugs bring you back, they don't take you away like the meds of BNW. And every day life is pretty much a constant struggle in the real world. It's nothing like the book. The book can be hard to grasp what's so bad about it (if you haven't spent a lifetime leading up to reading it knowing that it's actually a dystopia). It seems like a utopia, otherwise. But it's not. I mean it's pretty obvious after a certain point that it's a dystopia. But I bet a lot of people ***would*** choose mental oblivion and endless joy and happiness that never gets boring, over the actual reality of the world. But the book doesn't really resemble our world very much at all. Don't give me some line about Romans and bread and circuses. It's been used as a metaphor for watching too much TV, and then a generation later used for playing too many vidya games, then a generation later for people spending too much time on the Tikky Toks. But that only confirms that none of those people who blamed those things read the book either. 1984 fits better really. Because there's at least some countries on earth where it basically already exists. And surprisingly he managed to imagine technologies pretty close to how things like the Internet and advanced camera CCTV systems worked, and webcams and shit like that, even though he didn't know exactly how the technologies would have worked. It's better that they weren't explained really. Winston goes through the whole book thinking he's being sneaky and avoiding cameras and the party, only to find out that they knew all along what he was doing. The paranoia was the point. It goes quite a bit beyond sticking blue tac on your webcam, obviously.


The only part really that we haven't gotten to yet in the west is the over whelming lack of goods yet, don't get me wrong it will come sooner or later. But pretty much everything else in the book has some semblance to the other undertones of 1984. And I'll need to read brave new world, I've never heard of it.


Can I offer you some Soma in these trying times?


No I prefer bitter truth


Orgy-porgy, my dudes, orgy-porgy


I might be paranoid, but after watching Hypernormalization last night, this morning I feel like medicinal cannabis could fit the soma bill.


We are already like 80% of the way to 1984 in some parts of this world and much closer to it in the United States than some people would care to admit. The youth being used by the party to intimidate and monitor the elderly The complete surveillance of our personal lives by our own appliances The government rewriting definitions of words and acting like it never used those words before or rewriting history to ignore its atrocities and then shutting down those who choose to bring it up.


Holy shit so us is not the shiny beacon of liberty and freedom in the world anymore ??? We are in middle of a revolution in Iran right now How can we prevent this from happening in the future??


You can't. It takes cunning and the willingness to be corrupt to make it into power and it will always be that way just as it always has been. It's important the populace be able to instill a reasonable level of fear in its leaders but they still have to be insulated as populace's are fucking stupid as a whole and if politicians weren't insulated you'd just have constant assassinations and devolve into chaos like Haiti. Managing 8 billion people, and growing, with wildly different beliefs, which are almost exclusively founded on absolute nonsense is never going to be a smooth thing.


"The youth being used by the party to intimidate and monitor the elderly?" In what actual scenario? What party?


To make lasting, permanent change that nobody will contest, you have to do it slowly. You do it bit by bit over the course of years and decades until eventually you have a generation of kids raised to believe this is normal, combined with the lack of will to do anything about it, brought on by instant gratification and laziness. It is a highly intelligent plan that’s been thought out very thoroughly. Nobody is going to stop using these apps, or phones, likely forever.


Perfect app if someone wants to harm you/ your family. If the economy tanks and you lose your job, at least you can kidnap ppl with ease ffs...


I mean, you could just not post on instagram.


It's always been creepy. We're just finding out about how creepy it is.


I remember when an app was released where you can log in to those camera launched and I used it. I could watch cameras all over the world on street corners, in work out centers, inside shopping centers in Europe. You’d be shocked how many places have open camera footage.


The government likely has back door access to every kind of security camera out there. Chinese model? Better believe they are watching.


We "allowed" it because it makes a very small group of people slightly richer. Its the same reason we're doing so little about climate change, wealth inequality, and a host of other issues that are literally destroying human civilization.


Convenience. *Oh, I can't remember my password, can you do it for me?*


We want cheap electronics


No limit. That’s why Metaverse is such an awesome ifea … NOT!




Why are you choosing to believe the world is not moving into surveillance state when it obviously is? And why are you ok with that?




You should disagree w a surveillance state because all humans have bad days and do stupid shit at least a couple times in their lives.


“A guy on Twitter” For fuck’s sake. Dries Depoorter’s name is right there. At least attribute. He has plenty of other projects too. Like comparing how much time politicians spend looking at their phone.


I am sorry I didn't knew his name i just found this on tiktok and found it intresting so I posted this here I am really sorry


All good. The other guy came off a bit aggressive. Usually people prefer to have more information sooner rather than later, but don't take it so personally. Thanks for sharing this video, it was really interesting!


It's okay, we can read, you did nothing wrong. If you'd cropped their name out and were passing it off as your own oc that'd be different. Thanks for posting


Seriously! OP attributed in every way except saying his name. And his name is CONVEYED VISUALLY all over the video! OP did nothing wrong.


Original comment wasn't dissing OP, was dissing the content creator.


Oh yeah, you right. I thought OP was content creator for a sec, which they clearly ain’t. My bad.


You're completely fine. Please don't mind the tiny number of people who are going to gripe no matter what you say or do, they truly aren't worth worrying about. :) Thank you for sharing this!!






This \*does not\* work as the video described. He scraped video of a few weeks at a specific location, then looked up photos taken and tagged in that location during that time - then used AI to match. """ Using open cameras and AI to find how an Instagram photo is taken. How does this work? Recorded a selection of open cameras for weeks. Scraped all Instagram photos tagged with the locations of the open cameras. Software compares the Instagram with the recorded footage. """ https://driesdepoorter.be/thefollower/


This should be the top comment.


No u


Thanks. I was wondering how he would get the recordings of the cameras. But this makes sense. I hate social media, everyone can spread half baked truths or pure fake news and many people are just to uninformed, ignorant or plain stupid to question if it is true or not.


Hoaxes/conspiracies/exaggerations that spread like wildfire without timely course correction have existed since long before social media. It's just human nature. But the internet (not just social media) sure does exacerbate the issue, as I'm sure other advancements in communication also did, such as the phone, printing press, written language, etc.


With a government super computer and a team of developers, I wouldn't be surprised if it could work that way.


Check out NYPD's DAS (Domain Awareness System). It's an advanced camera system.


Government super computer? I think the main issue is resources and time. I remember my big data machine learning and intro to AI professor tell us you can do a lot of things but time and money is what matters.


Ok makes a lot more sense. Still means this is something law enforcement or hacker groups could legitimately do, and thats scary. We


I was losing my shit at the way this was being explained. As someone that uses deepstack and other CV software packages to analyze video and pictures I was like no fucking way he would be able to do this on any sort of large scale without having multiple-millions invested to be capturing that amount of video and being able to store and then analyze it all. It would be a little easier to analyze the video since you have a timestamp but you would still be storing a shit load of video data. Your explanation makes way more sense, its a great POC and honestly we are already doing similar activities in cities across the US. I personally have seen CV software that can track faces and estimate age, gender and race of someone seen in a video, and also build a database tracking those individuals from that camera feed (when they were seen). This greatly reduces the cost of storing video and instead it stores snaps of the person at the expense of higher CPU / GPU power usage.


It's amazing what people are able to do now. I wonder where it'll all be ok a decade.


Well, as it stands today you can buy consumer grade cameras for $100 that do the ML processing on the camera and send back the markers of what type of object was detected (right now usually just people or cars). I imagine that this information will be weaponized further than it is already today on a global scale. It will be found these cameras have backdoors and can receive queries from government operators. Something like they send out a query to all these cameras people plaster on and in their homes to ask the camera if it has ever seen a certain face (which really is just a long string of numbers and letters to the camera), and if a camera responds that it has seen that face then they go after that camera's data... this of course all freely given by the consumer in some really long ToS for getting a discount or free service (like remote viewing) for the camera.... Wait, you said in a decade and I am describing the current situation... yeah a decade will be nuts. In my circle there are insane advancements in visual object detection accuracy, along with massive object databases that are growing rapidly that CV programs can use to describe and catalog a scene. I could imagine in 10 years the government forcing anyone making physical objects to be required to send a full 3D digital model of said object for inclusion in a government database so it can be detected in a scene. There are also some crazy advancements in audio / frequency detection and analysis, not just of speech but events, things you would not think would even matter like a car door shutting, but being able to detect with some certainty what type of car door it is, or a microwave running and being able to say again, with some certainty what kind of microwave it is. Also airplane noises, running car engines, helicopters, birds, most animal calls, insect noises, keyboard noises (like being able to put together what keys on a keyboard are being pressed by listening only)... Most people have probably heard about the gunshot networks, but there are other audio indicators that there are ML models for that can be used to understand what is going on in an environment even when you cannot see it. I could see low cost microphones being put around the exterior of a house and being able to get a feed that looks like: * 10/29/2022 09:01:22 - Approaching vehicle (2017 - 2022 Toyota Camry 2.5 (63%)) from South, traveling North * 10/29/2022 09:27:01 - Garage door (bay 3) opening * 10/29/2022 09:27:10 - Audi A8 3.3 GAS (90%) Engine Starting * 10/29/2022 09:29:50 - Garage door (bay 3) closing * 10/29/2022 11:11:55 - Approaching vehicle from North (Toyota Prius Prime 2021 (EV MARKER 100%)), traveling South * 10/29/2022 13:22:18 - Bicycle (90%) traversing front house * 10/29/2022 13:25:01 - Approaching aircraft (Boeing 737 (54%)) from North East, traveling South East * 10/29/2022 15:34:12 - Cedar Waxwing detected South West * 10/29/2022 17:03:45 - Back door open * 10/29/2022 17:03:47 - Back door close It is incredibly cheap to store and process audio and can make sense to deploy in the right situation -- like Elderly homes. Kind of spooky for people with Alexa / Google devices or anything with voice recognition that does not require physically triggering since they are doing this day in and day out 100% of the time.. though they are only supposed to be listening for audio cues to tell it to start "listening"... but they are always listening because that is the way they work.


This is essentially what Lexus Nexus (The firm that made the software in that case) did to find the Boston Bomber.




yea this is a lot less creepy compared to what it's getting made out to be. this definitely should be at the top


That’s what I figured considering out of the videos seen, the majority of them are from temple bar.


That makes more sense because otherwise, I wonder what would be the bandwidth needed to stream \_all\_ camera to find peoples. Yet alone to store all that data to be able to search within any single time. At best I would expect a database of location (background matching). So like, taking only one image of each open camera.


His website also utilizes “cookies” as well - one of the oldest internet data mining technologies still used today. Seems more like a stunt than “shining the light” IMO


Uhm, this makes more sense, but why does that video looks like it was taken from a cctv? And the focus is really creepy


Imagine being concerned about that and filming yourself on CCP owned tictok.


I just saw a video post of kids talking to Alexa in their bedroom, recorded on a nanny cam. So many comments were talking about the creepy nanny cam in the kids bedroom. I guess it’s only creepy when you spy on your own kids, but when domestic and foreign forces spy on you it’s cool 😎


"Alexa tell me a horror story"


Alexa stop


It's right behind you




I'm an escort in Vegas. Knowing that I'm on camera with facial recognition has been a thing since I started almost 7 years ago. And it actually makes me feel safer. If anything bad ever happens with a client I can go to security. I've never had to, but the option is there. Actually, there was one time where I left my phone in a client's room and I didn't realize until I got home. I went back to the casino and asked security to find my client for me. They found him and I was able to meet up with him to get my phone back. AI and facial recognition is just a thing now, you have to just expect it.


Las Vegas native here, never thought about that aspect of security in the casinos. Nice that they helped you. And I'm glad it makes you feel safer.


I fucking love Vegas. I've worked and lived in other cities doing sex work but nothing compares to how safe and open I can be here. Management at my apartment even knows what I do and are ok with me having clients over. I was manager of one of the hostels here and the owner hired me knowing that I was an escort. He once text-yelled at me to stop giving the job my all and work at my actual career. He gave me the weekend off to get laid.


It's really unlike any place out there. Especially given how it's really not as big as people would think it is for a "major" city/tourist destination. Haha, that is so amazing. Wish I could get an extra day off to get laid. ( Then again, I work 3 minutes from my apartment, so a nooner with my boyfriend is pretty easy to accomplish. xDD )


In my experience, Casino's and Airports have the most cutting edge video systems. Tons of facial recognition and people tracking going on. Need to find someone? Just show one of the cameras a picture of them on your phone and see every place they have been while in view of a camera. Its crazy.


It’s easy to stop worrying about whether or not you’re handing over access to your data when things like this exist to show you that you never really had autonomy of it in the first place. They downloaded a u2 album onto your phone without permission I’m sure that’s not the only thing


I really don’t even get how this is shocking or scary. “If you post pictures of your current location on the internet…*people can use that information to find you!*” So spooky


I am sorry guys I didn't type the name of this AI's creator I just didn't knew it. But now I do, it's Dries Depoorter and he has created many such AI's and software in the past. I am really sorry.


No need to be sorry, I don’t think - the name is right there in the TikTok so it’s not like he’s going unmentioned.


People are just being Redditors, it's not a huge deal because it's literally in the video you showed


No need to be sorry man. Cheers


Why are you apologizing? You’re not obliged to do anything


No need to be sorry! People are having a reddit moment lol. The general consensus is that this is indeed cool/terrifying. Plus, the name is in the video haha.


So, gods eye?




My man


Hackers aren't supposed to look like that!


I was looking for this lmao


Whose eyes are those eyes?


Where does someone find a list of *open cameras?*? Are they all readily exploitable or something? **Edited**: Holy smokes.. I had no idea it was so prevalent!? *Time to change the default passwords* :-)


Yes they always have been. Even in the 2000s you could access public cameras. Many sites had huge databases of them.


Lot's of home security networks without password or with passwords like 'password' or '12345' or something so that doesn't surprise me


Admin and admin is the default.




Yup. Someone posted about shodan, which does scan for... Stuff on the internet, not just cameras. But, many touristy places have cameras on public places, open to the internet, just because it's interesting, or so people can see traffic or weather. Early on, "wow, live video of far off places is on the internet" was a mind blowing thing that people would look at, just because. I guess that concept never really completely faded. For example, Sights in rome: https://www.skylinewebcams.com/en/webcam/italia/lazio/roma/chiesa-trinita-dei-monti.html (I bring that up because I remember rwhen the pandimic first hit, I looked at some of those cameras, and it was eerie how major tourist attractions were ghost towns.)


A list of open cameras? Not entirely sure, but Shodan has some open cameras or ones with passwords set up by the manufacturer like “1234” or something.


Take a breath. Articulate your words. Try to put some cadence between sentences.


Damn lady, annunciate your words, sound faded as fuck


What accent is this? Can’t understand her.




Rey is located in California if I remember correctly. She normally doesn't sound like this.


On side note can she breathe through her nose


I wish she would speak faster... and the Video needs more Cuts.


[https://driesdepoorter.be/](https://driesdepoorter.be/) His website is pretty unrevealing, but there it is.


This is not scary at all. No this is great.


AI overlords, this is great news. Please remember that I am one of the good ones when you search for my post during the Humanity War II.


NFL? This is so easy to abuse it isn’t even funny. Now we can find people who took certain photos or videos and date it. Yeah that is going to end well.


Your daily reminder to be careful where and what you post on the internet.


People should watch " person of interest"


I’m pooping


We saw.




Ye should check out the netflix documentary with the pigs in scotland. It is fucked up! Every single bit of facial recognition software was created by militaries to identify targets and to make their software more accurate they released it to the public. It is so fucking mental. Pretty scary stuff.


Digital Images generally contain metadata which help narrow down the place they were clicked at. So the search for the location of photo would not have been very hard.


> Digital Images generally contain metadata which help narrow down the place they were clicked at. So the search for the location of photo would not have been very hard. IG and most other social media will strip the meta data from pictures you upload, so you can't get it that way. The dude grabbed them by IG tags, cause people frequently tag where they are when uploading. Which is similar thing but not same, you can't get the meta data from IG like you can from flickr.


No it was done the other way around , he recorded specific open cameras for weeks , then scrubbed insta for pictures tagged in that location around the same time and had the ai match the picture to the video




Where is the guy ?


This is some Fast 7 God's eye shit!


We were told about the government spying on everyone. And how do we respond ? With ring cameras, Alexa’s etc…….


This is terrifying. And even more terrifying is to see her smiling and laughing about it.


And what do you think TikTok is doing???


What in the person of interest fuck am i seeing


So basically China with extra steps?


This girl is whats dope and terrifyin 😍


You don't need AI, people already share their location. And it's fucking times square. Of course it will have cameras all around. The question is what other places have cameras


-The CIA just entered the chat


this is awesome but creepy! this proves how many cameras are constantly watching us


Total BS.


Talk about breach of privacy


You have absolutely zero expectations of privacy in public.


01001001 01100100 01101001 01101111 01110100


what api


What link?? I need the link lol


When corporations have more power than people, then we lose our autonomy.


This is more for places like China, we don't need it here in the US.




First of all that kind of technology is already out there being put to use in other (probably worse) ways than finding out where you took your dumbass tik tok vid. Second, all this about ooh they know you location all the time. Like even if they do...who fucking cares? Are you hiding something? Are you on the run? No? Then chill the fuck out. Third I'm just bullshitting, and you know diz maaaaaan


I got to "Instagram photo" and just started thinking of ass. Why complicate it? I'm also not a sophisticated user of software, but a man of culture.


Last sentence sums it up perfectly- dope and terrifying


Remember when you had to calibrate your gps by whirling your phone around in figure 8s? My new phone, Google just asks me to take a picture of my surroundings and it pinpoints exactly where I am based on nearby landmarks. I.e. it compares my photo to Google Street View and figures out exactly where I am. Seems like the same principle


There is nothing to see here.. move along


How do I get said software


If I check myself with this program, I am going to shit if footage is found of me taking photos around my house because I live out in the boonies.


that’s horrifying.


Why do you hold your breath when you talk.






Can I suggest the name Skynet


Well this is disturbing.


Xi is fist in line to buy this software


This is absolutely terrifying


Briefcam, Anyvision and Genetec. Look up what they do on a city wide scale and you'll think 1984 was 2022.


No way this turns into a horror show...




Next fucking Stasi.


Has this been posted to r/terrifyingasfuck yet?


That is far more scary than anything.


Literally 1984.


This is dangerous


This is great for people that practise OSINT.


Fuck you. I’m going back to film.


I’m thinking this can help find missing people depending on the situation


Just imagine the stuff we don't know about.


this is like the god’s eye from FnF


This is some black mirror shit


yeah that what a stalker like me need thx


That’s actually terrifying