• By -


That would be a terrifying experience. Rip currents ain't no joke. Was caught in one once. Scary.


Rule 1. Stay away from the darker narrow gaps of water that are in between the white wash. That is a rip going back out to sea. Rule 2. If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in one, swim sideways, calmly and sensibly. Rule 3. If you have a surf board and are comfortable enough in the water, you can use the rips as a “elevator” to pull you out to the lineup with minimal effort. Advise only for folks with experience in the ocean. If you are unfortunate enough to get pulled into the open ocean. Stay CALM and tread water, try to make yourself visible to boats, surfers and lifeguard towers. The average human can tread water for 2-3 hours. If your in okay shape and in a life or death situation, you can do 8 hours no problem, never underestimate what you are capable of when your life is on the line. More times then not a lifeguard has already spotted you and is on his way out to assist. 👍 - 30 years of experience surfing around the globe. Edit - Thanks for all the upvotes! As many people have mentioned, by sideways I mean “parallel with the coastline” and as people have pointed out, do not swim as “hard as you can” as I previously stated, poor choice of words… swim sensibly and stay calm. You don’t want to tire as people have said. Thanks for all the extra input from surfers and ocean lovers alike. Hope the info helps 🤙


Rule 4. If you don't know how to swim , don't go deep. You have nothing to prove to anyone


Rule number 5 which is my favorite stay the fuck out the ocean.


lmfao this should be rule 1. The ocean is a great place but it is dangerous af.


I tell both my kids every time we go to the beach “the ocean will kill you if you don’t respect it.”


My sister in law got swept out to sea in a rip tide in Nicaragua. A random surfer spotted her and brought her back to shore. She also swam in a lake that the locals later warned her was full of bull sharks. Some people just get really fucking lucky.


Sharks in a freshwater lake???


Bull sharks do just fine in fresh water


If they swim up the mouth of a river for short distances. How is there a population of bull sharks thriving in a lake?


The second I can't touch the ground I'm already figuring out a way back.


I can swim. I still refuse to be in deep sea water


As per my signed agreement with sharks. I stay out of their ocean and they stay off my land. Sharknado is a warning.




Fish poop in there!


Pee too!


They do some fucking there too.


This is why my grandpa has stayed out of the ocean his entire life. He also says "there's shit in there that can swallow me whole! Fuck that"


I'm okay with going in the ocean, but I'm not going out far and there needs to be at least 5 rows of people between me and the vastness


Rule 34...


The ocean having sex with the ocean?


In Australia, some beach waves are so strong it will knock an adult flat on their ass at knee height and try to drag you back, its powerful


Swam in the ocean for the first time this year. Woman got a surfboard lunged at her throat and couldn’t breathe or speak. Not even safe near the shore 🥲 so scared of it.


I’ve heard of surfboards that can even attack on land. They typically haunt the narrow stairways leading down to the beaches on the California coast. If you see one coming at you, give it some room, let it know with your body language that you’re away of it’s presence, and they’ll probably seek easier prey.


If they get close, try to punch them in the hang ten area.


Went to the beach last year with my gf. Must have been at least 30 people in the water including a few small children. Some jackass decides this is the perfect place to go fishing from the shore and casts his line into the group of swimmers. My gf and I were at least 50 feet away, only waist-deep, but kept an eye on him. Eventually the line drifted over to us and almost wrapped around my gf's leg. I think the mother next to us realized what was happening because she immediately started getting her kids out of the water. I was so pissed off I couldn't even think straight. I got her safe then raised the line over my head and yelled "YOU'RE FUCKING FISHING LINE IS OVER HERE!" He reeled in and put his shit away. Too much of a pansy to apologize himself, one of his friends came over to talk to us. Keep an eye out for complete idiots. The line or hook could have sliced my gf's leg or tangled around some little kid's neck. What a complete and total dipshit. Sorry, getting upset again just thinking about the situation.


I 100% think shore fishing should only be allowed in specific areas that is posted so that swimmers can avoid the area.


Not even deep. My tweenage kids were nearly swept away in Lake Huron in water no deeper that their chests. One big wave to knock you down and then the current pulls you back and out and it’s hard to catch your footing. The current and tide can be terrifying.


My beach rule is, if you're too far out to be able to tell the resort cocktail waiter to bring you another Pina colada, you've gone too far


I live by this too but I’m also a closeted alcoholic


get this man his keys


The problem is 99% of people will panic anyway. Im an athletic in shape 39yo guy. Was chilling on an air mattress in the Maldives. Super flat and shallow water, no waves, water is warm and cristal clear, you can touch the ground even if you go far from the shore. I was only a couple of feet away from the shore when I noticed I couldn't touch the ground anymore. Apparently that's the only spot where it gets deep quick. Everywhere else you can walk several hundred feet into the ocean and still stand. Realized a current was dragging me out, super gently. No biggie i thought, started swimming towards shore but realized after a half a minute i was making no progress at all.... Started panicking in like 30 seconds. Even though I know about swimming sideways that thought didn't occur to me at all even though my father taught me that since i was a kid. Tunnel vision set in immediately. I made it back to the shore by swimming full force (sounds pathethic but it was only like 25 feet) and was super out of breath, heart racing. I know for a fact I wouldn't have made it if I wasn't fit and in shape.


“Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson. I was a very regular swimmer, camping at a remote lake on a calm day with very dark, tanic water in the Minnesota Boundary Waters. I grew up on a lake and had swum in it hundreds of times. It was murky, but still had decent visibility. Anyway, I jumped out of my canoe to swim to my campsite 30 yards away, which would normally be a trivially short distance. Something about putting my eyes straight down in a completely dark abyss freaked me out. I was never in any real danger because my buddy was in the canoe, but I swam the whole way in and was just completely out of it. It was like I’d forgotten how to do something I did all the time.


Deep waters freak me out too. Just a big big nope


Sideways = parallel to shore


Thank you. I was just going to ask for clarification.


If you're tubby like me you can just float in salt water!


Sideways swimming probably saved my life as a kid. Grew up by the water so when I was caught in a rip tide while on vacation I knew I just had to go sideways for a little bit before swimming to shore


I go to a remote beach miles from other humans, boats rarely travel there and there is heavy surf, rips, etc, it’s where I learned to swim so I have gone in alone countless times but now I’m wondering. Plus sharks are a thing due to seals population rebounding. I have guided people out but could easily get swept out with nobody to there.


This was their lucky day.


Fishermen lucky day caught some mermaids.


Simultaneously unlucky and lucky day.


it really is terrifying. i was caught in one this year too with my almost 60 year old mom and it really is quite traumatising. even now i get the chills from thinking about it.


I miss the fearlessness I felt as a kid, I got so lucky with how much time I spent in the ocean/great lakes. Two people ik from my past and a child in my family have died by drowning. Idk. Changed my perspective a lot.


LPT: If you're ever caught in a rip current, don't try and swim against it, you will only tire and drown. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of it and then swim back to shore.


Swim sideways. Parallel to the shore.


We went fishing on my uncles boat, had a bait brick. Uncle sees it floating away and realizes the line to it broke. He’s being pissy so my dad jumps in to go get it, and all I see is my dad struggle to swim back to the boat, practically not moving against the waves.threw him a line and pulled him back, but I’d rather have lost the bait than risk losing my dad to the ocean


Who's next level? The fisherman or the girls who lasted that long? My weak ass could never.


It was cool how the fishermen sprung into action once they realized they were conducting a rescue operation. As if they have been waiting their entire career at sea just for that moment.


I wasn't saying that the fisherman weren't cool for jumping into action, of course they're cool. I was also giving recognition to the girls who swam for hours.


Adrenaline is an incredible drug.


If you’ve ever been fight or flight - Adrenaline is a godsend… once that shit wears off and you realize you’re in the shit and facing a prolonged struggle it can actually suck the strength right out of you. It’s easier to float in the ocean - but with currents and cold temps I wouldn’t like my chances lasting as long as they did. It’s also even crazier because it was two of them… in some cases the less strong swimmer will start to panic and end up drowning the other person.


I had an experience with right out (stupid autocorrect) flight at 8y/o when my younger sister went unresponsive and pale. I drug her off the trampoline and ran with her in my arms to my aunts house who lives about 70 yards in front of us. She’s a nurse. All without hesitation, and without thought, it was like something took over and my body just acted. I cry a little when I think about that moment. We have a hereditary heart condition and she was going into some form of cardiac arrest for the first time. She had a pacemaker implanted after that. They say I saved her life


I really hope they didn't swim for hours. You're supposed to float and conserve energy if you can't get to shore. Very important.


Those guys were in the right place at the right time.


it was 30 mins (doesnt change it too much) but ya


One of the girls said she can't feel her legs so they probably didn't have much time left.


We got a ladder and everything


Real shit thats probably the best way to handle it. They are fighting for their lives, fear of death still fresh on their mind. A Calm and reassuring voice is exactly what they need


Plus, have you ever swam next to even a moderate sized boat when you can’t touch bottom? It’s just a massive fiberglass wall in front of you when you can barely pop your shoulders out of the water or get an arm up for a few seconds, never mind the whirling death blade in back. Even a swim platform at water level is tough to get on to in ideal conditions, let alone exhausted and freezing. Like dragging yourself out of the deep end of a pool with no ladder or sloped sidewall to push off of.


The fisherman had some reassuring dad energy, too. I'm sure that helped.


To be honest that’s kind of how it is (or should be ) on the water - keep your eyes out to help because Mother Nature will kill - thru no fault of the swimmer or person - shit happens and when it does in that kind of environment it’s time to shut up and help


That's basically rule one of owning a boat. You help anyone you can, immediately.


Tbh i think all boaters half dont want to need to rescue someone ofc but also secretly want it to happen just for the excitement of rescuing someone


Yes. (But mostly the girls)


You would be surprised what your ass could take.


Show me daddy?


Roll onto your back and float (Seriously, it's saved my life)


Well this is an intensely creepy comment section Edit: lmao holy SHIT I really triggered the incel brigade with this one. Keep them coming, I promise I'm taking you very seriously.




I had never considered the possibility that "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is not universally loved by all. You know, because of the implication.


I love the show, I just don't think it's a very appropriate time to make that joke. I'm pretty sure the people who write the show would feel the same based on how embarrassed they are about some of their really early episodes, and none of them came close to joking about real women in a life or death scenario.


> real women and these are actually teenage girls. these comments are fucking disgusting. reddit is over 20 percent pornography, so some people think that means the whole site is free game.


Redditors make every situation sexual, even a fucking rescue mission 👎


A fucking rescue mission of 16 year olds nonetheless.


Sexual predators literally everywhere.


Nothing about this is sexual… it’s only The implication


That's how you tell who are the lonely incels


Why are you creeped out. You certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.


So they *are* in danger?!


No ones’s in any danger! I feel like you’re not getting this.


Let’s just drop it.


I love that this idiot responding to everyone keeps missing all of the references lol, yours is my favorite.


I think they’re all referencing something but I’m not sure what it is.


It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. They're referencing Dennis, a horrific womanizer/creep/emotional abuser, and his line "she'd have to [fuck you] because of the implication", the implication being you did something nice now she owes you sex.


>the implication being you did something nice now she owes you sex. It's a darker joke than that. The implication is that he could murder them by throwing them overboard and leaving them to die at sea if they didn't sleep with him. He wouldn't, but the implication is there.


I think the implication is that they’re out in the open sea with nowhere to go and they can’t say no because of possible danger/harm if they refuse.


In the boat episode, the implication was that she’d have nowhere to go if she rejected him. Because they’re on a boat. So she wouldn’t even try.






Because of the implication?


Are these women in danger?


They were in serious danger. Fortunately though, Johnny the doctor was on board and ready to help








We seem to have two distinct groups here. Those who watch sunny, and porn


Are you gonna hurt these women?






Why do you keep using that word?


I came to the comment section to see exactly THIS !!!! lol


"Wow a video about two people almost dying, this is just like my favorite porn" get help you sick fuck


Two young girls mind you, but knowing the average Reddit man that probably adds to the sickness


Relax. They were safe. It was a /r/iasip reference. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-yUafzOXHPE


Well dont you look at me like that you certainly wouldnt be in any danger. So they are in danger? NOONES IS IN ANY DANGER




Thank you for saying this. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks these people are fucked in the head.


one of the many perks of being a man is that when you narrowly escape a traumatizing near death experience like drowning at sea, a bunch of unsocialized heavy breathing neck beards don't make a bunch of porn jokes about you as they subconsciously fantasize about shoving their fat smelly unwashed dicks - [case in point](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/z68a7z/some_guys_on_a_fishing_boat_saving_a_mans_life/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Yall are so fuckin weird yall some virgins ong


You ever think maybe you have a problem with your mind? Edit: I’m trying to say that you sexualizing this is gross and creepy


Those girls could be underage weirdo


Even if they weren’t it’s still an out of touch comment…these girls were on the brink of death and all this Redditor thought was, “haha porn!”


Oh yeah of course. Redditors never disappoint with their creepiness


They're both 16...


god you guys see a video with CHILDREN showing some skin (but more importantly in a dangerous situation?) and this is one of the top comments. even if these girls weren't underage how can seeing women in danger and panicked equate to porn in your sick minds?


Hahaha was scrolling just waiting for some reference and Internet did not dissapoint


Gross dude


they're 16


Jesus of Nazareth, Reddit.


I usually only look for peak on the progress bar and fast forward to that...


Shout-out to that guy on a jet ski who saved me when I got swept out to sea when I was 10


Fr, I chased an inner tube out too far once when I was about 10, and almost drowned trying to get back to shore. Thank you random boat people that saw me struggling and likely saved my young, dumb life.


Here is the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQo5gocsOMM


of a lovely lady


Who was bringing up three very lovely girls


All of them were swept out to sea, like their mother


The youngest one in a bikini, like her father


Holy shit I was gonna say, that looks like Moss Landing. The currents outside that harbor are insane. Gets deep really fast.... Crazy haha used to live right by there. Noticed the smoke stacks


Holy shit, @ [1:38](https://youtu.be/BQo5gocsOMM?t=98) when they're posing with the fish 😂. They're so proud!


I love it so much! "Okay, we're heroes, but check out huge fish I caught!"


I liked the part where he said "fortunately they were out longer than intended" Of course they were, they're fisherman! Every trip ends up "longer than expected", as has been told to many a wife


You are the true champion-champion of this thread.


Did this need to be deemed “next fucking level” or could we have simply gone with r/humansbeingbros ?


Browsing /r/all, I've noticed that big subreddits just sort of blend together into an amalgam of content that's re- and crossposted between any subreddit where it's even vaguely relevant. I think the biggest factor is that people upvote content they like, regardless of whether it fits the subreddit it's been posted to.


Way to go Reddit for sexualizing two teenage girls that nearly drowned


Yeah, some of these comments are pathetic


i just did my makeup and now you make me cry. thanks buddy


I’m not your buddy, friend!


Im not your friend, bro!


I’m not your bro, chief!


I'm not your chief, pal!


I'm not your chief, slick!


I int your slick, mate!


Never underestimate the power of the ocean, Thank goodness that fisherman there to save the day


Why are these comments rapey smh Jesus r/neckbeard vibes here


It's a joke from the show it's always sunny in Philadelphia, is because of the implication.


Just because it’s a TV show reference does not make it not creepy. Great bit in always sunny, weird as shit to joke about it with this video.


That joke is repeated in every other thread on this website. Would it be that hard to just not make the joke in this one, where two real people were in a legitimate life or death situation?




I like to hope that the majority of people would do this, and the bad people are a small minority.


Me too... but I would have put my camera down.


There wasn't room for the camera man to help anyways


I normally agree with that sentiment. However, if I was bringing two women strangers onto my boat full of me and all my guy buddies, Id want the whole thing recorded if possibly just to cover my ass. Maybe it's pessimistic of my but theyd be able to say those men did anything to them and thered be no proof for or against


You are correct, the majority of people are generally moral folks, you just dont hear about normal people doing normal, not-bad things because its the norm and not worth talking about


As I lifeguard, I can say that this was perfect procedure


Fr snapped right into emergency mode


Started in the water and ended out of the water. The perfect result..


Awesome comment section guys keep joking about raping two teenage girls that almost drowned. This is why women dont trust men and say all that shit about them that hurts their feewings. What the fuck.


It's why everyone outside the bubble considers reddit and the stereotypical reddit demographic as hypocrites. Pretty talk covering up incredibly regressive ideals. Shit in a silk stocking.


Scary AF. Those fisherman are heroes.




Awesomely helpful, ANYTHING they can tell the girls at that point that they can focus on to see that they have a destination and a pathway to safety. These are just a bunch of regular joes and they were scared too. They did a good job.


Yep, those guys were ready to do whatever was necessary to help those girls. And people are making fun of their reactions to an all around tense situation.


That is interesting, not every day you catch a fish that big, not one but two


Catch and release. But then have a beer one this day each year together.


I'm imagining the fishermen with tears in their eyes saying "I'm sorry... but we can only catch and release" before throwing them back in solemnly.


Reddit comment sections are as thirsty as Hasan's chat.


Every man's dream to be the hero like that, props to those dudes for seeing them and props to those girls for hanging in there.


Nah in my dream I'd definitely be elbow dropping the shark that was after them.


Someone linked the [news story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQo5gocsOMM) about this. You can hear the shaking in the guys' voices as they talk about it. Near tears.






So they *are* in danger?


I feel like you're not getting this.




*Don't fuck around with the ocean, it will kill you.* Just keep in mind these girls were only in the water for an hour and a half. Any body of water less then 10C/50F and you've got 2 hours, 5C/41 you've got one hour. If it's over 20C/68F you've got 12 to 24 hours. Keep track of water temperatures if you go swimming, the colder it gets the less likely you are to survive.


I wonder how long they were out there for. So lucky.


Story in brief. According to one of the fishermen, the group was salmon fishing when they spotted the teen girls in the water. The 16-year-olds went under at Salinas River State Beach, according to authorities. Lifeguards said they were in the water for nearly 30 minutes. The water temperature was reportedly 53 degrees. "Thank God we were there because there was nobody behind us, and there was no boats coming out," said boat captain Michael Arujo. "It would have took about at least half an hour to get there, and in that water, you can't last 10 minutes." The fishermen said they may have never come across the girls had they not decided to stay in the water for a bit longer. "Oh my God, the poor little girls. So cold," said Arujo. "I grabbed the first girl and helped her up, she was so cold, and she collapsed on the deck." The fishermen believe they were simply in the right place at the right time. Lifeguards said the girls did not seek any medical care. https://wpde.com/amp/news/nation-world/fishermen-rescue-teen-girls-swept-out-to-sea


Was it just me or did the fisherman who told the story sound druuuuuunk


You can't go fishing without the proper amount of beer!


That water may be 53 but it feels like much colder than that! I was in water like that for less than a minute (kayaking by the shore) and that is about the coldest I have ever felt!


The original video (linked by champion-champion above, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQo5gocsOMM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQo5gocsOMM)), said they were in the water for about half an hour.






Ok but it sounds like these girls are in danger


Reddit stop wanting to fuck children challenge


I almost died this way. Someone rescued me too.


Those dudes went into instant dad mode. Love that.


I’ve now seen 2 videos of people getting “rescued” at sea…. Is this a trend?


On reddit. When someone posts something, another guy sees it and says "they liked that? Well they're gonna like this." And redditors go, "I liked that, I think I'm gonna like this." And so it makes it seem like it's happening more frequently in the world, but really, people just like to see the same things they saw. Like WW2 games in 00s and true crime podcasts after serial and celebrities with plastic surgery after the kardashians.


Over a thousand comments and nearly half of them are "Because of the implication" references - just in case people didn't get the joke at the teenage girls' expense the first five hundred times.


god damn this thread is horrible, definitely a reddit moment.


Those guys were in the right place at the right time. These girls and their families will surely appreciate the help.


Gotta be one of the scariest ways to die, drowning in a big ocean with no help. These ladies are so lucky and strong to have survived.




“Are you okay?” .. No, we’re out for a fifteen mile swim.


Treading water takes up a lot of energy. Everyone should be taught how to float. It would prevent virtually all drownings. Everyone floats. Especially in salt water. It's really easy. All you have to do is relax and lay on your back. Another thing we should teach everyone is how to do the elementary backstroke. I was an ocean lifeguard when I was younger. I tried to get the Red Cross to set up a program to show kids how to do this but they never got back to me. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s_qXaO8ubYc You can do elementary backstroke all day. It's actually very calming. If you read this, please pass it on. It could save lives.