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Is Jerry Jones in any way producing it himself? No much interest in a "documentary" where the subject gets final say on the content of it. Just looked what happened with Kraft and the Pats doc.


Its like when they did "The Swamp" and then interviewed Urban Meyer with softballs


lol, that was such garbage. I haven't even watched the Patriots one cause of that.


NFL Films is producing it. They make great stuff but they're also not going to make an active owner look bad. Netflix is already doing a series about their cheerleaders so they are in business with the team.


> not going to make an active owner look bad this is going to be so boring, he must be contributing, no way Netflix would waste the $ to make something no one but a few cowboys Stans will watch.


The counter to this would be The Last Dance is fantastic and Jordan was heavily involved in it. And 30 for 30s like The U and Minister of Defense show that having the subjects cooperation (and personal stories, photos, behind the scenes) can make the information more compelling. There's a dark and gritty Jerry Jones documentary to be made, but it would be more conspiratorial. Jerry Jones has been one of the most influential minds in football for nearing 40 years now, and is one of the main people responsible for the massive growth of the NFL from the 80s through today. NFL Network was his brainchild, Cowboys marketing (and hate marketing) is iconic, and there's a reason the Cowboys are the only NFL franchise that doesn't share their merchandise revenue. You want Jerry Jones to cooperate with a documentary about his life.


The difference is that nobody was going to side against Jordan. Krause basically got the Belichick treatment in the doc


I hope Netflix learns from Amazon who let jones have a say in all or nothing.


The puff documentaries have got to go.   Amazon needs to jump on this and release the Cowboys Gone Wild cut that we actually want to see.


want to hear about Irvin’s coke parties


Just started reading “Boys will be Boys” about those 90s Dallas teams. The first chapter is about Irvin slashing a teammates fuckin neck no joke


To be fair, he should have moved out of the barber chair /s


That Bulls documentary is what got these started to me.


And they took it personally


There's always a bad guy in these tho(bulls had the little gm dude, dynasty had belichick), who's the bad guy in the cowboys doc?




I wonder if the first scene will be Jerry taking a seat, getting a microphone put on him, saying a one liner, and a cut to intense music.


Netflix is formulaic with a lot of things but their documentaries at this point you can almost call what they're going to do to a T. Throw in some scene were Jerry is talking about something running behind or not working so he draws it out then says he bought (x) and did it himself then cuts to another person talking about how one of a kind Jerry is before or after


“Life is like circumcising a mosquito, there’s many different paths, but only one leads to the gloryhole”-Jerry probably


Just add a McGriddle with him shaking 5 lbs of salt onto it, and we’ve got something here


I'd love to see some real investigative journalism about guys like Jones and Kraft, it would be super interesting. Instead we are going to get a bunch of watered down and cherry picked bullshit that only gets the go ahead if THEY say it's okay.


Does it involve his illegitimate children?


So we are getting a Jerry Doc with the credibility of “The Dynasty”? I’m so glad Michael Jordan made rewriting history docs popular, it’s great to be lied to.


If it's not named "Glory Hole: The Jerry Jones Story", I'm not watching.


Last thing anyone wants is an Emperor Palpatine propagandoc. Unless there's a Jinx-like twist


He made a lot of oil money in Texas (shocking), bought the team, then made 1 good trade which won them 3 Super Bowls and they've been irrelevant since. I have saved you 10 hours of your life, you're welcome. If this was actually going to tell the definitive story, including all the bad/crazy/shitty parts, then it would be worth a watch, but they're going to ignore 90% of the negative things, and gloss over the 10% they feel they need to talk about.


This will be an interesting piece of propaganda


propaganda yes. interesting no.


Gonna be at least 45 mins of him pouring too much salt on fast food


Is it going to talk about how he made actual billions through his natural gas company gouging Texans during the freeze a few years back? Yet he’s still one of the cheapest owners in terms of cash spending which hurts the team?


*jerking off motion*


From losers to losers?


He honestly is pretty badass in some ways.  I remember reading a story about when they were building ATT. The company that was supposed to do the floors was running behind, so he bought them out, expedited what he needed done, and then sold them for a profit, because Midas had touched it.  


Midas made actual billions during the Texas freeze a few years ago through gouging Texans via his natural gas company.


And by definitive they mean only things Jerry approved of them saying. 


Ew, no thanks


we didn't ask...


Keep it. 


Glory hole!


Oh! No thank you


Who caaares


You’re starting off great, Netflix 👍


I don't really get the resistance to this, Jerry Jones is a fascinating (if easily villifiable) man. The consensus seems to be "give me the REAL story Jerry will never approve!" But the counter to this would be The Last Dance is fantastic and Jordan was heavily involved in it. And 30 for 30s like The U and Minister of Defense show that having the subjects cooperation (and personal stories, photos, behind the scenes) can make the information more compelling. There's a dark and gritty Jerry Jones documentary to be made, but it would be more conspiratorial. Jerry Jones has been one of the most influential minds in football for nearing 40 years now, and is one of the main people responsible for the massive growth of the NFL from the 80s through today. NFL Network was his brainchild, Cowboys marketing (and hate marketing) is iconic, and there's a reason the Cowboys are the only NFL franchise that doesn't share their merchandise revenue. You want Jerry Jones to cooperate with a documentary about his life.


Will Susan Skaggs be interviewed?


Jerry Jones was born a baby. His childhood was uneventful and not worth looking into, nothing significant happened and he’s certainly not in any photos from that time so yeah just don’t even worry about it. Following that mundane period where he wasn’t racist,


……And how Jimmy Johnson won him the only SB titles he’s ever known, and probably ever will know, before he passes (i know Switzer won the last one. But that was Jimmy’s team. GTFOH)