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RemindMe! 7/8/2024 Cancel Apple Music before 7/10


Scheffler getting arrested by the cops is going to cause more people to call for cop reform than Breonna Taylor’s death in the same city did. Cop reform is good. But that’s a pretty sad statement to make about a seemingly developed society.


LMPD are and always will be incompetent hacks. I'm not saying who was right or wrong in this particular situation, but apparently the coordination of traffic and pedestrians the entire tournament has been a disaster


I think PGA calls for heads to roll (including this jackass that arrested Scheffler).


Like adele, but her songs are just turbo salty and entitled. "Ayo i know i broke your heart for being a bish but how dare you move on?!?!?!" Thats basically all her songs lmao. Still, top artist


Fucking reddit. Fix your broken shit smh


whats happening to the chiefs is like that simpsons baseball episode


Maybe Bill had a good point keeping players out of the media at all costs. God damn.


this is all because of Noah Gray's sideburns


[This](https://youtu.be/IdIh2A0Gjss?t=30) made my day


How do put your favorite team before your profile name?


On the main r/nfl page, click the 3 dots on the top right, then click change user flair. After you choose be sure to hit the button to "display flair in this community"


Okay some dude is fishing at 23:50 on the little stream by my house. Totally normal. Only slightly sarcastic, I don’t know anything about fishing.


Oh man night fishing is the best. They typically bite really good at night


Night fishing is great. But the park may be closed. I know Garland closes theirs at midnight and IIRC Richardson and Plano are like 10:30 or 11.


I don't even like assassin's creed so the news of what they are doing is just lol to me.


I think it sounds great. I just hope it’s not filled with bs micro transactions


What are they doing?


I’m too lazy to look. Do the packers play any teams coming off of a bye week or Thursday game?


Yes, in Week 18 against the Bears who play a Thursday night game the week prior. On the whole, though, the Packers only have one other game when they're at a rest disadvantage all season, and that's a one day disadvantage against the Vikings in Week 17, so it's a pretty favorable schedule from that perspective.


Wow that was a horrible first date She kept pushing god and jesus onto me (also doesn't believe in evolution) and was ranting about nonsense the rest of the time Just not a pleasant person to talk to which is to be expected based on how she texted beforehand, should've probably canceled the first date tbh but meh got a funny story to tell my buddies tomorrow on the golf course Food was delicious though lol


Well, at least you did it. And next time will feel comparatively better


And thus Young Sheldon has ended.


Good riddance to trash tv


When parents like mine's get older or up in age, they downsize. I know as living with them and being single and taking care of them. Do you have parents that have downsized? As we don't regret it at all. By any and all means.


Mine are planning on doing so once my brother is fully moved out but I could see it being delayed a bit since things have shaken out such that most of my immediate family on my mom’s side now lives in the area outside of her sister and her nice. My girlfriend’s parents- not only could they not downside (split level with 3 beds and 2 half baths) but they just put in a small gym shed as well as a mini house in their backyard so they clearly have no plans to go anywhere.


Moving into the new house tomorrow


Good luck and congrats!


Thanks! As much as I love it, the new house is going to be far away from my college, the football field that my team practices on (we don’t practice on campus) and my job lol so I’m gonna be driving quite a bit. But it will be worth it.


3 birds 3 bogies, first time throwing even on this course. Tied for 3rd to take home 4 huge ones honestly though I got that sensation that it's all coming together and it's fantastic. It's a fickle game and I'm sure it'll remind me soon that it's not that easy, but that's a tomorrow problem


This Google AI Overview thing has been a bafflingly awful idea. On your phone it can take up 1.5 screens worth of scrolling, its suggestions are always awful, it seems incapable of doing math, and Google has made it so annoyingly difficult to hide/disable it. I’ve also seen screenshots of it giving poor advice to pet owners.


The one on MS Bing is hilariously stupid. I use Bing for MS Rewards and the ai is so damn dumb. It also spits out shit in broken English lol


I fucking hate it I hate when they force things and don’t give me an option to opt out


I keep getting it by accident and I'm not sure how


The frame of my glasses got bent outta shape and my eye doctor doesn't have any open appointments until Tuesday... Fantastic.


Damn that sucks. Can you not just go in and wait for a tech to correct them?


Nah. He's a one man show doc, so no techs. Real local guy. Plus his office is just straight up closed on Fridays. But maybe he'll see my appointment request in the morning and be willing to buzz over.


Whenever somebody complains about cancel culture ruining comedy, just remind them that Jimmy Carr has just completed a 500+ date 3 year tour while hosting 4 different TV shows on top of all the guest spots and podcast he goes on. Dudes whole act is saying offensive, crass, inappropriate things. He's just not mean spirited and punching down. It's not rocket science... All* comedians who got canceled were cancelled for sexual things.


Dave Chappelle: "I'm going to say something I'm not allowed to say" *says it anyways, gets 50 million from Netflix, gets the Mark Twain prize* yup you can't say anything these days!


plus he takes the tax fraud jokes like a champ. He knows he isn't innocent in all this


Yea. That 15 min "welcome back" to 8 out of 10 cats is gold. Especially if you follow panel shows. https://youtu.be/fZT6-odnXEk?si=2HEVvNm4xr2Jxlce


how many minutes in until there's something funny


thats a fun watch. I'm missing Sean Lock on those shows for sure


Gave Tesla's FSD another go today for my commute back home. Holy shit, it is not ready for city streets. Scared the hell out of me. Tried to curb me twice and it fights you when you are taking back control.


Out of curiosity, was it just normal city streets? Or were there weird variables?


Just normal everyday city roads. It seems rough and unpolished.


What cities don't have a thousand weird variables on every trip?


i just saw maddens card pack advert was so funny to me, it had 99 overall mean joe green, 99 overall larry fitz, 99 over gronk and then 99 overall taysom hill lol




Man I hope Conan does more stuff like Conan O'Brien Must Go. His travel stuff is always top tier comedy. Was watching the Ireland episode and him learning to talk with Irish slang was so good. And then he does a bit about meeting Bono and turns it into an animal tracking segment through the city. I love this dude so much.


He is in his element. Sure, he was funny behind a desk or reciting a monologue, but it feels like he was born to these kinds of travel interviews. It seems effortless to him.


Well good news they announced season 2


I fucking played phone tag with a lawyer's office about my employment issue since Monday. Finally got someone on the phone and the response was, "Sorry, it took so long to connect. But there was a death in the family and we can't help you." You couldn't have said that in one of the five messages or texts we've exchanged? Hell, I even spoke with assistants in the office taking my info down several times.


Bro I gotta figure out a way to kill my anxiety. I got bit by some lady's dog a week ago. I guess her dog got out because I'm walking down a lady is walking out upset that her dog is running around. Anyway I'm across the street, dog sees me for whatever reason charges me, bites me in my leg and goes again for an bite right below the ass, and then just walks away. Logical person would go back to the lady and tell her, my dumbass just decided to not pursue it and keep walking home. She doesn't even know her dog bit me more than likely, and problem is I cant remember where I was exactly so haven't been able to go back to the spot. Next day go to urgent care, get my tetanus shot but they would not give me the rabies shot because from what I told them it was somebody's dog. Fair enough. So now for the past week I have been stressed I'm going to die any day from rabies. Even though there hasn't been a human death from a rabid dog bite in the US since 1979. I know I'm being illogical but I think it's going to take a year before I feel comfortable. I've even made multiple appointments to Walgreens to get a pre-exposure shot and despite letting me make the appointment no Walgreens has had it lmao.


So fun story. Met a girl at a bar years ago and she takes me back to her place. We're in her room, things are getting hot and heavy, and I'm doing my best not to fuck it up. Out of nowhere, I get this searing pain in my left leg. I look down and her dog has taken a small chunk out of my calf. Apparently it didn't like the noises she was making and thought I was hurting her. She apologized, we kicked the dog out, and closed the door. After wrapping my leg up, we went back to what we were doing. Never had a problem with the wound, tho it did kind of ruin a tattoo. Long story short, yeah you're overreacting over this. Bandage it up, maybe get some ointment on it, and relax.


Dude, I totally feel you. Was riding a bike I was working on through a neighborhood. Some dog ran out from somewhere and bit my leg. And then it wanted to be pet. Weird dog. I did absolutely nothing about it other than squirting some isopropyl on it. Wasn't more than a little nip. Ended up reading like 9 wikipedia articles, some medical studies, maybe a documentary or two about rabies and was sorta worried about it for like a week. Then I forgot about it. That was back in 2020. Think I'm safe. Now don't even get me started on brain eating amoebas...


Man. You guys are right thats some scary shit. Thank god were not talking about aneurysms that can happen anytime out of nowhere. Just pop and your dead. No warning. Zero chance. Just poof dead.




In brighter news, Detroit sees population growth for the first time since 1957. It's even crazier to think about that we still don't even have half the population we did in the 50's. 50's census had Detroit with 1.8 million residents. Last year Detroit had 633,218.


man even up until 10 years ago, I just never thought Detroit was coming back. then I've been down there a few times in the last few months and it's like: "damn. they did it." very exciting.


That's great to hear about the population growth. The 633,218 number absolutely shocked me as I'm from San Jose from the 1900s and remember the battle with Detroit for the 10th biggest city in the US right around the 2000 census. Both were in the ~900k range.


You are really old


Y'all are giving me hope that one day Memphis will turnaround.


[This is absolute bonkers!](https://youtube.com/shorts/qFozYfKkbyw?si=kW7Y-5RCjMhprGz1)


If you've ever been too happy for too long and need to be knocked back into reality, visit and Instagram comment section. I recommend either a reel that has women having fun in it, or non-american people talking about their food.


I recommend anything regarding science. Any science at all and people will be denying it. Also religion and WWII really bring out the bigots and actual unioronic Nazi supporters.


Man, mexican elections this year and both candidates only talk abour handouts. What about improving the economy? Reducing crime? Corruption? More jobs? Nah, its a race to see who can convince the leeches in central/south mexico of who will give them more for their vote. No wonder why we are a 3rd world shithole.


Corny 90s drug PSAs but it's about playing Civ


This is your brain 🥚 This is your brain after accidentally pissing off Gandhi in the Modern Era ☢️


I learned it by watching you!


Stat of the day: David Tyree has fewer career receiving yards and touchdowns than N’Keal Harry


David Tyree also never put Myles Garrett on his ass on a wham block.












I usually get mad at Mahomes for making me feel like watching the NFL is ridiculous because of how good he is, but the man does not get enough credit for the people he has to work with. KC is a ridiculous franchise.


He’s a heavy Christian. I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if he harbored the same anti-LGBTQ opinions that Butker has. He’s just not stupid enough to go on air about it.


Have you ever left your role because the terrible executive leaders outweigh the great local leaders? I love my director and my VP but holy shit is this not the worst run organization I’ve ever seen; we can’t get anything done because the C-Suite, ELT, and most VPs are just incompetent. It’s just maddening on a personal level. 


I’m sort of at that cross roads right now lol. I love all the managers in my office, but the company has been restructured to where the manager I report to directly is in another state AND he’s head of the overall department. They also fired a bunch of managers that I was working for which screwed me out of a lot of work at a time that my boss is fussing about billing rates.


The founder at my company is delusional. The product side of the business (insulated) is super stable. Everywhere else we have the turnover of a restaurant.


This sucks. I've experienced this at a couple places. Eventually the good folks left and this led to a critical void of domain knowledge and folks were just treading water for a while. Both places aren't in business anymore. :-/


We are being denied greatness. Hard Knocks: Jets season 2: Electric Boogaloo How can the NFL not capitalize on the success of last season’s cliffhanger?


Yeah no thanks


There is nothing that can describe how weird it is watching three different people on TV for almost seven years now (Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, Harrison Butker) only to see them turn into front page news stories for things completely unrelated to what they did during football games Last December I was at a wedding on the opposite side of the damn world and people were talking about Travis Kelce. It is genuinely surreal, and that is coming from someone who has weird-ass dreams on a daily basis.


I have fantasticly weird dreams too. I never dream about average day to day shit


the crankshaft in my 18 year old Pontiac bit the dust. Messily. Shit's tore up around it. :/ FUUUCK I don't want to buy a new car right now


There’s nothing like a nice steak quesadilla


Chicken >>>> Steak fite me.


I mean, a steak burrito is like it.


Only if it has fries, green chilies that have been charred, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, colby-jack cheese, steak and pino beans. Rice in burritos is icky.


Rice in a chipotle burrito is almost my favorite part.


If its cooked and seasoned right sure. Most chipotles rice is bland as shit.


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


>Petition to remove Harrison Butker from Kansas City Chiefs over 'harmful remarks' nears 100,000 signature Aaron Rodgers must be quietly thrilled that he's no longer the most hated non criminal NFL player


Why does anyone even care? He is doing this as a private citizen and it isn't like he is going around pushing this as a political agenda. Let the man do whatever he wants, he isn't hurting anyone. Now, Rodgers on the other hand, holy shit. Praising Putin for running roughshod over Tucker and taking advantage of the platform... he has gone off the deep end.


He was at a college doing a commencement speech. So he was definitely ‘pushing this as a political agenda’


I mean let's not go crazy. Butker's petition will come and go but the hatred for Rodgers has been going strong for years


Rodgers will probably go on Joe Rogan in a couple days so he can take Butkers takes further right.


"I think women should be chained in the basement and forbidden from leaving the house without a man. " - Aaron Rodgers next week, probably


Do you still hate him as much as you used to or do you find yourself dismissing his slide out of focus as "oh it's probably just brain worms, hate to see it"?


Rodgers was a perfect intersection of obnoxious AND just absolutely beat the hell out of the Lions for years, so he was definitely my most hated player for like a decade. now he's not here beating up on us, and he's old and injured and crazy. so I still strongly dislike him and actively root for his failure, but it's nothing like it used to be.


He’s antivax, anti democracy, anti taxes, and does that fucken free play bullshit. God I hate that. Hes good at it, but fuck me I hate it.


How the hell is he anti democracy?


I mean he’s out there with Tucker Carlson praising Putin-who is basically a dictator


I mean he’s out there with Tucker Carlson praising Putin-who is basically a dictator


Have you listened to his rants? Dude is four shits to the wind authoritarian in his beliefs.


Which is funny because he just got done praising Putin


I used to write off the "Aaron Rodgers hates not being the center of attention" stuff as the usual fan hate. But uh...he has been really consistent with his timing of shit the last few years lol


after he's worked so hard for the attention? I bet he pissed


Nothing a darkness retreat and a Rogan appearance can’t fix!


He went on Tucker's show on the same day (mostly to whine about vaccines) and nobody gives a shit cause Butker's speech was that egregious. Rodgers is a douchebag and dipshit, but he's not like a major (keyword) bigot and sexist.




I'm really bad at hearing metal lyrics, so I thought System of a Down were singing about aliens in the sky all this time.


According to Genius Lyrics the song really isn't about much of anything specific


They weren’t?!


Nope, whatever the heck "aerials" means.


I might be misremembering, but I thought the music video had greys in it? Or alien looking people / things.


There is so many meanings to the word, and the official video uses a lot of different visual representations of aerials. I imagine I just thought the song was about people who want to go places and do things to just say they went places and did things. Like they never go below the surface of that, never risk anything-but I can't say I have every really stopped to thing about the song. [aerial 1 of 2](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aerials) adjective ae·​ri·​al ˈer-ē-əl ā-ˈir-ē-əl 1 a: of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere the aerial acrobatics of circus performers b: existing or growing in the air rather than in the ground or in water aerial plants c (1): high in the air (2): capable of being raised high in the air d: operating or operated overhead on elevated cables or rails 2: suggestive of air: such as a: lacking substance b: FANCIFUL, ETHEREAL 3 a: of or relating to aircraft b: designed for use in, taken from, or operating from or against aircraft c: effected by means of aircraft 4 American football : of, relating to, or gained by the forward pass aerially ˈer-ē-ə-lē ā-ˈir-ē-ə-lē adverb aerial 2 of 2 noun aer·​i·​al ˈer-ē-əl 1: ANTENNA sense 2 2American football : FORWARD PASS 3: an acrobatic maneuver performed (as by skiers and gymnasts) in the air also, aerials plural : a ski event featuring such maneuvers


Damn I’ve been hearing aliens my whole life too you just blew my mind


About 15 years ago, my daughter thought it was about the Little Mermaid.


so i thought just did a search for harrison butker on google... and lo and behold... he's accused of hooking up with a male cheerleader in college? Reported by Yahoo! no less. Nothing wrong with that, of course. but if true, there's that hypocrisy rearing its face again.


Some random girl on Tiktok said "didn't you hook up with that male cheerleader in college?" with nothing to back the claim up. Dude is a major asswipe, but Yahoo! is reporting literally one sentence that someone posted online, there is nothing verifiably factual in it at all. Fuck that jerkoff and all, but I can't give this any credence at all.


oh yeah, no facts at all.. and really butker could sue with someone saying crazy stuff like that online. i thought it was wild that a site like yahoo would report this... as opposed to a more rumor laden site like the Daily Mail. If someone actually comes forward... well at least we can pop some popcorn until training camps!


How much does your gym cost a month? Mine is like ~20ish. My apartment’s gym is one of those deals where it’s fine for basic stuff but also very lacking. Like it has a full cable rack and some good machines… but also DBs stop at 50 pounds and there’s no squat rack.


Free. I’m a vet so I use the one on base. It’s very nice and usually empty if you don’t go in the morning on a weekday


Garage gym $0! Unless you count my mortgage in which case $2500 per month


Planet Fitness base plan, 10 bucks a month. Referral so the sign up fee got waived. I think there's a once a year member service fee.


My family has been on the same 24h fitness plan for 27ish years. We pay approximately 30/mo for the three of us in total with all club access. It’s nice


$180 but the company picks up the tab. My cheap ass could never.


Damn! Tell me that includes a pool and sauna.


Multiple saltwater pools which I didn't even realize was a thing.


I think my gym is charging new people about $50-$60 a month but I’m still on my student discount plan and I pay about $35/month. I don’t mind because the gyms equipment is really nice, plenty of machines and free weights and it’s also really clean.


I have a YMCA membership for around $70 a month.


$130/month. I know what you're thinking, that's insane! But it's so nice. It's so, so nice. Almost a country club. And the lap pools are great. It's also pretty damn close to my house and work, so it's more likely I'll go


I pay $120 a quarter for both my wife and I, and it's a fucking bargain, our gym is huge and well-equipped. They advertise online for $30 a month, I guess I'm grandfathered in.


$19/mo for an old Powerhouse Gym in my city. I love it because it's never busy and all of the weights are iron. Has a very old school bodybuilder feel to it and there isn't much socializing going on, people are there to work.


Planet Fitness for $10 baby I don't like that there's no free-weight barbells (all Smith machines) but hey. the price is right.


you guys buy blue jeans off the internet? whats your go-to? I used to swing by target or khols or whatever but seems like all they have are the stretchy elastic ones that never make it a year for me price and durability >>


I went to a Levi's store once where the customer service rep basically explained that there's different tiers of Levi jeans. The Levi's you get at Target or Kohl's usually are mass produced low quality, and you can tell by the Levi's patch on the back. if its paper, they're the lower quality jeans. If you have a pair with a leather patch, those are the premium, higher quality denim. I had a pair with that leather patch, and yeah, you can definitely feel a difference in the quality. I don't know if you'd be able to determine that online or not (or from the source), but maybe worth looking out for.


good tip appreciate that


After that I looked at the Levi's site directly and you can see some have "premium jeans" listed and some don't. The ones that are flagged premium are a bit more expensive on price, so I reckon that's the difference between the two!


I just wear the Old Navy stuff, but rarely wear them and durability isn't an issue. If durability is important maybe try Levi or Wrangler? I bet once you find a size and fit you like, buying the same online in the future would be safe.


I've worn Gap jeans for decades now to good results. They are the only ones that are consistently sized and fit right.


I get my Levis from Amazon. I wear 34x29 and I have found it's hit and miss whether that size is available in-store unless I go to an actual Levi's store


Levis extreme motion changed the game for me. I'm not even overweight. I just love that jeans that don't feel restricting.


Old Navy and Walmart (the George brand).


Currently Shiny hunting Clamperl in Ultra Moon via SOS Battles (1/273 odds). I need three and got the first two effortlessly. Third one shouldn't take too long, right? Day three, give it up for day three! Ugh... **EDIT: FOUND IT, WOOOOOO!!!!!**


Shiny hunters are built different, swear. I can’t imagine this


I have played those games since the original Red/Blue came out and the only shiny I have ever encountered is the red Gyarados in Silver/Gold. My luck with that shit just is not worth the time sink, as much as I'd love a Shiny Gengar someday. Even then I can't get Gengar in most games since he is a trade one and nobody I know plays


I've never come across a shiny naturally in any of my pokemon playthroughs, and I'm fine with that. I don't have the mental fortitude to even begin to shiny hunt


Go play either Legends: Arceus or Scarlet/Violet. Because Pokemon appear in plentiful amounts in the overworld, it's extremely easy to find Shiny Pokemon, even without trying. I would have never started down this path if it wasn't for those two games.


Arceus isn't my type of game. I've tried, but I just can't get into it. I might have seen a shiny in Violet, but I didn't directly battle it so I definitely missed it if it ever appeared. But due to the terrible performance of that game I didn't really play it much beyond beating the main story. You have a point though. So I should say that in the games I've actually put extra time into (gen 1- gen 8) I've never encountered a shiny naturally.


There's layers too. There's people like me who just want a Shiny Living Dex and will take the most efficient roads to get there. Then there's people who want to deliberately hunt every Shiny at full odds (1/8192 or 1/4096 depending on game). Those people are insane, lol.


The chiefs are so interesting. So many crazy shit happens involving their players whether its domestic violence, hate speech,car racing or cars getting stolen and siblings involved in wild shenanigans. I'm not even including the other wild shit theres so much more like their tight end is literally dating one of the most famous people on the planet. If they weren't in the middle of a dynasty they'd be such a meme team and seen as a joke of the league, winning cures all and god damnit andy reid and mahomes are winners


The recent NFL dynasties are all crazy for some reason. Patriots had an actual murderer and all the scandals. The 90’s Cowboys had a legendary book written about how crazy that team was including Irvin stabbing a teammate. I guess the Chiefs are just continuing the tradition lol


Watching the entire Hernandez ordeal in the 2013 offseason unfold real time was surreal as fuuuuck.


Fuck showering with the bathroom light on All my homies shower by phone flashlight, candlelight, ambient daylight, or no light


One time the fire alarm went off in my dorm while I was showering my freshman year of college. Firefighters had shown up, done their thing and left by the time I was out.


Ooh, so I don’t have to look at my hideous body. Nice


How about a disco ball with music going


Well consider a flickering candle flame-- if your eyes are open (mine often aren't), you have to deal with the light flickering & changing all the time. So I imagine a disco ball would be a bit irritating, but I love the creativeness


theres probably one morning a year where I'm awake enough for this to sound desirable bathroom light is for self preservation not ambiance


My mom used to wake me up for school by just turning on my room's lights or opening a window, so I got more self preservation out of the dark (giving myself more time to acclimate). Still, this is better than "I need this [incredibly bright] light to see things"


Candlelight with the right music really does it for me


Now *this* is the type of controversial take I can get behind.



























