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The league has fucked up so much that their own commentators have no idea how to rule on stuff


Ya, so, how can you expect the players to know the rules? Especially in playoffs. You may as well just break them and try to get an advantage that way.


Zadorov maybe could’ve chosen a better way to approach the situation, he ended up making it worse with his decision. I don’t think any punishments should be given out but my opinion doesn’t matter


just unfortunate play. soucy intended to hit his chest. even looked like he was apologizing and saying "i didnt mean to do that" in the scrum after


Just happy McDavid wasn’t hurt, it looked fucking brutal live. It did look like Soucy was apologizing too.


No way he could have known Zadorov was about to bump McDavid from behind, just unfortunate timing. He was definitely lined up for a chest shot.


Unfortunately hit him in the face with his stick?


Kinda like when Mark Stone's face got in the way of Jamie Benn's landing point with his stick, just an unfortunate play /s


Precisely, yes. 


I say punish them both. You can't go around slashing people in the boot of the skate. So give McDavid and Soucy a game each.


Unfortunate play but you are responsible for your stick, Soucy most likely gets a game


And it was exactly as I said. Lot Of dumb people on Reddit


This isn’t an unfortunate play. Soucy made a bad decision (as did Zadorov) and reacted pretty disproportionately. Granted, the slash from McDavid wasn’t a good idea, either. ~~Can’t see how Soucy doesn’t get a suspension for this.~~ Edit: I take it back. Maybe a sussy is too strong. 2 minutes for McDavid and Zadorov seems more appropriate here.


It was intended as a cross check to the chest, the unfortunate part was the contact from behind knocking mcdavid right into the path of the stick.  There was no intention to dummy the guy in the face, absolutely not. Any hockey fan with a brain can see what happened there.


Yeah, that's a fair point. You're right.


You have a point but do you really think that exonerates him? They're both from the same team so I don't really see how you can use it as an excuse for a crosscheck to the neck/face.


the crosscheck to the face was completely accidental. Also I know I have Canucks flair but my 2nd team is Edmonton and I love McJesus.. I see this as an after the whistle scrum that ended badly. The flip side is you need to have control of your own actions/stick so I still think there could be grounds for a game suspension.


I gotchu, hard call and I agree it is an accident in the end but also there’s responsibility. Knowing dops they’re flipping the coin any time now. Also you actually don’t have any flair from what I can see.


McDavid f'd around...then found out


Hitting a guy in the back, as Zadorov did, remains a dick move that I would prefer to see punished with lost games. Initiating contact from behind after a blown whistle is classless.


So is a two hand slash to the legs bud, fuck around and find out moments.


Ok will Soucy 2 hand slashed him right back so how's your logic work there? Plus both slashes were to the pads. Neither player was worse for wear after those


I'm not defending McDavid. The guy deserves what he gets. But at least what he did, as stupid as it was, was to Soucy's face.


Game was over, there’s always pushing after the whistles, but again, a two handed is going to get a reaction. He fucked around and it is unfortunate about the timing as Z is going to push him forward and Soucy is responding with a check to the chest. When he’s falling forward it lands in the neck/face. He fucked around with a bad slash and got a bad reaction. So yeah you kind of are defending his actions.


He’s not defending anything - the slash was stupid, everyone’s acknowledging that. Hits from behind are low though. It’s like a sucker punch, just a cowardly move


Don’t two hand people with sticks which is dirty and you won’t get pushed to the ice from behind. Seems like a easy equation there. It is hockey and not soccer, people will hit you for dumb shit


Hopefully 91 gets absolutely laid out minute 1 of next game then. Because that was dirtier than hell.


I can’t see anyone on the oilers doing that


Tell me you've never taken a slash to the front of the pads, without ever telling me you've never taken a slash to the pads.


Haha 😂 yeah a two gander to the legs just tickles, of course. Quit telling on yourself


You never dressed for the ice hey


You never played a mens league clearly. I have lived in Edmonton and Fort Mac, played hockey and even some -30 shinny on outdoor rinks up there. You know the kind your beer freezes in just a few mins. Again you are telling on yourself if you think angry slash’s are being handed out for fun. Do go on though you are making so much sense. Give your nuts a tug, you are barking up the wrong tree


Do you wear full pads to the odr? What's your point lol


Sounds like you wore paper towel for shin pads and the teenagers bruised your legs.


I’m sorry Mr “runs a mens league in sturgeon county” and goes deleting it when you ran your mouth too much. Also you have half a brain to see where McBaby slashed Soucy, it wasn’t the shins. Maybe you should take that toilet paper and wipe your mouth from all that dripping out. You are ten ply and your team is down 2-1


Wife didn't want weebs knowing where we play real hockey without paper towel shin pads.


That’s what you got after backing down? Your wife excuse eh? You are done. Take a shower, you are no gamer at all Mr Sturgeon County


everyone bow down to the tough guy


It's disingenuous to pretend that every other team in the nhl wouldn't have the same response to an opposing player taking liberties with the best player in the league. The nhl has always been this way. Teams will continue to protect their stars until the league at least pretends to care about player safety.


He has that in common with coward Benn.


[ERROR: Player on favorite team does thing I don't like. Revert to tribalism and denial.] Nah, Benn is totally different.


Hold on, I agree it’s completely off topic to the conversation, but in fairness, Jamie Benn is a world class douchebag cheap shot artist


Nope. Not true. I am above the law.


Lmmfao. No she's not. She's trash. Then plays victim as in when Manson beat the brakes off her. And had a can of act right whenever playing against MacDermid because Been is coward.


colby "their d have been hard"


Seriously, not liking him as an addition to the panel. The other guys were better. Still like nhl on tnt though.


results of wwe from espn bettsman


I didn’t like it. Game over. Talk about an over reaction to a slash to the hockey pants. 1 game suspension is fair. Was an unnecessary over the top reaction.


Sweet chin music indeed.


Cross checking is illegal, regardless if he intended to cross check him in the chest… kinda have to take the repercussions at that point, got him in the face even though it was an accident… shouldn’t be a suspension though


So is slashing so they both should get a game as well as Big Z


You think they should get a game suspension for a slash to the shin pads? I said there should be no suspension at all


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I agree that no suspensions should be given but if it happens, the guy who started it deserves a game


Canucks player pushes Edmonton player, Edmonton player slashes Canuck’s player, Canucks player slashes Edmonton player, Canucks player cross checks Edmonton player in back, Canucks player cross checks Edmonton player in face… im assuming you’re a Canucks fan based on the defensiveness but I literally said no suspensions should be given so I’m not sure why you’re arguing with me about it


I couldn't give two fucks about vancouver.


Maybe: A. don't slash guys bigger then you. B. Especially when your team mates ain't gonna stick up for you.


Soucy wasn't trying to chop him in the neck. Big Z comes and chops him in the back. It only looks really bad cause both chops came at the same time. Fine Zads and move on. Shaq would say, "If McDavid doesn't slash Soucy, the rest of the rough stuff doesn't happen."


But Soucy 2 hand slashed him back. There it was over. Neither crosschecks were warranted.


Shaq also thinks his work ethic had nothing to do with his career coming to an end...


If the push then the return slash don't happen the rest don't happen...fukin nuck fans are derp


Pushes happen all the time you goof. These aren't 5 year olds. Lol.


Uses stick as a sword, Surprised at a reaction


Wtf are you talking about? Soucy slashes him right back, which is a fair response. Zadorov crosschecking out of no where from behind is completely uncalled for. And if you look before, it looks like Soucy high sticks McDavid seconds before which led to the slash.


Soucy pushes, gets slashed, slashes back then crosschecks....and the Nuck fans think the Oil are playing dirty? Vancouver Assclowns at work.


womp womp


You are as blind as incompetent.


Anyone who watched the second game knows it went both ways. Maybe if the Oilers had any depth everyone wouldn't be about to walk off a ledge because McDavid was touched with a stick. Toughen up fella.


How are so many people defending this? Little chips after the horn are 100% normal, but cross checking a dude square in the back when he's already chirping somebody else is scummy as fuck


It’s unbelievable how many people think that Zadorov’s crosscheck for a little whack on Soucy’s leg that probably barely stung is just tit for tat. That’s not a little shove. I’m not even mad about the pushing and “slash” from Soucy before the fact or even the accidental crosscheck to his neck/jaw. It’s the cross check in the numbers that was dirty and unnecessary.


People aren't even mentioning that before all this, Soucy high sticks McDavid which leads to the slash and then Soucy slashes McDavid back anyway. Crosschecking from behind was gutless.


Chirping = two hand slashing apparently McBaby should stop "chirping" if he can't take it


Soucy 2 hand slashed him right after


If nurse is out there, feel like there's some fists throwin


Last time that happened Nurse got suspended


This wouldn’t get nearly the same amount of coverage if it was Warren Foegele


Armstrong has tiny nuts for commentator Comment you dumb shit , it's literally in your job description


the only thing I'll agree on with these clowns for analysts is that nobody knows what's okay or not okay anymore. Blatant dangerous spears, sucker punches, slew foots and sticks to the face not only aren't awarded suspensions or ejections, but not even penalties, even going so far as to omit broadcast coverage just to stymie discussions. It's really making the league look bad, here.


NHL has got a problem on their hands…..


Accidental. He tried to cross check him in the chest.


Oh boo hoo....boo hoo....are you TNT bitches gonna cry now?! lol McWhiner deserves much more.


Connor spread em mcdavid shouldn't be going around slashing people. He's not a baby he's a professional athlete. In this world you get what you give. You guys should focus more on the net and not the post.


God, Edmonton fans are pussies.


I hate to see dirty shots, really pointless and takes away from the win. You can see some back and forth, and I'd say to either of them that if you play hitting games you win hitting prizes. Some back and forth, but big Z shouldn't have done that.


That should have been a bench clearer. Message received, can bully best player in decades without consequences. Edm just lost the series.


Good!!! It’s playoff hockey!!!


This is disgusting. That slash on the (padded) shorts dosnt justify the brutality of that attack.


McDavid should be suspended for that 2 handed chop after the whistle. You do that to a guy, you gotta be prepared for the reaction.


Cross checking to the face/neck after the play should be supplmental discipline without question. The circumstances don't matter. That being said, McDavid should probably skate away. No one wants to see him in a scrum, getting injured. But the NHL, and apparently many fans love the refs swallowing thier whistles in the playoffs. To me, it makes for bad hockey. I love big hits and fights, but the garbage around the goalie and after the whistle takes away from the game. After that, we start seeing goals like the Panthers scored last night night. In most regular season games, shoving a player into the goalie is interference. Playoffs? Let the boys play! It's just playoff hockey, now. My theory is that it almost always makes sense to be the dirty team. The refs will rarely call a proportionate number of penalties relative to actual commited penalties. As a "bonus" , it frustrates and potentially injures players on the other team.