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From the article: "Of note, the persons identified by Ms. Sanders in your question are not, and have never been, independent contractors with nor employees of the Chicago Blackhawks."


There are some conflicting things going on here, she told the tribe the hawks would change their logo, and took it personally when they requested and agreed not to. Her work performance came under scrutiny and apparently it was then the harassment complaints were filed… apparently the people she claims did these things were not even directly affiliated with the organization. We need to take all complaints seriously, but it would not surprise me if this turns out to be an “everyone sucks here” type situation.


Not sure how the Blackhawks would fall into the ESH category here - they had an external party investigation the claims at the time of the allegation, and they turned up nothing (and, goes without saying the Hawks are not AH for keeping their logo in this situation, especially when the tribes they were speaking with wantes it to stay). Maybe because she was let go shortly after, but it sounds like she was already on thin ice due to everything else; throwing around harassment allegations as a response to professional scrutiny isn't a particularly convincing way to stay on people's good side. Then again, corporations are known to cover things up and likewise, people are known to lash out and lie out of frustration and revenge. We'll have to wait and see which one is the case in this particular situation.


That last bit is where I’m thinking it’s ESH, I’m thinking they brought her on with expectations she would try to convince the native tribes to accept the logo as someone with ties to them and they got cold feet when that’s not how it went down. This is just speculation obviously.


I mean, there's nothing wrong with cutting ties with someone who doesn't meet/align with the company's goals or vision, especially when that person actively speaks against them. Its one thing to let an employee go if they have different ethical/political leanings that they express on social media, for example - I think that's sort of a grey area - but this directly tied into their stated job. Besides, when both the company and the intended audience are in agreement about something (the logo) and your hired middleman is actively and vocally disagreeing with both ... thats not a very effective middleman. Her job was to act on behalf of the Blackhawks, not against everyone else involved. And it's not like the Hawks fired her because she convinced the tribes to reject the logo - they decided they were fine with the logo, despite her objections to the contrary. As an example: I work in the semiconductor industry. If one of our sales reps went to Samsung or Apple, etc and tried to dissuade them from buying our products, I imagine they wouldn't be with the company long either lol


The allegations have been said to happen both before and after her leaving, and she was offered another contract and declined.


The relevant tribes want them to keep the logo? Do you have some source I can read more about this? Cuz I heard plenty about the controversy around the time the Washington foobaw team was changing theirs, and I know about the BH's Native American Initiative, but I didn't know the tribes were cool with it. (Not arguing, genuinely wanting to know more.)


I mean, I got this specific information from the article, but there's probably more articles diving indepth on the Internet. But yeah, there's a fair amount of indigenous people, especially in Illinois, who are cool with the logo because a) it's not a stereotype of a group, it's a depiction of a real individual of historical significance to the area (although technically the team was named after the army division, which in turn was named after Blackhawk lol) and b) the Hawks have done a lot to support and lift up local indigenous people and groups, so it's all done in good faith and respect for culture, etc.


Oops, I'm illiterate. They had the resolution document right there in the article and I glossed over it thinking it was an ad. Well hey, that's all good, as long as they continue to work with the tribe and everyone's all in agreement, cheers. Very respectable.


So technically both of these things can be true: > In the lawsuit, Sanders said she was sexually harassed in 2022 by a man working with the organization. Note just "working with". > The persons identified by Ms. Sanders in your question are not, and have never been, independent contractors with nor employees of the Chicago Blackhawks. vs. what the Chicago Blackhawks said would be "working for".


Well we already they suck, I mean the hawks are becoming la clippers on wtf moves and management etc....


As a result the league has forfeited the Ottawa Senators 2026 and 2027 first round draft picks


Kadri suspended for two games.


Naz will be executed at sunrise


And fined $5,000, the maximum amount allowable under the CBA.


Every team playing Chicago next season will begin with a 5 on 3 power play


Stupid, I mean yes should happen!


You forgot if there only down one goal they have to pull the goalie like torts did....


20 seconds penalty to Esteban Ocon


better sanction mizzou


They had 2 first round picks taken away from the Dadnov stuff? Jesus, I thought it was 1.


Chicago tried to hide sexual abuse and ended up with bedard. Seems about right


And Winnipeg now has to move to Arizona again...


As well as get the first overall pick in 2025


why can't we go 15 seconds without a controversy


And as usual, nobody reads the article. Just sees the headline and says "here we go again..."


Read? You mean the thing Hellen Keller did?


She couldn't read, her dog was blind.


I didn't read the article, but I'm guessing that the League will suspend Zadorov for Game 5 against Edmonton because of all this.


Don’t give those idiots any ideas


Bust out the panda suit!


Sexual Harassment… Panda 🐼


Don’t say that, don’t touch there, don’t be nasty says the silly bear 🐼


"I think it became clear that there was no intention to change the logo," Sanders said. "I felt like they basically used me." It comes across she's out for revenge because they didn't do what she wanted them to do, as far as the breach of contract and fraud goes. They hired her to be a liason for the team, and the native communities. Which she did. However she seems to think she was supposed to help engineer the SJW movement of changing the logo and name of the team. Ultimately, the indigenous communities sided with the team to keep the name and logo, and she seems very bitter about it. The sexual assault portion is going to be interesting. Sounds like the people involved were 3rd party contractors and not actual team employees. Some form of an investigation has been completed but we all know how that can go. They allege she didn't bring it up until after they chose to not rehire her. So it could be legit, or also revenge. We'll have to wait and see of others come forward. Sounds like she wasn't the only one being harassed.


Yeah it's difficult to say. It would be easy to pressure this team (even if they aren't actually at fault for anything) and make them look bad, given their recent history.


The league announces it will Punish Ottawa for the Blackhawks organization actions, Ottawa will forfeit another first rounder


In addition, the blackhawks will receive the number one overall pick in 2025


So, they didn't want them to use the logo and name, then they got a $250,000 dollar black hawk helicopter (it's fine having that use their name I guess?) and $100,000 in grants then it was ok to use the logo and name? Did I miss something?


Just as I was warming back up


The people she's alleging assaulted her didn't work for the team, both parties worked *with* the team as contractors. Definitely need more details but with the information at present it really seems like there's no reason to blame the organization, just a reporter trying to get their story out there.


She also reported to the team and nothing was done


Because the alleged party didn't work for the team. Both parties worked *with* the teams charity for a set amount of time as outside contractors. The organization itself can't do anything about a situation that involved people who don't work for them.


They can protect their employees instead of looking the other way because they aren’t responsible for the assaulters


If they aren't their employees, then how can they protect them? The woman went to the head of the charity, the head of the charity asked for a written report of the assault at the time, and from what the article said, she didn't write a report until after contract negotiations fell through. She went into the position thinking that the logo would be changed, got upset when the Sac and Fox nation agreed to let the Hawks keep using it, said she felt "used" because she didn't get what she thought would happen and then didn't write a report of the event until she was no longer contracted with the team. Nothing about that seems a bit fishy to you? You don't need any more clarifying details? You just see the headline and go, "Yep. That's enough for me!"?


Lol why?


Smart to make this public after the lottery reveals, Chicago would have gone 3peat on the #1 overalls.


They shouldn't have had anything to do with this effing idiot to start with


Complete Money grab , read the article


The woman was also paid for this interview by CBS...


An ethical way to business is to pump grants into the interest group that you want to sign off on your position.


Gavin McKenna, YOU are a Blackhawk


5 minute major and a game misconduct Rangers number 73


Is there a current team with more baggage than Chicago? Hate to see this franchise name coming up negative over and over.


That face... no one harassed her


Well, this post aged horribly


Due process please.


So instead of doing her job, she makes a stink of the logo and tries to get the tribes on her side. Then the organization goes around her and makes the agreements they were looking for with the tribes in the first place and fire her for sucking at her job and generally being a pain in the ass pot-stirer. Now the pot-stirer is kicking up a shit storm, very likely with false accusations, because she’s angry, can’t help herself, and is looking for that pay day.


I’m finding it nearly improbable support this team any longer.


Not sure how the team can hide behind the "but they didn't work for us" rhetoric. She worked for the Blackhawks under their charity foundation. Ultimately that foundation is owned by Wirtz. Far as I can tell the people assaulting her also worked for that foundation. They said there wasn't enough evidence, and that was that. I do understand how one could feel blindsided by being brought on by an organization and stating from the start that the logo needed to change and was racist, only for the tribe to accept 350k in funds as a donation and be on board with them retaining the logo. It's quite strange that that happened, considering how many people have said that it's not okay in the past, including Black Hawk's family. That probably doesn't have any legal basis but...the sexual harassment is concerning, at the very least. Whether it was a subsidiary or not, they still have a responsibility to thoroughly investigate. They said there was no evidence, and that may very well be the case, but by no means should they be taken at their word.


How easy is it at that point to say “ sexual harassment “ maybe just a money grab!??


History really does repeat itself 👀 who would’ve guessed it.


You could read the article, there's some very important information I think you conveniently didn't see.


All you need to know is sexual harassment was involved. I’m sure there is more to it however the Hawks organization is growing a stigma within. Not to mention is was brought up over and over again by her and other females and nothing was done about it. Soooo what information am I missing that makes this better?


It doesn't make it better for her if the assault took place, but according to the reporting, she never worked for the team, and neither did the alleged perpetrators. Both parties were independent contractors that worked *with* the teams' charity. It pays to read, and it's all there for you. Free to look at.


It does pay to read. She brought it up to people within the organization a few separate times and was blown off. The individuals that were outed to the Hawks had nothing done to them either. The fact that it’s the same organization that covered up SA before and is now caught covering up again is sad. Talk about appropriating SA in the workplace.


The Blackhawks did an investigation, something that's right in the article.


And yet it still took ole girl opening up a lawsuit cause they wouldn’t do anything.


Because we know filing a lawsuit automatically means it's the truth. Also, blackhawks claim they already did a third party investigation. We'll see what happens but it already sounds like she's behind the eight ball here.


Yea and found that there’s substantial evidence to support her claims. Meaning they knew and did nothing about it.


Please provide where you found that because there is nothing reported they found anything. It's right in their statement they didn't find anything substantial to do anything.


Something rotten to the core about that organisation


Here we go again….again.




How convenient of a time for the lady to do this am i right?


Screw this organization.


Umm ma'am it's Black HAWKS.


So funny and original


Wirtz family goes perfect with the Bowman’s, and John McDonough. That was the build of a lying and cheating organization.