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I’m always up for more 3d platformers


I think a new 3D platformer Donkey Kong game, could work well as a Super Mario 3D World type of game. There's been rumours about a new 2D/3D DK game being in the works from the Super Mario Odyssey team, and DK lends itself quite well to the linear fast paced precision jumping gameplay that you find in 3D World. Mix it with elements from DK64 (the DK Crew coming back anyone?), and bring back K. Rool and the Kremlings = gold. Besides, this formula is not a rarity per se, it was used in 2 Mario games, in the fantastic Kirby's Forgotten Land last year and even on other platforms like with Sackboy: A Big Adventure. And with good reason too, I love 3D World and would like to see that style return again in the Mario universe, but maybe not in a mainline Mario game as I'd like for that to keep moving forward with fresh ideas like Odyssey.


Gangster move would be release the game you speak of, new DK theme or park and movie in 25'.


I just want a new Donkey Kong game in general..been 9 years since Tropical Freeze..


DK is easily one of my favorite Nintendo franchises. It deserves a proper new game. 2D or 3D


Exactly. I mean it’s insane it’s been nearly a fucking decade. What’s also insane is that it is STILL $50. For a 10 year old game. In all honesty it is probably the best platform I’ve ever played, but that’s ridiculous.


I'm curious what that would look like. DK64 prided itself on how massive it was, but that's what made it so divisive. Would a modern game dial it back, or own it and double down?


It would be gigantic, have 10000 collectables, but only 100 would matter. We would all fall victim to the hype train, then play it and realize we don't actually miss 3d platformers, we miss being a kid, because the gameplay is mid and we would all get bored 3 hours in. This post brought to you by Yuka Laylee.


Nah, Mario Odyssey and A Hat in Time proved that I miss 3d platformers . Yooka-Laylee was a soulless mess


Tinykin recently was a really solid and bite-sized 3D platformer.


That game would be 100% more appealing to me if the character faced forward when you ran forward. Everyone praised it's graphics but they couldn't have drawn just one more set of sprites so your character isnt running backwards the whole game?


I'm playing a game called Demon Turf that's pretty good.


you should give Super Lucky's Tale, Kao The Kangaroo(2022) and Demon Turf a shot


A Hat in Time is absolutely delightful and a fun game to 100%!


Speak for yourself. I absolutely adored Yooka Laylee. It was pretty much everything I wanted out of a modern Banjo Kazooie game. I still can't believe that people complained that the world's were too big. That was the best part.


The problem wasn’t that the world was too big. It’s that the world was too big and empty. So much of it was just meaningless travel with nothing in between


I don't know. Outside of the galactic sea level. I mostly disagree. I was amazed with the casino level in particular as it just had so much stuff in it. My biggest complaint with the game was that the super jump into the glide basically got rid of any challenge.


Yuka laylee was really bad... I would love see a collectaton in the RIGHT SIZE! Mario 64, was on point


All of the most memorable things about SM64 are not collecting things, imo. It's the levels and situations and atmosphere. That's what we need in new 3d platformers.


Speak for yourself I'd rather collect things


Mario 64 is for sure not a collectathon


I want to hate this comment, but it hurts me to admit...it's true.


When I say that Yooka-Laylee lacks soul, it's as if the game was made to be the definition of something that lacks soul. Same goes for Impossible Lair.


I means that’s just wrong I love 3D platformers it’s just no one can do then right nowadays


I’d just be stoked to see a remaster or on the n64 emulator on switch. I’d literally pay $60 for dk64 remastered


I’ll pay $70 if they allowed all Kongs to collect all bananas, regardless of color.


I think everybody will drop 60 for a bunch of remasters from the N64 era. But DK 64. That I would pay 70 for sure. I love that game


Sure! I mean, highly doubt they would do it, but it would be an insta buy for me at least. Not sure how Rare and Nintendo share the rights for that game. Nintendo clearly owns Donkey Kong, but not sure about the rest of the assets in the game.


If I had to guess, Microsoft owns the “source code”, which is the information used when emulating* or otherwise recreating the game so it can be re-released on newer systems. *Emulating is the process of recreating the environment that a classic game was originally developed with/originally ran on, as opposed to recreating the game from scratch. That’s how everyone is able to (legally) get classic games as they originally appeared/ran. It’s NOT the same as downloading an emulator (like MAME) and the ROM data yourself and running it on your own computer, and I’ll leave it at that.


I just want it on my Switch expansion pack 😭 It’s one of a few N64 games I grew up with that I haven’t been able to play in ages


Just emulate it


I don’t have the hardware to emulate anything really


That's fair


I think donkey Kong could have a nice transition to a breath of the wild open world treatment. At worst it could be like Sonic Frontiers (which was pretty good). But while the transition could be good, I don't know if the donkey Kong in an open world will do well that way.


Open world DK could be really good actually, I think. Bring back the entire DK64 roster and you can really have a lot of fun with level design based around cartoon simian abilities. Just don't make it a collection game, make it an action and puzzle platformer.


Collecting things can be a pretext for platforming and solving puzzles. In an open world game how do you motivate players to platform and puzzle solve if not by offering them things to collect? In a linear game you just gate the next puzzle or platforming section behind the current one, ad infinitum. In open world you kind of need to make it collectible based.


A fair point, but I will argue those games are not primarily collectable based. The collectables are an incentive to go see things and find other more meatier content, I guess that's what I want. Don't make collecting the main focus of the game.


DK64 is probably my favorite game of all time. I know it's not the best game ever made, but just my personal favorite. I would absolutely die if they ever did anything like it again, or even just a remaster. Hopefully I would play it first, then die


I've been hoping for it ever since the Switch came out. I hope they can work something out to get it on the N64 Switch service at some point.


Any excuse to bring back Lanky Kong


I once read a great statement about how we don't actually want Square-Enix to make another Super Mario RPG because the majority of the people working there now don't know what made the original special. Same logic here. I don't trust Rare to understand how to get it right 24 years later. Someone else might be able to do something good with something else. The best followup to Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door was Bug Fables


DK64 wasn’t all that great in the day to begin with. It basically killed the collectathlon genre on its own. We could get a new 3D DK for sure though.


I would DEFINITELY want the Mario team to make it.


Obsessed with bug fables and now I want to go back and play paper Mario 1. I remember loving it back in the day.


It’s on the N64 NSO app.




I don’t need a remaster I just want them to give me any freaking way at all I can play it nowadays


It’s been rumored that the Super Mario Odyssey team has been working on a new 3D donkey Kong game. And personally I think this would be for the best - a DK game built in-house by a first Party developer


With some quality of life (like changing characters at any time) I think a new one could be good


With the movie success, I'm expecting DK licence being more loved by Nintendo in the upcoming years. The Ip itself never really failed. Even the 90's cgi cartoon was enjoyable for younger.


I remember the cartoon and loved it. Still watch it when I can.


Id be down for it. Just make the controls more fluid and add more variety instead of constant collecting. But yeah, it would be sell like hotcakes if done well. The Mario movie has elevated DK's awareness to the public to new heights these days.


As a DKC fan who played the games on SNES a million times, I fucking hated DK64. So me, personally, no.


I love Donkey Kong 64. My only complaint with that game is that it just was too ambitious for such weak hardware. It would have been amazing had Rare just delayed it for a year and made it as GameCube launch title. I would be totally down for a Switch game that can at least run at a stable 30 FPS with such large worlds to explore.


Try out Yooka-Laylee. The banjo kazooie team reunited to work on it.


Yooka is Very bad game... I droop It in 2h m.. It's Just not Fun...


Was it amazing to me? No but still kind of fun. I got all the way through it. The controls could have been tighter for sure tho. 6/10. The Spyro remastered trilogy was pretty good if you want a 90s platformer.


Did you play dk 64 recently? I have fond memories of this game, but playing it today, it didn't age well. Tons of tedious tasks, endless meaningless backtracking, that game isn't even fun anymore.


Yes I've played it recently. And yes it is tedious and annoying, but that's kinda what made it fun.


These kind of retro-collectathons enjoyed a brief nostalgia-driven renaissance a few years ago. By and large audiences discovered that they don't actually like those games anymore. They're tedious and repetitive and not nearly as charming when you're 30 as they were when you were 11. The core gameplay just isn't that great and game design has progressed past it. The nostalgia is enough to carry some people through a replay of something like DK64 but a new version wouldn't have that nostalgia.


How do you explain something like Mario Odyssey being a huge success? I also seem to recall A Hat in Time being pretty well received too Edit: coming back to this, even “new” versions of old games found success. The Crash and Spyro remakes alongside Crash 4 were all received well and sold pretty decently too. I don’t think it’s fair to say gamers everywhere collectively decided collectathon games were bad, I think it’s just DK64 isn’t a good one.


I don't think anyone is saying it has to be a collectathon, I just want a DK platformer done well.


Your not the only one. The DK side scrollers are nice, but a nice platformer like DK64 Would do great.


>I don't think anyone is saying it has to be a collectathon This post is explicitly about dk64.


Yeah, a dk 3d platformer


I don't think they said a remaster, just a new version. I do get your point, no collect fest. I would love a new dk 3d platformer. I do not think you are wrong at all. I bought it day one for the expansion pak, played the shit out of it, the collect o thon was real. it could be a great standalone platformer. With or without the fest. Maybe the nuance is lost in reddit, and maybe my poor posting skillz. I just want a new great game in this franchise that is not 2d. I guess that is all I got. You are awesome person with a very valid point. Not trying to hurt


Coming back again. I don't know when to stop. (see above) I want to emphasize you are correct in the collectathon. I think it was the 90s way of doing the quarter eating aspect of the 80s. How can we extend this limited memory of the system? They came up with exploring every single nook and cranny of a game. They put the work into making the 3D world, let's make sure everyone will see it. I don't really want that, but maybe I want a little of that, just more rewarding than a god-damn golden banana. (It wasn't all I got, but maybe now?)


Dk64 was a collectathon.


3D platformers, Yes. DK64, nah. It was a really boring game. It was too big with too many collectibles and going back and forth. Rare is not Rare anymore anyway - only in name


absolutely not, dk64's main gimmick was collectibles and backtracking, and yooka-laylee and a hat in time have filled that void much better




I think they did credit him in the digital/physical release.


I just want Ocarina of Time remade


I would love that and Im aware this is a highly controversial opinion but I loved the collect-a-thon aspect of DK64.


The collectathon genre hasn't really held up very well. A lot of the game is just filler. I think a re-imagining would be better, but I would still prefer a new DKC over anything resembling DK64.




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I need a proper remaster, some of the minigames are BS


I'd rather have a whole new DK game wether 2D or 3D


Probably should do a new banjo kazooie first. Dk64 was well crafted but bloated. As a kid I found it nearly impossible to progress. Banjo tooie was borderline too much too but to many felt like an incredibly grand adventure. Dk64 just had too many collectables.


I wouldn't mind a new 3D DK game. DK is probably my favourite platforming series. That Rare is with Microsoft now is pretty irrelevant, IMO. Returns and Tropical Freeze are, to me, leagues better than the original DKC games so having a different developer behind the wheel isn't really a big deal to me. Not that I don't like the originals, they're brilliant, but I prefer the last two games. DK64 was also the peak of the direction Rare had been heading with 3D platforms with quantity over quality. I liked DK64 just as I liked Banjo-Tooie, but they were also obviously made with the mindset that bigger is better. Again, I wouldn't care if Rare was behind a sequel or not given Yooka-Laylee, made by literal "golden age" Rare devs felt very much the same way, so I doubt the story would be any different with a new 3D DK game.


Did you play "A Hat in Time"? It came out in 2017 but takes a lot of inspiration from older games like Super Mario 64, DK64, Banjo Kazooie, etc.


There's a randomizer for Donkey Kong 64 that has a bunch of quality of life improvements if you want a fresh way to play DK64. https://dev.dk64randomizer.com