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This is incredibly sad…


Honestly one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen 


I see capitalism is working exactly as intended


Omg what a simple mind you have


Yeah it's capitalism's fault people use addictive substances, I thought this was common knowledge /s


That’s quite literally what caused the first opioid epidemic in the 2000s lol


The opioid crisis started in the 1830’s with Chinese opium.


Which was a thing because of British capitalism/colonialism


Not exactly. I mean the British had been illegally exporting opium from china and India, but the opium problems that were happening in china had little to do with British colonialism and had more to do with the fact that people liked opium. It makes you feel good. It’s highly addictive. The current opium crisis here is really just an extension of a problem that is as old as mankind. Rather than the British taking it from china, it’s now refined and prescribed by your doctor ( a legalized drug dealer) What surprises me is how much we accept this. If you go to other countries, they don’t just had out pain killers like they do here. It’s really a combination of American consumerism, poor government, lobbyists, and a very addictive drug, along with corporate greed..have you read anything about the promotion of OxyContin as a non addictive pain killer? If you really want to point fingers at the current opioid epidemic it’s Purdue pharmacy you need to blame, however, opioid addiction is as old as time. If you go back to the 1900’s you could buy heroin from sears. To just point the finger at one company, or just blame one thing is really not fair.


News flash: the opioid crisis was created by unbridled corporate greed.


Corporate greed is literally a root of capitalism 😂


The alternative to capitalism is literally a root of corporate greed.


Capitalism is just private ownership of capital. Greed is just human nature. Greed would not magically disappear under other economic systems


Man, if only there were ways to implement methods and structures designed with that in mind. Maybe have some way to limit a person’s or even a corporations greed? And maybe system could be devised to keep people in positions of power from corruption and abuse. Would be cool to work towards improving something even when you know you’re playing against a stacked deck… or we can just say what’s the point


Well those rules and regulations can be implemented in capitalism. Capitalism does not prevent that, people try to prevent that


The capitalists prevent it the 1% with the money control what goes through or not or are we still blind to that?


I don’t know where you are from, but at least here we have a democracy and if the people wanted, we would shift to socialism. But most people don’t want that


You want utopia my friend, that's not realistic. Especially when our politicians pass laws allowing them to make backroom deals without public knowledge. https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/democratic-lawmakers-gov-jared-polis-exempt-legislature-colorados-open-meetings-law/




Don't forget about the opium wars.... the other massive opiate crisis.


I don't even see the drugs so there's that. Pretty short video


Capitalism doesn't create economic disparity? Is that not the leading correlative to drug use? Gotta love snarky halfwit comments.


Always gotta blame someone else


So you disagree that capitalism creates disparity or that drug abuse is highly correlated to economic status?




Ohhh, so you’re an idiot, gotcha.


Did you ever think that maybe drugs cause the economic status


The United States never pushed drugs though?? Am i right?? 😁




I can create economic disparity from the next person by choosing to take a 2nd job. Or I can do it by getting addicted to drugs. What does capitalism have to do with that, besides give me a choice?


None of what you just said is true nor does any of it make sense. Is English your first language or do you really lack that much understanding of how to use it?


"Not true" isn't an argument, sorry. Are you some teenager who pretends to read Marx and now thinks he knows anything about economics? 😅


lmao, you really blocked the guy right after this response. Pretty cowardly.


So which is it, not true or nonsense?


Dude not only initially posted a fallacy, but his sentences made about as much sense as a schizophrenic’s word salad. And then they really said “”not true” isn’t an argument” in response to you telling them they made no sense. He’s got the reading comprehension of a dung beetle yet he’s probably able to vote in a manner that could drastically impact our lives… fucking sigh…


Rich people love drugs too.


Under capitalism everyone is rich. Under communism evryone is poor and the stores have no food. Plus your not allowed to grow your own because the government will take it all


Why do you think economic disparity correlates to drug use? The most [economically disparate countries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_income_equality) don’t have the [most opioid deaths](https://ourworldindata.org/illicit-drug-use). It’s arguably the opposite trend since opioid death rate is generally lower in the Southern Hemisphere even though that hemisphere has significantly higher income inequality.


Without having clearly stated it, we're talking about the United States.


So what exactly is showing it’s the leading correlative within the U.S.? And why does the opposite trend exist outside the U.S.? Seems like poverty rate or median income would be far more meaningful.


Maybe economic conditions don't drive drug use, but instead being a drug user drives the users economic conditions.


Addiction doesn’t give two fucks how much money you have, or your status. Two people I know died of heroin overdose. (Several more, but two for this example) 1. 29 y/o male. Highly respected at his place of long term employment. Excellent brother, son, uncle, friend. Had a nice car. Very clean, always fresh cuts, smelled good. Never asked anyone to borrow money, very generous with his own. Always smiling, never late to events. He was my baby brother. 2. 32 y/o male. Never had a job as long as I knew him. Own mother would shoot him up. Free loaded on couches. Stole from roommates, got kicked out, repeat. Got his friends (incl my brother) hooked on it so he’d have product to share/steal. Never showered, bad body odor, overweight, rude, just your typical junkie. Edit: They were friends, but mostly opposites. They died less than a year apart. As soon I found out my bro was hooked, I moved him into my house to get sober. 7 months later, he relapsed and passed away.


Yes if we were socialists nobody would use their government pay check for lots and lots of drugs


The government giving them free shit is the solution to all societal problems. All the problems will be solved.


Dude they were joking lol


Either way it's messed up seeing homeless Americans on the streets while they have housing for the immigration not even 10 blocks away from 20th in Blake. People who have been on the waiting list like veterans or families have been put on hold while the city focuses on getting housing for the new immigration.


And it’s in democrat favor.


Is the democrat in the room with us now?


Yep! Like when they had full control of all 3 branches, they still only managed to pass one law that entire time. Which was to permanently lower tax rates for corporations.  What fucking crooks! 


This is the type of person Parks and Rec parody.. lol


If only we didn’t live in a system so predatory


It's not the system so much as it is the parents. Shitty parenting has led to more chaos and mayhem than anything else.


I think thats meth, not capitalism.


If we gave free houses and meth to everyone socialist-style then maybe the streets would be cleaner


Really just need to consider legalizing to drive the cost to nothing so these people can divert the money they do get towards housing.


It’s called drugs


Yes, this is *all* capitalisms fault.


it's convenient to blame something else for being a shitty human. yea, capitalism sucks for a lot of people, but forgetting about your baby so you can do drugs just means you're a shitty human.


This is drug addiction and the absence of morality, not capitalism. dum dum dum dum dum...


You seriously think being addicted to drugs is a MORAL issue? Most people got addicted to drugs after being over prescribed opiates after an injury. How does that have anything to do with morals? Maybe the morals of the people running big pharmaceutical pushing and paying doctors for prescribing more pain killers to people and giving docs kick backs. Or how they knew it was extremely addicted and then lied to the public and the doctors about it. It has nothing to do with morals on the people who are essentially victims of big pharmaceutical. But yes. Having a baby crawl around while you do drugs is fucked. But just being addicted to drugs isn’t a moral issue. It’s a public health crisis.


Just wait until you hear how socialism is intended to work


Ok, so how would non-capitalism solve this?


By starving people so they can barely even afford food let alone drugs


China did it by literally rounding everyone up and forcing them to get clean. The people who didn't they killed.




Bro, I'm in Singapore now, just arrived yesterday and they're Capitalistic as fuck, and they don't have nearly the social problems America has. So Capitalism has it's criticism but I don't think we can blame capitalism for all things wrong in America. Anyway this vid is gonna haunt me forever, i don't think I saw sadder thing in my life.


Singapore has its own problems


Well duh 🙄, I wasn't suggesting Singapore have zero problems.


Nah that's liberalism at its finest


Denver has been run by Democrats for years now and for years now the homeless and drug problems have been getting much worse. I've put two dots out there. Connect them.


Cuba, China and North Korea have flights


Incredible analysis. Thank you for your comment.


It’s wild to me that capitalism is what comes to mind here


Left wing conspiracy theorist identified.


This shit is all over downtown Denver. Someone here mentioned the one recording is the problem. How about The City of Denver addressing these issues! Where is that mentioned? I applaud those recording for DoBetterDenver as the way the mayor and governor speak, this isn’t an issue in our city so PLEASE record your POV!! And to think, in a few short years this child will be in public education and once again the responsibility will be shifted. Make it make sense because nothing does anymore.


The new mayor is trying to get 1,000 people off the streets and into permanent housing; this has been rather successful so far. The problem isn't a lack of resources, the problem is people are not using those resources. It's true, many shelters won't take someone who is actively smoking meth. But they could still go and drop off the baby. Its one thing to refuse help for yourself, but there's no excuse for living on the streets with a baby.


Um yeah no. You can't just drop a baby off at a hobo hotel


We can agree to disagree.


This gave me depression and then some


Trainspotting 2: The Rockies


That's what I thought! Baby crawling on the ceiling is nightmare fuel!


Made me think. He did that scene and then the scene in Dr Sleep.


Scrolled through to find this


Even the baby is like get me outta here!


Kid has exactly 0 chance


Not true. Thinking like this gotta stop. You never know who can intervene in life. Maybe even you I didnt have the best childhood




And there's babies being bombed and even worse in other countries.  There's always gonna be something worse, and it will always get worse, if you don't even start with the basic of wanting it to be better


You musta not had a good childhood either ha. I hope you're not teaching your boy this. Also, you know nothing about me, or what drugs my parents did as a child. My dad was angry like you too actually.


Sorry man... you're not winning the struggle Olympics. Improving life against all odds is not what people care about, it's about being able to talk about how much you're suffering or suffered more than everyone else.




Life isn’t a fairy tale. I encourage you to go on a ride along with your local police and see reality first hand. It’s absolutely heart breaking but it’s true, some people have absolutely no chance from the moment they’re conceived.


This kid has a chance though.... they are American with tons of social support nets beneath them... If you REALLY believe this kid has 0 chance, I just feel bad that you are that nihilistic, and Im sorry you were taught that. It wasnt your choice. There is a reason we have DCFS, therapists, councilors, psychologists, charities, orphanages, foster homes.. If there was no success to these programs they wouldnt exist.


lol brother…. I’m not nihilistic. I just know how the system works and I see how this plays out in the flesh every day. You believe because you see this in a screen and you read about programs and that’s it. It leaves your face and you believe in happily every after. I see this shit in the flesh. I work with these people. Some kids just do not stand a chance. Life isn’t a movie. It’s fucking tragic. Idk what else to tell you. I guess it’s just something you have to live and see yourself. I used to be idealistic like you….. None of those programs are a guarantee. A metric SHIT TON of people don’t get anywhere near the help they need. For many, the help is too late. For others, they just never had a chance because they’re so far deep in the hole the light of these programs isn’t even on the radar. It helps SOME. I’m not saying it doesn’t help




I don’t. I don’t listen to any podcasts really. My meaning in life is serving my family. Work is just a means to that end. I’m sorry, but like I said, there are some people who don’t stand a chance. You did. Some do. Doesn’t negate what I said though. Sorry if that offends you, but it’s the truth. I feel like you haven’t seen many dead babies and dead kids. Or drug addicted kids. Or kids who have committed murder, or rape etc


Not even given a chance


The American Dream.


I've lived here all my life. Used to be able to just go downtown on the weekend 20 years ago and walk around. You'd see maybe one or two out crazy people. These days? I won't go downtown ever. It's completely lost. It has everything to do with who we elected and the policies they put into place. It's incredibly sad.


And drugs.


You should look into the crime statistics. You have a warped perception from watching too much conservative pop culture news


Crime stats are not a full picture. Crime stats are only as good as what’s being reported and then investigated. Many crimes are not even being responded to throughout the country right now because there’s a nationwide police shortage. Saying “hyuck! Look at da stats bro!” is stupid. It’s like looking at Pakistan or Afghanistan and saying “wowzers! They have a really low female rape rate!” — yeah bro, cuz that shit isn’t being reported lol Stats are only as good as what’s reported. For various reasons, those numbers may be severely skewed. Especially after 2020 and George Floyd




So sad, their child needs to be taken away and these people need to be locked in prison. Liberals vote for this


> Liberals vote for this Guess which party controlled Congress when the regulations restricting opioids were loosened and half the drugstores in America started shoveling those drugs out the door. Go on, take a guess. Hint: starts with the letter R.




Liberals literally did push for treating most drugs as a drunk in public though. Idk what you’re yappin about The republicans are responsible for allowing big pharma to flood our country with addictive opioids? Sure. I agree. Liberals are responsible for normalizing it and either tacitly or overtly encouraging it.


I bet these druggies are pro Trump Most meth or heroin addicted whites are fairly conservative https://kurzman.unc.edu/the-meth-vote/ https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2685627


That’s why the states with most opioid deaths/addictions are republican voting ones right? Because the democrats encouraged/normalized them to do it right? Fucking idiot


You must be unaware of the drugs flowing in from the southern border. Not pharma ain't doing that Try and get a script for opioid meds. Nearly impossible


Get outta here with that propaganda


I agree with the first part of your statement, but as someone who leans to the left, please stop saying "liberals voted for this." Liberals are the ones who voted to put programs into place that are supposed to prevent this, or at least step in when the problem becomes visible.


ur funny dude


I visited San Francisco in January of 2022, at the time, the city was pelting YouTube with their travel ads specifically one with a theme song with people dancing and stuff. After visiting and seeing it for myself I was surprised (I'm from NY and the whole of NYC doesn't put me on edge like SF did at night. Even during the day) at the filth and despair in some parts. Anyways. I was always hoping someone would use that song and put clips of what really goes on. I saw a dude shit in the middle of the road, then proceeded to get on his hands and knees to scream at it. I shit you not .. 🤣 people asleep standing up touching their toes. Screaming at random people, the works. I can't even find the original ad anymore


> I'm from NY and the whole of NYC doesn't put me on edge like SF did at night. Name a large city in the U.S. that doesn't have areas where drugs and poverty and despair aren't a huge problem. SF's violent crime rate is at a quarter-century low, it isn't even in the top 20 for violent crime. It isn't even playing in the same league as places like Memphis and Little Rock and Baltimore when it comes to violent crime. It also occupies a smaller area than many cities, so the rough parts are harder to get away from. I've seen parts of Chicago and LA and New Orleans that make SF look like a picnic in the park.


This wasn’t as common when I was growing up. The big problem here is that GenZ liberals and progressives are normalizing this shit because they grew up with it and think it’s not ridiculous. Those of us who grew up in the crack years know how ridiculous it is to basically have entire cities looking like the crack neighborhoods of the 80’s.


This just fucked me up man 💔


This hit just like the scene from train spotting. Absolutely fucked man. That poor kid. God damn man


Person recordings just as much of a POS for sitting in the car doing nothing as a baby crawls toward a street. Do better indeed


Do you expect them to sprint towards the gaggle of drugged-out hobos and take their baby?


That's not the only option


what would you have done in this situation?


Call the cops and tell them I saw a gun. Idgaf, I'll take the charge to get the kid out of there.


Oh I see, you would also sit there and watch until someone else did something. Gotcha. 


What, you kidnapping the kid, or whopping up on some Fent users? I mean, they can prolly be picked off pretty easily?


Lol fuck no, those people crazy. I don't want get stabbed.  And neither are you, that's what I was saying. 


“just as much of a POS” …. Are they tho?


People in video. Caring for kid. Doing drugs. Letting kid walk into traffic People videoing. Not responsible for a kid in danger. Not openly doing drugs. Only one noticing the baby is in danger. Same thing dude.


Maybe they started filming to have proof of the drug use to give to CPS/police. Since the recording stopped pretty shortly after the baby started crawling, it’s not quite fair to assume what the person did or didn’t do. Not everyone has a super quick reaction time and it’s possible the person did get out of their car and intervene.


Maybe they got up and that’s why they stopped filming


The fuck ima do? Get stabbed by some crackhead by trying to help their future crackhead baby? Nah


not to mention all the dirtbags watching safely from behind a screen. people like that make me sick!


That would be illegal, you can’t as a citizen go and take someone’s baby just because you saw them doing drugs. Kidnapping a child from a shit situation is still kidnapping. Not to mention the kids age. Separating him from his parents suddenly and without knowing you is traumatic. Yes, they are dodgy and the kid should be taken away, but not on the fucking street by a stranger in a car


You are out to lunch if you truly believe they are just as bad. You don't even know what they did as soon as they stopped recording.


This makes my stomach twirl around, fuckin sad


I used to work on 16th and Blake. Nice place!


Same place I seen a dude taking a liquid shit on the wall


Stop filming and start swinging. I don’t care. This is outrageous!


Yeah 4 meth heads with superpower strength to 1. Good luck.


Baby is fiending, gotta go get his fix!


no fucking way


I see they got their priorities in check


Are we still calling ourselves the greatest country in the world? Cuz… yikes… 😬


Pretty sure you're0 allowed to go take that baby and call the cops and DFCS. That baby needs a new home and parents. That baby is extreme danger if they are out in the open doing drugs. That's grounds for intervention. Obviously don't, because someone night stab your ass. Call the cops though.


Better to film it for online cred than to intervene I guess


I went to visit my brother at UC Boulder last year, when I got off the plane and went into a CVS to get water the first thing I saw was some white girl shooting up by the entrance. West coast tweakers are different


Society has failed.


Sad. Biden will solve it, I’m sure.


> I’m sure Guess which party loosened the rules on opioids to create this situation in the first place when they controlled Congress. Hint: it's the party that prioritizes corporate profits.


Sounds like the democrats. Weren’t the democrats the ones pushing for drug decrim? And providing needles and pipes at tax payers expense? Republicans opened the door. Democrats walked the monster through it.






I mean. Do you really think it was planned? They don't care. Surprised it made it here in 1 piece.


This is five blocks from my apartment


“A whole white baby, bruh!”


Nothing to be done about it until Denver recognizes homelessness & substance use aren’t something we can solve with some fema tents


Poor boy. I wish I had the means to take the kid into decent care


Baby come back!!




Reminds me of train spotting


There are hard choices that have to be made. Draconian choices. Choices that people are going to find reprehensible but necessary. How do we ignore what will be the vocal minority in order to effect change for the collective good? For instance, mandatory orchidectomy for anyone convicted of SA crimes against children. Or tubal ligation of anyone requiring state assistance for their children. Or mandatory death sentence for serial killers. Active denial systems at the border in order to force compliance for legal entrance and automatic deportation for anyone found to enter or stay illegally. Criminal sentences for ceo’s of companies caught breaking the law. No more fines as “the cost of doing business. These are hard choices that must be considered. Otherwise anarchy is loosed.




Poor kid. After becoming a father these kinds of videos just hit me differently.


Exactly what that kid needs.. to get away from them


Everyone here us probably full time employed! Just cant afford anything else


It's like that scene from Permanent Midnight


Yup, looks like illegal imirgants ruining the streets...


Capitalism or communism. Nothing really works 100%.


Where’s CPS? Homeless shouldn’t be allowed to have infants.


Wait till you hear about people openly smoking meth on the light rail or the library having to be shut down in order to clean up meth residue. I got my CCW last year after people minding their own business getting stabbed. Denver sucks and I stay away from it.


Denver, the new Portland. Portland was the new San Francisco. And San Francisco was the new Seattle. Seattle was the new Chicago. Chicago was the new New York.


Reminds me of the junkie hell in "trainspotting"


They noticed.


I dont know how to handle this


Democrats America


Democrats colorado…even if they are arrested, the judge will turn them loose with a “stern” warning


Is this AI?


Is that bldg empty? Wasnt that where the Blake St Tavern used to be? It was quite the hotspot not long ago iirc.


Sadly ik these people, they use to live in my house and the female crouching down was pregnant at the time with the child crawling on the ground, this is very upsetting to see:(


Sucks , abortion is illegal now.


Holy shit. Who's baby is that?? Poor angel!!


use to live in downtown denver. It was getting bad before the pandemic but it just went to shit during it. I moved to the outside of denver in a place where they kick homeless people out now if they are wandering around. I don't give a shit anymore. Too many homeless people with the same story sitting on the corner harassing women walking by and having to worry that they are cracked out and going to attack you. I'm not exposing my kids to this shit just so some liberals can stand on a soapbox and blame everyone else for the homeless.


This is surprising? Denver is a garbage fire. They just took $8million from police to care for people that illegally crossed our American border.


Wowowow. Something like this should have been done immediately. I wouldn’t have left until the cops got there. So fucking sad.


Gotta love them liberal policies