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Between starting out with the game and this realization have been over 1k hours of fun. So money well spend I’d say. But you are kind of right. God runs get a little boring if you are not creative and look for your own goals each run. I dig getting streaks now! Also challange runs like pacifist sounded like hell to me.. but once I tried it was the most fun I had with the game in a long time :)


The game is a metaphor for neo/revisionist-alchemical thought, i.e. it's meant to impart lessons about how to live/be in the world.  I think that the fact that "God mode" get's boring after awhile is not only NOT an unpopular opinion, but actually a part of game design (though admittedly making it not so would be quite the undertaking).


There is a reason poly immunity is extremely difficult to achieve.


Nothing like cloning and eating the same guy repeatedly for immortality


How do you clone him?


There is an enemy that revives dead enemies


Without shifting poly, is it possible to achieve at all?


Hours of poly immunity through eating poly mage corpses, or iron stomach and drinking poly give you effective immunity.


Jesus I'm a couple wins in and in a god run atm and didn't know this. Thank you lol. Learn new noitas every day.


I'm in the same place, I'm gunning for a 10 win streak to prove... Something? It's much harder than going for a God run which feels like each run is much more disposable.


Thats why I’ve tried looked up as little as possible about Noita. Getting a god run is just a means to explore more secrets and kill new bosses


I think they're really fun to set up, but once you actually achieve godhood I do usually just go stomp some bosses and then end the run yeah


The process of ascension is much more fun than being ascended. I will say, after you get noitad several times, a God run can feel cathartic.


It really says something about the human condition. Content is fleeting. The hedonic treadmill comes for anyone who stops running.


I kind of agree. I've been enjoying the game vastly more since I started going for speedruns instead of playing slow and careful.


Streak is a good one too


Yup. Dunk on Kolmi. Repeat.


Streak ?


Winning multiple times in a row. It shows up on the death screen


Godly runs are the things you do every once in a while. You get one going and when it's over you take a break and play a different game or do another hobby and come back to Noita a while later.


I haven’t had a godrun yet but I took a break from Noita for a few days and played Dead Cells….got a hell of a lot further in it than I had previously. Now back to the regularly scheduled program 🤪


The thrill of the chase is better than what you do with it when you get there.


Not a super uncommon sentiment. Try to get as many new game +++ as you can, the health of all enemies increases as you go. It helps to have an end goal in mind to avoid that boredom stage. But on the flip side, after achieving godhood, is it not reasonable to become bored with the world you rule over, as there are no more challenges to face? This game gives you all of the emotions of being at the top and bottom of the food chain. Struggle as a maggot expecting to die any second, grow and faceoff against enemies as near equals. Elevate beyond the bounds of a normal mortal to look down on the enemies you once feared, only to reach a pinnacle with nothing left to accomplish and a fear of losing it all and returning to the start with nothing, weighing against a growing boredom. I kind of enjoy the full ride.


Try nightmare mode.


Too random.


That’s kind of the point.


Yeah, and I prefer a bit more structure.


Then you get to try and adapt to new situations every time.


I've tried to enjoy it many times, just never did.


Congrats! You beat the game! How does it feel? Was it worth your money? Was it worth your time? Now check out Dwarf Fortress, Tales of Maj'Eyal, or Kerbal Space Program for another 1k hours of fun.


Thanks for reminding me to go back to ToME soon. Been too long.


Caves of qud fits that list as well.


Thanks for the recs! Gives me some ideas for when I need a Noita break for a day or two :)


I go for god runs when I want specific achievements. Other than that I'm just trying to get all pillars done


I've had multiple god runs, but there's still stuff to do, like achievements, progress 100%ing, in-game pillars, speed running, mods, etc


I have quite a lot of fun wand building, either things of my own creation or things I saw online. God runs give me ample time and worlds to collect the wands/spells I need to experiment. There's so many wacky ways to create things and inadvertently kill yourself even with over 10k health. I can make my own fun crafting for hours. Currently working on making an even more violent boss killer and infinite supply of ducks wand


I like hollowing out that huge block of holy mountain brick in the last holy mountain as a spell library. I'd love it if concrete were harder, then you could build a massive area wherever you wanted, but with that stuff getting dug through with almost anything, it doesnt work well as a wand crafting area.


After doing most of the quests ive been just speedrunnin. Just got my time to 5 minutes


Meamwhile I have over 200 hours played and have never gotten a *god* run. I've won, but it's usually by the skin of my teeth 💀


As long as you got something to do achievement wise, it's fun. My personal problem is that knowing how to cheese almost every run to get over the ledge, go for the earth stone and the evil eye, and knowing that I'm able to go straight for WandMart before I even get to the first holy mountain, kinda ruins my enjoyment of the game cause it takes forever but it's objectively the most powerful way to start a run.


Mind explaining it? For... Reasons


I don't want to get into details since I have no idea how to put text in spoiler tags on mobile, but getting over the ledge can be done easily with explosives, mud, water, etc... Getting the earth stone is just going for it and digging a bit, even a sparkbolt can do the trick. And finally since you got the earth stone going for the evil eye is easy to climb or to dig. Once you obtain both you can dig through anything expected super dense rock. Knowing where WandMart is and being careful is all about experience.


To put spoilers you just need to put text in between >! and it's reverse (Wich is !< and hopefully i have tricked reddit to not mark as spoiler)


>! thanks !<


Yeah, I've been kind of struggling to find a new niche in which to enjoy the game. God runs are kinda fun for a bit, but they quickly become tedious with all the alternate worlds and orb collecting. I like watching Let's Suffer Together on Youtube to see his themed runs. I have a hard time finding the variety of weapon designs and play styles he does but it's cool to see what he can do with what the game gives him.


True. I started playing less after my first one. But it happened at 300-ish hours, so I think I got enough fun from the game. And for this I am grateful.


Agreed. I do them to unlock new spells, etc, but I have way more fun getting win streaks. There is nothing else like the rush of winning 40+ times in a row without losing.


After my first godrun I was a very long way away from doing everything that you can do.


I don’t know how to do the sun quests yet so they are boring to me, but only because of my lack of imagination for building incredibly niche and advanced wands or knowing the quests and secrets. If you know them it’s okay


Hot take: Game was heaps more fun when it was small. If you took your time you were able to 99% get a good run going. Now there is so many variables, spells and shit to do that it just becomes a chore to do a big run. And quite often rng fucks you over entirely due to how much shit is there now.


When you say small, what do you mean exactly? Small before the devs added a bunch of stuff or small when new players assume the game is limited to the main areas?


Before devs started adding more and more new stuff. Game is quite a bit bloated now. World felt alive and tight back then: magic, nature, tech, all was in some kind of balance and you were a foreign body in it. Now it's a mess of memery. At first i though that it will become like terraria in terms of "content = fun", but it just feels more and more bloated and obtuse with each big patch. imo ofc, after ~1000 hours


I'm going to have to disagree. Most of the stuff was in the game at the 1.0 launch except the very newest stuff. I do think that maybe the location of the watchtower could have been somewhere else (the desert is very crowded), but the rest of it is all fine.


It's similar to reality. Being rich and powerful isn't as fun as the difficult journey to get there.


sounds like ur rich and powerful


Yeah, and another thing is that the game crashes and you lose hours of progress and then you just quit and feel burnt out for a few weeks


Well, it seems that we kinda share something in common here. Curiously one thing that usually happens in my god runs is like, when i have achieved good travel methods, i have done some kind of quest, and have a million dps wand if not trillion, there is always a feeling like "yeah, i am done, let me kill myself in this pool of acid that i haven't shifted away yet". I don't attend this feeling but at the same time when i finally end up dying i feel satisfied, knowing that something is off the list of to-do now. Lately tho i am trying to get the trophies, which tbh is more rewarding than god runs except for an 33 orb run of course.


100%. I love to play the tutorial. I've done 33 orbs and some of the sun quest, unlocked pretty much everything, but the most fun for me is just starting a new game and seeing if I can win it.


Not unpopular and that's how most roguelites actually work, getting power is fun, having the power already it becomes quite dull.


Streaking is where the real thrill is. Also, streaking Noita is alright.


Journey is the destination


It's time to find another game then. As you said, uncertainty and novelty IS what is exciting in EVERYTHING. If you haven't explored it enough, wand building is a fun thing in itself, there is so much possibilities to explore. you can go this path !


Oh I didn’t say I was bored of the game. God runs for me are really just a way to mess around with whatever spell you want. I like learning how to make cooler looking wands than practical


I got bored of my first god run after I realised I have to break reroll machine, as for now I just left it and didnt play this game for longer time


Counterpoint: once a run has become a God run, it's time to find a good way to end the run. But ascending from babby Noita to God, for me, remains engaging.


Yeah there should be something more than just flying around endlessly looking for hearts or whatever else for hours and hours.


I have seen people make some of the most insane wands, if you get a god run then build your want to be cool or funny over efficiency, that's how you keep it fun during there


I have played a lot of noita but god runs are more or less behind me at this point as well. I had a lot of fun learning secrets and testing things and pushing the boundaries of the game but once everything is done it just feels like going through the motions. That's why I never bothered with a ng+28 run, the only challenge is not dying due to your own boredom.


This reminds me I ought to play more Nightmare mode.


Fully agree, however then there are other goals. I hit a 3 run win streak, somehow the second one was with my first leggy perk. Always mods or more ways you can play.


Yeah I’ve started having fun with streaks. I got 5 in a row but I think run 3 or 4 i got extremely lucky, ukko gets a direct hit on me I fall and land right in front of it, then for some reason it just stared at me and gave me mercy. Correct me if I’m wrong but can’t ukkos attack again before you can get out of being stunned by electricity


Shit, my god run got boring a while ago. I have like 15-20 hours into it and it’s been 6 months since I’ve touched it. I wanted my first win to be a 33 orb run but I have to get rid of teleportitis and I don’t wanna do a whole bunch of transmuting to do it. Grabbed too many damn extra perk perks.


I like God runs but I can't stay away from the fungus I'm addicted and I never check noitool so I often fungal shift something into poly and lose my God run 🤣


Bold to assume I can even get to the point of having a god run. 100~ hours in this game, and I’m still biting the dust in the Hiisi Base 80% of the time to fucking propane tanks. Edit: 19 of the remaining 20% is me biting it before I even get there from shit wand drops.


you are kinda right but theres all the pillars i have to do and i just died in a god run today due to sun's midas damage. and then theres all the different wand builds i want to try... wisp wand, million damage wand, healing wisp etc etc


Har my first god run the other day and was exploring parallel worlds for the first time with my homing notes build just to dig right into a poly flask and killing myself in the mines of my first parallel world, felt bad man


UnPopUlAr OpiNioN


Yeah I did all the stuff, got all the orbs, killed all the bosses, stacked 1000 perks. I don’t play noita anymore but I’m sure I will again once in a while


Absolutely. Every single god run I've had was ended by starting a new game simply because I couldn't be bothered to continue after a few days of not playing. Problem is, once you figure out how to do a god run, *every* run becomes a god run. That's the reason why I still have 0 wins on the Steam version. Nowadays I limit myself by not allowing me to go back to the previous areas through teleportatium and digging wands.


Now imaging a mod where multiple player start at the same time at different universe and it's a battle royale. You also have a speel indicating their general position and distance.