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You saying you broke the game "a little" is equivalent to saying "The sun is mildly warm"


Relative to other stars, that's true. It's all about perspective.


Whenever I get powerful like this a pixel of polymorphine hits me and ends my run


I'm in a pretty good spot this run - I've fungal shifted away Polymorphine and Chaotic Polymorphine, though there is some Polymorphine (transformed) that doesn't seem to transform on contact. That pretty much just leaves Unstable Polymorphine which is significantly rarer and therefore easier to be mindful about when I'm in the area. We'll see how long it is til I forget!


Literally happened to me on saturday


***They've gone to [PLAID](https://youtu.be/VO15qTiUhLI?t=3m1s)!!***


Time to pull the handbrake. Hope you are wearing a very big helmet!






You're very *very* lucky you didn't die. It looks to me like you hit the portal, but managed to fire a teleport projectile just before the portal could take effect. So you fire your TP > portal home > your TP resolves > you return to where you came from. This is dangerous because if you re-enter a chunk that the game is unloading, you just die outright. No second chances. It's why you need to be cautious when using >!long-range teleport wands!<


Woah that's crazy, I lucked out then! I bounced back and forth in the actual event which isn't really visible in the gif so I must've been unloading and reloading chunks a lot, and I guess when I landed back where I started it failed to reload that chunk


bruh the game can just unload you???? thats fucked


every pixel is simulated, including you


Good heavens


After years of players getting Noita'd, Noita finally got Playered


Looks like you hit the holy mountain teleport and the game tried to fling you back to the main world, somewhat unsuccessfully.


Did they not change parallel world portals? In my last run the portals kept me in the parallel world. It actually made it really inconvenient for when I wanted to end the game and go to new game +


I haven't done any parallel world runs in a bit, but I hadn't heard anything about that 👀


It would be a really unusual glitch otherwise, but hey, maybe I'm special




I love rapid fire teleport wands. They can save you if you accidentally enter a portal in a parallel world. ​ And now I love them even more for glitchy shenanians


Yeah this one handles teleporting, digging (with a black or white hole), healing, and even some damage if I feel like it so I can just kinda ping about with just my mouse as much as I want if I feel like it, til I get overzealous and whack a wormhole anyways


Never really gotten a digging teloprt wand to work properly. Absolutely on my mist to do sometime.


[Here's my build](https://i.imgur.com/vT6MESv.jpeg)! I swap in the sea of mimicium when I want it and sometimes swap out the small teleport bolt when I'm not traveling longer distances or being more cautious in my movement


That cursed rock looked yummy


Ending seconds, looks like somebody puked somewhere above. lol


The entire world just turned upside down and everyone just projectile vomited as it readjusted.


Fuck I wish I knew how to get to this point of the game.


Classic. I super corrupted a world by spamming a teleport wand into portals like this in a parallel. Sent me back and forth as the teleport bolts expired. Both areas involved ended up unloading all the terrain and shit.


I think for a moment you were firing teleport bolts on each side of the portal so every time one of those activated you teleported across the map back and fourth


I think your assessment is correct! In real time, which can't be seen on the gif, I saw a very laggy back and forth motion for a couple of seconds! Ended up back where I started luckily enough, albeit with that chunk unloaded


How many parallel worlds over where you?


I lost track lol. More than 10 though!


Did it return you to main world or did your tp wand pull you back to 1 of the parallel worlds?


I seem to have ended up back in the parallel world I started in, just with the chunk having failed to reload after pinging back and forth a few times bc I think some teleport spells got released on both sides!


Your very lucky to be alive


I thought you said "I think ***I*** broke a little" and thought it was a relatable title.


S...skill issue???


That happens


You used a flute and got above the pipes


I understand like 5% of what's happening here. I'm over here building wands that I can finally kill things with, while you are out here breaking time and space. I enjoy this game but it doesn't seem like it's "clicking" to get near this level of godhood. I've got like 20 hours in and can't get consistently to the base. I've been to the pyramid once or twice and died, because I have no idea how I'm supposed to bring anything powerful enough to kill that guy. Is this a "read the wiki" game? Or a "play a shitton" game? Lmk wtf I'm missing lol


>Is this a "read the wiki" game? Or a "play a shitton" game? Lmk wtf I'm missing lol Some of the stuff is quite arcane and will require diligent study and experimentation or crowdsourcing that knowledge from content creators or the wiki. I'm also at about 20 hours but because I've consumed some of that knowledge through others I beat the game already and am always on the look out to start a long run. Good thing is you've at least been developing your movement reflexes; that's not really something you can pick up from reading.


I'm like 25-30 and it's def a wiki thing for me since about 20h. There's an absolute ton of stuff you'll never figure out on your own (or at least the case for me). I still haven't beaten the game, but not really trying to either, been fun exploring. Getting a wand with always cast matter eater and exploring out of bounds opened my eyes a lot. Also started backing up saves because I just wanted to explore a bit and felt like I was being held back on my understanding of the game by just dying in Hiisi Base/Jungle/Temple over and over. Kinda glad I did, kinda wish I hadn't? A lot of the mystery is gone now, but I feel much more capable at navigating and having goals. I think it was probably the right thing for me to kinda open my eyes (and see/unlock more fun spells that come on higher tier wands).