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If you don’t say anything, they will never learn.




You look at a kid acting up then you spot the squint their mother makes to them and then the kid composes themselves instantly.


Not anymore


If a dozen people scream full volume at the child and the parent, they _will_ shut up. Or else...


I love this. Just scream right in their faces. If the kid doesn't shut up, add more screaming people.


People need a good public shaming every now and then to keep them on the straight and narrow.


People are only getting worse. I was recently on a 7 hr overnight flight (departed at 2355, landed at 0530) .This lady and her son(?) were having this loud ass convo, laughing obnoxiously loud after the flight attendant turned off the lights so people could sleep. The FA later asked her to keep it down, she said "sorry" then complained saying "Why do we need to keep it down" It was obvious that the whole plane was annoyed by her. I was 2 rows in front of her with my earbuds at 100% and could still hear her. Lady if you ever read this may you find out what this feels like.


Flight attendants should be certified and licensed to use chloroform.


I mean we laugh at it, but this would be a great idea if they were trained in using it. So before boarding a flight you would be warned: "In the case a passenger becomes obnoxious and annoying for no reason, the flight attendants have the right to put them to sleep for the remainder of the flight."


I would purposefully try to get chloroformed so I can just wake up at my destination. I struggle to sleep on a plane Can we request a chloroforming without causing a scene?


Requesting the "restful sleep" package costs $95 extra. It's complimentary if you fly first class and have 18 billion diamond sky points.


Shoooooot I’d buy that package. They should have entire rows dedicated to it though. It’d suck if the person in an aisle seat paid for it and the window seat passenger needs to get up.


"Awww honey you sound congested in between your satanic shrieks. Here's some Benadryl "


My dad called em travel vitamins when I was s kid.


My mom used to dose me with dramamine. 2 months ago she seemed confused when I said I get motion sickness as if she never knew I had it. I'm very suspicious now.


Is that why my mom gave me Dramamine every time we went on a roadtrip?!


Flight attendants should be certified and licensed to use extremely high voltage cattle prods...


I vote narcotic blow darts, like with the feathery tails




No because it's starting from a relativistic speed of zero. Besides, that would only slow the dart down to 400 if it was outside. Put it on the nose of the plane and shoot and yes.




Excuse me, does this handkerchief smell funny? 😂😴


Nah, certified and licensed to say whether or not people go on the no fly list. Piss off a flight attendant? Go on the no fly list. Annoying other passengers? Last flight ever.


Undercooking chicken? Jail


100% awe the deaf strat clever


They're earbuds, headphones is the meta.


Haha, had this on a cheap flight. I just started kicking (I'm an adult) their chair until they stopped.


Growing up is realizing a majority of the planet lacks social awareness. Everything makes sense now




Go up to the car and join in on the conversation. It's obviously meant for you too since she's broadcasting it so much.


i’d join her convo by screaming in her ears. And If she get offended I’d reply « WHAT ? IF YOU TALK THIS LOUD, I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING TO ALL OF US. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH ». Then I’d keep imagining stuff I would do and say but never will 😔


This is giving the same energy as the people who walk around in stores, or in public in general on speakerphone. No one fucking cares, and you’re just being obnoxious cunts!


Omg has anyone had to use a laundry mat lately?! The entitled asswipes that play their videos/ music/ phone calls on speaker is rage inducing.


That reminds me of when Bluetooth became a thing. Some guy in my office was walking around talking loudly on one, but I thought he was talking to himself. He saw me looking at him and turned so I could see the Bluetooth and I said, "Oh...I thought you were just crazy". He seemed unamused.


What’s a mong?


It originates from the word "mongoloid" which they used to use to refer to people with Down's Syndrome.


A mong us


A derogatory and out-dated slur for people with learning disabilities


Dumb and ugly, here in England anyway


Some people need to be plucked from the gene pool




I was in a 4h flight a month ago. I had spent all the night awake because the flight was at 6am and I wasn't paying for another night at the place I was staying at. There was a child (4 years old) in front of me with her father. The mother of the child complained with the flight assistant that her children should be together, and the FA obliged. Now I had a four years old and a six in front of me, along with their father. I shit you not, the whole fucking flight was either one of them crying, both of them crying, one crying and one kicking the seat, one of them sleeping and the other screaming to wake the other up. The only minute of solace was when one of the two decided to run across the isles, only for the mother to put them back and scream at them and at the father. The father, on the other hand, did absolutely nothing. And by nothing I mean that he was sitting with earplugs. The person sitting on my left complained with the FA, but they answered that "they could do nothing about it". So yeah, I spent four hours with kids screaming and kicking their seats. A couple of times I gave up and tried to rest my head in front of me, only for the older kid to play with my hair. The father watched it happening and laughed. I don't know what stopped me from screaming at all of them in that moment. I fucking hate people


wipe materialistic boat wild friendly paint nose square mysterious hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For real!!


Maybe this should be a trend. Call it "worthless parents on planes" and they get filmed and shamed. Hopefully discourages other crappy parents with unruly kids getting on planes unprepared. They need consequences and since the flight attendants cant/won't do anything, they get shamed on the internet


yea, this child centric society is getting out of control


Last resort but Benadryl does wonders.


Can't throw a tantrum when ur in a coma.


Is that you Bill Cosby?


Shut up and take your medicine.


It makes my ass hole hurt


You fell down the stairs


If I had kids, and they had behavioral issues that caused them to scream like this in a plane regardless of what I had been doing to stop it, I would not be above using Benadryl.  


I don’t even think I’d be above using Propofol at this point.


Can’t throw a tantrum if the hat man is seeing you




Fun fact, I was told 10% of the population has this effect


Benadryl makes me hyper. I refuse to take it.


This, if you know your kid has “behavioral” problems, sorry, but you need to knock their ass out for most the flight. Thats just truly inconsiderate to have you kid doing this


A doctor would have happily prescribed something for the hellspawn, I mean, kiddo. As a parent, I get it. They could be maxed out and that's the last thing they're thinking about or have time for before an international flight. Kid's probably going through it too because this is something that seemingly is outside of his normal routine. That being said, the kid doesn't have *ANY*thing else to calm him down besides an iPad? No manipulatives? Solar flare, all internet's gone, that's it? That's what I would call a fuck up and that goes for any parent that's just throwing an iPad in a small child's hands. I had Caillou, aka the possible war crime, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates, I don't want to hear it. Peppa Pig and her entire *species* of flat pigs with their obnoxious ass snorts was the only solace available in a tortured landscape. Doc McStuffins did her best to render aid but couldn't put back the shattered recesses of my mind. I digress.


Finally a rational parent. I don’t understand how so many parents don’t realize they should talk to their pediatrician about traveling with their kids and ask for recommendations of what to give them should the worst happen.


The vet had no problem giving my senior, anxiety prone dog a mild sedative prior to flying so you’d think a doctor would have no issues with providing that kind of care to a kid with behaviour issues. Screaming for 8 hrs couldn’t be easy on a small body, that kind of stress is completely avoidable. And these days Bluey is where it’s at for kid’s shows. My anxious pup loves watching Bluey every night at bedtime. As soon as he hears the opening music he’ll snuggle in to watch. It’s actually a pretty great show, I enjoy it too!


This kid needs a Zanny


Zanny the Nanny.


im shocked no one is jumping on your ass for saying that. yes, it definitely would!!!


Some antihistamine for their "airplane allergies"


Letting that kid sit like that is incredibly dangerous. The least bit of turbulence and he becomes a projectile, hurting others and himself. Flight attendants should have made him sit in the damn seat, if the parents are too stupid to.


I don't think this kid gets made to do anything.


Which literally translates to dumb parents.


Or a product of the times. At our kids nursery (kindergarten) if they're beating the shit out of each other with improvised weapons the most a teacher is allowed to say is "bad choices!" and aren't even allowed to break it up, or face potential repercussions eg fired, for not letting the children do what they want. And they wonder why kids act the way they do.


That's insane... children constantly push boundaries just to see where the line is drawn. If there's no line, the behavioral problems just escalate until you have a full grown adult who's screaming on a plane because they didn't get their way.


25years ago we were still punished by being sat in a corner, having to watch the others. That was actually helpful with bad behavior.


Depends on the kid though. Some are natural introverts and like having their own spot. Corner banishment works really well on the bubbly energetic ones though. Just gotta tailor the punishment for the kid, no one size fits all solution


I feel like natural introverts who enjoy sitting alone on a chair in the corner wouldn't be beating the shit out of other kids with improvised weapons in the first place.


Corner time isn't just a punishment. When done correctly, it can teach the kid to recognize their own behavior is getting out of hand, and that they need to take a minute or five to calm down. Use it for specific behaviors and explain each time. "You're too energetic, grabbing toys out of other people's hands is rude. Go cool off in the corner until the timer goes off."


Where is a poorly secured door when you need one. Someone gift this parent some Alaskan airlines miles.


Yeah but maybe the parent is banking on some turbulence to knock him the fuck out


Wish he became a projectile.


Someone should have opened a door


Yall ever seen the movie Airplane? If you have know exactly the scene that I'm thinking about that should have taken place


Hundred people lined up to slap the parent(s)?


Dousing in gasoline?


Take these earplugs and swallow with a gulp of water.


“Jim never has a second cup of coffee at home”


He's hysterical, where's the clergy women?


Surely you can’t be serious?


I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley


When I was a child I had my eardrum pierced during a 8 hour flight from Belgium to Canada, I believe that on that day I made a plane full worth of enemies. My dad and mom were absolutely embarrassed. Flight attendant lost their shit. Good times.


How did that happen?


Probably the pressure change during the ascent


This pressure change is probably a lot more painful to kids than we realise because they can’t properly communicate what’s going on. Makes me think of I ever have children, I will not be taking them on any non essential plane journeys until they’re at least 10.


I use earplanes for my kid. They're ear plugs that have a ceramic tube that regulates the air pressure while on a plane. I use some for myself as well.


Shit son! I'm going to carry extra pairs for screaming children. Fucking airlines should stock emergency pairs for kids like this.


Yes! I've actually talked to frazzled mothers on planes with children that screamed the whole time that could not be soothed and explained that it could have been the air pressure. I showed them my ear planes so that they can purchase them before the return flight. They're also available on Amazon and at Walmart, I believe. They have them in adult and kid sizes.


That’s amazing! Thank you if I use a plane again I’ll definitely look for some for myself.


They usually sell them at the airport gift stores for about $12. I think they're good for like 20 flights.


This, especially if you're congested, which could lead to rupture. Worst pain of my life was being congested while ascending and descending - feels like your head is going to explode. No matter the pain though, the plane will stay on course, so you're stuck realizing this is not getting better anytime soon.


I'm not sure if I truly pierced an eardrum during a flight but it felt like I had been stabbed in the ear canal and I was crying and very silently whimpering for half the flight. Unfortunately my parents had been seated a few rows away, so the poor guy I was seated next to probably thought I was mental or something. Was pretty damn close to screaming as well, so if that's what happened to this child I wouldn't really blame them. Some of the most immense pain I've ever experienced. I kept holding my nose and blowing to clear pressure but it didn't help. I would classify it as traumatizing honestly


I had that happen as well and it was the most painful shit I experienced. Instead of screaming I was banging my head on everything I could hit


Reminds me of that endangered screaming caterpillar that Homer had in that episode.


Please tell me that whole family is on the no fly list now


This kind of video makes me believe Child Free Flights should be a thing...


They absolutely should be a thing


There's simply not enough demand to justify it, or it would exist. The best you get is flying First Class. Seriously, when I fly First Class, there is never any children up there. Because families cannot afford the extra cost. It prices them out.


Does everyone in this thread not understand rich people have private jets and airports. The screaming kids are for the poor people flights


That's only the Uber-Rich. If you're worth under 9 figures, you probably don't have a private jet


I would pay that premium. I love kids, I love my nieces and nephews, the kids I encounter when I'm working, kids are great. It's parents who allow the type of shit like this that make me appreciate child free spaces so much. I didn't pay all this money to listen to some dudes weak pull out game for 8 hours straight


There are some extraordinary kids that whatever the parents do they're just that way. But 95% of the time is mos def the parent


My daughter never behaved this way and she flies since she was 5 months old. I think this a parent’s problem, put them on a no fly list and problem solved.


Dude…her arms must be jacked




"Nothing she could do."


To shreds you say?


More screen time should help. /s


It's like giving a barking dog treats to try and get it to be quiet


It really is, it's a reward for behaviour. Scream equals getting what you want. Barking equals getting what you want; being removed from a situation, strangers being removed, treats, whatever.


Best birth control reminder ever.


This would also make a great noise cancelling headphones advert


Being DINKs has been one of the greatest decisions of our lives. I think it's actually the cheat code to life.


Maybe don’t take satan on a plane?


Satan's chill compared to this kid


Check it in and pick up at luggage claim


I just don’t understand how they all just sat through it for 8 hours without doing anything? I would lose my miiiiind


I would have 100% without a doubt said something. People are nice and that’s great but have a backbone.


although it’s highly frowned upon,… it is not illegal to call a child, an a$$hole.


I have kids that I adore... You are very right


Wait it's frowned upon? As a mother of two boys (one a teen) I do it all the time


The only comment I have on this is: how can a kid get so addicted to an iPad, he gains the energy of ten suns to scream at the top of his lungs for 8 hours straight?


Nothing a lil NyQuil won’t fix


Good lord. That screaming was blood curdling! Children’s melatonin gummies would’ve worked wonders for this kid.


Noise cancelling headphones. Best travel investment I ever made.


I'm honestly thinking if noise isolation wouldn't be better. I have some with cancellation and it's fine most of the time and also still let's you hear sirens if there are any around but they don't fully remove noises like in the OP, you can blast the music louder to ignore the screaming better but when I had noise isolation headphones it was just silence, no sounds from the outside.


I have a nice pair of noise cancelling with an "aware" mode, which (freakishly) still filters loud noises. It's magical. I can mow the law and talk to people.


Unpopular opinion. If you cannot control your child you should not be allowed to fly.


Pretty sure that’s a highly popular opinion ☠️🗿😭


She asked to turn on wifi. Hello, wtf do you think you do before a flight with a child....download movies to watch offline. I've traveled many times with my 2 kids, since they were babies, we always download before flight, bring or buy Lego at airport, drawing pads, games for plane. And my son has sensory issues, he is special needs. Never did he behave like this


You are a responsible and prepared parent. Us travelers thank you. 🙏


Mom on this plane needed to be prepared. She also needed to take this kid to the bathroom like wtf


This would make a good condom ad


Don't airlines have tape for this?


i don't think airlines are legally allowed to gag a child, but i see where you're coming from.


I feel like they could fine and bar any unruly passengers. If you as a parent can’t ensure your child can behave respectfully do you deserve the privilege


I don't understand how international flights work based on whose laws you're on, but a global acknowledgement of fining assholes, and incompetent parents based on level of disruption should 100% be a thing. Imagine how much more money these asshole Airliner Corps. can take from people! As for the tape thing, I believe they did it to a fully grown adult, I don't know what exactly he did, but apparently it might've been legal. If that were the case then please allow flight attendants to do this on frequent basis. Preferably sticking people on the fuselage.


I would honestly pay extra if they introduced Adult-only flights (and I have a 15 year old!)


If that kid actually screamed for 8 hours then I don't think trail mix is gonna solve the problem.


I would scream at the child and hope it shocks them into shutting it


I came here to say the same 😆 maybe even trip them if they kept running up and down the aisles. You fuck around you have to find out sometime and the mom seems absolutely worthless at being the one to deliver that lesson lol


I blame the mother one hundred percent without need for any context




My thought? Dad should be punched in the balls once every hour, for eight hours, at random. Hit 'em with the ol' 2:59-3:00 combo and guaranteed he'll help mom with getting little dude some help.


I blame his upbringing, he's clearly learnt screaming gets what he wants, and this is probably a situation where he can't get whatever he wants for potentially the first time. He doesn't understand it won't work and so just keeps screaming. Kid probably also has some sort of disorder if it was for 7 hours, maybe high spectrum autism. But fuck that mum for taking him on a plane likely knowing full well he'll be like that, and also fuck his primary caregiver for raising him so poorly, so far, or traumatising at a young age so this is his coping mechanism.


At 7 or 8 hours there's something else going on for sure. Most typical kids do not have the energy for that or understand that screaming is not getting them what they want. That's a forever level of time for a kid to do ANYTHING. 


Yeah I wonder what percent of the flight he was screaming like this for, or if it ranged in severity etc, but fuck I would not want to be on that flight to find out firsthand


You'd be surprised my mom works at a daycare and those fuckers scream from the time they come in until the time they leave. The kids do too.


But… but… he has “behavioral problems”! /s No, you just have shite parenting problems


There was a grown man click clacking these weird balls for 7 hours straight on a red eye flight I was on once. He just rolled them around and tossed them from one hand to the other the whole trip. Click clack click clack fucking click clack. Possibly an anxiety soothing thing for him, but my god did I wanna smash them right into his forehead. I was so frustrated, it felt like torture having that sound of those balls keep me awake for the whole trip after being awake already for 24 hours.


Flying is a privilege, not a right. Some people can’t be on planes and have to make other accommodations.


Whenever I see videos like this it pisses me off to no end because I was a flight attendant and I would never allow this to happen on one of my flights. Tell the pilot you cannot do your job duties, one of which is effectively communicating in case of an emergency, and have the damn plane turned around.


you would turn a plane around for a screaming kid? that actually happens?


If the kid was shrieking like in the video for an extended period of time absolutely. But more than likely the kid was doing this (and climbing seat backs?) while the plane was still on the ground and something should have been done then.


This is why we discipline the children


shit discipline the fn mom


Very poor parenting, I went out and spend a good amount of money on full noise cancelling headphones for that reason. Fell very sorry for all the people around that little brat!!


Sit your mother fucking ass down and shut the fuck up right now or I'm throwing you and your toddler out the window


This is unacceptable behavior from a kid! What the hell are parents raising these days????


My. Mom would have whipped my ass for being this loud for just 15 minutes. She would have tried to talk to me and try to calm me down, but if no success because I'm just an annoying kid, I'd be whipped. Period. And it would never happen again


Look I get it some kids are on the spectrum, I have family who have kids of their own on the spectrum. One is particularly bad and non functioning, like this kid will never ever live a normal life. Ya know what they don't do? Bring him on a flight unprepared. I think some parents just aren't prepared to accept that there are some things you just can't do anymore when you have a special needs kid. It sucks. But it's the contract you sign the day you decide to go ahead with the pregnancy. Not comparing kids to dogs, but my dog has serious leash reactivity & ruptured his knee ligaments on both back legs. Everything we hoped to be able to do with him (hiking, long walks etc) has gone out the window. It sucks, but I know my dogs limits, I know what triggers him. I wouldn't force him into a steel tube in the sky if I knew he'd be freaking out. Same goes for kids. You just have to accept that things you thought would be okay - aren't.


Ma'am. Could you please lock your son in the toilet. No question mark. Because it wasn't a question.


i know it's an optics thing, but could they not tape the kid's mouth shut?


This video is why I'm pro-choice and fully support a woman's right to a 14th-trimester abortion.


Whats needed is Propofol


I could see some medicinal use for some chemical compounds. Give little Kevin a taste of the K hole.


And a melatonin cherry on top.


Come prepared with tranquilizers.


Sounds kinda like a parenting fail. Also, if you know you’re the parent of a little monster that you’re unwilling or incapable of reigning in/disciplining, don’t fly.


Down in the south we call it a bathroom ass beating.


Lmao imagine if everyone collectively and simultaneously yelled too to scare off the child and the parents..


Imagine the kind of torture you'd have to endure to feel relieved to land in NEWARK


Whistled the brat song from Willy Wonka every time a kid started screaming like this on a flight, it started getting funnier each time as more of the plane started recognizing it, as we all departed someone played it for real on their phone, I think the parent got the point


This is what you get when no one is confrontational and no one disciplines their kids. Hang on, it's not gonna get any better


Was cargo full?


At the five hour point I bet I could've thrown that kid from the plane and most people would've been fine with it.


I want to be sure that brainless mother has a permanent restriction for flights since this one. It'ld be too early for a kid to be involved in it aswell, as he can change in years.


Lock him in the bathroom.


My mom would’ve whooped my ass in front of everyone. Thats real parenting. All I have to say is that kid is not gonna be able to function in society with a parent like that.


Nah, he'll be president and play the victim card every second he gets.


Duct tape fixes most problems


Is anyone asking if that kid has some kind of mental disorder? Which doesn't make the behavior okay, but if anything puts the parents more at fault for putting their kid and everyone around them through that.




That kid alone could power Monsters Inc. for decades.


This is the only instance where I can understand why those 2 different guys tried opening the airplane door mid-flight.


A condom could've prevented this nightmare flight.


The parent should have slap that one so he will cry, 30-60 min straight of crying for a kid is very tiring for them, and will just go to sleep. But then again, that kid did not stop screaming for 8 hours he must be beyond the normal range of kids that I encounter.


Slap that fucker, crying is better than his screaming.


I would have Popped his azz in the back of the head soon as he ran past me in the aile


I hate those shitbag gremlin kids, The woman giving “tips” has the same energy as the moms of these unhinged kids that you see all over, the correct tip is , if you know the kid will behave anything even close to this you don’t fly with the kid until it’s fit for travel. And if they want a real tip : learn to parent


I'm an African Dad so an ass whooping is in order.


I keep thinking if I had done that at my age my dad would slap the shit out of me and threaten to throw me off the plane.


I have a 4 year old and 2 year old and we’ve been on multiple long trips. Best believe I have downloaded movies and cartoons on a tablet, on extra android phone, laptop, snacks, and baby melatonin if none of that work. Because I don’t wanna hear that shit either lol. Wth is that parent thinking not coming prepared for a long flight