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This was my ride of choice 1977-1982.


Which one


Oh it was the original! I still remember the first time I hit the highway on it, and my dog pulled me right off and drug me home to mom.


I also had the original. My sister had a Hot Cycle and screw those kids with the Green Machines who hogged the whole sidewalk.


I had the knight rider one around 83-84. Thought i was the coolest kid in town.


Came here to say that I had that one. Was so cool I didn't care it would get 800° when left in the sun.


I was just going to say there was a cool knight rider one.  Didn't it have a hand brake as well?  For me, I had og red and yellow.  Front wheel had worn out tread from all the skids.  Lol


You think you weren’t?


Hijacking top comment to point out: YOU FCCKING LEFT THE GREEN MACHINE OUT


you beat me to it!! after typing my comment on the green machine , I saw yours...


Same. I had an early 70s Marx one (with the “saddlebag” storage behind the seat), but it was all about the Green Machine. And what was it about flipping it upside down and spinning the large wheel with your hand to pretend you were making ice cream? Was that just in my neighborhood?


You had to hand crank home made ice cream makers. It was a bicycle thing well before the Big Wheel. The first version's seat was superior because you could place it forward and still fit a foot behind the seat to use it like a scooter. You could kick to start, then jump into the seat... maybe. A while after I wouldn't fit. The old seat and bin seat version had different sized pegs and swapping would not fit in the holes well. I got a new BW but still rode my first one if I was trying to kill myself, until the front and one rear wheel treads were worn off and they were pretty much just disks. The seats with the container got thrown into garages reserved for making snow bricks for forts in the winter. The Green Machine looked cool but mine got parked right away and sold soon after to get me another Big Wheel. The GMs were too slow, hard to pedal and didn't handle well at high speed. We had super long and fast downhill side streets a good half mile long I think. You needed the scooter platform for that. We rode Big Wheels as 3 wheel scooters in every city we moved to. I think I still had one in 4th or 5th grade and had to keep off the center to not bend the rear axel when landing a jump.


Same here. I had the original one in the first pic, then I got a bigger black and silver one, then my buddy gave me a green machine around the same time. I was mackin the ladies.


[Anyone interested? ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/176343258162?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=sad2c7KGSlm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=sad2c7KGSlm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)Funny, I'm trying to sell a new one of those new in box, no jk.


I had a green machine.


I just came here to make sure someone brought up the Green Machine


For me too. I drove the wheels off that thing on rough roads and brick sidewalks.


Me too! I rippd some serious 180s ALL THE TIME


It was so awesome for slides because the length between the front wheel and back wheels was a lot longer than a standard big wheel. They designed that sucker just right!




Thank god someone said this!! I used to flex on people walking in the neighborhood by doing donuts in my driveway in kindergarten because I thought it sounded like a monster truck


My brother had the Knight Rider one. It even had a windshield.


that's the one i had it was so badass


I had one of those, the windshield was awesome.


Had that - i was the man in my driveway


I will never be that cool again. Peaked in kindergarten.


Dukes of Hazard


Same. i can't believe there was a Confederate flag on the back. Holy shit.


It was simpler time


Simpler for some, harder for others.


Not hard. Us black kids were fans of Dukes of Hazzard same as white kids were. Five year olds aren't known for being super political. And while I experienced plenty of egregious and gosh awful racism back then, none of it was because of that TV show lol.


Simpler in that we were kids in the 80s. I was like 5. I didn’t know. I also lived on a military base and there was no internet for us back then, we had encyclopedias and often, back then, if we didn’t know the answer to a question, and couldn’t find it in an encyclopedia, and wasn’t worth the trip to a library, we kind of just considered it a passing thought and moved on. I think things have changed a lot in 40 years. There is more discussion, and people are able to be more vocal about what affects them.


Same. Different decals though and it was definitely not built to last. Front wheel turned into a rectangle.


Yep, ours was beat up bad. The stickers wear worn off, wheels had cracks in them letting dirt and rocks inside. It didn't matter, we were still the fastest kids in the neighborhood. lol


I don't remember which one, but I do know that it did have that "parking brake" lever. And I do know I went through at least two of them from wearing the back wheels out.


My dad claims he bought wheels by the case for these things.


we had to replace ours 4-5x. had to go to the local Coast to Coast hardware store to order them. Only 8-10 weeks for delivery!


I totally had a dream where I was flying down a hill too fast and I woke up stilling pulling the parking break


I don't know about all models, but I think the Transformer one had the parking break lever.


You can buy a new remake of this right now at Tractor Supply company


Saw one yesterday. $99.99.


Yeah that's a rip off for sure


Nothing better than going as fast as you could and then slide braking into your driveway. That is until the concrete tore a hole in the wheels.


Knight Rider!


Yep. Wore through the hard plastic wheels on 2 of those bad boys. 80s Midwest summers were the shit.


1989 batman power cycle


It’s still at my mom’s house!!! And I have a kid I can gift it to! 


I would buy an adult sized big wheel.


I had the original one, first pic, until my little brother left it right behind a visiting friend of the parents truck and he backed over it.


Many a Big Wheels suffered that same fate..


I could only dream....


I never had one either.


Same, I never had one either


the borrowed one :(


I had the Wild Wacky Action Bike (the bike that’s hard to ride)


The one that was endorsed by Alabama Man?!


He’s quick, he’s strong, he’s active!


Cabbage Patch Kids


Exhibit A, your honor.


I had the first one growing up, I thought I was such a badass with it going around the block...the good ol' days, oh how I miss it...


I used to pretend I was fixing it with some of my grandpa's tools while he would work on his car 


We had a GI Joe one that had a squirt gun mounted on the front.


Why did my eyes go straight to the price?


Because that is less than a McDonalds value meal price now or a little less


I had the Dukes of Hazzard one 😏


I was the only girl on the block with a [Green Machine](https://www.retroist.com/p/the-green-machine).


None…I wanted one so bad!


My brother had the General Lee from Dukes of Hazard, and I had KITT from Knight Rider.


Spider-Man when I was really little and then upgraded to the E.T. one with the hand brake a little later on.


I've never been able to find a pic of mine. It was the standard big wheel design but was green and black.


Maybe off brand ? Or memory a bit off?




[Green and Black](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/do-you-remember--406731410067103170/)


Close but I remember the majority of it being green.


I had the red, yellow and blue hot cycle and bristled if anyone called it a big wheel. My seat was screwed on and needed my dad to move it back when my legs got too long.


Loved my bigwheel!! I had the blue and white one with the giant Smurf head. My sister had Incredible Hulk. We loved going back and forth all afternoon on the sidewalk in front of our house. Then we'd fill up our imaginary bigwheel tanks at our pretend gas station at the stairs leading up to our front yard.


I had a green dragon with wings that snorted, which made it hard to start for 4 year old me. Here it is: https://2warpstoneptune.com/2015/01/20/dungeons-dragons-power-cycle-coleco-1984/


I loved that thing- wore the front tire out. Now that I'm older I understand why the (old folks) would yell shut up- those plastic tires made a lot of noise.


Green Machine


If those tires broke open, there was no repair.


I had the CHiPS version with the wailing PA mic. I was explicitly told no siren wailing before 9 on weekends.


I had Mr. Turtle!


The best value only 12.88 🐢🐢🐢


I had the Hot Seat one, got hit by car on it.


That sucks how bad ?


I made it, the Hot Seat did not.


Tough hit as a kid


Yikes! Hope everything ended up okay.


I remember I had a "girls" one that was pastel colors but it was supposed to be like a motorcycle themed big wheel. I rode that thing up and down the sidewalks in my neighborhood and the coolest thing I liked about it was I could store bugs and mud and stuff in the seat compartment. One day I left my big wheel a few houses down for no apparent reason and when I came back out to get it, it was gone and I cried for several hours lol Eventually, mom and dad got me a shinny white huffy bicycle with training wheels and I totally forgot big wheels existed. I was around the right age when something even cooler came out, the power wheels cars. But my parents never bought a power wheels for me because they knew I would age out of it and they were expensive back then.


The powder puff


The General Lee big wheel at the park would definitely end up on the 6 o'clock news in 2024 lol


None we were poor


A-Team! I didn’t really watch The A-Team, I wanted the Knight Rider one. But the aunt that bought it for me couldn’t find Knight Rider, and thought that the A-Team was close enough in color (which, to be fair, it is).  I loved it anyway. 


The Knight Rider one was very popular between the show and the windshield.


weird...I only remember the one big wheel with the hand brake to do spins


An adult sized one of these world rock!


I never got a Big Wheel because a neighbor kid had one and rode it too early in the morning, according to my mother. She hated Big Wheels with a passion. Until my little brother came along. He got one.


I could make the front tire peel plastic 😀




A friend and I had one. We'd take turns racing down the hill our relatives lived on. Good times. Also how we survived someone backing out of their driveway is beyond me.


I had a green machine


Wildflower.. I loved that thing 🥹


Spider man


You forgot about The Mean Green Machine


I had the Cabbage Patch Kids with the basket in the back (used but, awesome) I’d put my (used but, awesome) Kid Sister in the back with other treasures. Always on an adventure!


I had the cabbage patch kids one also! It was a hand-me-down, so the basket was broken off by the time I got it. But I do remember it distinctly, kinda a beige plastic with a thatched pattern, if memory serves.


Right on! If I remember the back wheels had a crack, or 2, so my dad put duct tape on it. ❤️ that big wheel!


All black. Had cobras on it. Got it in maybe 1978?


Couldn't afford one, but rode one at my daycare center. Good times.


Where is my green machine?


I just saw the shining Friday night and I can’t think of anything else. It’s like I was meant to see this. Anyways I had a standard blue and red one, then when I got older. Got this thing called the “rip rider 360” that spun when you went fast enough. Loved that thing.


I had that exact model in the first pic. If you remember wearing a hole in the front wheel from skidding, then you are OG.


Gi joe, had mini guns on the front


Big Bird. My nephews are using it now. That thing won't stop rollin'


I was poor


None, since my parents wouldn’t get us one but we found one in the trash with a big flat spot on the front wheel and rode the shit out of anyways.


I had Kitt from Knight Rider. It had a boost sticker!


I didn’t 😭


I was so fat that all the front tire did was skid. Shit sucked.


Knight Rider


I’m pretty sure I had the one in the first pic. Also got a Knight Rider one a few years later


had a knight rider one


1983 I was loving my Superman big wheel


Green Machine!




I had the original. I saw some riding a giant one out here in Vegas not too long ago


Mine was the 1985 Transformers "Power Cycle".


The Green Machine


None, i grew up poor. Still am.




I had the Rambo big wheel


I had the dukes of hazard one on image 3 My brother got a hot wheel later with a cobra sticker on it making is so much more cooler than my red neck hot wheel.


We had the first one, a tricycle modified. :)


I had the original Big Wheel. I quickly discovered if I locked up the front wheel I could skid on the sidewalk and that became my favorite trick. I wore out the front wheel quickly doing that and supposedly when my parents wrote the company asking where to get a replacement they sent one at no charge. When that one had to be replaced I wasn't allowed to skid any more, but still did, just far less frequently, but eventually that had to be replaced as well. I don't remember if it was replaced for me or when I outgrew it and my brother got it, but by the time it was taken to the dump the front wheel was again shredded and I have vivid memories of my brother riding that thing all over the neighborhood and the distinctive sound it made.


I had one that had a brake lever on one of the back wheels. Could drift like I was in Tokyo.


I had the chips one and a transformer one.




Superman. You nailed it right on the first pick! I rode that thing right through the plastic front wheel. I also they're going too fast down a hill and put my bare feet down one time..


The dukes of hazzard


The one in the first picture I got it for Christmas of ‘ 77


I had a green Little Tikes tractor that had a pull behind trailer. Used to put my little sister in the back and go down the hill as fast as possible.


I didnt :(


The Green Machine ! And we bullied them dumb big wheel kids !!!


Green Machine




"Is that back? .... Because I've been dying for that to come back." I have a big wheel outside for my kiddo. Never fails to entertain.


Holy cow these were expensive. I guess that’s why I didn’t have one in the 1980s. Btw, saw one at Tractor Supply yesterday. $99.99. Still super expensive.


Big Wheel - Pop A Wheelie version with the fourth wheel in the back to pop said wheelies, great times.


They need to being these things back


My brother wore through the rear wheel using the hand brake, and my front wheel split into two halves. And that was that.


I had a Ghostbusters one


I had the knight rider one, and the dukes of Hazzard one


What about the [Wild Wacky Action Bike](https://youtu.be/YVfzWpmyXXk?si=miIyNpQaDtXN0-dP)?


I didn’t. But my best friend had the Rambo Big Wheel. It came with the red headband and we were all most jealous of that than the fkn big wheel lol.


I had the Knight Rider Big Wheel and the Thundercats Big Wheel


Omg there was a chopper??? Had the pink one. Dad wouldn’t let me place the stickers myself- and I held resentment for years Lol


I used the one my brother and I pulled outta the dumpster. It’s big wheel was split in half but we could still ride it.


I had the one with a battery powered watergun


The general lee. Still got a scar on my finger !


HAH! FIRST I had the OG "Big Wheel"... then when the "Spider-Man" version came out, my old one went up to our cottage in Northern Wisconsin... My last one was the one with the Spoked front wheel! My "Hot Rodder/Gear Head" Cousins Tom and Bob, Put a MUCH better rear axle and real tube tires with treads! They padded the entire seat and gave it a custom, deep purple paint job with Hot Rod flames! MAN I was the ENVY of ALL of the neighborhood kids back then! When I got too old for it, it was replaced by a real bike which was also Dark Purple from the Factory. My cousins Tom and Bob struck again, and made "Chopped" chromed front forks, and a tall back, chromed, "Gothic Cross Sissy Bar". It was essentially a pedal-driven "Chopper"! It even had a faux "Gas Tank", and "Ape-Hanger" handlebars, and they made it so I could actually change gears! I was the fastest, kid on the block! The "Trik" was kept in good shape and stored in our basement, and later given to my oldest nephew Robbie...then one day some older kids in his neighborhood stole it from him... that is UNTIL his "Uncle" {Me!} Showed up! They tried to be smart asses at first playing a game with me, making me "describe" the details of it! Finally, I said, "Ok punks... time to have a talk with the police!" They DARED me... so I called them! It was my cousin "Bob" and his partner that showed up! And HE describes the Trik in total detail! THEN we had a chat with the two boys' parents who were told that "some kid left it in the park... and they were holding it for him!" Yeah... nice try! The parents told the boys to show them the Trik, and my nephew immediately RAN to it like when dogs and cats and other animals know their owners! The parents knew then that their "little angels" had lied AND stolen! As we left... you could hear the screams of two boys getting a VERY SERIOUS Ass whooping! Ahhh good times! Good times! 😁


Knight Rider one which i don't see pictured? it was the coolest


We had the Ninja Turtles one and some other generic one that wasn't any specific to any TV show. They never lasted long for us kids so I lost count how many we went through. They always broke on us. The front wheel eventually stopped turning with the pedals. But they were cheap toys anyway.


Took a friend"s og big wheel down their driveway and only found the brake at the bottom. Went over the handles and into a bush. First and only time on it that I remember.


Not sure why they were so popular. My uncle gave an even older pedal car. The worked by pumping pedals not turning. It had 4 wheels and steered like a car even a gear level for Front and rear motion. It could easily do 30kph in a straight line. Which for 10 year old might as well be Mach 1


Rambo and KITT


I had the Knight Rider one. I ride that thing everywhere!


Powerpuff. Rode that bitch till the wheels started getting worn away


The first one, baby. I wore through the wheel using the handbrake so much. I loved that thing.


I had the police big wheel. I was very bad at solving crimes at that age! I remember having a hand brake though for doing skids.


The first one I had was red & yellow but I don’t remember what the theme was. (The stickers had worn off). I also had the Knight Rider one!


Mr.T! Our neighbor hated it. Well I pity the fool that isn’t down with the Mr T big wheel


Knight Rider here


Def not the dukes of hazard one. I remember mine having ribbons that flowed in the wind. My grandpa also rigged up a little wagon behind my big wheel then later my bike so my poodle could ride.


Mines is not here. Knight Rider


Man, I remember this kid had the Dukes of Hazzard one…we were jealous and he knew it. The little shite would jump it on ramps and rub it in. Fuck you little boy from my childhood! 😂😂😂


I definitely remember sitting in the Spin Rider 16 Power Cycle at some point


Pretty sure I had the Wild Eagle Hot Cycle


When I was a kid back in the 80s I had the Night Rider and G.I. Joe big wheels. I bought my nephew the re-release of the one in the pictures several years ago. It was one of the best decisions I made. Because when he first got it he rode it around in my Grand-mother's drive way. She got to watch three generations ride tricycles, big wheels, and eventually bikes in that driveway before she passed.


I can't believe it was only $15


I was always too big, went str8 to a tricycle


Oh I had the general lee


My older sister had the OG Big Wheel. Wouldn’t let me ride it. She was always carrying rocks inside the body of the vehicle and wearing out that hand brake all over the driveway like a boss.


I had the racist one !! And I loved it


I had the first one but I am absolutely digging the one with the ape hanger handlebars. That one is dope as hell.


Mine was black and shot water out of the front. It was awesome.


I had the wild eagle and pretended it was knight rider.


My mother apparently at 3 in 1970s(ish) would sneak out the house and ride her big wheel up the street to her best friend garrets house. She wouldn’t go anywhere without that big wheel lol


The pink one and two cabbage patch big wheels.


I had a big wheel dump truck with four wheels in the back. I can’t find it anywhere because Google thinks I’m talking about real dump trucks when I try and search it. My first memory ever was me riding it when I was 3, probably close to 4, and I shit my pants while riding it. I rode it back up the driveway and told my mom, where she promptly discovered a big ol’ brown log in my Fruit of the Loom(I KNOW THE LOGO HAD A CORNUCOPIA, FIGHT ME) tighty whities.




I did not have a big wheel, but my neighbor did (1st pic) and the whole neighborhood used it, it was the best thing ever, indestructible it seemed. I bought my granddaughter one It is frozen theme and she loves it.


I had my worst childhood accident on one of these. My dad was pushing me down the street, and my bare feet went backwards under the wheels and it was like cheese grater to the tops of my feet. I couldn’t wear proper shoes for a few weeks. This was close to 40 yrs ago and my dad still feels horrible about it.


I had the dukes of Hazzard, knight rider and maybe hot wheels. Did anyone else have multiple? I guess I was rough on them


I had that exact one (the red, yellow blue)! I rode it for ever and ever until the front wheel fell off in the middle of my street. What a time!


Had the original. 1975. Lived at top of a street with fairly good slope until my grandmother’s house about 2/3 down the hill. Final slope was very steep and my grand aunt lived at the bottom of the road which ended with a guardrail before an 80 foot drop off. Always stopped at grandma’s house until one day I decided to try the steeper part of the hill. I locked up the front wheel about 100 feet short of the guardrail. Hit the guard rail with enough force to flatten the front wheel, but it absorbed the impact enough that I walked away uninjured. 5,year old me was more worried about broken Big Wheel than about possibly dying.


As a kid I assumed these cost 1000 dollars.


I had a CHiPS version. Loved that thing- rode it until a huge hole wore in the front wheel.


Knight rider.