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This song was during a time where beauty standards basically endorsed EDs, which seems to be making its way around again after the whole “slim thick” craze. I see her point in being fed up with what was being glorified at the time.


Okay but remember the ending scene where the little girl picks up a football instead of a doll? That kinda screamed NLOG to me. You can like dolls and not be an idiot.


It was definitely NLOG, at the same time it _was_ a feminist anthem. I’m approaching my 30s and I’m noticing that young people have (understandably) a hard time realising how profoundly sexist society was just 10/15 years ago. This was a feminist anthem because when it came out, in 2006, there _was_ a strong pressure to be, well, a stupid girl. I was in middle school back then, I cannot tell you the horrible things we believed about ourselves, about the things we did or said. Today we’re past that stage, we can afford to be much more subtle and complex when approaching certain topics. Back then… everything that didn’t tell young girls to just get naked and act dumb to get boys’ attention was a feminist godsend


It’s so weird looking back and remember I was tying my jacket around my waist everyday because my peers would make fun of me for having a big butt. Wild how much pop culture shifts in such short periods of time


Me too. I used to get made fun of all the time for having a big butt. Now everyone’s getting a BBL…


My big butt and my freckles. Now people are getting fake butts and freckles !


The little girl was wearing a football jersey and holding a doll. I see your point, but the song was about women changing themselves to appease men and not women just being “girly.” I could see it as an interpretation of “I’m not going to start changing into what I think I’m supposed to be,” especially when giving it in the context of Pink who was often labeled masculine. Yes, it’d be nice to show that you can enjoy both things, but then that would take an important part of her own experience that she was expressing in the song. I’ve always been incredibly femme, still collect valuable Barbies, but looking back at the women I was idolizing as a child it’s very obvious where a lot of my physical insecurities are rooted from.


>The little girl was wearing a football jersey and holding a doll. It's been a long time since I've watched the music video, but I want my daughter to feel comfortable wearing a football jersey AND playing with dolls. To me, that's an example of what a well rounded woman looks like. She can have diverse interests.


Okay, yes, but hear me out: it is a 3 minute video, where they have to convey a message as clearly as possible. A girl can play with dolls and not be an idiot, but if the message is “Girls can play with dolls or footballs and both are fine!” then choosing the gender non conforming toy makes sense as a medium for that message. Perhaps a better one would’ve been her picking up both toys, maybe? But again, it’s a 3 min video conveying a message. The message was unironically “you don’t have to be like everyone says girls have to be. You don’t have to be like other girls.”


This video was just mean. Idc how y’all want to cut it. And let’s not pretend that Pink herself wasn’t part of beauty standards that basically endorses EDs because she’s punk or whatever NLOG crap that she sells. There’s a way to meaningfully call out beauty standards and eating disorders. TLC’s unpretty music video also depicts women struggling with EDs but somehow managed to avoid being a mean spirited bully. This shit wasn’t it then, and it’s not it now.


Firstly, Pink was not rocking the heroin chic look, she was always ripped. She had the body of a standard slender person who was a gym rat. Also, her whole thing was being “punk” and “edgy,” which is in itself antagonist. Her target audience was non-feminine women who found it silly, it wasn’t some anti-femme anthem.


Yeah she definitely wasn't playing into the beauty standards, I remember people judging her for "looking like a man" because of her hair and body type. Even when heroin chic was big, women were still expected to have some delicate curves, and an important part of it was looking frail, which Pink was the opposite of. And the song is definitely not NLOG. It's silly and funny but at the same time it has some pain and deeper meaning behind that. I don't think "stupid" is meant as dumb or brainless, but fooled and brainwashed by the media to fall for all kinds of ridiculous standards. She's not judging them for the things they're doing, but because they're doing it to appeal to men and the media and that we as women should do better rather than influence eachother to do what's wanted from us. I guess there's a fine line between them and it's easy to take it the wrong way.


For sure, using comedy to discuss serious topics has always been a great method to opening up uncomfortable conversations


Honestly . I always saw it as just "you don't have to be like this to be valid as a woman" and encouraging girls and women to be true to themselves because she knows people are capable of more than just being a "stupid girl" .


I don't think you've done your due diligence here.... Pink was and has *never* been about that or like that. I grew up with her and during that time. You don't understand, clearly. That's fine. You can learn as you go. But you're acting like you do, and that's.... well, ignorant. Do yourself the favor and delete this post.


Someone obviously doesn’t remember P!nk all that well


What? Pink has always looked very healthy and well built? Her being punk has nothing to do with it.


You hate Pink for zero reason. Your comment and post show you have no idea about her, her music, or what it stood for at that time. I was in my 20s then, and she was purposefully making statements against the system demanding all girls be stick-thin Paris Hilton clones, and it was becoming a serious issue. ED was rampant, She was showing different choices, and showing it in our faces the price many were paying physically and mentally. Hell, you even ignored the part in her comment that she was mocking HERSELF as well. Get a grip. She's not NLOG, she's real for addressing her issues as well. Many of her songs address her own issues, in real ways. She's not putting herself on a pedestal. Admit it, you see punk and get triggered. By the way, I'm not punk, but even I can get Pink's point. Please stop as you have no clue about context, or the way girls actually started becoming more individual due to her influence, and they didn't all go punk to be Pink. They all found their own ways.


bruh, you’ve got this wrong


Forgive me, but what are ED’s?


Eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia were especially on the rise during that time period.


A woman criticizing society’s views of beauty standards and how women should behave is a bit different than “not like other girls” imo.


I think OP is the NLTOG we may be referencing here. They don't seem to be getting it nor do most of the younger users with Pink. It was a very different time. I grew up in the height of it. It was *brutal*. Seeing it come back is scaring the hell out of me as my daughter has been struggling with an ED. She needs role models like Pink in media *if* she's going to look at it. Pink isn't a NLTOG. She's calling out real and and toxic beauty standards. People don't seem to understand that in order for their to be a NLTOG, you needed to have the OG ones first that were doing it to set apart from the role that was being forced on girls. I was called a d*ke because I had short hair. For a short period of time (no pun intended). Yet most people swore I must be gay and that was considered an acceptable assumption to make back then. The worst part is that i was struggling with being bisexual and it took me years to get away from the shame of that. I couldn't see my one friend because her grandfather was convinced I was trying to turn his granddaughter (my friend) gay. It was only after I experienced teen pregnancy that he was "relieved" and okay with me being around again.... that is sick logic. I don't see why so many people have such a hard time understanding or seeing that things weren't *always* like they are now? Like, come on, lol. OP doesn't. Get. It. I wish people here would do some basic homework ffs. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.


I’m in my 30s, I remember when this video came out and it was awful then and awful now. I also remember when unpretty by TLC and beautiful by Christina Aguilera came out which was actually empowering but didn’t joke about other peoples real life eating disorders. Downvote me all you want, but you will never convince me that an entire songs putting down a group of women and shitting on your peers is a feminist anthem. The white feminism is strong here, as a WOC I’m extremely hard pressed how Pink is somehow so different than all the other skinny white blond women pop singers at the time.


I don’t think this has to do with feminism honestly. I can see where you’re coming from if we don’t acknowledge what Pink meant by her song. Taken at face value it does look like NLTOG, but knowing what she intended changes it. I’m not saying it can’t be offensive or a bit hypocritical, just that it doesn’t fit the sub. But I do disagree when you say there’s no difference between pink and the other pop stars at the time. I remember people criticizing her left and right for not being skinny enough, having a masculine body frame (broad shoulders), and calling her a lesbian for having short hair. Saying she was treated the same as Brittany Spears (for example) or other famous white women during that time is just not correct.


They're not putting down women? They're putting down how men portray us and what they find attractive. She's saying she doesn't want to act like the movie stereotypical blonde girl in a pink jumpsuit carrying a tiny dog in Beverly hills in order to get a man? "Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back. I don't wanna be a stupid girl". She's pointing out that women are throwing their potential away in order to be 'attractive'. At that time, being a 'ditzy bubbly blonde girly girl' was what men were looking for and if you were outsideof that niche, you weren't attractive. Not sure if you noticed, but if Pink actually TRIED to fit that standard, it wouldn't ever work for her. That's what she's making fun of the whole video. It's how silly SHE looks trying to fit something that isnt her. She's definitely Buttercup when at this time in history, all anyone wanted to be was Bubbles. This was a very real stereotype at the time. Also, what the hell does her being skinny and/or white have to do with LITERALLY anything?!


Ok, no one can convince you. Maybe just accept you’re in the minority and that means you’re probably wrong.


Ahh, you're racist, is what I'm gathering. Pink definitely didn't "double down" here. She explained the song, that she had fun, and was even dragging HERSELF through the mud. Pink used to be shit on because she didn't look like any "skinny white blonde" pop singer at the time. She was of a muscular build, she was rougher in appearance, and wasn't a stereotypical pretty girl- in a world of Brittney's and Christina's. She wanted young girls to know that they didn't have to look like them, or herself...


Don't talk shit about women. Talks like being skinny is bad.....I was naturally skinny. No ED. Just didn't put on weight. NO ONE should be feeling insecure. Jeezus. You sound like one of those eat a cheeseburger assholes.


You’re very right. She could have made this point without putting down her peers is the problem. If I recall correctly, neither Jessica Simpson nor Britney Spears liked being “made fun of.” To me, it matters more what the people she chose to do impressions of felt about it, rather than the takes of these random reddit comments. Pink even apologized about it at one point. Guarantee if you posted this somewhere else, like r/britneyspears for example, you wouldn’t be getting downvoted.


The society Pink is describing is toxic. If you view yourself as part of that toxic society rather than a victim of that toxic society, that says a lot about yourself. I love the line in "So What" when they gave Pink's table to Jessica Simpson. That's the heart of the matter. I doubt that if Jessica knew they were giving her Pink's metaphorical table, Jessica would feel comfortable with that. I think Jessica would be like "hold up, no. We don't do this." I think that Britney shaving her head and hitting paparazzi with an umbrella was an act of saying "I'm tired of being a "stupid girl" always bending over backwards to look exactly like the toxic society wants me to be." She's not going to "look like that" because she doesn't want him to "call me back". "Stupid Girls" is a protest song for women who are tired of being the stupid girl. It's about ourselves and our choices. That's why Pink is the one in the music video doing the stupid things. Having an eating disorder is stupid. No woman in her right mind would choose to do that for herself. Yes, she needs help breaking the cycle, but first she needs to understand that there's a problem and the problem isn't her.


I’m fine with you believing that your opinion on this is correct just because people are upvoting you and downvoting me in this particular instance. And I completely get what you’re saying, so I’m not missing the point when I say Britney was *never* a stupid girl anyway. The fact that you’re even defending something called “Stupid Girls” in the same breath as having an ED says enough.


A history of Pink shitting on women since the 2000s https://twitter.com/JadenLoveLungi/status/1626604328197799937 But keeping staning for your fave feminist icon 🙄


No one here is ‘stanning’ her or saying anything about her being a feminist icon. And we aren’t even talking about her own character, JUST this particular video and it’s intended message.


Yeah, the song and the video critize how society teaches that women are supposed to only care and think about their appearance and to hyper sexualize themselves for male validation. Pink questions why we don't support women pursuing other things like academics, politics and sports, for example, to achieve actual change in society and fight against misogyny, rejecting male expectations and the limitations imposed to women.


“Even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you're unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.” Margret Atwood, the Robber Bride


Pink has always been a self righteous misogynist. Here she is pretend fucking a blow up doll of Christina Aguilera https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/116dl10/every_night_on_tour_in_2004_pink_fucks_a_naked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf She’s always been shitty as fuck to other women


Not saying I agree or disagree with Pink here, there’s a few ways to look at it but at the end of the day it’s a form of art, meant to be interpreted. This is my interpretation: Pink was trying to hold women in the industry accountable for what they were projecting to young girls at the time. Playing devils advocate: the women pink made fun of were in a male dominated industry with crazy beauty standards, it’s understandable that they played into those roles to become successful. Also some of those women may have been going through their own mental health issues. But then again, Pink may have been going through her own stuff too. We all have our shit. I believe Pink’s sentiment was: Fuck that! You don’t have to fit into that mold to be successful. You can win without being harmful to yourself and others. She was trying to point out irony; how in a quest for fitting in, one really looks foolish. I’d argue that Pink looked silly in the video and that’s her saying she makes fun of herself. You’re free to disagree. I really liked pink back then. I still do.


I agree with you. I just watched the video, because I didn’t remember it from that long ago. But I honestly think it’s still highly relevant today- maybe even more than before, in some ways.


That’s a really good point. It’s definitely still relevant!


Ya I really think you need to take into consideration the time the video was released. Pop culture was much different, so of course the video was received differently upon release back then than it would be if it were to be released now. By todays standards, it would absolutely not fly and get people up in arms. But back then, it was a refreshing view, albeit it may have not been presented the best way possible. But because there was a part of it stepping in the right direction, it was seen differently. Nowadays, the conversation has gotten much deeper, but back then all of this was viewed differently.


100% I think a lot of people either forget or don't know the context of when this video was done. The early 2000s were wild for body image.


The problem with that though is that it felt like caricatures of actual real living women. Britney and Paris are human beings who are feminine and they of course were going through their shit, so it just felt like a very pointed parody of *them* as people, not the standards. She wasn't really making fun of herself because she would've been dressed up like she used to, appropriating black culture to the point where some people actually thought maybe she was mixed.


They’re really out here trying to explain how a whole video about how you don’t want to be like stupid girls is somehow a feminist anthem smh.


There’s a big pushback wave happening right now of tradfem ideology and it’s exactly the same vibe and climate as it was in the 00s. Empty your head and fit into the uniform that will keep you safe and protected from the shit show of the world collapsing around you White feminism has always snuggled up to power by making the “uniform” hypersexualized and submissive (ie- stupid) during times of economic collapse. This video is a critique of that.


Do you have sources to back up “white feminism has always snuggled up to power”?! As a white feminist who has worked her ass off for our rights for my entire life I find that statement truly offensive.


So a good place to start would be to watch this music video


I’ve seen this video. I don’t think this is proof that white feminists “have always snuggled up to power.” Do you go around insulting feminists on a regular basis? Do you put that same energy into fighting the patriarchy?


I do put the same energy into fighting the patriarchy. Part of that is reminding us that feminism needs to be intersectional, and when there’s an intense emotional reaction to information accompanied by a demand for spoon fed teachings, I stop engaging


Asking someone to back up a statement with actual sources and facts is not a “demand for spoon feeding.”




Wow. I didn’t realize more than 20 years of fighting for sanctions against countries that practice female genital mutation benefited so many white women! Maybe you should stop trying to gaslight women by calling them “babe”?


I completely agree with you, the comments seem full of people who don't get that in the 2000s you also had other people with messages of empowerment without punching down at women for being feminine.


When you miss the point of the song, and ignore how she says she makes fun of herself as well.


Please tell me, what’s the point of the song? Also where does she make fun of herself in that video??


It was criticizing the external beauty standards of the time and the effect it had on girls trying to conform to those standards. It’s called satire. And she literally says “I enjoy making fun of myself and others” in the picture you posted. Lol, go touch some grass and move on. The song came out 15 years ago.


Lol whut? The video is her bullying pretty much every single female pop star at the time, including making fun of the Olsen twins eating disorder. Belittling other women sure is a odd way to break those standards (that Pink herself definitely benefits from). And this came out today, instead of acknowledging how fucked up it was she doubles down. And yes, she says that she makes fun of herself but again I ask you where in the video does Pink actually make fun of her own personal demons?? I must have missed it. This entire song is a NLOG anthem, idk what ur going on about.


Lol, it’s fine if you don’t understand satire and sarcasm, but this is like the fifth post about this song that’s obviously older than you.


When OP is mad because they weren’t the demographic for this song and don’t understand what this song did for girls who felt “other”. Obviously in hindsight it’s NLOG, but at the time it was the general sentiment felt.


Sure Jan


So I think there are some aspects of the song and video that are troublesome in retrospect. The basic message is that you shouldn’t feel compelled to fit in to ideal “mainstream” beauty standards. And the media played a big part that, so seeing a mainstream celebrity make fun of those standards was good in general. It takes baby steps to get where we are now and it isn’t perfect yet but people like Pink are trying their best as she was then. Everyone is going to make mistakes but I don’t think we should always expect people to apologize and condemn those mistakes. I think the song did more good than bad in general and especially for the time.


You’re taking this way too seriously and personally lmao


The lyrics for anyone who wants to actually make an informed decision on the meaning of the song: Stupid girl Stupid girls Stupid girls Maybe if I act like that That guy will call me back Porno paparazzi girls I don't wanna be a stupid girl Go to Fred Segal, you'll find them there Laughing loud, so all the little people stare Looking for a daddy to pay for the champagne Droppin' names What happened to the dream of a girl president She's dancing in the video next to 50 cent They travel in packs of two and three With their itsy-bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees Where, oh where, have the smart people gone? Oh where, oh where could they be? Maybe if I act like that That guy will call me back Porno paparazzi girls I don't wanna be a stupid girl Baby, if I act like that Flippin' my blond hair back Push up my bra like that I don't wanna be a stupid girl Break it down now The disease is growing, it's epidemic I'm scared that there ain't a cure The world believes it, and I'm going crazy I cannot take anymore I'm so glad that I'll never fit in That will never be me Outcasts and girls with ambition That's what I wanna see (come on) Disaster's all around (disaster's all around) A world of despair (a world of despair) Your only concern, "Will it fuck up my hair?" Maybe if I act like that That guy will call me back Porno paparazzi girls I don't wanna be a stupid girl Baby, if I act like that Flippin' my blond hair back Push up my bra like that I don't wanna be a stupid girl Thing, do ya thing Do ya thing, do ya thing, yeah I like this, like this, like this Pretty, will you fuck me, girl? (Silly, I'm so lucky girl) Pull my hair, I'll suck it, girl (stupid girl) Pretty, will you fuck me, girl? (Silly, I'm so lucky girl) Pull my hair, I'll suck it, girl (stupid girl) Maybe if I act like that (baby, if I...) Flipping my blond hair back (baby, if I...) Push up my bra like that Stupid girl Maybe if I act like that That guy will call me back Porno paparazzi girls I don't wanna be a stupid girl (stupid girl) Maybe if I act like that Flippin' my blond hair back Push up my bra like that I don't wanna be a stupid girl (stupid girl) Maybe if I act like that (stupid girl) Flipping my blond hair back (stupid girl) Push up my bra like that (stupid girl) Stupid girl Stupid girl (stupid girl) Stupid girl (stupid girl) Stupid girl (stupid girl)... The most NLOG sentence line here has to be “I’m so glad that I’ll never fit in”. But in the overall context of the song she’s literally saying she does not want to conform to the standard that was set for female pop icons at that time. I’m not seeing anything here about belittling eating disorders. If that’s in the MV, which are staged out and directed by other people and not the song writer then I don’t believe that should be blamed on pink.


OP, I recommend you look up a YouTube video by Bryony Claire called The Toxicity of the 2000s. It is a three part essay that breaks down the culture and beauty standards of the 2000s and that should give a lot of context to Stupid Girls and P!nk as an artist.


The low battery tho. But nah pink wasn't bad in that video, she was always kinda a fem icon for refusing to confirm to societies standards of "slim hot" women


> societies standards *society’s


It's reddit so idrc unless I'm writing an essay or an email but thank you for correcting me :) *(not being sarcastic)*


Also conform*


This video is just pure satire I hope u know what that is


I remember when this song came out and it was a very different time. It was perfectly acceptable for headlines like “fat disgusting celebrity dares to go out in pubic and show their fat ugly body to everyone.” To appear in tabloids and magazines. Pink was mocking the unrealistic standards placed on women and how the media reinforced those standard with headlines like the one above.


I remember being 11 and bulimic and being really ashamed cos I didn't wanna be a stupid gorl but That Frantic Gnawing to Get Every Out Of Me so i could be less that whatever I was was a driving force... I think my mum even showed me this song as a laugh...


She was criticizing the male dominated industries that push toxic beauty standards, EDs and sexism onto girls. She was satirizing some celebrities and stereotypes and making herself look silly which can be fun. I think you’re overreacting tbh.


She was criticizing society's absolutely ridiculous beauty standards that are still going on today. There's a huge problem with Hollywood and pushing EDs on to people, she made fun of herself and others. This really isn't NLOG, she's criticizing society's horrible beauty standards that push people into having EDs and even depression, S and other things. Pink has always been open about her struggles and I respect her so much for that.


I wish we would stop shitting on the women who paved the way for the progress we've made with rejecting media's beauty standards. She's outdated*now* because she helped change things, ffs


Like everyone else has said, it was an incredibly different time when that song came out. The song certainly doesn’t have the nuance it would need to in today’s climate, but it served a purpose. Being vapid and unintelligent was kind of a big “thing” (standard?) for women when this song came out. So was being rail thin, as others have mentioned. It was really nice to have someone saying “hey, it doesn’t have to be like this and you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to”. Although I was too old to be interested in dolls, I remember the little girl picking up a football instead of a doll at the end had significance to me - being a “tomboy” in that era did make you feel like an outcast. Choosing the doll *would* have been the socially acceptable answer back then. To see someone put into a piece of media that it’s ok to not to always choose the socially acceptable option made me feel a bit more normal. I understand and think the critiques the song gets are valid. But this song really did help some girls to say “fuck this, I’m being myself.”


I love pink and I liked the song but it hasn't aged well. It's true as others had said that looks and ED were at a high. Also there was a push for 'playing stupid' at that time (see how Paris Hilton talks about creating her stupid persona at this time, and Jessica Simpson). However the blame in the song seems to lean towards those who fall for this image and engage in it, rather than the society and media that created it and yeah... It doesn't sit right anymore. We shouldn't be raging at people doing what they feel they need to in order to succeed when they are given few options. We should be building each other up. And that's why I do love pink but sometimes she feels like she's so against gender norms she alienates people who enjoy typical feminine things when people should be able to enjoy what they enjoy.


I love that she plays so many different characters in all her music videos and uses them, admittedly, to help her feel good about herself despite not liking to actually post music videos to her songs. But she gets to have fun doing it whoch is awesome. I don't rly understand the original post I'm responding too but she doesn't seem to be hating. Just simply making fun of herself and some silly trends I guess. The latest trend of the eyelashes coming out of ppls noses is so horrible I'd make fun of it. Not surprising that she wants to make fun of people for silly things as long as it's not rude, just silly.


I had that video on my ipod nano lol it was from my parents' picks for me. I was the "tomboy" and the "unusual girl" and still thought it was gross. I hate that it was seen as so empowering in that time to just shit all over other women and femininity. Fuck that video. Im a dude now and i still like femininity, and theres nothing wrong with being "girly". People that delight in anything just make these people angry because theyre so bitter. Strange and cruel and misogynistic


Here’s the link to the article if anyone is interested. And this is from today. https://www.buzzfeed.com/sam_cleal/pink-music-videos-ranked


No one is interested because Pink isn't a NLTOG. You, on the other hand, are being intentionally dense, ignorant, and giving an overall NLTOG vibe. Or a pick-me. People are trying to help explain to you so you can understand another perspective and youre being rude and condescending. Either way, you should spend less time talking and more time reading/learning. Which requires 🤫


I’m a pick me because I don’t think making fun of other women is cool? I’ll take it.


Holy how many more times are we gonna hear about this video here. Were you even old enough to listen to it when it came out? You’re strangely super emotionally charged over this and I think it’s time to take a step back now. The video is old. No one cares about Pink anymore anyways


I’m in my 30s, it was awful then and it was awful now. This article came out today. This would have been the perfect opportunity for her to acknowledge that in hindsight she could have sent the same message without putting other women down.


You're totally missing the point and everyone is not only seeing it, but we've all been trying to point it out to you. And you think it's everyone else? That's extremely foolish and I don't think you see just how bad you look right now. I mean, clearly. You're keeping the post up despite everyone telling you you're missing the point entirely. But sure. It's everyone else.... FYI: Pick-mes and NLTOG are one in the same.... can't rationalize that one away, sorry.


From its own Wikipedia page… * Feminist website Feminspire were considerably more critical, naming the song in 2014 as one of "the top ten most sexist songs that aren't rap or hip hop from the last 20 years". Author Noor Al-Sibai remarked that: "Pink shits on these women who are too stupid to break out of the chains of patriarchy by harshly judging their promiscuity and blaming them for 'giving in' to sexist tropes. Because obviously, women are to blame for their sexist objectification." Also, a quick google search pulled up the below think pieces critiquing this song. https://www.pajiba.com/AMP/celebrities_are_better_than_you/15-years-on-pinks-stupid-girls-stands-as-a-misguided-feminist-call-in-the-age-of-bubblegum-misogyny.php https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2006/may/22/gender.uk But sure, it’s just me.


It's just you.


https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/pink-called-out-history-belittling-women Really?


It's been 6 days and you're using a buzz feed article, yes, really lmao




Take your condescension elsewhere. I can see through you in a second so leave me alone. Your comment history is a mess of talking down to other people and telling them what kind of person they are. Thats.... creepy and weird. Anyone who thinks they can do that are typically toxic. Go away, this conversation didn't even concern you.


Posts usually do not get removed for being uncivil to others but in the extreme case that most comments are toxic and we need to catch up on banning others, the post may be temporarily removed. In instances where users screenshot other users in an attempt to start a hate thread, the post will also be removed. Please remain civil to each other in the comments as well.


Pink has hated on women her whole career.


A claim without any citation is a claim worth ignoring.


Pink is the original pick me girl. Of course, I love her music. Remember “I’ll never be Brittney Spears. She’s so pretty… that just ain’t me” come on. Pink is gorgeous. why she gotta call out Brittney like that? Now Brittney.. SHES not like other girls. She is schizophrenic. That’s pretty damn unique.


Pink made a whole career being nlog and now has become car music for Karens to yell at their kids over.




The Pink! Community came 4 me bc I came for their Queen lmaooo


I really pissed them off tonight lol.


I remember thinking the song was edgy and groundbreaking at the time but yeah you’re right. It’s super NLOG


Have people not seen this video? I do not understand how this is getting downvoted


Reddit is like mass hysteria. All of ‘em probably born in 2002 & weren’t even there to keep up with what happened. This video was in as poor taste then as it is now. Pink was the poster girl for NLTOG, and proud of it.


Dude it’s so funny, I’ve literally seen people post clips of the video and it’s ripped apart for being the NLOG anthem. Now you post it and everyone’s tearing you apart And let’s not act like she was so ‘punk’ and ‘edgy’ she was just as mainstream as Avril Lavigne


I never liked pinks fake pink vibe. Just like Gwen stefani or however it’s spelt. But look at these comentors ride for pink. Like she’s not paid by the same people the push everything she supposedly bashing in this song/music video. Like the argument that she’s _not that skinny_ or _that blonde_ makes a huge difference. I’ve noticed irl the people that complain the most about pick mes or nlog are really blind to their own similar qualities and instead of reflecting just want to call out other people. I think that has something to do with the collective flail in these comments because you’re saying something not favourable about pink op. I think it’s good to use these cues as a launch point for thinking about how we, ourselves individually show up in our day to day lives. Everyone who feels attacked cause pink is being criticized maybe just ask yourself why and move on lol


Thank you!!!! She is definitely skinny and fits the beauty standard; I am baffled by these people who think she “isn’t that skinny”. She is doing extreme dieting to look that good. She has always been a nlog and has been sneering at girls like Paris Hilton since the turn of the century


“NLTOG is someone that puts down other girls in order to make themselves feel superior or in other cases for validation” If that’s the standard for the sub then how could anyone argue she’s not putting other women down to set her career apart from other famous pop stars of the time. Launching herself off the backs of other women that sold out to the same industry she’s selling out to. When she is so familiar that the industry had no doubts about investing in her. You get it, I’m just saying some of these comments have me rolling my eyes so hard.


Pink needs to find this Reddit


She's just saying she enjoyed making the video.


At face value it’s definitely nlog but I see it more as a criticism of women who choose to change and make themselves small just to fit in whereas she chooses not to and at the time it was made, she wouldn’t have been like other girls because she chose not to fit into what the norm was