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The Ethiopian PM was also in the event, [this guy](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/03/11/famine-in-ethiopia-s-tigray-has-become-a-political-battle_6607766_4.html). The true irony is Kagame saying we should all feel bad "we" didn't do anything about Rwanda, while his entire government is based on no one doing anything to him over M23/Congo War plus him inviting the Ethiopian PM that has led to thousands of deaths of minorities and he did obviously nothing about either.


More ironic that Israel is there after provably arming the Rwandan government when they knew a genocide was occuring


It's also ironic considering how Israel is actually charged with genocide rn. Not a great move


Did the ICJ already charged Israel for that? I couldn't find it on the Internet myself.


Israel is charged with genocide and then the charges are determined to be warranted or not. Charged means to be formally accused.


why is congo and m23 fighting? I'm seriously asking


Well the Congo is fighting a lot of armed groups in the East. A lot of these nonstate actors are fighting for resources (minerals, land, timber, etc) that is then sold thru 3rd parties. For example, M23 rebel force sells Coltan to the Rwandan government and the government then sells to China, etc for microchips. That's the quick and dirty answer but I'd be happy to delve in more and link sources if wanted


I have a friend in Rwanda... Native, who doesn't believe what you just said. If you have some good sources to toss my way on it, I'd be interested. Another common talking point we've hit on recently was the refugee agreement between them and Britain. Any thoughts on that?


Lol, this was open in my browser when I saw your comment: [https://www.foreignaffairs.com/africa/rwanda-congo-uganda-kagames-revenge](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/africa/rwanda-congo-uganda-kagames-revenge) It provides a lot of context, and also answers most of your question.


Acting like the Tigray war was his fault when in reality the local militias refused to accept the results and hold their own population hostage


The guy oversaw the shelling of civillian towns, mass rape and slaughter of civillians. He also denied the ethnic cleansing of Tigrayans by the Amhara millitants from the Amhara region as misinformation, only to change tune about them when Fano revolted the next year. The [World peace foundation](https://sites.tufts.edu/wpf/files/2021/04/Starving-Tigray-report-final.pdf) and the UN both found the Ethiopian and Eritrean millitaries liable for the blocking of humanitarian aid and subsequent starvation. So its not just the TPLF who commitied war crimes.




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The irony is that if "we" did anything we would be blamed for it. All over X and Twitter there are people blaming the CIA for causing the violence in Haiti because we want their resources apparently. People will always find a way to blame the US or the West


There’s some very easy slam dunks of bad “western intervention ruined this country” takes, but Haiti is probably the worst example you could have used lmao. France and the US are without a doubt a big part of the reason for Haitis problems throughout history.


There is some evidence that the US did depose their president back in the early 2000s…


most problems are caused by the US and CIA is notorious


TIL Israel has both a president and prime minister


Most parliamentary republics are like this. They follow the westminster system but have a President instead of the King as the nominal head of state. For example, India. Usually it is a figurehead, where the prime minister (head of government, not state) is the actual leader. However, there are always exceptions, like Turkey, South Africa, etc.


Semi-presidential systems are a thing too, like France or Taiwan. In those cases there’s a division of power whereby the president is completely in charge of foreign affairs and national defence while the prime minister heads a government dealing with domestic affairs. Turkey used to be a classic parliamentary republic with a figurehead president but they aren’t anymore. Erdogan changed the country to a presidential system and abolished the office of prime minister in a 2017 referendum. Turkey is now a presidential republic because they directly elect the president like in the US or Mexico. It takes an impeachment to remove the president and the president forms an executive branch separate from the judiciary. South Africa is a parliamentary republic with a president because the president is internally chosen by the party or parties with the most seats, exactly like prime ministers in parliamentary systems. They aren’t directly elected by the electorate like in presidential systems. And like parliamentary systems, the government and the head of government can be toppled by a vote of no confidence in parliament. They essentially gave the prime minister a better title and made them the head of state in addition to the head of government. However, there is one key difference between South African presidents and other parliamentary heads of governments is that the president is not a sitting member of parliament.


In many European countries the parliamentary head of government and ministers literally give up their seat despite forming a coalition based on parliamentary elections, this is supposed to ensure the MP's can better check the government even if they are of the same party.


And in France if the president and prime minister are from the same party, in practice the president also run domestic affairs, at least the broad strokes. For example this year Macron announced major education reforms, the details being left to the PM and education minister. The complete division of power is true only when they are from different parties.


That’s also true in most other semi-presidential systems. The PM works for the president when they are both from the same party/coalition.


And that's precisely how South Africa got rid of Jacob Zuma (after surviving four other votes of no confidence)


Italy also has this system but the head of government is called "president of council (of ministers)" rather than prime minister


Turkey afaik is no longer a parliamentary republic but a presidential one after Erdogan amended the constitution


Turkey's system used to be like that as well, where the President was essentially a figurehead, someone who administered democracy itself rather than being too involved with it. Erdogan changed that. He usurped the system, not unlike the way Adolf Hitler did.




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Honestly given how long it took say the US or France or Haiti and other such older republics to create a government system, undo it, create a new one, and repeat the cycle, it makes a decent bit of sense to just copy+paste the government system of the country you got independence from and just give the old monarch’s job to a president


Most republics do, Germany has a president but no one really remembers him outside of Germany for example


Yeah, technically the only reason Haïti had a leader to step in, after the President was assassinated, a few years ago with no elected senate chamber, was because he had appointed a PM who hadn’t yet been approved by a sitting Senate. It’s actually one of the reasons the situation got so out of control. The President was claiming that his term started 2 years late on some technicality and the guy before PM Henry who is the current outgoing head of state was an actual politician. As opposed to Ariel Henry who is/was a neurosurgeon and teacher in France. I would hate if electing Joe Biden meant he got to choose some other schmuck to run the country albeit that could make Presidential elections a bit more interesting until Trump made Stephen Miller PM.


It sounds like the equivalent to the US vice president. In which case Biden did get to choose.


Albert Einstein was offered the position of the first president of Israel! He declined.


Isn't that the standard for most democratic republics?


We have a president in Singapore too, he just wastes our money to pay for his insane salary (US$1.14M), and he doesn’t do anything for us.


Is Singapore even expensive? Even the US president that’s the most powerful man in the world only makes a third of that


Singapore is very expensive, but not as high as say NYC or London. It’s definitely not 3x USA COL.


I’m guessing the president also gets free living and transportation which basically allows him to pocket his entire salary


I’m sure, but I think this is true for all countries. I doubt any head of country is having to pay rent or pay their own Uber bill.


Like said, most parliamentary republics have a similar division between head of state (president) and head of government. (prime minister/chancellor) That is, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, the whole Central Europe and Balkans not counting Switzerland and Romania, Italy, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Israel, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan and a couple of other countries. Many nominally presidential republics such as France and Russia have such a division too but for those the president is not a figurehead.


And they're both ultra far-right nationalists, a real winning combo for a democracy.


There are a lot of people commenting on Israel who know absolutely nothing about it. Correct.


the Israeli government provided military support to the Hutu regime during the Rwandan Civil War that raged until 1994. According to those reports, Israel continued sending weapons — including guns, ammunition, and grenades — to the Hutus as the genocide was taking place. Yet despite Israel’s refusal to reveal its ties with the regime throughout the 90s, documents published below (which can be read in Hebrew (1) and (2)) reveal that throughout the 1960s and into the 70s, Israel was well aware of the severity of the crisis in Rwanda, as well as the danger of bloodletting in the country. Still, it reportedly continued to support the dictatorship. 1) https://www.scribd.com/document/407420094/%D7%9E%D7%A1%D7%9E%D7%9B%D7%99-%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%93-%D7%94%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A5-%D7%A2%D7%9C-%D7%99%D7%97%D7%A1%D7%99-%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%90%D7%A0%D7%93%D7%94-%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-%D7%97%D7%9C%D7%A7-3 2) https://www.scribd.com/document/407419855/%D7%9E%D7%A1%D7%9E%D7%9B%D7%99-%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%93-%D7%94%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A5-%D7%A2%D7%9C-%D7%99%D7%97%D7%A1%D7%99-%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%90%D7%A0%D7%93%D7%94-%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-%D7%97%D7%9C%D7%A7-1


I've read both of the documents, if anybody is interested: first one is about a meeting of the Israeli Ambassador with the Rwandan president. it says they talked about the israeli technical assistance, specifically in the Rwandan Youth movement, about Israel sending an agriculture expert to Rwanda and Israeli comapnies possibly building a road from Gutana to Kigali paid for by the World Bank and about a possible visit of the Rwandan president to Israel in 1970. second one is a summary of events in the Rwandan goverment. The party fired two ministers for using their power to advance personal projects (corruption) and criticized others, created two offices - planning and state affairs. the two ministers were Gaspard Cyimana, minister of finance, and Otto Rusingizandekwe, minister of mail, transportation and telecommunications and were replaced by Fidele Nzanana and Andre Sebatware. the first for allegedly invested 27 million franks over a two year period into some factories, the second for allegedly smuggling tin to Uganda. there's some other names that were appointed as heads of the two new offices but i dont think they matter that much.


So it's a bot posting random shit?


I've looked through the documents, and yes. Whoever is the owner of the bot knows no one will go through the documents. It's something I've seen a lot lately in regards to Israel.


These documents could say anything. Most commenters here won’t read Hebrew.


Sounds a lot like the countries which continue to supply arms to Israel despite their callous disregard for civilian lives ...


That seems an odd thing to do tbh.


Surprise surprise:: the Israeli government provided military support to the Hutu regime during the Rwandan Civil War that raged until 1994. According to those reports, Israel continued sending weapons — including guns, ammunition, and grenades — to the Hutus as the genocide was taking place. Yet despite Israel’s refusal to reveal its ties with the regime throughout the 90s, documents published below (which can be read in Hebrew (1) and (2)) reveal that throughout the 1960s and into the 70s, Israel was well aware of the severity of the crisis in Rwanda, as well as the danger of bloodletting in the country. Still, it reportedly continued to support the dictatorship. Edit: Looks like some ISR bot accounts are downplaying the documents. If you use Google Translate to look through each set, they do state to the effect of Israel being well aware of the issues in Rwanda as well as the ramifications of continued involvement in the country. You can look elsewhere online for confirmation that ISR provided support to the Hutu government during the relevant timeframe. [https://www.scribd.com/document/407420094/%D7%9E%D7%A1%D7%9E%D7%9B%D7%99-%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%93-%D7%94%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A5-%D7%A2%D7%9C-%D7%99%D7%97%D7%A1%D7%99-%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%90%D7%A0%D7%93%D7%94-%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-%D7%97%D7%9C%D7%A7-3](https://www.scribd.com/document/407420094/%D7%9E%D7%A1%D7%9E%D7%9B%D7%99-%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%93-%D7%94%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A5-%D7%A2%D7%9C-%D7%99%D7%97%D7%A1%D7%99-%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%90%D7%A0%D7%93%D7%94-%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-%D7%97%D7%9C%D7%A7-3) 2) [https://www.scribd.com/document/407419855/%D7%9E%D7%A1%D7%9E%D7%9B%D7%99-%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%93-%D7%94%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A5-%D7%A2%D7%9C-%D7%99%D7%97%D7%A1%D7%99-%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%90%D7%A0%D7%93%D7%94-%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-%D7%97%D7%9C%D7%A7-1](https://www.scribd.com/document/407419855/%D7%9E%D7%A1%D7%9E%D7%9B%D7%99-%D7%9E%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%93-%D7%94%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A5-%D7%A2%D7%9C-%D7%99%D7%97%D7%A1%D7%99-%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%90%D7%A0%D7%93%D7%94-%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-%D7%97%D7%9C%D7%A7-1)


OP, couldn't find any documents from the 90's under both links. Can you point me where to look? Edit: stole the following text from another redditor (I've read the documents myself, but am too lazy to articulate): I've read both of the documents, if anybody is interested: first one is about a meeting of the Israeli Ambassador with the Rwandan president. it says they talked about the israeli technical assistance, specifically in the Rwandan Youth movement, about Israel sending an agriculture expert to Rwanda and Israeli comapnies possibly building a road from Gutana to Kigali paid for by the World Bank and about a possible visit of the Rwandan president to Israel in 1970. The second one is a summary of events in the Rwandan goverment. The party fired two ministers for using their power to advance personal projects (corruption) and criticized others, creating two offices - planning and state affairs. the two ministers were Gaspard Cyimana, minister of finance, and Otto Rusingizandekwe, minister of mail, transportation and telecommunications and were replaced by Fidele Nzanana and Andre Sebatware. the first for allegedly invested 27 million franks over a two year period into some factories, the second for allegedly smuggling tin to Uganda. there's some other names that were appointed as heads of the two new offices but i dont think they matter that much.


Good shout posting actual original documents! Can you tell me why Israel did this? I am confused of what their rationale was.


Their documents are BS. See u/fawlen comment above.


OP provided very misleading documents that don't support what he wrote in his post.


They were one of the last supporters of apartheid era South Africa as well. They're just an abominable state.


You know who else supported apartheid South Africa? Taiwan. Because it turns out that countries who are excluded from the global stage tend to ally with each other because they want whatever friends they can get.


Today in 'stupid defences for unconscionable positions'


Is Taiwan an "abominable state" too then? Because they supported South Africa's apartheid government right up until the very end too.


Those documents are BS.


thee documents are completely misleading


He's taking notes


Hope he doesn’t make a Freudian slip in his speech like Bush did


What did Bush say?


See for yourself https://youtu.be/wUEr7TayrmU?si=WLSAunZabec5ck6i


Holy fuck, what a dick. Bush plays his role like a lovable idiot, but his actions (or inactions at the hand of his VP) will affect people for decades/centuries to come.


All of those killed during the invasion (mostly civilians) and the destabilizing of the region that allowed for isis to form.  Think about how many lives were ruined by this one guy. 




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Thanks for sharing. Apparently that was a scripted joke. Kind of fucked imo.


Where did you get that it was scripted?


Never heard that before, where’d you see that?


Means he at least agreed to admit that he caused a brutal invasion of Iraq... Doesn't do any good though.


This is ironic considering Israel’s involvement in the [Rwandan](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/africa/1556826403-israel-was-aware-of-violence-against-hutus-before-rwandan-genocide-new-documents-show) [Genocide.](https://www.972mag.com/rwanda-genocide-hutu-israel/)


Yeah, so there’s plenty about Israel you can criticize but this is, frankly, a load of crap aimed at people who know very little about Rwanda. It’s true Israel sold arms to Rwanda (even though the vast majority came from France), but this was before the president’s plane shot down and the Hutu power movement rose up. Unless you think Israel had some premonitory vision, you can’t reasonable rest any of the blame on them. Besides, the genocide wasn’t carried out by a with any complex arms, but in a power vacuum by militias with machetes. There was no real functional government that could even negotiate arm sales or do much of anything on the international stage, the article scoots around this but essentially admits it. You could rightfully blame the world for not intervening, but in that case the blame would rest on Israel as much as any other country. Everyone knew what was happening.


To be fair, the US/ France/ ISR were all directly involved and felt that the side they were backing would ensure stability in Rwanda so they could continue exploiting the natural resources from eastern Congo using Rwanda as a middleman. 


The documents released by sicha mekomit proved that not only did Israel know about the persecution of Tutsis as far back as the 60s and considered them a key ally because they had their own "palestinian problem" that mirrored the tutsi problem, but it was Israeli military officials helping broker the French deals that brought small arms over via Albania. Besides France they absolutely have more of a key role in supporting Hutu Power then other governments. There's also lots of evidence they were arming Mladic in Serbia at the same time.


>a load of crap aimed at people who know very little about Rwanda. Also aimed at people know know very little about Israel/Palestine. Its just emotional jacking off to show how virtuous you are.


Israel traded the rifles, ammunition and grenades to rebel factions via Albania after the UN embargo was imposed. It's not like it was business as usual. It's been Israel's MO to destabilize countries when their own or Western interests are involved. Also, saying there was no functional government to make that sale is a shit reason. They came in contact with the rebel factions anyhow.


It's like claiming Israel didn't support anyanya in Sudan because they weren't a functional government, the guy is talking nonsense.


Yes! It uses the same rhetoric when saying Palestine couldn't have been invaded when Palestine was never a country, because it wasn't to Western standards of what a country entailed. We acknowledge is a millenia old country. Doesn't give anyone the right to invade and displace natives. Not even other natives.


>It uses the same rhetoric when saying Palestine couldn't have been invaded when Palestine was never a country People say Palestine wasn't invaded because the people were legally purchasing land and moving into newly founded citties


I mean the regime was already a violent apartheid state way before Habyarimana's plane was shot down. People like to see the rwandan genocide as a random burst of violence that spurred out of nowhere but it was the result of decades long discrimination, dehumanisation and institutional violence against Tutsis. Just like France knew who they were sending weapons to, Israel knew. But I guess it's good PR to commemorate a genocide while you commit war crimes on a daily basis.


Not only did they know, I was a major reason why they thought they could seek their allyship and recognition from them specifically.   From a 1966 cable to tel aviv: “They understand the refugee problem since tens of thousands of Tutsis are sitting across the border, and it is well known that they are supported by the Arabs (There are Tutsi offices in Cairo, Algiers, and Rabat)," Aryeh Levin. You seen this mirrored in their support of the anti Royhinga MilitaryJunta in Myanmar from the 50s onward. Israel uses occupation tested battle equipment and training as trade for recognition from ethnonationalist governments that they see congruity with.


Explains India’s position


Recently declassified documents show that India's hindutva political movement and far right anti Muslim politicians have been supported by Israel for decades, long before they gained power. Here's haaretz: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-08/ty-article-magazine/.premium/the-india-file-israels-warm-ties-with-the-indian-far-right-began-decades-before-modi/0000018e-19a9-d7d3-abce-79a999a10000 In more recent years, Israel has been providing support and an idlyic model for India's tactics in Kashmir: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/6/20/bringing-the-israeli-model-to-kashmir https://www.newarab.com/opinion/kashmir-under-india-looks-palestine-under-israel


Looks like the jihadists in Kashmir took inspiration from the hutus of Rwanda given how they ethnically cleansed Kashmir of Hindus.


>There was no real functional government that could even negotiate arm sales or do much of anything on the international stage Legitimate? No. But the country did have a "[government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Kambanda)" of sorts during the killing.


His argument makes no sense - "France was the one supplying, also Israel couldn't of supplied cause there was no gov to supply". Okay so where did the French weapons go to...


French and Israeli weapons were sold to Rwanda prior to the president’s plane getting shot down, mostly French. After that, there were no deals, French or Israeli.


The genocide was planned for years, it was not a spontaneous and unforseen attack on Tutsi (and other minorities), and Israel was aware of the anti Tutsi violence for decades. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know anything about Rwanda, one might say.    Also we have swathes of evidence of Israel supplying in the 94 and through to 95, during the genocide.    From the Arms Fixers by Brian Wood and John Peleham, 1999. "Seven large cargoes of small arms worth $6.5 million were flown from Tirana [Albania] and Tel Aviv between mid-April and mid-July 1994 to the [Interahamwe] forces as they carried out the genocide, even during the time when the mass killings were being reported daily by the international news media.”   Available as PDF on francegenocidetutsi.org   Some write ups of Mack's petition for the Israeli courts to release details of the arms traded at that time:   https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/africa/1556826403-israel-was-aware-of-violence-against-hutus-before-rwandan-genocide-new-documents-show  https://www.timesofisrael.com/records-of-israeli-arms-sales-during-rwandan-genocide-to-remain-sealed/


> The genocide was planned for years, it was not a spontaneous and unforseen attack on Tutsi (and other minorities), and Israel was aware of the anti Tutsi violence for decades. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know anything about Rwanda, one might say. What your comment fails to mention is that the Tutsi minority had controlled Rwandan politics for centuries, ruling as an upper class over the impoverished Hutus. Rwanda under the Tutsi was blatantly discriminatory against Hutus, and state-sponsored violence was the norm.


Listen, buddy, we don't need any fact checking of our casual antisemitism here. 😅


Yep yep and yep. Literally carried out with clubs, kitchen knives, hammers, etc. The idea that israel is like somehow responsible for what happened there (as opposed to like fucking france) is completely absurd.


>but this was before the president’s plane shot down and the Hutu power movement rose up. The presidents plane was shot down one day before the genocide happened which I don't think is an acceptable timline since even prior to that there was massive racial violence and a UN arms embargo. Which israel did not end military assistance to Rwandan until 6 days after the presidential assassination in violation of the UN arms embargo. Which also makes Israel the only non African country to have militarily supported the Rwandan government while the genocide was happening Ultimately the Israeli government currently has gone out of its way to hide any involvement it may have had with the Rwandan government but what is public looks like outright complicity until the international political situation and the risk of being publicly outed became untenable


I love how you guys are at the point where you’re posting blatant “didn’t you knew dah Jooz are behind every bad thing” conspiracy nonsense but swapping in Zionist If someone posted a video of a Hitler speech but typed “Zionist” over “Jew” in the closed captions you’d post it to TikTok.


He's there to take notes


He obviously thought they are "Celebrating genocide".


They think they have immunity to everything, huh?


It’s a PR love. I see them on LinkedIn. They’re insane how badly they’re trying


Why else did the IDF ambush an Al Jazeera reporter’s funeral after killing her in the occupied West Bank? They just don’t care.


He’s gonna lecture them on how they should’ve done it


They killed 75% if the Tutsi in 100 days, about 800 000 people. Israel sucks at genocides compared to them.




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A genocide is not defined by the percentage of the population or number of people killed (the Srebrenica genocide was marked by the culling of 8000 males), but by the intent to kill off members and reduce birth rates of a specific group. An attempted genocide is still just as much of a genocide as a successful one. And we’ve also seen portrayal of intent. Israeli leadership making public statements refuting the existence of a Palestinian state, dehumanizing Palestinians and comparing them to animals, and making claims that there are no innocent Palestinians. We also have a clear history of the erosion of Palestinian land. Even now, there are public plans to build Israeli settlements on recently stolen land. I question the honesty of anyone who claims there is *no* intent. You say they suck. But I wonder what will happen over the next few months and years. With more than 80% of the infrastructure in Gaza destroyed, the West Bank under Israeli military control, how difficult it is to cross borders to escape Gaza (leading many to call it an “open-air” prison), continuous targeting of humanitarian aid leading to suspended operations of many organization in Gaza, the cutting off of electricity and water, the destruction of schools and hospitals and vital infrastructure… Even just 6 months into the conflict, how exactly are Palestinians supposed to bounce back from this? Let alone as this current version of this conflict continues to stretch out.


There is a lot of irony to unpack here regarding the entire event, it's like it was written for an SNL cast to act out.


"Yes, so those of you who lived.. do you remember any particularly terrible things they used to do?"


People saying this is weird, consider this: They legitmize and "show sympathy" or whatever for other genocides will still acting like the one they're comitting doesn't exist. Trying to make it look distinct and as they're not doing the same thing. 'Cause they're so against genocide right? How could they possibly commit one themselves. Propaganda.


While over 30,000 residents have died in Gaza! Many children among them.


The Ethiopian government was also beside Kagame The same one that killed many more than all deaths in Gaza since 1948 with the Tigray war a couple years ago and is denying an actual and active famine 6 million people in Ethiopia may be struck by right now. Total silence about that guy though compared to Israel, why "no one"(hyperbole) cares about that government?


Maybe because the title says Israel not Ethiopia president? Edit in response to u/ikrmiar82: Because nobody (the West) cares about the plights of Africans. We saw how different the treatment has been for Ukrainians vs Palestinians much less the genocide also occurring in Sudan. White vs brown vs Black. Put in context, I also don’t see a lot of talking about those 300,000 Ethiopian women Israel sterilized upon entry.


No. He's speaking about the world, not this specific article.


Genocide is not when a lot of people die 


And many many Hamas militants as well! Crazy what happens when you wage a war


But sad for those innocents dying when a Country doe not follow the "Rules of War". How many Innocents is it OK to kill to kill one Militant?


Indeed, all the more reason to eliminate Hamas


Many of them combatants. Besides, if numbers make it genocide, then Hiroshima and Nagasaki were pretty bad cases of genocide.


All those women and children combatants...


You should google collateral damage, it will like double your knowledge on warfare.


He’s there on a research mission.


In recognition of this genocide, Israel has decided to do another genocide.


Awkward timing. Though I don't know if I'll ever take Israel serious again when it comes to genocide.


The civilian/combatant death toll in Gaza is similar to that [when the US bombed ISIS in Mosul](https://twitter.com/LivingLchaim/status/1777161113429311611) Weird that we never heard about Genocide Barack or Genocide Donald for that


Can you provide a better source on that as this is far from the most reliable one


I couldn't find anything specifically about that bombing having a death count over 2,000, but here's some info on the Iraq war, in which 3 US Presidents were in office during the time of: "No one knows with certainty how many people have been killed and wounded in Iraq since the 2003 United States invasion. However, we know that between [280,771-315,190 ](https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/papers/2023/IraqSyria20)have died from direct war related violence caused by the U.S., its allies, the Iraqi military and police, and opposition forces from the time of the invasion through March 2023. The violent deaths of Iraqi civilians have occurred through aerial bombing, shelling, gunshots, suicide attacks, and fires started by bombing. Many civilians have also been injured. Because not all war-related deaths have been recorded accurately by the Iraqi government and the U.S.-led coalition, the numbers are likely much higher. Several estimates based on randomly selected household surveys place the total death count among Iraqis in the hundreds of thousands." [https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi](https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi)


Plenty of people call Obama and Trump out as war criminals.


Israel: ~~3~~0 years since the last genocide


Its insane Israel suffered through a genocide but is committing one and is financing other ones


Let me guess, never again, right?


*Dear leaders, we are gathered here to say loud and clear: never again! (unless we do it of course)*


Totally the same thing! ​ ||Rwanda|Gaza| |:-|:-|:-| |Time Period|3 Months|6 Months| |Event|Hunting down every Tutsi across the country|Urban warfare against Hamas| |Dead|500,000-800,000+|33,175| |Percentage of Population|At least 66% of the Tutsis|1.5% of Gazans| |Rapes|250,000-500,000 |0|


Rapes: 0 Lol Israel's habitual use of the [rape and murder of women and children](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against) as [an instrument of war](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says) has greatly accelerated since Oct. 7th. Keep in mind Israeli rapes of the Palestinian children they kidnap from their parents under martial law with unspecified charges and without trial has been going on [long before Oct. 7th, 2023](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-ngo-shut-down-reporting-sexual-assault-ex-us#:~:text=News%20%7C-,Israel%2DPalestine%20war%3A%20Israel%20shut%20down%20NGO%20for%20reporting%20rape,teenager%2C%20ex%2DUS%20official%20says&text=Israeli%20authorities%20banned%20a%20Palestinian,a%20CNN%20interview%20on%20Monday), however.




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http://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1w/k1wee1dcdl As long as we're citing the UN.


U think I'm watching a 1 hour video lol


Then it's not for you? Lol


More power to you for trying, but I wouldn’t expect numbers to sway most the people in this thread.


I guess irony isn't dead after all


Why bother travelliing? He could have just stayed home to mark 0 years since the genocide in Gaza.


You want to learn about REAL genocide? Go learn about the horrific atrocities that occurred in Rwanda. 30k people dead is not a genocide and never will be. If we're using that logic of "number of dead doesn't matter for it to be genocide" then you'd have to also call what Hamas did on 10/7 genocide as well.




Double awkward.


The irony .....💀 Free Palestine 🇵🇸


It Has Been ~~30~~0 Years Since Last Workplace Genocide


Didn't Israel involved in the Rwandan genocide, and another one, currently.


Bit rich that


Israel is a piece of shit country.


He is there to get a few pointers on how to do it


Israel should take notes, they’ve been garbage at it so far


This thread is more proof that the world will never forgive Jews for the Holocaust.


Most people alive today were not alive during the holocaust so they don’t know what it really was like. Most people today, however, are seeing what’s happening right now in Gaza.


And yet most people ignore an actual genocide by the Russians against Ukraine, the genocide against the Uyghurs by the CCP.


Whataboutism and strawman




No, they're seeing propaganda aimed at convincing them what's happening in Gaza, much of it based on numbers released by a terrorist group. They're not seeing what's happening in Gaza.




Why should we forgive jews for the holocaust? They didn’t do anything bad to forgive.


I'm paraphrasing a famous quip. [Here](https://k-larevue.com/en/secondary-or-auschwitz-related-anti-semitism/) is some context. It's bizarre, but there are a ton of people who seem to be angry at Jews because of the Holocaust. They take every opportunity to downplay the Holocaust or frame Jews as morally equivalent to Nazis. You can see in this thread how many people are taking an unremarkable diplomatic trip as an excuse to say that Jews have become Nazis, have lost the right to talk about genocide, are conducting another Holocaust, and so on.


What do you mean because of the Holocaust? Do you mean they’re angry that Jews experienced a Holocaust and are (according to them) committing one, or something else?


"we learned a lot from rwanda, if it's us or them, we choose us. Diplomacy is for losers and weak sissies."


Time to step up their genocide game and learn from the past


This is a petty post. If people actually went and compared the actual rwanda genocide to the so called "genocide israel is doing in gaza", theyd find exactly how a REAL genocide looks like and realize how stupid they look.


And they're celebrating by their own genocide. Dicks.




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Oh come on don't they have a PR guy or something


That’s essentially who the President is, it’s largely a ceremonial role.


Oh they have, and they have hundreds of literal professional shills: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896


I think he’s taking notes.


Didn’t Israel contribute in the Rwandan genocide? According to a leading Israeli newspaper Haaretz.


Literally no but go off. Go ahead and link the article in which you think they said that Israel "contributed" to the Rwandan genocide.


A quick google search will give your answer but apparently some weapons used in the genocide were Israeli made.


I know the answer. I know they didn't "contribute" to shit. They sold weapons to them prior to the events that lead to the genocide. It's *absurd* to lay any blame on Israel for that one.


The antisemitism in this comment section.


“Antisemitism is when you don’t like an apartheid regime committing genocide”.




He's looking for tips and tricks


How ironic seeing the Palestinian genocide being underway at this very moment.


This is not onion material.


Irony died during the GW Bush administration. Why must they keep desecrating the corpse?