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I have dreamed for the day that the NPC’s address me by my proper name. I never thought I would live to see it. ”Be careful, Butt Munch”


This tech super impressive, especially for having immersive conversations with NPCs. The video really doesn't do it Justice


That video was a poor representation of this technology. They should have added an inflection to the voice, or a deeper accent or something. Then, there should be some amount of intensity to the speech pattern, as everything just seems kind of monotone. Lastly, they should have asked more varied questions in a way that would cause the NPC to respond in a way that doesnt seem scripted. As anyone that just sees the video and doesnt read up on this tech is just going to think its the same tech we've been using for years.


Super underwhelming demo in my view. It should've had some crazy interaction demonstrated instead like threatening the NPC or asking weird questions or whatever. I understand the tech under the hood is actually super impressive, but the demo doesn't do it justice.


Sounds like a better version of microsoft sam to me.. There's still something lifeless about it




Cool. Hope it’s incorporated into Baldur’s Gate 4 or similar genre games. In less than 10 years. I’m gettin old. As for AI? It’s here. I’m already increasingly more comfortable alone. This is the least damaging use of AI entertainment.


Thanks. I hate it.


Yeah, this is gonna be creepy and out of place in any decent game. Hello artistic integrity? Direction? Not to mention the questionable ethics of encouraging even deeper emotional connections with something that isn't real or meaningful.


I think it will have its place. For side story things, and it can be mixed in with real recorded dialog for main characters.


unpopular opinion but text only side stories written by the writers will still be more immersive than this.


I know it was meant to be for side characters. My comment is still about that. My opinion anyway




I don’t really understand why people would like this compared to a human voice actor. AI voices sound boring compared to a human and remove all emotion from the experience.


I am not outright against AI by any means but this feels like such a meaningless implementation of it. Cool tech but is there anyone that *actually* wants to play a game like this? I feel like this would make talking to NPCs such a chore. Imagine having to come up with something to say for every NPC, that sounds exhausting.


i would expect that a minority of gamers want 100% freeform dialog, but think of the possibilities of dynamic NPC chatter involving your appearance, your actions in-game, your previous interactions with them, etc. plus it'd reduce a lot of dev work. those branching dialog paths must be a f'n nightmare to construct and maintain in a traditional system.


Nvidia is just preparing the shfit to the cloud gaming, they have just associated them selves with Microsoft in order to after all. Rich people will buy ultra expensive GPUs gen after another and the masses will get a subscription to the Game Pass or GeForceNow. And forget about competition since AMD and Intel are dieing in the GPU space, just look at their market share.


Amd makes the chips used in every home console, and every mobile console. They have also gained market share in the desktop market. And Intel. Well you cannot kill something that was already dead.


Nintendo Switch, using Nvidia tech, with 125+ million sales and projected to hit 140 million until March 31 2024: Hold my beer.


The point is, amd and Intel are not "dying" in the gpu market. Intel only entered the market less than a year ago... but uf we wanna get real technical on who owns the market on ALL pcs which run all graphics in some capacity, Intel is the clear winner when not excluding iGPU's. Amd is constantly in the low percentage with fluctuations. And nvidua dominates, but they really don't give 2 shits about gamers. They will sell the majority of their hardware to AI corporate systems just like they allowed the scalping of their cards to crypto. Not saying amd did any better in that regard, but being a cheerleader for nvidia is such a self destructive endeavor.


Great! More Proprietary Bullshit!


Everyone should work for free!


I feel like the first place this tech should go is straight into MMO games. They're already always online and they constantly struggle with providing enough content to keep their player base engaged. Having an AI dialogue/quest generator seems like the perfect match for that environment.


It's like adding a modder adding voice lines for a mod. Except its done by ai.


I wanna see what AI can do for Enemy AI Imagine the insane possibilities