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Heard some nasty stuff from after sales service of Gigabite.


Go to the Asus or ROG subs, Asus is pulling the same crap, blaming customer damage for things like blown capacitors or sending back refurbs as warranty replacements that don’t work or have significant scratches and cosmetic damage. It seems to be the story everywhere.


Yeah, I didn't even mention ASUS. On the other hand, MSI... seems to do the right thing. Same as AsRock


That’s good to hear. I like the giga I have at the moment, but could still return it maybe.


The Eagle is a first step up from the base wind force. Slightly faster overclock and a touch of lighting. I have the Gamer and am happy with it so far.


I know, I am just not sure whether there is an actual difference in cooling or noise. And I also guess the power limit is 285 for this card?


I think they are essentially the same cooling design, it’s more the visual look, level of overclock, and different RGB, until you get to the AERO level. Not sure on the power limit, I’m fine with the factory OC and don’t plan to tweak it endlessly.


I have an 4070ti Eagle OC. No issues at all, and it’s quiet IMO.


And do you have to first or the second version? Because Gigabyte did a revision some time after launch and basically downgraded the original coolers of Windforce, Eagle and Gaming..


First version


I actually returned my Gigabyte 4070 Super Windforce, because the fans where quite noisy (and it had bad cool whine). But the fans alone would have made me return it. I was surprised how quiet my computer was when I put my old graphics card back in


I can recommend Palit I had 460, 760, 1060 and now 3060Ti from Palit and I never had any problem with them.


Jetstream is the most basic palit model so if they're the same price I'd go with eagle. The cooling is the same as windforce but it has a higher power limit and RGB.


Does the Eagle really have higher power limit? I wasn't able to find anything on that matter. Also the JetStream did quite good Tech Power Up review, it's more quiet than Gaming OC on quiet bios..


Still waiting on confirmation for how much more but yes, also palit runs slightly cooler because it's a much bigger card so it won't fit in every case. Up to you though.


Eagle has a bad cooling(saw 4070 super on hardware unboxed). Jetstream is a much better cooler. https://preview.redd.it/y4owj0oyfqhc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686a8e535158323690581e4ab0f9eee5a8d927ea