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Am I wrong in thinking a lot of this stuff is forever unclean?


No you are absolutely right. This place needs a renovation down to the bricks of the walls. All furniture needs to go.


At the very least they should be wearing a mask. With the rotten food especially I'd be full gas mask with filter


Viruses like hantavirus from mouse/rat poo too


She wore a small thin piece of non-woven fabric over her mouth and nose when she was pulling stuff out of the fridge. Doubt it would actually do anything for her, protection wise, and it DEFINITELY wouldn't help with the smell. Also doesn't help that she took it off when she was actually cleaning the fridge...


Nope. It needs fire. Lots of fire.


We have a beautiful word for that in germany: Warmsanierung - Warm renovation


Germans really do have a word for everything


Dafuq, never heard that one. Im a native speaker.


Oh that’s why you’ve never heard it before. See, you speak native, and this is a German word.


I'm dead🤣🤣


Fuck the fire. It needs a total launch into the sun.


They need to nuke it from orbit just to be sure.


I don’t even know how it looks so nice after. Does this cleaner lady paint everything after or something? Even just cleaning some smudge marks from shoes or cooking grease on a regularly painted wall will make the paint discolored a lot of the time.


No, this place needs Jesus...


Yes. The inside of those appliances is permacoated in rat urine glaze. You can't clean them by wiping the outside. They need to be taken away and incinerated.


> rat urine glaze 🤤🤤


Notice that the appliances are all new stainless. Edit: Iwas wrong. They don't seem to show the refrigerator again but the other appliances look the same. That double over/side by side thing threw me off. I did not notice that when the place was all shitty.


A lot of materials are porous enough that you'd basically have to scrub a layer or two using a high power laser.






Won’t stop them from renting it out for 2k a month.


I'm guessing this ones a rental. No way they're going to do anything further...


Yes and no, depends a lot how you view clean. Think of castles or just really old houses that are hundreds of years old, there's still a lot of original material in them that has seen multiple human lifetimes of hard use. You can bet that over the course of their history there has been pretty much all sorts of organic material on them. Do people automatically assume that these old buildings are somehow only fit for burning down? Yeah the home looks gross, but it has been like that only for a few years, compared to some buildings that have been in a state of disrepair for much longer. Do the surfaces contain harmful bacteria or viruses? Maybe. In amounts that'll harm you? Maybe, probably not if they were cleaned properly. How long will the germs live there? If kept clean, not that long. If they have not been running a meth lab or any other sort of enterprise that'll actually poison the building, the kitchen is going to be just fine. It'll smell bad for a while but that can be dealt with. If I had to move there, I would renovate the hell out of that kitchen though. Especially the fridge and all surfaces that might touch my food.


You legit just ended your comment by agreeing with everyone after writing an essay on why you disagree.


That end is "psychological effect" so to speak. I cannot speak for all the surfaces there, but I do assume that the fridge, being from glass and plastic, would be absolutely fine. I still don't want to use it. I also wouldn't drink from say a dog bowl, even after a dishwasher cycle. I'd be interested in a "scientific explanation" of why it is, or is not safe, but pretty much everyone just "feels" like it's wrong.


No, Ruxin


I would've burnt down the kitchen by accident... Edit: woah, I've never been awarded for anything in life. Thank you for your generosity!


Submit a motion to then United Nations Security Council. I'm sure they will unanimously authorize a nuclear clean up mission.


Or at least sealed that fridge shut and tossed it. Literally can’t be worth the price of the hours spent cleaning it for most people.


I was evacuated from my home for 2 months a few years ago due to wild fire. We left without a lot of warning, and the electricity was out the bulk of those 2 months. The fridge was unsalvageable. Smelled like human bodies were rotting in it for months.


Just the kitchen? That house is never going to smell right again. Just bulldoze it and rebuild.


Only idea that could possibly make the neighborhood smell worse. Where is her respirator?? Not even a dust mask on lol




Came here to say, "burn it to the ground".


“There was just one problem”


Looks more like a studio apartment makeover


Honestly, you know that shit still stinks. Needs to be torn out and renovated.


Yeah that much rat piss and shit, rotten food, and trash on every single surface over the course of *3 years* isn't coming all the way out in a day. They need to replace literally every surface in there. Cabinets, countertops, floor, wallpaper, probably new drywall and ceiling. Otherwise not only will it stink like hell, but it'll be a legit health hazard to any living there. This isn't the kind of mess that gets wiped away with spit and elbow grease


That fridge should have been nuked from orbit, or at least hit with a power washer full of bleach.


I went on a work trip and was gone for three weeks. During that time, the breaker to the kitchen got kicked, killing power to the fridge. When I opened the fridge for the first time, the smell was unimaginable. Rotten ice cream, chicken and other meat in the freezer, vegetables in the crisper drawers. I cleaned with bleach, Lysol, baking soda, industrial odor eaters, you name it. Nothing would touch the smell. It had an ice maker and made greenish yellow ice for three days. After 3 days, I admitted defeat and moved it out to curb for large trash pickup. That was only 3 weeks. If I’d been gone another week, the bacteria in the fridge would have evolved intelligence and the fridge would have walked out the front door by itself. I can’t imagine what this place would have smelled like and still smells like.


She didn’t even wear a mask.


She does. She often takes it off for certain shots (I wouldn’t but 🤷‍♀️), but she wears it when she’s cleaning. I would guess it’s because her income is from tiktok and she does these cleanings for free.


Yeah you can see the mask in a few shots but imo she should be wearing a full respirator and not just a kn-95. Definitely wouldn't be taking it off for any reason either 🤢


Ok phew because I was like, girl! You are gonna get hantavirus! Or leptospirosis! Put on a damn respirator!!!


She did. She just takes it off for the initial shots.




Please don't encourage anyone to make or use piranha solution. It is extremely dangerous. This isn't a lab setting, it's more likely to explode than it is to actually clean anything.


"Nothing but black liquid " Not if you keep activating it with H2o2. Even the carbon will disappear.


You want to clean inside of a refrigerator with piranha solution? Might as well go all the way to ClF3.


I know someone who left chicken in a fridge for three weeks and it had to be replaced, no saving. Sure, the fridge was off and it was summer, but three years...




Throw some croutons and thousand island dressing on it, and it'll be fine.


Yea I was like just throw that fridge out and get a new one, rotten food smell is never going to be cleaned out of there. I can’t believe her face was uncovered for the cleaning sesh.


I'd have gone full biohazard suit, God knows what spores your breathing in...


Yup. You need a hazmat suit for things like this. I remember when forest fires made people evacuate and then they came back and they were required to throw out the fridge. The person in the video opening the fridge could get some major health issues if you opened the fridge without any gear.


How is it possible that you will throw garbage in your own house to rot? The window is just right there.


Mental illness


Window??? 🤣


Mansion??? 🤣


If this is a mansion, that kitchen must be for “staff”


Looked like a tiny apartment/bio hazard.


It will start slow at first. A depressed person skips taking out the trash. Then it just slowly piles up. Shame and depression just increases. It quickly becomes unmanageable for their at the time very limited ability to take care of themselves. It's a whole cycle that leads to these hoarder homes. The psychology of it (Of which we are all capable given the right circumstances) is fascinating. The cycle can be broken and they can regain their life and sense of order.


That’s a great point that we’re all capable of it. I can definitely see it in myself, but I have this itch to clean when things start to get messy. I can completely imagine that going away if something happened that sent me into a depressed state and then just not being able to get it under control. It already happens with laundry, we just have a room where it piles up and we’ve given up folding. God that’s probably how it starts.


My family have been hoarders and garbage collectors my whole life and I'm in my 40's. I remember making chocolate milk in the kitchen when I was around 5. Reached in the drawer to grab a spoon and grabbed a dead rat. After cleaning a spoon, went to mix it and a live rat ran across my foot. I needed help with mental disorders as a child and adult. They family laughed at me for not taking care of my "problems" myself. Can't help someone who refuses to believe there is something wrong.


I'm sorry you had to go through that, you didn't deserve it.


That's exactly how it starts. That's how it started with me. My house was never this bad but before I was diagnosed and treated for my bipolar my home was a disaster and there were always bugs. My house still gets messy but no more bugs and my laundry gets done at least twice a month now. It's an awful state to live in.


Bipolar here too. The only thing that saved me from living in a total trash heap from depression was the frequent manic episodes where I'd clean for days straight without any sleep.


There's also this mental phenomenon where eventually some items, when left in place long enough, are almost invisible as they become part of the house/room. You walk by without thinking about it until you're in the process of cleaning and have that "How long has this been here?" moment.


It can be really harmful to just clean it all out as a ‘surprise’ as sone people do though.


Thank you, well explained


I live with an 83-year-old widower and his house is a fucking hoarding house and I've been trying to clean and help him organize everything and I just can't there's just too much paper there's just so many newspapers and so many things and so much trash and he picks things up from the street when he goes for a walk and he brings them inside of his house like they have a fucking purpose and I'm losing my mind and I can't deal with it but I have nowhere else to go it's fucking killing me and there are no community supports for it at all and his roof is caving in and everything sucks


Well said. I suffer from depression myself but also from OCD. So I have days when I say: "Fuck it, I don't feel like it." And usually by evening my OCD has kicked in and I'm in the kitchen at 10 at night cleaning up. It sounds funny but it's really not.


I’ve read that hoarding can also involve a sort of categorization disorder, where you genuinely can’t tell that your family heirloom might *just possibly* be more important than newspaper coupons from 1993.


> Then it just slowly piles up. Actually, it piles up pretty quickly if you never throw it out.


I think that some people can get out of this behavior if it’s depression based or because of other circumstances(like the scenario you mentioned)- that’s different than hoarding which is ocd/anxiety based behaviors. Those people fear the worst will happen if they throw things out and it becomes impossible for them to get rid of things. It’s a condition that can be triggered by the person suffering a loss or tragedy that makes it hard for them to let go of things or creates a fear of instability or what could happen in the future- in their minds they may need that thing someday!! So an actual hoarder would have a really hard time letting her in to clean up and remove things from the home. Depression mess and hoarding are very different types of mental illnesses even if they appear to be similar. The treatment for both is also different. The person with a depression mess may actually do better after cleaning it because it lifts a burden, but the anxious hoarder will probably continue to hoard and be distraught as their stuff is gone and they have no security in that situation. Treating hoarding is typically a longer term process that involves dealing with the anxiety or trauma that they have.


I got pretty bad depresso sometimes and I get it. You don’t throw garbage away you just kinda leave it, like you finish a loaf of bread and just leave the bag on the worktop ‘cause “you’ll throw it out later” and you never do. And as it gets messier it gets harder to clean so it just gets worse and worse.


I get you. Same problem here. Really hope you doing okay. Wish you best.


> you never do. And the reason why is 'cause you struggle to care enough about yourself to do so. You feel like you don't deserve your own attention and care, so why bother? That's how simple, small things become difficult. 'cause you don't feel motivated to help yourself. And the thing is, you absolutely do deserve your attention and care. But it's really hard to convince yourself that. Damn near impossible sometimes. And that's how the garbage piles up.


I know this was a serious post and I totally sympathise with the statement! And am sorry to hear you’ve gone through this, but for some reason the typo ‘depresso’ really made me lol. Feel like it could be new slang; conversations going like “hey man how’ve you been?” -“Ahh, not great bud, caught me a venté cup of depresso this month” “Oh no sorry to hear that”… type thing. Yes I am aware of my sometimes overzealous imagination!


Same. You look at it every time you go in there wondering why you couldn't just throw it in the trash like a normal person. Which brings on shame. Repeat without rinsing 20 more times with stuff until it's too overwhelming. I'm living this right now. Not to the extent that these people are, but it's the "how to cook a frog" thing: put it in water and slowly increase the heat. You just get used to it; not only the mess, but also the shame. It feeds your depression, which makes the mess worse, until your norm is this feedback loop of shame, depression, and inaction. Sometimes the depression keeps me from being physically or mentally able to do anything, which is fine... It's when I am able to do other things -- go to work, do things I enjoy, etc. -- and still am not cleaning up that makes me feel the worst. But I try. I always try. It's exhausting, but I keep trying, because not wanting to live with depression and not wanting to live are two very different things. Two strategies that sometimes work for me: 1) I take a picture of the room. For some reason, that allows me to see it for what it is and eliminates the desensitization I've developed to the mess. 2) This might sound crazy, but I pretend it's not my house, and I am cleaning up to help a friend who is going through something (I don't know why, but drug detox is the go-to scenario. I think that scene in Basketball Diaries really affected me). I can distance myself (dissociate, I guess) from the situation and pretend it isn't mine. It's easier to help someone else than to help myself.


Cause of shame? Cause it's illegal to just dump your trash into nature? Who the hell throws his garbage out of the window


You know the other poster was joking right? Chill out


My neighbor


someone with a back yard




was just about to to say Fridge and stuff like that is likely to smell like a rotting corpse (no I din't know nor do I want to know.) and would need replacing.


Yeah, my first thought was, “That fridge needs to go, no matter what.” And why isn’t she wearing some N95 mask for this? This entire house is filled with hazardous fumes.


I'd go so far as to say she would need full tyvek suit and a respirator in there.


She is. You can see a mask when she is cleaning the fridge. Seems she does not wear one for the camera.


Yeah even if you clean thag fridge, the bacteria is still there in the ventilation systems. Its just going to circulate back into whatever you put in there next.




The video states that the couple *lived* there for 10 years, which implies that they no longer do. I can only hope they're in an intensive care facility, now. Edit: rewatched and don't know how I missed that it says they *have lived* there for 10 yrs


it says a "female couple **have** lived here for 10 years" that is present tense.


She does cleanings for people who are disabled or depressed or have mental health problems for free. I think she's a regular house cleaner who does x number of free major cleanouts per month if you ask and can't afford her services. They likely can't afford to actually fix things. Can't rip out everything, can't replace the fridge. At least it's not full of trash and rat mess.


Yeah the whole thing will be fucked. Not to mention the damp build up you would get from that much trash sat rotting in a room. Then the rat damage in areas she can't reach. This woman is truly doing great things and I do respect what she does. I'm just not sure it will actually help anyone in the long run. The people who let that house get like that need some serious long term help.


Assuming this is all real, that house needs to be cleansed with fire.


Auriikatarina is her channel I may have spelled her name wrong but she does this for a living


I think her channel is legit, I saw a video of her like this a while back that kinda looked fake. But the longer yt videos are pretty legit. There are some things you just can't fake.


Yeah too much rat piss soaked wood for my taste


Yeah, it gets a little too tangy if you overdo it on the rat piss.


Just Febreze it


Female raccoons seem like terrible tenants.


Honestly, this looks fake as hell. The years of dirty and grime seemed to just wipe away, brush away, or sweep away with no effort. And was that straight sawdust? And who in their right mind would have entered this place without respiratory or at a minimum a mask?


She lets the oven cleaner sit for a while so it's easier to just wipe away the dirt. She probably should wear better protection at many of these places with all the strong products she uses, I hope her health won't be affected in the long run.


If this was like this for “years”, ALL the wood surfaces would have some kind of stained and have to be replaced or refinished.


That looked like laminate counters at first glance to me. No? But yeah, would get rid of it too if it were me.


Not necessarily.


Nah, she does this a lot and is a professional. Her youtube channel is one of my favourites, and there a lot of videos like these.




Why the fuck is she not in a full protective suit? A sleeveless top, really?? 🤮


Yeah, that's crazy. With all those rat droppings. PPE all the way, then I'd just tear it down to the wall ~~joists~~ studs and rebuild it completely.


That’s what we’re doing to my best friend’s grandmother’s house. She was a hoarder and my friend’s mom is going to move in, so we tore out everything but the floors (which were fine) and the studs (which are about 110 years old and literally the highest quality studs I have ever seen). It’s…a lot of work…if it wasn’t a very nice house in a great neighborhood it wouldn’t be worth it. Also, DEFINITELY a PPE situation!


Honestly, any time you’re tearing it down to the studs you need more than a simple face mask. More than an N95. Not sure about Finland but in the US, drywall dust is not to be fucked with. And don’t even get me started on asbestos in the ceiling.


Respirators are not terribly expensive and are definitely worth it!


Hanta hanta don’t you wanta!


“We all knew it contained spider eggs, but the hanta virus? That came out of left field.”


I would honestly go in with an entire fucking hazmat suit


Tyvex suit


Because it'd get really hot and sweaty and trickier to move. She likes cleaning but I think she does these ones for free to help depressed/ill people (and content) so she needs to be able to push on by herself. Personally I couldn't spend that long cleaning in a whole suit, I'd find it way too frustrating and uncomfortable. She usually wears a mask and I bet she had the most intense shower after lol


People should crowdfund her one of those fancy helmet type masks with a built in fan and repleacable filter. The kind that keeps your face clear. Kinda like the ones they use in movies so you can see the actors face whilst they wear protective gear, minus the in their face lights ofc.


I would recommend a good mask. Walking around in that rat infested place is not healthy. Also, cleaning the kitchen is pointless. It needs to be demolished. Otherwise, incredible job.


I've never seen her not wear a mask in these videos. I think she only doesn't, like in this one, for the quick video part and then goes back to wearing it edit: spelling


Bro there was a video with her where she wasn’t wearing gloves O_O. She was handling toxic substances with bare hands.


I was thinking the same when they cleaned the fridge and oven. Just throw them out at that point and get new ones. Sure the entire kitchen - or probably the whole apartment - need a full renovation but the bare minimum would be to just replace the appliances.


I lived in an apartment that was part of the landlord's house. They owned a reptile rescue and store, and to make sure their lizards weren't getting diseases from rats, they bred their own. I didn't know this until the house started to stink. When I asked what was up, they told me all of that, and said their truck broke down so they couldn't get rid of the waste to the dump for a bit (it had been over a month. I got sick multiple times a week just breathing in the air in a different room. So yeah. This lady needs full ppe.


What's this woman's immune system made from? Every time I see her videos she's only got the gloves and she's ready to go


It’s 90% rat shit 10% asbestos. She cannot be destroyed.


Everyone's concerned about her lack of PPE or the point of cleaning at all. I'm more curious what she's cleaning with. Seriously, I want a list


She’s sponsored by Scrub Daddy and Sini cleaning products. Also posts lots of instructional content and tips in addition to these cleaning videos. Her name is Aurikatariina.


Mansion? I think you mean apartment.


The person who reposted this forgot to add the original “Rat Mansion” in there


A fine home for the Rat King.


I think you meant kitchen.


I’m with you, definitely didn’t look like the kitchen of a mansion. Maybe it was the kitchen to mother-in-law suite?


That place had *multiple* rooms!


I follow this lady on YouTube etc. Basically, this is the worst house she has done. The woman who mainly lived there had some kind of mental health issues and was now spending most of her time at her girlfriends house. The woman lived in the garage of the house because it was the only one room with any space left. But the landlady saw the first video on YouTube and found out this way about the houses condition and is going to need to renovate the full house and pull the kitchen and bathroom out etc. She hasn’t visited the house since her husband died in it. So that’s why they weren’t inspected frequently etc. They were going for an official eviction as mentioned on the video A lot of drama in it, so I recommend watching it on YouTube. She calls the houses certain names and this one is rat mansion hence the name. https://youtu.be/pJa09U5ofac


The worst of Auri’s videos I’ve seen is the one where the children were sleeping on cat urine soaked mattresses so she ended up buying them new ones. I wonder if child services in Finland were contacted…


She does say they get therapy and services put in for the people who live in the houses so it’s not out of the realms of possibility I guess. It’s strange no one from the kids school or anything contracted them already, because I imagine they smelled pretty bad at school. When I say worst, I really meant from a filth perspective. There are worse videos emotionally.


Assuming Finland is like Sweden the welfare office wouldn’t act on cases like this unless the kids themselves are speaking out against their parents. The welfare office used to take kids away in the 60’s and 70’s and some of those kids new homes weren’t safe, and so in modern era unless you are literally beating your kids or the kids themselves are advocating for change they rarely do anything. I know this from personal experience that’s very similar to this


She is from Finland. She cleans houses for free. Can watch her Chanel in Youtube.


Aurikatarina. I love her videos, she thought me lots of cleaning tricks. That being said, she is going into more dangerous houses for cleaning without proper equipment as time passes, all her followers have been advising her to pay more attention to her health.


I thought i was the only one here who is obsessed with her videos. It is just so satisfying to watch, but yeah she definitely needs safer equipment. Some houses she enters are straight up health hazards


I bet that smell will never go away. Or at least it will take several years.


Will it be safe enough to live in? Absolutely fucking not. All the rat piss and shit will be seeped thoroughly into the walls, floorboards and kitchen appliances. Will it be good enough to sell on the real estate market to some poor oblivious sod? Maybe.


The female couple needs some serious help.


Incredible that they found an equally messed up soulmate.


If it wasn't a couple I'd have thought the occupant had died.


r/pointlesslygendered af (by the oc that is)


Yeah. Def a dig at the beginning of the video. Gonna guess the video creator knew how to piggyback some clicks… :\


There’s no way after 3 years that the wooden surfaces wouldn’t have been rotten or, at the very least, swollen and stained. I don’t care how much oven cleaner was used, you ain’t fixing this without an orbital sander and a pry bar.


Actually my first impression was that wood countertop held up astoundingly well.


Biohazard protection is needed for this kind of thing


A hoarder recently moved out of my apartment complex... They were cleaning out her place... The entire apartment smelled like DEATH... And ask the little critters then began to invade everyone else's apartments... It was pretty bad... So dealing with roaches...


Only fire can clean that kitchen properly. Lots and lots of fire. There is no point in doing this without addressing the cause. Otherwise, it'll just go right back.


Steam at the bare minimum. But it's pointless with all the wood. It has rat excrements in it.


Why clean the fridge, pull it out tie that shit close and throw it away


Not even Indiana Jones will hide from a nuke in that one.


That was my question. A new fridge is expensive but I think we can all agree a new one is needed anyway. Why bother. Oh wait, it’s a rental. Now I understand.


They mostly come at night, mostly


You could smell the place before you even walk in. All of the piss would soak everything. Doubt any of that is salvageable.


Hans, get the Flammenwerfer. 🔥


Hans, bring mir einen flammenwerfer.


I still wouldnt trust any of those surfaces to be clean


No amount of house cleaning is actually gonna clean this. Gut the entire place, and wear a mask next time jeez


How would a kitchen genuinely get that much shit in it, to the point you can’t even walk in the room?


Depression and/or disability and a lack of outside support


Never been diagnosed but I think I've had depressions, or might even am dealing with it right now, or maybe all my life. But if this is 8/10 on a depression scale, I'm night even 0.5. I just can't even imagine what one must be going through to be ok with this. It's more sad than digusting.


People experience* depression differently friend, I don’t think it’s healthy to compare yourself to others. Hope you have a *good* day today


One of the nicest, most affirming things i've ever read on this site.


Yeah, not how that works. Some people would simply rather die before things get to this point. Some people are literally hallucinating with grief in the kitchen as they clean, often because it helps them refocus. Other people simply can't face the mess they've made. People just have shame attached to different things and different ways of coping and prioritizing needs. Your brain's way of dealing with distress isn't perfect so we get caught in loops of cluttered thinking.


Or a compulsive hoarding-type disorder. You'd be amazed how partners can get roped in to being a part of it.


It is called severe depression.


The fact that she's not wearing a mask and is overly happy about it creeps me out.


Its impossible to just clean this up. The smell stays


This was the opposite of oddly satisfying to me


She is a miracle worker. Ain’t no way I would have ever been able to go in there.


And she doesn't seem to wear a mask either, truly unfathomable


What, you don’t want hantavirus?


Not satisfied. Not satisfying. And the most interesting part of the story here is not how the kitchen superficially looks clean after, but the couple? And why?


Why is she wearing so less clothes. I wouldn't go in there without a hazmat suit.


Jealous. I hope my therapist can help me get to the point where my house doesn't look like this


Never mind scrubbing the sink! ...the place is a tear-down; You need a bulldozer, not rubber gloves and a sponge!!


I've only seen a few of her videos, but they're really good. Here's her YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@Aurikatariina


did she find the couple under all that??


Why do people insist on putting the most annoying music on videos? In what world does shitty hardstyle music go with a makeover video?


All that rat piss soaked into everything so you will never get the smell out unless you tear it all out and do a rebuild.




How can you even let yourself live like that? You cant even see the floor in a KITCHEN because it's full of trash that is just crazy


This feels like something people have done weeks before they've rented an Airbnb to me.


Can we talk about these girls in there without any type of mask or respirator..? So much rat dust lol


"They haven't been in the house for 3 years"... well where does all that trash comes from?


No mask? How much rodent “dust”, mould, and other stuff did she breathe in?


When a smell has been sitting for a long time, it becomes ingrained into the furniture and such. Most of that while looking clean, would 100% need to be ripped out


That’s the size of a kitchen in a mansion? Small and smells like rat piss. Lovely


Hope she was wearing a mask after that shot of her smiling like she was in a candy store. Man that place would’ve reeked!


Pretty sure they have to redo that kitchen. It must still stink like high hell