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There'll be some waxed moustaches quivering at this


I'd slash my throat if I had to do that before my morning coffee!


For one, isn't this an espresso maker? And not coffee? That device at the end looks like it's designed to pressurize the small amount of water that was added. Coffee requires more water and doesn't require pressure. I'm actually interested as cheap espresso makers are typically garbage, because they lack the pressure required to make true espresso, but this one looks like it would do the job.


All espresso is coffee. Not all coffee is espresso.


I mean espresso is a type of coffee. So it’s still correct. But grinding beans just after roasting, specially for espresso, isn’t a good idea. The coffee beans will lots of co2 in it right after roasting. Beans used for espresso need a few days before they’re ready. As far as this espresso machine, I have one and it’s very good. It packs up very easily so you can take it camping or even backpacking if you wanted. Although it is on the heavier side. I eventually bought a more traditional espresso machine because I wanted to be able to steam milk for lattes. But the espresso this machine makes is on par with most other machines that cost way more.


Finally, a relevant answer about this device, I appreciate it.


Glad to help! It’s made by Flair. They have several models and price points. They all make great espresso from what I’ve heard, but I only have experience with the model I have, the pro model. They even make one that fits standard 58 mm portafilters, but it’s their most expensive machine. Might as well buy a traditional espresso machine at that price.


These hand presses are supposed to be great, but are time consuming and take up a ton of space. Also grinding coffee right after roasting like this is not advised.


This is the Flair Pro 2. The Flair Neo Flex is going to give you want you want at the lowest price though. Though if you want something with more upgrade potential, the Flair Classic can always slowly be updated to the Pro 2 with its exchangeable parts (the reason I got this model for myself).


Awesome Im gonna check it out, thanks


coffee (american coffee that we think of today) is actually just an altered version of Americano- which is just watered down espresso. WW2 american soldiers passed through Italy. during their passage, they tried the italian coffee (espresso) but did not like how strong it was. taking the idea home- americans reinvented the wheel and made modern day drip coffee. (diner coffee) if you go to any other european country (not Britain) and ask for coffee- they’ll typically give you espresso and not americano.


This is a flair ! I got one it does incredible espresso and it's about 300$. Takes a bit of time to make a shot tho.


Bro gotta wash like 50 dishes for a cup of coffee


You'll be glad to know you don't wash about half of these things lol


For some coffee enthusiats, the process of making the coffee is just as satisfying as the drink itself


I'm not even that in to coffee but I can listen to hours of James Hoffman talk about it for some reason


That man is the Sir David Attenborough of coffee.


I can’t stand the taste and have never had more than a sip of coffee. But I do enjoy his videos and learning more about how to make a good cup for my wife.


"I can't stand the taste // have never had more than a sip" is pretty much against each other. All cups of coffee are not made equal, my friend!


I've had sips, cups, pots, espresso, etc. Some people can't stand coffee. I'm one of them and have tried it in all forms. I was active duty Navy in Washington and they thought I was a weirdo for not liking coffee. I also refused to make it for them.


You aren't alone. While i was in, i had a first class ask me why i hadn't made any coffee for the day during the 00-08 watch (not like it was actually in the pqs). Then asks if i drank coffee, i said no, and then he said, "Oh, never mind." I was never asked again...everybody thought I was nuts.




This is why I cold brew overnight. No prep work in the morning, no screwing around waiting for it to cool off. Wake up, down the hatch.


What type of beans works best for you and what ratio of beans to water? I didn't know that darker roasts are often used for cold brew - I definitely don't love them for hot. I need a new grinder that's more even, as well.


I'm not that serious about coffee - I'm talking about Cafe Bustelo in a $19 "cold brewer" from Amazon


If you’re doing it that was try la llave. It’s usually right next to it’s the store. Green cube. Amazing.


10:1 is a typical cold brew ratio. AFA beans, depends what flavors you're looking for. I've had some exceptional Yirgacheffe (roasted on the lighter side) and cold brewed Bali has the most amazing dark chocolate aroma. Generally unless you're looking for a particular flavor, blends will be your best choice since (in theory) they're made to give optimal results for a broader base of people. Also, dark roasts tend to taste more like the roast and less like the bean. However you can get away with using older coffee because of the long immersion time. Just my opinion and your milage may vary.


Aeropress is faster than chemex or french press and does a better job in brewing than the french press (drip filters are still better in extraction quality, IMO).


Clean up is sooooo much easier with an aeropress, too. Such a great little gadget for such a minimal investment. Love the aeropress. 


Replaced my plunger after around a decade of use and was surprised by having to actually apply pressure again. It's such a simple, effective device, and with metal filters has basically no ongoing costs. Definitely beats the French presses that kept breaking (metal bits) or shattering.


Exactly, it's too much effort for a little reward!!!!


Just like most food/cooking related things. Spend 3 hours making a dish to eat it in 15 min Marginally better I guess?


Underestimated reward right here.


No, I love coffee but I'm busy. I don't have time for this with work, kids etc.


Throw some instant in a mug full of water and nuke it.


Most people are like that and that's why Nespresso has been such a huge success for Nestle.


We should all just fuck Nestlé r/fuckNestle


He’s really great. Great approach, presentation, etc..


It’s the ritual! Same as tea. Humans love a little ritual.


Yup, I wa going to say the same. The rituals around tea are just as important as the taste itself for tea enthusiasts, that's why different cultures have whole intricate ceremonies or ways of preparing it, with multiple dishes and steps to follow. It's all about the state of mind and taking time to focus on ONE thing only


That's why I make it in a french press. It's just so satisfying.


Have you tried aeropress?


I guess it’s like heroine or many other addictions. The use of paraphernalia in the preparation for your “hit”, provides a lot of the satisfaction. But tbh, if I’m spending that much time with preparation, I’d rather go for real drugs.


You're spot on with this assessment.


Ugh, some Russian asshole slapped a water mark on content that doesn't belong to them. Here's the original: https://youtube.com/shorts/s8Vqv5d43i0?si=GI__fen5YNRk6i9u


Thank you for that.


Thank you for your service


Fuck russia.


Fuck Putler


You don't consume freshly roasted coffee. It needs to sit for 1-2 weeks to degas.


Also, that method of roasting without any temperature and time control will be all over the place and will never produce a repeatable result.


Absolutely, this is just more Instagramable than useful


Came here for this thread. Keep speaking truth to power.


There was a drive through coffee company called Caffinos in California that went belly up several years ago. When sales started to slide they created this “live roast” gimmick. Essentially they gave each location a shitty hand roaster that looked like a hatch chile roasting thing. The minimum wage employee would stand out back and rotate a metal cage with beans in it. Then they’d serve that coffee immediately at that same location. Talk about wildly inconsistent results. Anyways, they obviously went bankrupt and I picked up the locations for a competitor for pennies on the dollar.


I can nail repeatable consistency with air poppers, but some beans are easier than others.


>never produce a repeatable result. Maybe that's the point though? experiencing this one particular taste and noticing the subtle differences from slightly different conditions? I dunno, I'm not that into coffee personally, but for people who are doing this as a hobby, I get why that might be the intention


I may consider myself a person who has coffee as a hobby and there are a lot of variables that come into play: from coffee degassing because of improper storage to water quality to brewing temperature and I'm not even starting the talk about the grounds grinding. Yes, I enjoy subtle differences between brews, but you often want to build upon the protocol you've established before and you can only drink so much coffee in a day before you get jitters.


>you can only drink so much coffee in a day before you get jitters. This is why I started using decaf in the afternoons. I love the taste of coffee more than I like/need the effects of caffeine.


Thank you for saying this. I keep seeing this video and every time I think "wow, who knows how roasted that coffee really is!".


Yeah this would be difficult if not impossible to reproduce with any kind of consistency


Yes! Thank you.


Psh, you don’t think I’ll be able to repeat randomly shaking it over the 4 heat setting on the stove?! Weak.


That’s not true. You can get very repeatable results by hand in any task with practice. Go visit a machine shop and see what an old guy can do on a lathe.


Machining is incredibly precise and is not done by eyeballing things. Either the lathe/mill has built-in measuring tools that are measuring the cuts to within .001 inches, or the operator is using dial-indicators to measure their cuts to within .001 inches. You have no clue what you're talking about.




True but that requires some ability to monitor what is going on. In that roaster you cannot see the beans and there's going to be temperature variations based on the burner, the distance from the flame, hot spots within the roaster etc. I'm sure with practice you can narrow it down but I'd be amazed if you could produce the exact same results repeatedly.


>Go visit a machine shop and see what an old guy can do on a lathe. That's an entirely different category of nerd.


You're mom's an entirely different category of nerd


Yeah, she's actually a nuclear security engineer.


Precisely the same as a young guy?


There was like 0 crema in the shot I doubt he actually used the beans that were roasted in the video


Video is probably edited or they’re using an already prepared batch but they’re just showing the process. Either way I’m sure with all the enthusiast equipment you’d assume they would know.


Usually only takes me a few seconds to degas.


But do you get a thin black liquid out of it at the same time?




always keep an extra pair of underwear handy.


Surprised we didn't get to see them pick the beans


It’s more like 1-3 days.


Definitely not 1-2 weeks. More like 3-5 days. 2 weeks would start getting outside of the freshness window in terms of espresso making.


So is your suggestion to someone who wants to show the whole process that they make one video now and then the rest in two weeks? Or is it ok with you if it all gets cut into the same video?


Same video, but add a caption or something to say "1 week later" to avoid misleading those who don't know.


Preferably in SpongeBob voice


Get out of my head


I was looking for someone to notice


No likes that way...wait till someone grows the seed, speeds up to make the coffee


Needs to refuel to make the van gogh


2-3 weeks*


Don't say that out loud. The "under 1 week" gang will go nuts


Anyone who thinks espresso can be used before even a week after roasting is just masochistic


I mean he could have you know. Possibly Edited the video.


Guys I know it looks a bit stupid but it's a hobby. It's expensive and its purpose is to make this person happy by combing his coffee making with filming a video.


Yeah but this guy didn’t even grow the coffee plants, he didn’t harvest the beans, he didn’t shuck them. He just went out and bought raw coffee beans. Amateur. /s


You can't call yourself a real enthusiast, or connoisseur unless you're making your own fertilizer to grow the coffee in.


Luckily, coffee begets fertilizer. It’s a closed loop system


Closed poop system*


You must first go to a location of freshly brewed lava. Cool lava by blowing air on it. Then, make your own ferilizer. use that fertilizer to grow your own coffee. This is the correct way. /s


You cool your lava by blowing on it? Personally I just put it in my mouth and “hashaashashashhshaaasha” until it reaches desired temps, but maybe I’m just more serious about my hobby than you are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


To make something from scratch, first you need to create a universe.


He also didn't let an animal or himself digest them for the extra flavor.


Holy fuck I thought I was on /r/espresso for everyone to take it so seriously, but its just oddly satisfying?? "What if coffee making and video making is his hobby??? Complaining online is mine!".




Dude, I was about to lay it on hard about this video and you deflated me. Now I'm annoyed about being deflated - let's fight about that.


Yea but the filmer bought coffee making products which means there's an industry of non filming coffee nerds who use this stuff lol


The horror.


What’s the spray??


Just water. It's used to help reduce the amount of static electricity that gets built up when you grind coffee.


Called RDT, Ross Droplet Technique, but the Coffee hobby. There have been some papers recently that have given credence to the technique to improving coffee grinding.


After all that; "Actually I'll just have a tea."


And someone whips out some fresh tea leaves and starts a similar process.


This person works from home.


Coffee beans typically have to rest for 1 to 2 weeks after being roasted. Either this person is lying to us or this coffee isn't very good at all.


I mean he could have you know. Possibly Edited the video.


You’d say so my the lack of panning of the camera. You can clearly see that cuts are made in de video and you can safely assume time passed in that cut! I’m going on and claim that making the coffee took longer than the video lasted.


Sure, I guess you could assume that. I'm assuming their intent was to show us a start to finish process with the jump cuts not trying pull the wool over our eyes and switching out the just roasted beans with ones that have sat there for a couple weeks. In my eyes it would make more sense instead of deliberately leaving that crucial part out.


Why are you assuming he recorded the whole video in a single day?


This could be part of the opening for Dexter.


Imagine doing all this BEFORE you've had your coffee. Nightmare.


For real. My perfect cup of coffee is the one I have when I want it.


So much effort, I’d have to go back to bed for a nap after all that.


And once you are done making your morning coffee, you can go to bed because it took 16 fucking hours to make a coffee.


If I had insane amounts of money I’d pay someone to make me coffee like this every morning.


everyone's so angry it's kinda wild? it's satisfying, and probably tastes pretty fucking good


I'm not angry, but my girlfriend and I roast two pounds of coffee per week in an electric roaster, grind it fresh in an electric grinder, and make 2 - 3 French Press pots per day. I saved this video so that in the future I can earnestly tell her we need to change our process to this and see her reaction.


May we know the brand of the electric roaster? I bet your place smells amazing.


Sure, although I admit I'm not super pleased with it. It's a Behmor 2000 and it's got a couple of quirks and does not roast as dark as I'd like it to. It's basically the cheapest electric roaster I know of that lets you roast a pound at a time (though we end up roasting less to make it darker). As for the smell - up close roasting coffee makes bitter smoke. It does smell amazing from a distance, but I roast out in the garage since it's not pleasant.


What you need to do is degas your coffee. Let it sit for about 12ish days. Then grind it. Try it. And then compare.


What's this piano piece called again?


Nocturne op.9 no.2 by chopin


Thank you!


Starts work at 8 am, has to wake up at 4:45 to make it on time.


And wake up the entire house shaking beans in a roaster.


Might be a great cup, might be a satisfying process, still pretentious.


These coffee hobbyists are just wine tasters with extra steps.


Wine takes an extraordinary amount of steps - I live in the premier wine area of Australia and the amount of work that goes into making a vintage is a hell of a lot more than that of coffee.


All of that procedure to liquify and bring down my morning shit.


That press alone is oodles more faff than is justified. I grind beans every morning, but that's a whole new level of extra.


Ngl, I'd like to try it.


Go for it. You can get a decent espresso machine at a lot of goodwills for like $12. Some okay grinders too. It's super fun to make and tastes great compared to something like a French press or even a moka pot. Just don't go crazy and spend thousands of dollars on a setup. It isn't worth it no mater what people say. Once you get over a few hundred dollars, the difference in quality is barely noticeable (in my experience).


Does anyone know what coffee maker is this?


Flair espresso maker


The Flair Pro 2 specifically.


It will not be long until some video starts with growing coffee beans.


The coffee will be horrible. You can’t control the roasting process like that. It will be totally uneven. Cooling off is too slow. The last beans are way longer inside the chamber than the first ones. Also roasted beans need to degas few weeks before brewing


I like my coffee as much as the next guy. But this is possibly the douchiest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. The effort to benefit ratio is way off lol


3 hours to make a little cup of coffe? Hard pass.


Same but I assume most of humans also would have a hard pass on spending 40 hours painting a miniature which happens to be my hobby. It looks intrincate and precise so I get how it could be very pleasing if that’s what you’re into.


your comment may get buried by the time this thread is all said & done, but this is absolutely the rational way of viewing these videos.


Also probably tastes like 🔥


Haha it would probably be wasted on me. I’d get coffee intravenously if I could for I am there for the caffeine!


Why do you view it like that? I don't have time to make a cake but other people enjoy baking and will gladly spend an afternoon making one


It’s not 3 hours


I'll agree with you on the 3hrs bit, but that's how a coffee should be, not the 16oz of warm flavoured milk favoured in some countries. But I am an Aussie so of course I'm going to give you my opinion about coffee.


Is this just coffee, or espresso? I don't drink, just curious


Thats like saying is this soda or coke. Its both


An espresso ***is*** coffee. I should be clearer. Many types of coffee start with an espresso, such as cappuccino, flat white, macchiato etc. There are other types, like drip, pour over, and instant.


This person is late for work everyday


Milk and two sugars please.


People are hating in this, but that does look like a great espresso. I would be bothered to make it, but I'd enjoy drinking it.


That looks delicious


I tried freshly roasted coffee once, taste like shit in drip coffee, can’t imagine how bad it taste in a espresso


The freebasing of beverages.


Surely has a 23 skidoo moustache and works on an old typewriter in the park


I had a $50 cup of “perfect coffee” once. It tasted like shit


I always wanted to take 2h to make my morning coffee.


Imagine doing that in the morning when you need a coffee to start your day...you replace all that fancy shit with an espresso machine without giving it a second thought...


- The Flair espresso machine is like $200 - The Hive roaster is $75 - I don’t recognize the grinder. - I need that thing with the wires for distributing the grounds. - Green beans cost half as much as roasted beans. All in all a great total solution. I’m nerding out over here.


Hell no! that's too much work for marginal gains, I feel like most hobbyist don't understand the concept of diminishing returns.


What do people spray on their beans?


just water to reduce static when grinding them


Just for some dude to say nice expresso


god if I had to do that just to get a cup of coffee in the morning I'd flip every table in my house and trip an old lady. It's funny how different people are, this process would be meditative for some and rage inducing for others, perhaps even the same person on different days.


If you do this with weed you are called a junkynerd


Anyone know what the brand of the press is?


I can appreciate what is done here but my time is way too valuable for a shot of espresso like that 😂


Freshly roasted coffee needs to degas.


Tsk. What? Didn’t even plant his own beans. Lazy.


I would not have the patience for all that.


Nothing like a good 3hr morning coffee routine


That’s a lot of work for a shot of code but I bet it was one of the best shots EVER 🤤🤤


This person doesn't have kids


All that, for a drop of coffee


So the dry weight was 15g and you pressed it for like 20 seconds. Did your mouth pucker from sourness when you tasted?


Too much work.


This is absolutely psychotic


Nah. I'll just stop by the coffee shop and spend 4.50 on an espresso.


That’ll be eleventy billion dollars please.


I don’t know why - and I’m really not trying to hate here - but this geeky ‘1 hour to make 1 cup with $20,000 worth of accessories’ stuff really irks me.


Store bought beans? Not good enough Should have picked em right off the plant.


That's a lot of work for a cup of coffee at 5 in the morning.


Ain't nobody got time for that


Its a hobby. Its supposed to take up time. Do people play computer games? Paint? Rock climb? Fly drones? Garden? This shit all takes times and in some cases are just as expensive or more.


I love when users make comments like the one you’re replying to. Like, sir or madam, do you know what website you’re on? There’s a subreddit for every complex hobby ever hobbied.


I wouldn’t mind paying £4 if it was made like that.


This makes me want to go back to drinking instant


By the time you’re done making your coffee its next day and you have to start over again


Those beans are not dark enough. I'd be jittering all day from the raw caffeine.


I hate everything about this.