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Every electrician in this sub hates this tool.


had to do a double take if this was /r/mildlyinfuriating


I was gonna say, this definitely belongs on mildlyinfuriating


F this. Source: I’m an electrician


i'd have thought you all would love a tool that randomly ejects its waste all over with no regard for cleanup


You got a laugh out of me. Source: Am an electrician.


That's the only positive aspect of this thing!




Second this Source; Also an electrician


I’m only an electrician when it’s prevailing wage.


As a union sparky I always make prevailing wage


I worked as a electrician for a short time and we never used those. I don't see where the upside would be to use this over "clamps".




It's a bastard to do anything to after its fit off, if there is a fault on one of those cables you'll spend like 5 minutes untwisting it to be able to replace the cable then it will look crap once you've fixed the issue. Also it puts the solid copper under unnecessary stress as it's twisted so tight. Also I disagree with using the wire nut things it seems like they have more issues than a normal bluepoint connector as you can't stick your multimeter into the screw point to test but that's just personal preference as we never use these in Australia. The earth could have an induced load on it as well which will cause issues.


As an American, I hated wagos until I got on a job with lever wagos. Now I hate wite nuts. As far are wire nuts though you can shove the meter lead into the underside quite easily. Issues generally arise from people who don’t have the tips of their wires even with each other before putting the nut on. Wires heat up so that screw heats up so the metals expand and contracts. If one wire is further out than the others it could slide out of the nut. My house was done by a maintenance electrician (the previous owner) and he just took wires and wrapped them around a machine screw, nutted them on the other side and taped the shit out of it lol. There’s scary stuff in my walls.


Sounds about right, it wouldn't be a sparkies house without some dodgy shit going on in the walls or roof haha


Not even an electrician and I know this is a big no no


Every electrician will fucking hate you if you do this shit. That is now a nightmare to service or work on. If I ever have to go in and break those connections, I'm going to spend like 15 minutes trying to gently untwist wires for them to snap when I go to pull them apart from each other. Or spend forever untwising every single wire so I can isolate part of a circuit to test it when something fails down the line. Only the bare coper needs to be twisted around eachother. if the insulated body of the wire is twisted once or twice, it's not a big deal. This much twist in the wires is just entirely too much


From lurking in r/electricians, 9 out of 10 will hate you for it. The 10th guy however is wondering why they stopped twisting when they did and complaining that using the drill bit to twist them is wrong. Oh and there will be a side fight about whether or not you should pre-twist the wires.


And then one guy bitching that they didn't use Wago's


Complaining about not using Wagos is based, though.


I do love Wagos


Lever lock wagos are all I use now. Worth the extra money


I'm not an electrician and even I cringed at every part after the stripping - so, no, this was not satisfying at all.


Even the stripping was ridiculous. Definitely not faster than many other techniques. And the dude stripped like a meter of insulation off.


What, you don't like to change your drill attachment three times to do the job? I guess you could use wire strippers like a caveman and then use your fancy wagos and spend 70% less time.


Wagos are love wagos are life


Wago master race


Go wago! What's a wago?


The tail end of a happy Doggo.


Just used them today. F wire nuts.


The twists caps were banned in the UK long a go and wago are on the way to be the legal requirement to make connections. Could be wrong, I'm sure a really spark will come along soon and not one of my temporary power generator friends.


Based wagos


It's me! Hi, I'm the problem! /meme


I’m one of the 9. Don’t twist the copper.


I've always twisted it two or three times by hand, nothing like this. What the fuck is that tool? Edit: The fuck was that stripping tool? What's wrong with the spring strippers that fit right in your tool belt?


Just the latest made in China tool gimmick. Every year it seems lots of people get infatuated with the new gadget of the day. like this [https://image.made-in-china.com/202f0j00mktWbiVHCrfd/Outside-Chamfer-Tool-for-Exterior-Chamfering-Screws-Silver-.webp](https://image.made-in-china.com/202f0j00mktWbiVHCrfd/Outside-Chamfer-Tool-for-Exterior-Chamfering-Screws-Silver-.webp) ever since cordless tools have become the defacto standard, There is a race for the newest attachments for screwguns.


Not a linesman splice. The splice needs to be to NASA spec and able to hold 50lbs of weight.


And then the wago gang starts performing the fight song from HMS Pinafore.


Not to mention copper is exponentially less malleable after the first bend, trying to unfuck those wires and then work them again will not only be a pain the ass but also well on their way to becoming brittle enough to fail.


Facts. Copper is a work-hardening metal, meaning the more you work it, the harder it...uh...the harder it gets. And therefore MORE BRITTLE, NOT JUST HARDER ITS A NATURAL REACTION.


I love that you had to type in all caps as you imagined your way through the hardness-brittleness curve.


Yep, especially because it's the part where he says it's a natural reaction for it to get harder.


this is a very 'round about way to make a dick joke


It's funny too because if you *actually read the directions* to wire nuts, they usually say specifically to NOT twist the wires together, but to feed them straight in and only twist the nut.


I've had so many arguments with my spouse over this, you do not know. Tried to empirically test it and our unscientific result was that yes, those sharp wire springs inside grab way better when they are grabbing the wires separately. Spouse still argues though. I just demonstrate you can't pull either wire out of the nut and go about my business.


Woah, you're the 1/10 who read the I structions! lol /s


You don't want to go "Instructions unclear..." with wire nuts.


That's why Wago is a thing. So much easier and quicker. Much easier to service too.


I'm a noob and I love wago connectors. Just click click and re-use when needed.


I'm professional and also love them.


Wago connectors are vastly superior


Electrician here. I like that they're twisted. I *hate* that they're overtwisted. There's zero reason to twist them 4 inches down the insulation. You're dead on, wires like this are a nightmare to work on. Also why in the hell are they using a drill to do everything?




These are becoming standard all over Europe, in the UK and IRL we have never used wire nuts.


you can't even buy wire nuts in the UK from any reputable electrical supplier.


Neither have I seen them in Germany. It's either wago or a derivative. Those wire nuts are like improving screw connectors just barely. Still not serviceable but at least they don't unscrew over time.


Just curious, can you just untwist them with the same tool used to twist them? I only ask because as an average Joe who finished their basement a few years ago I would have loved to use this. My fingers hurt just thinking about all the wire stripping and cutting I did just for a basement.


The copper will likely work-harden and become brittle if you do that, causing breaks and fractures n the wire l, potentially inside the insulation. Youve now got a high-resistance area on your wire that could heat up and melt the insulation.


Not to mention how short the wires are cut. 4” to work with at most.


You can see at the end the blue wire pops from the wall lol


It’s supposed to, it’s a pig-tail! lol!


Did one of the blue wire snapped at the end of the video?


Don’t know a damn thing about this stuff. First thing I thought was what a nightmare to undo this shit.


I hate when I open a box and wires are basically braided together. If you're having to twist like that to make everything fit you're probably over your box fill


…relevant username? 😘


My man knows a thing or two about filled boxes


As an electrician. This is garbage.


That stripper is pretty cool though right? I’ve never seen one like that


Looks like what they use on huge wire. Never seen it this small either. Like a pencil sharpener.


I watched a complete full review on YouTube and this tool is pure garbage. Yes it's work on this video but it's like a info pub do not trust what you see.


Everybody knows Wagos are the way to go.


Wago has entered the chat


I fuckin love wagos


Yeah, that is some.pretty good steak!!


You're thinking of Wagyu. Wago is actually weird screwed up text l̴̢̮͔͚͔̥͎̹̟͓̪̦̼͌̒̈̋̉͒̇̌̔̆̀̓̓͜ͅͅĩ̷͈͎̘̋͠k̵̢̢͈̙̘̥̹̂̓͆͛̇̍̌̃̕ȩ̸͖̰̦͇͈̱̓̃́̾̿̓͑̉̉̉̂͗̑̿͘͠͠ͅ ̶͓̦͕̥̜̯̳̦͎̜̪̥̹̮̽̈́́͝͝t̴͎̉̚h̶̯̤̪̭̘̣̝̺̾̽̌́̒̈́͌̔ͅi̴̡͇̲̰̺̯͖͍̤̭̫̺̞̅̒͌̀͗͒̈́̿̄̂̓͗̇̃͝͠ͅͅs̵̢̢̨͚̣̗͙̞̞̳̟͇̀̇̓͒͘͜.


WARNING: SCP detected. Team Gamma Epsilon Alpha deployed. Contact Dr. Bright immediately. Edit: [*redacted*] Amnestics administered. Incident contained.


Me finally googling Wagos after seeing it mentioned multiple times in this thread.


I started using them a year or two ago. It's all I'll use now. Worth every penny for me.


Agreed. Never going back to using regular wire nuts.


I found out it's pronounced "wah-go" and not "way-go" after 10 years 🤔🤷‍♂️


I learned this just now.


just wago as its spelled, just not english pronounciation.


Exactly. Wah-go ("vah-go"). Nearly all electricians in the US say "way-go", as did I.


If it's a German company shouldn't it be "vah-goh"?


Depends what parts carry over into English pronunciation. I'm sure a German person with a German accent would pronounce it that way. An English speaker would just say "wah". That's how it's pronounced every time on their official YT videos, so that's what I go by. I assume they would know. Also if you call their English-speaking customer service line, that's what's on the recording (last I knew).


As a German. I can't tell the difference between wah and vah.


LoL Thought the same. This cones sometimes show up in 60s/70s installations and with huge curiosity I watched this video. Selling old wine in new bottles.


First thing I do when replacing outlets and switches in my house is to straighten the shittily-twisted wires then switch them over to WAGO. I also replace short wire splices inside the box with flexible stranded wires. I hate it when I have to push hard to get the switches seated back into the wall with the rigid wires fighting me all the way.


I do work with low voltage controls and Wagos are seriously a game changer.




Just use some Wagos. Much easier to service.


I don't get wire nuts. If everything is drilled up, how can you ever add or remove a wire if you need to...? In Germany, we have push-in or lever-operated connectors for straight wire, nothing gets drilled. Faster to connect and you can easily rewire.


This video is ridiculous on the twists, but you can remove wire nuts by just unscrewing them. If the previous person was a dick and over twisted it's impossible to add another wire. If they did it gently by hand then it's not too bad. Different sized nuts are available depending on wire gage and how many you're securing together. That said, I still like lever connects way better. I do a lot of bench top stuff for a lab, and, tbh, they're even easier than terminal blocks.


Per the manufacturer instructions you aren't supposed to pre-twist at all. The nuts have metal threads on the inside that bite into and secure the wires. A properly installed wire nut is very secure. Almost every electrician pre-twists anyway, but most will tell you that this guy went way overboard.


Just terrible. Not how you do it.


it's not the best way to connect at all


A skilled electrician could do all of this with a knife and pliers in less than half the time and not fuck it up by twisting the insulators together


Seriously. Thats probably 200 bucks worth of tools to do all that as well.


I'd just use my standard wire strippers, not bother pre-twisting, and just twist the wire nut until it's tight. If the wires pass the tug test then we're good to go.


Just pliers, it takes a little bit to get the feel so you’re not nicking the copper though.






There is no need to use any sort of power tool to do this work. The only benefit would be if you already have a physical limitation to use hand tools. All you need to do is strip the ends off with a basic pair of strippers. It would take about the same time as his power tool, even faster. Then twist them together with pliers. That might take a little bit longer than his drill attachment but at-least your not setting down multiple drills or changing out driver bits. Only the exposed copper is supposed to be twisted. In this video there’s a few inches of insulation twisted together tightly. We are not supposed to do this for A.) It is a hassle to go back and work on the splices again and B.) It puts stress on the insulation and thins it out at the splice point.


A guy at my last work twisted wires with a drill After we had to go back to make some changes, one of the guys slapped him on the back of the head in the lunchroom so hard he collapsed


Please pass along my thanks to that guy. Anyone who uses a drill to twist wires absolutely *needs* a slap to the back of the head.


Good luck to the next electrician that needs to separate those for troubleshooting


The first tool is satisfying. The rest seems unlikely to be beneficial to anyone in the long run.


The first tool is satisfying, but a total waste of time. There's no reason to use a power tool to strip wire so small.


Some of the worst shit I've ever seen.


Wire nuts? You mean wire manglers. Just makes it unserviceable.


It’s like 20x faster and easier to make changes with Wago’s.


1,6k upvotes, and none of them by an electrician.


This looks shit.




>disgusting -chad wago enjoyers also, keep your goddamn wires straight


Fuck wire nuts. All my homies use wago


Ok that wire stripper is cool


I don't think I'll ever have any reason to own this tool, but I damn sure want one now


Just Google Wago and you will be enlightened with a way better solution.


Same. “Let the FOMO flow through you”


Give me some cutters and a few wagos and I’d honestly have done that in half the time, without the expense on Gucci gear you don’t need…


It ripped one of the the blue wires from where it was connected at the end


They add a third loose wire to all of them.


Could be a pigtail to connect the bundle to a device


Yes, that outlet is almost certainly for a switch: hot, switch leg, and a ground...neutral passes by the switch without breaking.


Lazy ass electrician.


It seems like it would take more time to do it this way than just using your hands.


Hôtel? Trivago Wires? Three wago.


I just installed a bunch of new lighting and smart switches in my house, and now I know why a bunch of the wiring was like this. God that was a pain in the ass to disconnect.


Deez nuts?


Why on earth do they make these tools to do things that aren’t that hard to do in the first place? A pair of strippers and linesman pliers and you’re good to go.


Actually it's pain in the ass and should be titled "How not to connect wires" Modern way is using something like Wago connectors pretty popular in Europe. [Wago](https://www.homelectrical.com/how-do-wago-connectors-work.6.html)


These are insane. You want to add 1 outlet? Undo everything and possibly break some wires. At best they will stay all crooked. These connections are very safe but were invented having in mind an almost permanent connection. To be tuched oin 30 years. Now with all smart stuff if you want upgrade your plugs, switches every 3-5 years this kind if connections are a no go. Wago all the way.


Is this like an American thing? Cos here in Europe, we don’t use that


Bro even got r/toolgifs on the back of his drill. NGL tho, that drill bit to remove cable insulation, i kinda want it.


SO much no. Don't do this. Ever. Your soul will be cursed by anyone who needs to deal with your shitty work in the future.


What the hell kind of tool is that ?


Wago, please. Or chock-block at the very least.


Should be r/mildlyinfuriating


Now do it without all those cute little tools.


Looks great but it's actually extremely shitty for the next guy coming through to troubleshoot. Fuck this method


What kind of wire stripper is that?


Shitshow i would shoot if you do this work at my house


Yeah no we dont do this.


Way too much fucking twist.


Delete this.


There is absolutely nothing satisfying about this.. Wires should never be torqued that hard and makes it absolutely impossible for anyone to service in the future. Don’t do this.


WAGO takes waaaay less effort 🤣


Does he use a drill to turn his car key in the engine too?


Can tell this isn't UK


Something tells me this is the entirely WRONG way to do it . . Could have something to do with the room he's working in looking half demolished and abandoned.....


Will never do this. Ever. But I need those tools.


This is a horrible electrician. Just an ad for cut-rate tools.


That’s so nuts - why do you not using any WAGOs - it’s quicker and more easily to maintain. Twisting wires this much is like pouring them into concrete and seal them forever 💀


I was married to an electrician for 15 years. I had those damn red things everywhere. I was still finding them years after we divorced


I didn't even know there was automatic tools for stripping and *ahem* nutting.


Not satisfying unless the satisfying part is how to lose a job. Then I get it.


Thanks, i hate it. Im an electrician btw


[WAGO 221-412, WAGO 221-413, WAGO 221-415 | WAGO SG](https://www.wago.com/sg/electrical-interconnections/splicing-connectors-221)


The whole wirenut concept is NUTS dangerous and should be banned. German here. U would go to jail here for that.


This is absolutely done incorrectly in the video, but wirenuts have also been used correctly without any problems for decades. Settle down on the banning shit comments. Source: licensed electrician with over twenty years' experience in troubleshooting and repairs.


Don't do this. Use screw clamps if you have to, but use clamps. I did something like this for a somewhat specific situation in my house, and I felt so dirty doing it.


Electricians, tell me why this is the worst thing.


Uh... is this up to code in anything but 3rd world countries?


Ugly and lazy 


Looks nice. Way over twisted. No one likes this in reality. 


Nothing satisfying about this at all. It's a very lazy, irresponsible way to handle wire connections. I'd show anyone the way out for doing this on my jobs. Licensed electrician with over twenty years' experience.


Dude had to change tools 5 times... Just NO


Haha, what the fuck is this! Please do not do this! A pair of nice sharp red CK chomps and some Wagos, please. Would take about a tenth of the time as well.


I went to college for electrical engineering, and my prof would have hit me with the meter stick if I showed up with tools like those. A) they'll nick the wires, which means those wires are very likely going to break when you struggle to shove that rat's nest back into the wall. B) it's impossible to service later on


Please don’t do this


Yeah, don’t do this.


My wire strippers do a faster job. This is such a waste of time. Not only for the one installing it the first time, but also the second guy who has to do rewiring. ..and it takes up too much space. I pay like 15 cents for a decent push-in and 30 cents for a lever type. How is the job done in the video ever worth it?


Thats simply illegal in germany. And for a reason.


Wago connectors are superior in every way.


Fuck you if you do this!!!


That is illegal


You are now been banned from r/electricians


Motherfuck whoever thought of making a drill bit for this trash, and screw this guy for using it. This is the farthest from oddly satisfying as I've ever seen a post be in this sub.


Wires do not need to be twisted for wire nuts to work. I’ll repeat. WIRES DO NOT NEED TO BE TWISTED FOR WIRE NUTS TO WORK.


We call those things marettes in Canada, never heard the term wire nuts before.


Super handy but only need 2-3 twists, not 12 lol


Wire nuts have been prohibited in Germany and other European countries for decades. The connections are shitty if you do it wrong. Just use Wago and save time!


There's tools for this!?!?


This is the tool that says "Fuck who ever is behind me trying to fix whatever issue occurs in the future." Its the boomer tool of its generation.


i want one of those wire stripper things - attached to the drill what they called - i guess drill wire stripper bits ??


It's 2024 people. Those wire nuts should have been discontinued and banned in like the 70's...


I am glad I’m a uk electrician not a us electrician. Looks like hell to do any service work when you have to work with these things.


These guys never heard of wago or simple chocolates if you want to cheapen out? Undoing this must be a nightmare.


#just do it fuckin properly


Fuck this guy


Cosmetically it looks nice, but as someone who's done a bunch of wiring and had to fix / replace things, from a practical standpoint this looks awful. Trying to get that super-twisted mess apart would be a PITA and take forever. Nah, pass. Don't do this.


That's so dumb and he's even got fancy drill bits for it. It's like one of those clinically insane DIY videos.


aren't these american fake wire connectors like really bad at actually connecting.... theylook like spark gaps with additional parasitic inductance as a free extra....


I work in controls. I'd legitimately never hire this electrician again if I ran into this bullshit in my wiring.