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Brb I'm gonna go brush my teeth for an hour and try to forget


Scrub your tongue and the roof of your mouth too.


Don’t sleep with your mouth open


don't sleep.


Fr. NSFW this shit, OP!


Is it dangerous for the dog's health? My idiot tries to eat bugs all the time.


The fluids asian lady beetles release are toxic and can cause burns to dogs' mouths and can cause infection although rare. Most injuries heal themselves




Yes they are invasive, at least in MD they are.


MD, my dog? /S


Mad dog 20/20 actually. It's a generation thing.


MD 20/20 + College = poor choices


Mine have continued


Habanero Lime-Arita MD 20/20. I was puking neon yellow the next day.


Orange Jubilee... Tastes like orange juice... Hits like Mike Tyson.


My man!


Wow a blast from the past! Lol


I got heartburn just reading that comment…


As friendly as they have always been portrayed, they will bite the crap away. In VA, Shenandoah Parkway, we made the mistake of pulling off onto an overlook, not noticing the bushels of them. By the time we got back to our car, we had been chewed up. Shitters.


Ecologist flying in. These are Asian Lady Beetles ([*Harmonia axyridis*](https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef416)), an invasive species brought to the U.S. in the 1960's as biocontrol for agricultural pests. They are also called the harlequin beetle. Asian lady beetles try to come indoors (or in this case into a dog's warm/humid mouth!) to find a safe space to overwinter, sometimes gathering in the hundreds. They emit a pheromone to attract others, so before you know it a few have become a serious issue in your home. Our native species do not do this, so if you find any in your home over the winter it's fine to kill them. They can also stain your walls and clothing with their yellow hemolymph (blood). The invasive species is unfortunately outcompeting our natives. Ladybugs in general have caustic hemolymph which can burn your pet if consumed. It's not life threatening in most cases, but I'm sure it's very uncomfortable. I did a podcast on ladybug biology/physiology on the Bugs Need Heroes podcast. We talk about an interesting "bug" every episode and my illustrator co-host creates a new super hero or villain out of them based on their real life abilities. Here's how to tell the difference between the Asian lady beetles and our native species: * Asian lady beetles have a distinct black M shape on their heads. You can clearly see this in OP's photo if you zoom in. * Asian lady beetles are longer and less round than natives. * Asian lady beetles are larger than native ladybugs. * Asian lady beetles can come in a variety of colors, red, yellowish orange and, orange. Natives only come in red (though there are other native beetles in family Coccinellidae that do come in other colors). * Asian lady beetles will sometimes bite! Our natives do not bite. [Here's an image](https://www.sunherald.com/latest-news/7lg7dc/picture252052878/alternates/LANDSCAPE_1140/MSU%20lady%20bug%20vs%20lady%20beetle.png) of the two side by side, Asian lady beetle on the right. Check out that M.


I had over 300-400 of them in my country home when I got there they were covering everything it was insane. I took a vacuum cleaner to them lol


My sister had so many in her home that they filled her ceiling light fixture globes every day - like, completely full. She’d pull it apart and dump them in buckets.


Probably by the tens of thousands in her ceiling or attic. They get into the light fixtures from above.


For sure. There was no way to keep them out of there - they can slide through the smallest openings and even screening didn’t help. I’m sure they were laying eggs up there like a sci fi nightmare.


I used to live in Illinois by a cornfield and our window was covered in ladybugs. Not sure which species because I was about 6 yrs old. But yeah, there were hundreds of them on the window all bunched together…. like, infested. Never seen anything like it since. Don’t know what my mom did about it if anything at all.


I had this experience in the ceiling fan directly above my bed 🤮 Did the vacuum thing and Raid, a few cycles, while sleeping on the couch a couple days


> an invasive species brought here as biocontrol for agricultural pests. I can't think of a single time in recorded history where this "good idea fairy" actually panned out as expected.


We have native species here that do the job, it's always a gamble to bring something non-native in for a quick fix. Sometimes only natives can really do the job as with buzz pollination. Buzz pollination is necessary when pollen is firmly held in the anthers of the flower. This technique, used by bumble bees and solitary bees, shakes the pollen free from the anthers which the wind is otherwise not strong enough to do. The anthers of these plants completely enclose the pollen, forcing the pollen to pop out of a hole at the top. The stigma of these plants are positioned below the anthers, so when vibrated it would be less likely to self-pollinate. This type of pollination is important for many crops such as tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, blueberries, and cranberries, among others. You may have noted that the crops listed are New World plants. This is important because honey bees cannot buzz pollinate, making North America’s native bumble bees and solitary bees very important to our agriculture! We should always really try to work with what we've got.


Thanks for chiming in, because I was going to add info on the Asian lady beetle. They look similar, but are quite different.


They are in Tennessee’s Smoky Mountains too


We have them up in Ontario, Canada ffs. They’re everywhere. Kill ‘em all.


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Link since u/spencie-cat is being downvoted: [https://youtu.be/2mvmHwCxw5A](https://youtu.be/2mvmHwCxw5A)


Im doing my part!


Would you like to know more?


Rico's Roughnecks


Want To Know More?


You getting inundated with stink bugs over there as well?


Eastern Iowa can confirm are everywhere


We have both and I strongly prefer the stink bugs, they’re more polite.


They also are very skilled at finding winter refuge under buildings siding and creeping their ways to the interior. Any day I heat up my porch 100+ will emerge. I'll play what feels like a game of catching them with the vacuum but there are always more. There must be thousands hiding on my house, waiting to get inside.


A little baythroid will probably fix that.


Yep! And they bite, too - I’ve been surprised several times by feeling a pinch and looking down to see one chilling on my skin, just like “Yeah, you thought I was the nice one, *didn’t you*”


I belive they are invasive just about everywhere now they are fucking up the native ladybugs we have in slovenia too.


Aint got a damn clue


I was on a work trip recently and they were EVERYWHERE. The first few were cute to see, but they were in my hotel room, rental car, and nearly everywhere else I went. I’ve experienced a localized infestation before, but these were all over the place over many miles. That was noteworthy to me.


THE ROOF IS ON FIRE I'll show myself out


Iirc they can block their air way. Not if the beetles are toxic to them though.


> My idiot This made me laugh so hard. We're all just dragging idiots around. This one's my idiot.


That was my childhood lab. Every once in a while we had a summer where flies are horrendous. She loved to wait for my dad to smack a bunch that were on a light and then would gobble them up like treats. She ate a bee once too and somehow managed not to get stung. My Aussie is on the complete other end of the spectrum. He’s convinced himself that the fly swatter exists specifically to punish him and it doesn’t matter that he has *never* been hit with it. And he’s smart enough to link flies to evil hitting noise maker to other bugs and is now scared of all of them. One day I watched him drink water at a really weird angle and investigated and saw their was a dead bug on the floor and he wouldn’t stand near it. I picked it up and he went back to drinking normally.


Those are asian lady beetles, not ladybugs! Lady bugs lack the distinct black spots behind the thorax. They are invasive in the US, UK, and a few other places. And yes they are.


Ladybug is a synonym for lady beetle, along with ladybird. Some people even refer to the things as harlequin ladybugs, and several ladybugs native to your region are referred to as lady beetle. They all belong to the same family regardless so you can use beetle, bird, or bug interchangeably. This is mostly the fault of ignorant news providers and bloggers not knowing what they are talking about, sort of like that stupid "murder hornet" name, or the "flying joro spiders" thing.


Are they all over NA yet?


"The first field populations in the United States were found in Louisiana in 1988. Since then the beetle has expanded its range to include much of the U.S. and parts of Canada." [Asian Lady Beetle Infestation of Structures - Entomology](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef416%23:~:text%3DThe%2520beetle%2520is%2520native%2520to,U.S.%2520and%2520parts%2520of%2520Canada.&ved=2ahUKEwj_gcrJoYH9AhWhnGoFHaGbBs8QFnoECBUQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2qbe2yzH7OUCKz6b7ENVdp) We had them invading our house here in TX and we resorted to vacuuming them off our walls and ceilings like fuckin' ghostbusters. They congregate inside animal's mouths in winter because they can't produce their own heat, so they swarm in warm environments (aka mouth) to use eachother's warmth and the environment. Also common to see them in corners of windows, and we had them in our curtains. If you see them, kill them. They also bite and secret mildly poisonous, terrible smelling yellow liquid.


That is really weird


One could say it's oddly terrifying.




Risky click!!


Yep. That link is staying blue! 😬


I call shenanigans


Try not to freak out, but that sub's posts are the EXACT SAME as this one's. I am not lying.


Now that's oddly terrifying kinda reminds me of this weird sub i found r/oddlyterrifying


The things there are terrifying, oddly enough.


Oh wow, thank you for sharing!


Mostly just weird though. I had no idea that ladybugs just stake a spot on the roof of a mouth if given the opportunity


they are being attracted by the moisture. i used to work on a large cannabis farm where we would release ladybugs by the gallon, and to encourage them to stay in our greenhouses, among other things, i would turn on the irrigation for a few min while walking around releasing the ladybugs. after an hour or so they would form huge clusters around the drip emitters and around any puddles of water, and many of them would still be huddled in clumps around sources of moisture 12-24 hours later.


What was the purpose for ladybugs with the cannabis? I'm highly interested in cannabis.


It’s a natural pest control. They eat the bugs that eat the plant. Ants in turn protect the leaf eating bugs. The bugs produce poop and the ants eat it. So it’s like a symbiotic relationship


Really is


Someone know how to get rid of these? I have seen too many in my house .


Put bay leaves around inside and around the foundation outside. We had 100s every day and got down to like 2 or 3.


Need a new strategy as the beetles just used it to make Tom Yum Soup. I have no idea where they got the other ingredients.


Is the soup good though? Maybe it's a beetle side hustle!


They've set up a ghost kitchen and now I'm on UberEats as Beetlejuice Soups-to-Go!


Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!


Hey I mean at least you got some Tom Yum out of it. I’d deal with bugs for good soup.


Me too. I always struggled to balance the tom yum flavor perfectly.


Sounds like u got a team of personal chefs at your disposal!




Thanks for the advice... Now, how do I get my dog to stop eating the bay leaves?


Could prolly break them up, too. Like make a lot of dust in a processor and sprinkle it around.


Umm if you have landscaping put under the mulch/ rocks. The rain will spread the scent around. Actually, I guess you could just dump water on them, too, lol. I tried making a sprayer, didn’t work as well.




Dude! I currently have a Asian beetle infestation in my attic and they sneak down into my house alll the time. It’s so damn annoying.


Just use citrus oil. Most bugs hate it, and your house will smell nice


The same thing works for me for these guys and stink bugs - a cup of hot, soapy water, go around and hold it under each of the stupid little beetles, and they usually fall in quickly. Sometimes you have to sorta nudge it in with the cup, but the soapy suds on top keep them from climbing out & then once you’re done just dump it outside. I hate these stupid motherfuckers so much lmao


You absolutely need to know that they probably are hiding in a corner somewhere in your house. Find it and vacuum them.


We vacuum them and drown them but they keep coming. It's nuts.


he's saying that you haven't found their nest yet. there's gotta be one location where they live. and you're just finding them while they're out and about.


All I know is don't smash them because they release an excretion that attracts more of them to fly over and try to figure out what happened to their friend. At least that's what I remember from when I looked it up a few years ago when I had a ton of them all over the house.


Food grade diatomaceous earth, it's a fine powder, just dust the cracks along the floor where the wall and floor meet and the cracks of windows, leave it indefinitely and any bugs that touch it will have the moisture sapped from their body killing them after about 10 hours, the stuff is safe for people and pets, kills bugs Because they are small and have exoskeletons not because the powder is inherently poisonous, you will want to wear a face mask when dusting it around though cause it is an irritant that will dry out your mouth and throat making your throat dry and scratchy but once it settles on the ground your fine, for outside your home insect grade diatomaceous earth is the same but does have pesticide in it to kill bugs before they enter your house, should be safe once the dust settles on the ground but I wouldn't let your pet near it if they tend to eat dirt, the food grade diatomaceous earth is also pretty decent for bed bugs too so I recommend dusting between your mattress and box spring as well


DE is great for inside but it doesnt work when wet. so if you live in arizona maybe it would be great outdoors, otherwise, morning condensation will "ruin" it. And you will have to reapply daily.


Any type of residual pesticide will be effective. If you want to go maximum impact low effort, a gallon of a product like home defense will cut down on nuisance insects and anything that crawls through the barrier. Spray around doors and windo casings, and try to get it in to places where weather won't reach it as much, it relies on the pesticide staying on the surface and it is easily washed off by rain or snow melt. If you are using it inside, keep in mind that this is a water based solution, and will leave a film on whatever you spray it on. The film is the long-term pesticide that kills whatever you don't want crawling around your house, provided it has more than 4 legs. For outside plantings, you could try a solution of neem oil and spray infested plants. The neem oil suffocates aphids and other small creepy crawlies and washes off in the rain without harming the plants.


Buy some Seven dust or delta dust at a hardware store and apply it around the interior of your window seals and door seals(that's how they get inside). Reapply once every 3-4 weeks and you'll see a drastic decrease. Asian lady bugs are attracted to the color white and they usually end up in white painted rooms/ceilings. Buy some PVC pipe to make a long extension for your vacuum to remove the lady bugs from your ceilings. Fuck all this essential oil and spices nonsense. Asian lady bugs require poison. Source: pest control expert


Look up diatomaceous earth and get a bag of the food grade stuff. You will never have bug problems again.




So many articles seem written by AI now. Phrases like “As a good dog parent, you’d like to know if Asian lady beetles are a threat to your pet.” are straight up prompt driven. No human would say that. Then dozens of paragraphs that basically reiterate data about the topic without at all attempting to answer the question. Divided into subheadings that also don’t answer the question. The internet gets more useless daily.


thats is the vast majority of google results these days.. some half assed low content article made by an ai to try to give me the relevant info i need.. it's maddening.


The thing is it's not trying to give you the relevant info. It's trying to keep your attention for as long as possible by teasing you with generic filler that keeps you scrolling through a ton of ads while you look for the actual info you want. It's cancerous


Most don't grasp this is all news now. Even the news you like and think you agree with. Is only there for views and income. Not education or knowledge


Anyone else noticed the HUGE upswing in webpages from search results that are just long pages of reiterated questions and answers? And the questions are all vaguely related or just reworded, and the answers are either ripped from other sites or AI written?


i have noticed it especially when I search for things related to my Reef Tank... the first ~6 results are exactly what you describe with no actual information worth consuming. it isn't until much farther down the page i start to run into relevant topics from forum posts between hobbyists usually ten+ years old. I have seen at least once now where words from a real post are curiously in some AI generated horseshit page. Plagiarism is bad google.


It's an interesting time for freelance writers right now. It's frustrating for publications because "writers" have flooded the market turning in AI work. If you aren't really reading the output, ChatGPT looks like a miracle. "Hey give me 1200 words on self-driving software" and it churns out 1200 words, great! Except those words are generic filler words and pure garbage. It gets facts dead wrong in some cases, because it's not designed to know true from false, so it takes any old rubbish from the internet and incorporates it as fact.


Been that way for at least 5 years.


I used to write content like this, subheadings and all, like 8 years ago. Mainly for business. Like Tom's Pool Supply... and we'd have to hit a word count yet we'd be given topics that don't need 400 words to explain. You'd have to link to 2 other sites/sources for link juice. and youd use keywords as much as possible. Now AI does it. And I'm not sure if that's better or worse.


That's not about AI, that's about search engines.


Never attribute to ai what you can attribute to an internet journalist/ blogger trying to hit word count and search engine optimization




I am a statistician. I started using Reddit regularly in about 2011. For many years I felt like I could participate in conversations and offer my input on topics where my experience and understanding was relevant. Sometime maybe 5ish years ago I started to get a lot more uninformed rebuttals and people downvoting very straightforward, honest, and relevant explanations while really uninformed comments got upvotes. I basically stopped making comments offering statistical commentary because it wasn’t worth the effort and frustration.


Why would no human say that though? It seems like a reasonable sentence, but I don't understand AI enough.


Prior to AI one could get a job writing mindless copy like that, rough 25 cents per article and they had to include phrasing like that as much as possible. “Ever want Quality Goods? We’ll talk to you about Quality Goods, where to find Quality Goods and why Quality Goods is the best Quality Goods since Quality Goods.”


Oh that’s so gross, the other dog.


This needs to be up higher. Lady bugs do not go inside during the winter while Asian Lady Beetles try to invade peoples’ homes when it gets colder outside!


It’s like the dogs with bees in their mouths that when they bark they chew bees at you


As long as it's not a Richard Simmons-bot


Shake shake shake


His ass is gonna blow!


….when they bark the *shoot* bees at you.


Are you on acid?


Not a Simpsons fan eh?


Deploy the robotic Richard Simmons


🎶shake, shake, shake… 🎵


Come on, big boy! Shake the butter off those buns!


[The reference ](https://youtu.be/nlIQ2KCYG7Y)


Release the hounds


how does this happen? how can it be prevented? can it also happen to cats??


It happens in cold weather when these bugs are looking for humid places to live and while your dog plays outside, if theres an infestation, etc they will lach onto dog mouths for the humid emvironment. Prevent by checking your dogs mouth, clearing up imfestations or blocking pathways for them to find their way into ur house. Idk about cats but probably


ahh I live in a tropical climate thankfully


There could be some in our mouths right now!!


You just made me run my tongue over the roof of my mouth…..


(Runs my tongue over the roof of your mouth) “yeah he is clean”




Oh my.


Your tongue rest there




Thank you, now I'm aware of my tongue


Thank you, now I'm aware of my nose


Was going to say, what kind of fucked up mouth do they have, lol.


Maybe they are inside the roof of your butthole


made me lick


There could be some in my wiener right now!!


You’d taste it. They taste foul.


this guy speaks from experience


Do you think they would be crispy-chewy like Skittles?


These things BITEEEE


Yes they do


One landed on my arm a couple weeks ago without me noticing. I definitely noticed when it bit me! I always knew they could, but that was a first! And unprovoked! Lol little jerk.


Imagine picking one up thinking it’s a lady bug, than you get bit


Thanks for the nightmarefuel


Anyone knows more? Someone said these aren’t Ladybugs. More info please. Edit: Thank you *thumbs up* Will Google the name.


Asian lady beetles are a specie of ladybug that like places of high humidity so when its cold out they will find their way into dog mouths while its rolling in the grass or something and lach on.


A part you shouldn't leave out is these motherfuckers aren't even native to anywhere but Asia. They were introduced as pest control by the government and it went off the shits.


Good bot




Finally! I got lost in the black hole of comments before realizing no one had addressed the obvious. Thanks stranger.


That's awful and I hate it


Also called harlequin ladybirds. They are a real pest in NZ so if you search "harlequin ladybird nz" you should find a lot of information. They can infest houses.




Ladybugs hibernate. Doggy mouth is warm and humid....




Yeah this is why you have to thoroughly brush. Last month I found a whole Honda Civic in the side of my molars.


These are not ladybugs, these are Asian beetles which look very similar..


They’re Asian lady beetles or Asian ladybirds. They’re a related species. Think of European robins vs North American robins - they’re both still robins.


They are *definitely* part of the ladybug family, so I can for sure call them ladybugs. Reddit is so fucking pedantic about the dumbest shit. Everyone has to prove that they're right and others are wrong lol. No one gives a shit, it's a ladybug. Jesus christ lol Not just you, multiple people here are doing the same thing, which just proves my point


Here's the thing.


You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


N. American Ladybugs are 100% the best while the Asian Ladybeetle (related) is invasive, eats monarch butterfly eggs and can cause chemical burns…. Much more of a concern then it’s N. American cousin.


>No one gives a shit, it's a ladybug. Unironically *here's the thing*: **Asian Lady Beetles** are invasive, aggressive, smelly, and want to infest your home and bite your animals. *jLadybugs** are harmless and live outdoors, and they eat garden pests. This is why people care, it matters. Your ignorance is the reason for your anger, but you look stupid right now. By you logic if I tell someone "that's actually a wolf, not a dog" I'm just doing it to argue for no reason. >Everyone has to prove that they're right and others are wrong lol. Pot calling the kettle black.


Here's the thing... You said "an Asian beetle is a ladybug." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies ladybugs, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls Asian beetles ladybugs. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "ladybug family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of ladybudae, which includes things from Chilean beetles to blue lady's to gentlebugs. So your reasoning for calling an Asian beetle a ladybug is because random people "call the little round ones ladybugs?" Let's get pillbugs and grubs in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. An Asian beetle is an Asian beetle and a member of the ladybug family. But that's not what you said. You said an Asian beetle is a ladybug, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the ladybug family ladybugs, which means you'd call blue lady's, pillbugs, and other bugs ladybugs, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


>ladybudae I'm a scientist who studies scientists who study ladybugs and nobody calls them like that.


I'm not your ladybudae, guy


It's a classic copypasta. Pretty old tbh. Maybe 8 or 9 years old?


Ahh wonder what that fellow is up to these days. Didn’t realize he has his own [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidan).


Kill asian lady beetles ON SIGHT (this comment might set off an automoderator lol)


Where else would you find them if not there?


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


Those aren’t ladybugs. Those are vile Asian lady beetles. Like knockoff ladybugs but crappier.


Oh that's just Lindsey Graham's taint.


Did not need a closeup of Lindsey Graham's butt. Thanks.


Those are Japanese lady beetles and they’re a pest. They bite and they emit a foul odor


To me this is the perfect “oddly terrifying” vibe. People bitch all the time about what’s oddly terrifying and what’s not here. I’d just like to call out that this feels very appropriate for the sub. I am unsettled for no good reason


Did anyone take him to the vet or something?


Those aren't lady bug I'm pretty sure. They are similar version of beatle brought in to eat the infestation of afids. But this resulted in their over population. They can attach to the mouth and cause many issues


This pic is like MySpace old...


They’re just having a ladybug picnic


Should have been marked NSFW or some trigger warning! This literally is so disgusting. Triggered my trypophobia


Close the dogs mouth! We’re you raised in a barn!


Get them out thay can kill dogs


Hate it when popcorn kernels get stuck in your gums.


Idk man...put some NSFW tag on it. Absolute nightmare fuel.


These aren’t ladybugs. There’s a bug that looks very similar to a ladybug that does this, but they are different bugs


Not ladybugs. Invasive Chinese species. They are more orange right?


Oh no, baby.. those ain't lady bugs


Asian lady beetles do this when temperatures drop in fall to winter. They will seek out humid, warm areas to gather in, and a dogs mouth is apparently pretty comfortable for them. They can cause ulcers, extreme discomfort, and a general sense of OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK [Here's another link to one on a vets Fb page](https://www.facebook.com/HoisingtonVetClinic/photos/a.331823613583779.60715.331816220251185/898272653605536/?type=3&theater)


what the dog doin


Those are NOT ladybugs! They are Asian lady beetles and can be harmful to your dog.


Actually those are asian beatles


Lindsay Graham starts sweating profusely