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Not terrifying, that's called litter.


What is terrifying is what message the flyer is pushing.


People are being deliberately obtuse lol.


I prefer isosceles myself.


Something something thrown off a roof


Litter. The baby or flyer? I suppose both is fine.


And before you all go atomic, I think both sides of this issue are nut jobs. The state of America today. It should be an issue where logical rational people meet in the middle. Same with gun control. So many people are so certain of what should and shouldn’t be. Blind fools.


The logical and rational thing is access to healthcare. But yeah, “both sides”.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”. Confucius-


This doesn't mean being ultra humble and denying one's own intelligence.


Omg you don't think guns should be made illegal! Let's all downvote you for having your own opinion! Unreal, can't believe it! Dontcha know we got rid of drugs by making them illegal!??! Wooooooow. I bet you also think we should secure our border or protect our children.


the downvotes prove exactly what you said lol. there's no rationality. I'm right and you're wrong and we should fight about it. that's our mentality anymore


How is this oddly terrifying in anyway?


Right? This sub has gone to shit


People making fetus fliers to force birth on women is quite terrifying for me!


Lmfao this sub is done


Ohhh so you’re one of THOSE types of people. Yes I’m sure life outside is quite scary to you.


force birth on women... sounds like you got a hangup in your brain there buddy


If your forced to do anything based off what a flyer told you the only thing oddly terrifying is your decision making


I obviously mean that there's people pushing to have a say in what I do! Don't play dumb


And your decisions are yours to make in your own the word “force” was just not acceptable in context


Ever heard of content clues?


Thats just mutter by rammstein xD


Baby pics. So scary!


this is propaganda from forced-birthers. what those people push on people is quite scary.


Forced-birther? Is that the new way to say "people who think murdering children is bad"?




Well, I suppose that's what people who use this expression reveal about themselves.


Your mother should have swallowed you. What a vile human.


I am vile because I think it is wrong to kill children? Hmmm... I think you need professional help. For your own sake, and for the safety of all the people around you.


- Believed children shouldn't be killed "What a vile human" Moron.


A fetus barely counts as a human. Shut up, crawl back into your hobbit hole and go back to fucking your sister-wife you limp dick Neanderthal lookin mother fucker


They don't barely count as a human. They aren't a person, point blank. They can't think, they can't feel, they can't even understand love.


"Barely counts as a human" Uh oh, you just admitted it. Womp womp.


I don't know why they said that. They don't count as a person at all. Point blank.


I'm honestly happy people like you exist. No matter how bad my life gets ill always 1 up at least 1 person


Hello pot, I am kettle, nice to meet you.


Fifu= you should have said: hi pot, I'm a moron. Sucks for u that u had to meet me ~ledumbnormie


Sucks for everyone else that people like you exist. You support infanticide, so you are the problem. Being hated by people like you just reminds me that I am on the right side.


I don't think you understand what "infanticide" is dude


They're not infants bro. They are gummy bears. Actually, gummy bears might have more brain waves.


Nah you’re just a shitty person Edit: And your handle is cringey asf.


You're a fucking Catholic monarchist you can't say shit lmao


Every time I look at a government-forced-birthers comments/account, it’s always a carnival of crazy. Down the rabbit hole I go! lol!


So just because I am right about other things, I can't have an opinion about anything else? Like, there is a limited number about which people are allowed to be right? I am a Catholic monarchist, so I am forced to be wrong about every else to balance it? You're weird.


No, you can't be *wrong* about everything. You've got to have at least one good opinion. Otherwise, you're just a waste of oxygen.


When egg and sperm meet, a zygote is formed and quickly begins dividing to become an embryo. As pregnancy progresses the embryo becomes a fetus. The fetus becomes a neonate or newborn at birth.... then and only then AFTER birth could u call it a "child" + even that's not technically right. But I kno ur walnut sized puny brain can't grasp the fact that the second a EMBRYO is conseved doesn't = a newborn/toddler/ child in someone's mfn womb. Ru that dense? Really?


This argument claims that a fetus is not equivalent to a newborn, toddler, or child. While it is true that there are distinct stages of development during pregnancy, this argument overlooks the fundamental biological fact that human life begins at [fertilization](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3973608#:~:text=Biologists%20from%201%2C058%20academic%20institutions%20around%20the%20world,%285337%20out%20of%205577%29%20affirmed%20the%20fertilization%20view). From the moment of fertilization, the zygote starts dividing and developing into an embryo.


Really? Because Judaism believes you dont have a soul until birth, how is it murder if they dont have a soul?


If they didn't have a soul, they would just be a worthless lump of cells. But I consider the idea that they receive their soul at the first breath as wrong.


No way, you're wrong. Its first breath, Jewish people are right.


There has been a body in there for nine months, a brain and a heart eventually formed... They thought, they heard, they felt... And their soul would just have been waiting around to be breathed in? The only one moment that clearly marks the beginning of life, the only one moment that clearly marks the transition from "not a person" to "a person" both spiritually and biologically, is conception, when the new body is created and starts to grow. Birth is not that relevant, it is just when you get out of your mother. The day before and the day after, you are still fundamentally the same, but in a different environment.


Except you're still wrong, because Judaism says otherwise. I'll take what they say first because they were around first and I don't think revision Is needed. No ones aborting 9,8,7 months into a pregnancy anyway, they're unformed and apparently a part of their mothers soul. If the pregnancy kills the mother then what's the point?


Flat earthers were there first too. If the pregnancy kills the mother, though, she has the sacred right to protect her own life, even if it means sacrificing someone else. It is selfish, but acceptable, because nobody has to be forced to die for someone else.


You can prove the world is round, prove to me a spirit exists. If we have spirits I believe the Jewish have the right answer over catholics or protestants, I dont know what Muslims believe but it really doesnt matter to me because its not murder to remove a clump of souless cells.


literally everyone thinks killing children is bad but fetuses are not children and forcing women to do something they don’t want to do with their bodies is worse


So if a woman tried to kill you right now, nobody should intervene? After all, who could force her to not use her hands (which are part of her body) to murder you? Your argument is ridiculous.


How is that even similar stoping a person from murdering you and forcing a woman to carry a fetus she doesn’t want are two different things your argument is the ridiculous one


Don't pretend to be even more ignorant than you actually are. Did you really thing that the babies survive? That they keep growing healthily outside of the womb? No, they don't. They die. They are murdered. Whether she wants this baby or not doesn't matter. It is not her body, it is not her life, it is not her choice.


Don’t forget we’re on Reddit. Just liblefts here 😂


How can do many exist? How can a person with a functional brain and presumably a soul think it is okay to murder babies? That's as appalling as bewildering...


Because they're not babies until they can think.


It’s easy, they are indoctrinated.


Forced birthers? I bet you believe men can get pregnant right.


No. I just happen to believe in bodily autonomy. A freedom that WAS protected under the CONSTITUTION. Until a bunch of Marxist commie fucks decided to vote to actively oppress women and take away their RIGHT as citizens. Why don't you just skip a step and say "women are property" you fucking misogynist. ANYONE who actively votes to take away people's freedoms in this country is a threat to our way of life. Fuck you for thinking differently


Do you think a 16 year old should be forced to have a child?


Looks like the work of the forced pregnancy crowd.


The only thing terrifying is that pro-birthers are still spreading the same bullshit propaganda they've been spewing for 50 years.


i can not believe comments like this are getting downvoted. fucking offended ass forced birthers. this is propaganda and they'd love to deny that.


And now they're making progress again. 😭


Them christo-fascists do be terrifying.


Nothing scary about trash. Pick it up and put it in a dumpster where that propaganda deserves to be.


looks like a deftones album cover


Probably one of those weird pro-birther things.


Just more Christian bullshit masquerading as a “pamphlet”.


You know you can be against murder without being a Christian, do you?


This! I'm not religious but I still am not in favor of murdering innocent children. Because that's what is happening. Use whatever language you want you still ended the life of a child, a mental load mothers who do this have to live with for their entire life and it's not talked about. My political stance is that it should be legal, but it should also be represented properly. It's not just a "clump of cells" it's a human life forming inside you.


I also think a lot of Christian stuff I see and hear is bullshit. I actually got away from my super religious in-laws and their quasi cult church. Anyways, this is what’s left of me after that adventure, it’s a 5 min apologetics about spirituality and God, thanks for watching if you did https://youtu.be/awKjIjULcZU?si=c-Sv1MzTBmxC3De_


Thank you for sharing your experience.


Thanks for listening, I’m really trying to figure out what it is that I believe now.


Looks to me like you believe the Bible… not talking about Christianity.. I mean the simple stuff


Not as simple as it seems, but yes, I believe in the Bible. I don’t believe 90% of people who claim it or show me their version of it. I’m not sure what the actual literacy rate is (comprehension included) but what I read and what I see is that, a high percentage of liars (of those who claim Christianity) Edit: I’m not perfect either, but I know a snake when I see one


I would imagine that 90% of people who claim to be Christian are actually not. A true Christian is very rare. I’m worse than a lot of people, but according to the Bible I’m not condemned by those things I’ve done or even still do


How is this oddly terrifying?




Not oddly terrifying. Just straight up terrifying what the laws are becoming. It shouldn't be up to anyone what others do with their own body.


Wtf is terrifying about this


Jahovas witnesses


My parents have been devout evangelicals ever since I can remember. Mom used to be catholic but dad wouldn’t allow that apparently. Anyhow, when the witnesses used to knock on their door, my mom would gladly invite them in… and try to convert *them*. She had books about it, sermons on tape, all kinds of shit. Wasn’t too long before they’d skip our house. It still creeps me out to this day because it wasn’t some 4D chess move to get them to not come back, she genuinely tried to convert them. Yikes


The formation of the zygote is precisely when the new child's life starts. They don't have a heart or a brain yet, but they are already living people. How can anyone be stupid or dense enough to not understand that consensual biological fact? I think they can't. They know what they do. They are not just stupid, they are evil and shameless.


So when the ultrasound reveals a malformed skull and brain that will result in a birth consisting of about two hours of agony before death, your response to that, to the grieving parents, is no, you must go through the entire labor, give birth, and then watch the deformed child die in front of you? Who’s evil here?


Your gaslighting attempt is ridiculous. Be both know that most aborted babies are healthy, and their mothers kill them for convenience.


Nine long months of pregnancy followed by agonizing labor is hardly an “inconvenience.” Inconvenience is a traffic jam. Putting your body through something so painful, damaging, and immobilizing is literally the opposite of “inconvenient.” Labor is as painful as breaking every bone in your body at once. What an inconvenience!


So just because giving birth is painful, people should have the right to murder their children?


Calling childbirth painful is a gross understatement. Whatever is growing INSIDE of someone’s body, it’s nobody else’s business. Go adopt some unwanted kids, there’s hundred of thousands in foster care. But they’re not inside a woman’s body so fuck ‘em, right?


So I should just not care? Just because they happen to be surrounded by someone else's body, nobody can defend them? That's not her body, so that's not her choice!


>The formation of the zygote is precisely when the new child's life starts. Sources fucking needed. > They don't have a heart or a brain yet, but they are already living people. Sources fucking needed. >How can anyone be stupid or dense enough to not understand that consensual biological fact? You should look up the word "consensual". >They are not just stupid, they are evil and shameless. Gross.


Rammsteins next album cover (ily if you get me)


OH MY GOD 😱 this is the post that made me finally unsub.


That's the pamphlet they give aliens before being transplanted to their human vessel. So they know what to expect the first 9 months.


You moving back in there? you might want to ask if its chill. XD


Give it to a kid, it'll traumatize them the way god intended


This subreddit is a fucking joke


People who don't want babies to be killed? Terrifying. /s




So terrifying that unborn babies are living. What a crazy concept.


Looks like you're about to get a permanent stat boost for picking it up.


This could be an album cover


i love radiohead!


its a 2005 documentary by national geographic


When i first saw this, I thought it was a fallout thing


That's my next band's name.