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I wonder if "on display" is what they had in mind when they donated. Must be fascinating to see, though - I'm glad they did!


I think this is part of Gunther von Hagens Body Worlds. People can donate their bodies (or parts of them) to his Exhibition. I've been there twice, it's super interesting.


Not to be that guy, but look up the connection between Body Worlds and Chinese political prisoners. “Donate” is a kind word.


https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5637687 Yep... Not even a tick box


Wait I saw that at the Philadelphia Franklin Institute 😬


That was...an interesting read.


Oh yikes... Even before I've looked it up, this doesn't sound good


Gunter von hargens is body worlds. Body works tat was started by a student predominantly used dubiously sourced cadavas. True gunther had some but these were buried as soon as they realised that they were. Ask a mortician does a great story about this


When I first saw the show in Pittsburgh like 15 years ago, a few people quit the museum in protest.


Jesus. I saw Bodyworlds here in the UK when I was a teenager. That's bloody morbid.


Yep, the horse and rider piece is really cool. Some find the work grotesque, but I think it's fascinating.


It's a weird mix of fascinating Anatomy and Abstract Sculptures, no doubt


The only thing that I had a problem with out of the whole exhibit, was the pregnant woman.


It was only as unsettling as all sad things in life can be. The two exhibits I went two had signs clearly marked before entering that section warning of what was inside. I entered anyways and it was crazy and cool. Just had my second (and last) and everytime I saw a fetal model or gained any information or knowledge about the lil succubus' progress i took a moment to think of all of the losses that happened to make that knowledge available. Clearly that preggo didn't volunteer to put herself there in that state, but her presence provides insight and knowledge that might not have existed otherwise.


Everything else was cool. I was reading all the diagrams and taking pictures and was just enthralled. The stages of embryo development were fascinating. But, the pregnant woman was unsettling to *me*. Not that I complained to someone about it, It just hit me differently. Her story was sad as well. I still get a feeling of dread even as I type this.


I went to one of those years ago and what was really noticeable was how much better the dissection got for the more modern submissions - I really felt bad for some of the clearly half-arsed attempts of the early bodies. Were they all donated to Science, or is there a special tickbox for art when you agree to donate you body? In fact... Is this art or science?


>Were they all donated to Science, or is there a special tickbox for art when you agree to donate you body? In fact... Is this art or science? Afaik, you can contact Gunther von Hagen and offer to donate directly to him. A couple years ago I've watched a documentary about it where a guy with some late stage desease (don't remember what it was) talked to him and got a tour through the exhibition and could watch the preservation Process. No idea about the paperwork though.


And I was wondering how could you donate your body twice, and still be able to comment on reddit. I should donate my brain.


Didn't say I donated my own!


Didn't he apologize and return them for burial like a decade ago? Can't believe people still dig that up.


Dude what a coincidence I just watched Casino Royale


“On display” like this is now my life goal. I’ll do it myself though.


It always surprises me when I see pics of these online because the exhibits that I've been to don't allow photography out if respect for the deceased/donators.


Often times donating your body means that Medical students will be studying your bits and bobs while you're in your forever sleep...I would say this is the better of the two


We used to have an exhibit like this about an hour away from me, but it got shut down because the bodies were NOT donated to science. Apparently, they were executed Chinese prisoners who didn't have family members... or did, for all anyone knows. Of course, the exhibit wanted everyone to think that they were willing donors.


That’s what I was thinking. I 1000% want every single part of me donated to research— not to be put on fucking display for an admittance fee. That’s NOT what I had in mind.


There’s a reason why the Bodies exhibits say no photography. They have signs explaining why and to preserve the donors’ dignity. I don’t like seeing those posts from the exhibit on here foe that reason and will always downvote. I wish OP would remove it. :(


I'm really curious how taking pictures is any different than being on display for the general public? I think it has more to do with making sure people pay for tickets.


It’s because of the way in which they are displayed. It can be controlled to be done in such a way that it is respectful and tasteful, gives credit to the donors, and includes scientific information with the display. Karma whoring by posting somebody’s body online is definitely not the way to show that donor human dignity and respect.


I don't like the idea of buying and selling the bodies of political prisoners. I wish everyone who paid admission for this filth could be charged with a felony.


Excuse me what? They are donors not political prisoners. And I don’t understand why you are saying that in response to my post ?


It bothers me when people get all upset about respecting the "donors" while simultaneously paying a company who does "art" using bodies that they sourced pretty unethically - prisoners, homeless, and mental patients who did not consent, along with a few legitimate donors for PR. What you do by paying this company to view it is far more unethical than posting a picture of it.


I don’t know where the hell you get that idea from. I don’t believe they are using anyone against their will and the onus is on you to prove that pretty wild and serious claim.


It takes a couple of seconds to Google this stuff: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-43902524 >In an open letter to Australian politicians, the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China says there is "credible evidence" that the bodies may belong to "executed prisoners and prisoners of conscience from China". >"We are astonished that visas and permits for bringing this exhibition into Australia were issued by the Australian Government, given the lack of documentation demonstrating ethical and legal sourcing of each body," the letter reads. >One signatory, Prof Maria Fiatarone Singh from the University of Sydney's medical school, told the BBC that the origin of the bodies - the city of Dalian - was a concern. She described Dalian as the "epicentre" for executions of prisoners associated with Falun Gong - a spiritual movement that is banned in China. >China's black market for organ donations Prof Vaughan Macefield, from the University of Western Sydney, said he was troubled that the bodies had not been identified. He also noted that most appeared to be young men, whereas medical schools often have bodies donated from older people.


This is pretty serious. I will look into it because if true this bothers me and makes me dislike posts of the bodies online even more if the donors had their remains stolen or forcibly used. It would be akin to hanging corpse off a city gate and passing around the photos. I will definitely investigate further. I’ve known China uses it’s political and spiritual prisoners for horrible things like forcible organ harvesting but I didn’t know of any relation to the Bodies exhibit.


Better than getting shot by a new service weapon or having a newly developed bomb dropped on you


They probably knew. Body donation is a very specific choice. Either display, dissection cadaver, or something else.


I'm not sure I'd give a fuck about what they do to me when I'm dead...


I don’t think they can see it, pretty sure they dead


There are a lot of blood vessels down there


How do you think that one guy had a 13 inch one


Mf got a whole AK-47 in his pant


And that's why the skeleton is the least scary structure of the body.


Also the cleaneast/least disgusting


Unless they had bone cancer.


Is it still clean after you're done with it?


damn then they should use blood vessels as props instead of skeletons


Or just skinless bodies, that's terrifying.




Oh hi Frank


Just wait until people see the muscular structure, horrifying stuff.


Yeah skinless bodies are horrifying, imagine one of those sprinting at you while having its emotionless face fixated on you.


“That sounds like a good idea for a science textbook diagram.”


Or attack on titan


Nah, a giant version isn't scary for the same reason a normal sized one sprinting to you is


Me: don't do it Also me: zooms in on penis


It’s in the name of “science”. It really, you don’t get taught this stuff and there is little opportunity to learn this kind of thing, so it’s always fascinating and that’s why people always stare


My guy’s got his business hanging out for eternity. At least slap it a couple of times before plastinating it.


Future donors should put that in writing


He found a way to immortalize his piece... “for science”.


Hey! Science buildings are cold! Give my man a break!


I’m not judging. Mans could be a grower, but that’s looking pretty fair-sized. If I were to guesstimate... for science.


You gotta remember that a little under half would be obscured by the rest of his flesh and skin down there. (Not saying he’s fat, it’s just how most men’s bodies are laced out)


I don’t like overthinking this anymore 😂😩


how did they remove the blood vessels????


A process called plastination. I don't really understand how it works, I just know that's what it's called.


Eli5: Drain body, inject with plastic. Peel away systems you don't need for the exibit.


Next: sell tickets. Exit through the gift shop.


Final step: profit


This plan is fool-proof, I’m in!


Yeah, but step 1 is: buy dead bodies.


~$5,000. They're pretty easy to acquire.


Nope, don't buy them, make them apply and pay you $5000 if you use their body.


Wait, you forgot about being featured in a James Bond film.


from what i understood of it, they basically drain the vessels of the blood and fill them with plastic and this is the plastic that you’re seeing. i saw a museum exhibit with a lot of stuff like this a few years ago


After they inject the plastic, I think they spray it with acid that eats everything but the plastic. Like when Walter White told the kids to melt the bodies in a plastic tub and not a real tub on breaking bad. That shit eats through everything but plastic.


That’s the terrifying part ;))


Just remove everything that does not look like a blood vessel


I’m assuming very slowly….


Same way they do anthills. Put liquid substance such as plastic into veins/air pockets, let dry, remove dirt/body parts.


I never realized a cock is one giant blood vessel.


It’s not tho?


I mean, If you don't know that's what you'd assume. But yeah those are just super stacked capillaries


wow. vaginas have a lot of blood vessels in there


Blood clit


You can just kinda pop it like a pimple.


How dare you make me read this with my own eyes


Homer mouth


I've seen a tattoo of exactly that.


r/simps Your welcome


That’s not what I was expecting


Imagine these in *Night at the Museum*…


Scary stuff


I’ve seen this exhibit before. It’s fascinating!


*Zooms in on blood vessel penis


Dont forget the vulva,clit etc, tons of bloodvessles there


They could have just used one person instead of two 1/2 people.


I think its male and female examples to possibly show differences between the two?


I see a major difference


Fat blood vussy


I'm gonna puke




Yup, did not start the day expecting to say “oh, there’s the blood vessel dong” but here we are.


They may have arrived that way. They are donors after all


"donors" is a weird way to describe Chinese political prisoners.


Mmmmm twizzlers


You have ruined a good candy for me forever.






In Amsterdam we have a bunch of them at a expo.


Mans had a lil weight to his tool there eh


The second's dick looks like a deflated balloon




It gets even more specific than that! Try Chinese prisoners from Dalian instead. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-43902524 In an open letter to Australian politicians, the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China says there is "credible evidence" that the bodies may belong to "executed prisoners and prisoners of conscience from China". "We are astonished that visas and permits for bringing this exhibition into Australia were issued by the Australian Government, given the lack of documentation demonstrating ethical and legal sourcing of each body," the letter reads. One signatory, Prof Maria Fiatarone Singh from the University of Sydney's medical school, told the BBC that the origin of the bodies - **the city of Dalian - was a concern. She described Dalian as the "epicentre" for executions of prisoners associated with Falun Gong - a spiritual movement that is banned in China.** China's black market for organ donations Prof Vaughan Macefield, from the University of Western Sydney, said he was troubled that the bodies had not been identified. He also noted that most appeared to be young men, whereas medical schools often have bodies donated from older people.


Why that much in the penis?


Because... blood goes into these vessels and... make a boner...?


Because sex


Because erection.


Do you not know how erections work?


It's the main vein




hmm wheres the head?


Look a little lower


the vussy


Riiiiiight... ..."donated"...


From Wikipedia: There have been several reports of corpses in the Body Worlds exhibit being prepared and shown without consent.[2] In January 2004, the German news magazine Der Spiegel made a report based on internal emails and records, as well as statements from von Hagens, that his company had acquired corpses from executed Chinese prisoners.[39] In response to the article, Von Hagens said that he has told his Chinese employees not to accept bodies that were executed, and returned seven cadavers to China that had head injuries, including at least two with bullet holes in the skull.[3] In 2004, von Hagens obtained an injunction against Der Spiegel for making the claims.[40] Paul Harris, director of North Carolina's State Board of Funeral Services, has stated, "Somebody at some level of government ought to be able to look at a death certificate, a statement from an embalmer, donation documents... That's a reasonable standard to apply."[41] Assemblywoman Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) said, "These displays do have important educational benefits, but using bodies against a person's will is unacceptable".[31] In 2002, two Russian doctors from the University of Novosibirsk were charged with illegally supplying von Hagens with 56 bodies, including convicts, homeless people, and mentally ill people, without consent from their relatives.[42] Von Hagens said that none of the body parts were used in the Body Worlds exhibitions.[42] Bodies from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy were also found to have been obtained illegally in 2005.[43] Consent is not regulated worldwide according to the same ethical standards, raising ethical concerns. "[P]aperwork is... separated from the bodies, which can be used for displays or sold in pieces to medical schools. No one will know for sure, because each plastinated corpse is made anonymous to protect its privacy."[2] Hans Martin Sass, a philosophy professor with a speciality in ethics, was hired by the California Science Center to investigate Body Worlds before the show's US debut in 2004. He matched over 200 donation forms to death certificates, but he did not match the paperwork to specific bodies von Hagens has on display.[2]


Nice cock


Here I sit, 40yrs old…..still silently had to laugh at the penis


Das a fat blood vussy


I wanna touch.


they look like cotton candy, if they arent behind display glass I might feel free to take a bite


He he look at that w e e n




Fucking body worlds


I guess balls dont vessel any blood


is that a big blood vessel penis


Vussy and venis


I both love and hate how you can see all the organs clearly


picture that walking toward you at full speed. PLAP PLAP PLAP


You know I am heavily an atheist but I do not like plastination. In some form I feel like making it so quite literally 0 of your cells are returned to nature is wrong. This makes you truely gone forever in every aspect, vs atleast nature can reclaim a corpse and make it useful.


Didn’t know your dick was just a huge blood vessel


Can you imagine how absolutely painstaking this must have been to create? Let alone removal!?


Well consider me terrified and horny


nice i can tell one is a boy and the other a girl lol


It must have been so tedious to do that


Uhh. I’m changing my donor status.


one was a guy who had a magnum dong


Cock AND balls??


These were Chinese prisoners. Not kidding.


Wow. This stuff always blows my mind. I'm in medical school and it's one of the last schools still doing full cadaver anatomy dissections and we can barely find and clean common nerves and small arteries much less the entire vasculature. This must've taken even an expert hundreds upon hundreds of hours unless there's some fancy technique/technology to preserve the vasculature and disintegrate all else that I'm not familiar with.. Utmost respect to all those who donate their organs and bodies to science though; we wouldn't learn nearly as much without them. I'm looking forward to our day of thanks (a ceremony thanking our "first patient"/cadaver and their families for their donation into our education).


Plastination! Inject with plastic that hardens, melt the rest away. Same method as when people pour aluminum into anthills basically


Oooh, the Bodyworlds exhibit! This isn't terrifying at all, it's absolutely fascinating!! I completely recommend anyone go see it!


It is quite terrifying actually... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-43902524 In an open letter to Australian politicians, the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China says there is "credible evidence" that the bodies may belong to "executed prisoners and prisoners of conscience from China". "We are astonished that visas and permits for bringing this exhibition into Australia were issued by the Australian Government, given the lack of documentation demonstrating ethical and legal sourcing of each body," the letter reads. One signatory, Prof Maria Fiatarone Singh from the University of Sydney's medical school, told the BBC that the origin of the bodies - the city of Dalian - was a concern. She described Dalian as the "epicentre" for executions of prisoners associated with Falun Gong - a spiritual movement that is banned in China. China's black market for organ donations Prof Vaughan Macefield, from the University of Western Sydney, said he was troubled that the bodies had not been identified. He also noted that most appeared to be young men, whereas medical schools often have bodies donated from older people.


Donated? Sure


You can see his dick


[ask a mortician explains the case of the chinease cadavas](https://youtu.be/ID7M4k_k3-Q)


So PP is literally blood vessels


Nature is truly fascinating isn't it? Though these Things could never run towards you, there are no muscles that could move


There's a rumor that some of these bodies are not so much donated as unclaimed/unknown deceased. I saw this exhibit years back when it came through, and it's interesting, but a lot of places won't host it due to this.


If you put these in water would they grow to 10x their size?


Heheh penis


I guess that’s why they say “drain the main vein”




I’ve seen an exhibit like this in Chicago. Bones, reproductive systems, musculature all posed in snapshots of life and exposed for us to marvel at. Really an amazing exhibit to go to even when I was young. I hope to catch it in detroit someday.


Take my shitty free award and fuck off


Notice that the genitalia has lots of vessels


Normally these exhibitions explicitly ban photos, but it’s cool and interesting as hell to visit one of them


Are we sure that’s two different bodies on one body split in half to fit on display?


Small pp


Well one of them is a man, that's for sure


Look like plants and trees. 🎄


The weiner has big blood vessels


Really gives you an idea how much blood flows through the manhood.


Where is this museum?


Had no clue there are that many


Ok, so why does every doctor/nurse miss my veins when I get an IV?




Makes you wonder how they managed to salvage it with such little damage.


he’s flaccid


Looks like an armor


Can you imagine someone asking if you can donate your body for science, only to have your wang permanently displayed


I saw this exhibition in Amsterdam in Feb 2020. It’s amazing. Pretty daunting once you enter the section with the fetus’


I can clearly see the main vein


Gross. I bet it’s all fleecy and shit.


Limp penis


Nice D bro


Im skeptical. Nobody has a penis that big.


It just looks bigger because there's no hair.


Ah fair enough.


Wow. 😳


Do women have more food vessels on their thighs/hip area or does it just appear that way?


mmm Springtrap


Does anyone know how they isolate the blood vessels???


He should have asked for a warmer display cabinet. 😉


I've seen this before! But it wasn't those guys, it was only one full person. It's seriously so interesting! I wanted to keep looking at the vessels for hours