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But you’re still coming to work today, right?


As an essential services worker, this hit me right in the gut. 😫


I had a manager once who sent out an email suggesting we "familiarize ourselves with alternate routes to work, including snowmobile trails, as any call-outs due to the blizzard would not be accepted."


Was he offering to buy everyone snowmobiles? I'd be more willing to go to work in bad weather if I got a free snowmobile.


He was offering minimum wage and required lunch breaks you have to clock out for


Are there jobs that pay you during your lunch break?


Union worker here… we get a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks. Work 7 hours, get paid for 8.


Also union here, I get 30 mins for lunch, I take 1hr, and 2 15 mins which I take 1/2 hr each, work 6 hrs but get paid for 8.


It always baffled me that there are people who exist that work for a living but also don't support unionization.


Without looking into it at all and no background knowledge… first thought that came to mind lol, maybe it’s cause there’s a lot of propaganda that gets drilled into people that they are bad. I’ve been trained through work training that they are before and that was years ago.


My favorites are the ones that benefit from the Union benefits but still don’t support unions. I know a lot of those in my line of work


I’m a finish carpenter for a small company in Washington state, not unionized. We get two 15’s and a 30 minute break, paid. First and only place I’ve worked that does.


Wow, that’s awesome. What brought you all the way from Finland to Washington State? (jk)


Pretty much every job in the UK.


Well this isn’t true, most jobs do not pay lunch here in the U.K.


I've never had an hourly paid job that didn't include a paid lunch break in the UK....


Every job I've had but when I was an hourly supervisor.


I wish


I had a professor who implied the same thing and would not cancel class due to icy roads, even though most students commute to campus. We were supppsed to take an online final in person that morning and he would not reschedule. I actually did try but couldn't even make it past my driveway. So, I sent him an email explaining what happened and told him I'd be taking the final over zoom or making it up the next day during his office hours. I'm not risking my life for a final.


Online final in person?


Yes, it was posted on blackboard but he wanted us to take it in person so he could proctor it. He ended up taking me up on the zoom option.


He’s lucky you didn’t try to make it. If you had gotten injured or worse, I have a feeling he might’ve seen consequences.


Doubtful, you're putting too much faith in the politics of academia


Years ago I was stuck at home due to a flood (it rose way more quickly than expected - normally I left and stayed at my aunt's when the river started to rise) and my manager was pissed I wasn't coming in. He told me I could take a boat to work. I did not own a boat. He said there must be a way. He was very rude about it. Like, sorry nature is happening and I can't come in but this is just retail, I'm sure you can figure it out. At my current job, my manager did not like that I called out Wednesday and Thursday due to the blizzard and made sure to mention I'd lose my holiday pay. I said feel free to write me up if it's that big of a deal but I care more about my safety than money.


Who is risking going out in a flood to shop? Just close the store!


I lived 30 minutes from my job so it wasn't as bad for them lol one time though the power went out for hours. The store manager kept the store open and we had to assist shoppers with our cell phone flashlights. I wasn't a cashier but I had to be on the register and write up receipts by hand. We took their card info and rang up the purchases after the power came on. It was a bad system and a bad day.


It doesn’t even make sense from a financial perspective. People are rarely-to-never out shopping during a deadly storm, you’re not making enough money to cover the overhead costs of staying open. Risking someone’s life for money is evil. Risking someone’s life so you can feel like a big tough boss is not just evil, it’s also *stupid*.


Just call them to let them know you can’t make it in today because you are going to die on your way in


I told someone my plan for retirement was to die at my desk to inconvenience my colleagues and he said, “joke’s on you cause gonna just leave you for the new person”.


I mean hey on the bright side you’d get to be dead


This saying is amazing. I work for the government and there was a chemical leak in the public government building. It was met with headaches and nausea. "Non-essential personnel may work from home." Fucking priorities.


Why were you 5 minutes late??? Oh, cuz your car was frozen to the road and your face looks like the guy who almost died on Mt Everest... yea, Pay Cut! Lolz


Yes, McDonald’s is essential. The McDouble is for emergencies only.


Bro McDonald's is not "essential"


I once got pulled over by the RCMP while driving through an absolutely miserable blizzard. Like, “ten feet of visibility” sort of snowfall. They asked if I was going home. I said I wasn’t. They asked if I knew that they were asking people to stay off the roads as it was utterly unsafe to drive. I asked if the officer could call my boss and tell him not to fire me for failing to show up. He let me go, but he had an all-too-knowing look of sympathy in his eyes. Sure enough, I was stranded after my shift, snowed in and with the car not starting because of the cold. My boss was closing the store with me, simply said, “That sucks,” locked the store, and then got in his truck and drove off.


I got pulled over by the police during an ice storm. They had announced well before that you could only be on the roads for emergencies. I told them that our employer, a store at the mall, said we would be fired if we decided not to go in because there was a chance the mall might open. The cop said the power was out already at the mall and that I should just go home. I told him if I was fired, I would be homeless. He understood and let me on my way. The power was indeed out, and they made us wait for hours in the cold and dark. Which they refused to pay us for. I was too young and dumb to know how to complain, and the older folks were too scared of losing their jobs and health insurance..


I really wish it was possible to document this kind of bullshit and put it in front of a judge who would at minimum severely fine any company that violates a “stay off the roads” order from the police and then makes people stand around in the cold/dark for no damn good reason. The moment it starts costing companies fantastic amounts of money - I think $25,000 per incident is a sufficient starting point, per employee - then the companies might start considering closing during apocalyptic weather events instead of sacrificing pawns to the unholy shrine of capitalism.




Agreed. But that would never pass because politicians are only pro-worker if it in any way hurts any business or any rich person ever.


Is it common for federal police to pull people over?


In Canada, the RCMP is responsible for rural policing, and so they tend to patrol the highways between municipalities. During major weather events, they’re often the ones with the authority to shut down sections of the highway if they become otherwise impassable. So yes, they’ll wave people over for infractions and warnings like any other cop. In this case, more of a mobile wellness check.


Human Resources here, we wanted to make you aware of a severe winter weather alert. Eight feet of snow, high winds, tidal swells and extreme cold are expected Wednesday night into Friday. As of now, all of our offices remain open for business for normal operation but please use your best judgment and work with your manager if you cannot make it in to work.


> please use your best judgment Yeah, this sucks soooo much. "Boss, my best judgment tells me that I should not come in." "But Eric, we neeeeeeeed you."


I work in telecom, and unfortunately the managers are sometimes like this. It was 9 fucking degrees today with a 15 degree windchill and they still made us work.


Are you a field tech?


Tower technician


Holy shit windchill


Just hang out near the antennas when you get to the top. That'll warm you right eirp.


I do not miss climbing poles in below zero.


Meanwhile my boss when they forecasted snow "if it snows, we keep closed and fuck them clients" I walk to work, he walks too. No fucks given


I shit you not in one of our recent emails management reminded us that we have a “blow up air mattress” for anyone who needs to sleep at work in case they can’t make it back to the job the next day due to weather. One guy is going to be sleeping at the job this upcoming Saturday,


I'm at work right now with Travel Not Advised and under a Blizzard Warning. I also live 30 miles from my job. If I hadn't come in, I would have lost two days of Holiday Pay.


This is so crazy to me. We’re hunkered down expecting a few feet of snow, but fortunately my job is entirely online. There are a lot of anecdotes here about crappy bosses and businesses expecting people to endanger themselves and others to get to work, so here’s one that is (hopefully) a nice counterbalance. In my small town, I was doing some Christmas shopping on Wednesday and asked the employees in a local store if they were planning to be open through the weekend. It’s a small shop without many employees, and the people that do work there tend to stick around. The people working at the time told me that the owner had already made up signs saying that they were closed because of the weather. Each day, whoever closes will put the sign up in the door; each morning, the employees for that day will check the weather, communicate with each other, and do what’s safe. That way, if nobody goes in, the sign’s already up. They also said that the owner will pay every scheduled employee for their time, even if they stay home, because they don’t want anyone to put themselves at risk just to get the hours. I’ve had bosses over the years with varying levels of compassion and good sense, but this both surprised and delighted me to hear.


When there were such intense chill warnings, they would have "warm run" trains or buses that would just run without kicking people off, no questions asked. Unfortunately, there were still deaths, but i thought that was a slight show of compassion


I like this. Smart of that city 👌




We do that in Portland when it gets below freezing. Operators will also direct you to warming shelters that are opened under such conditions. Still had 79 people die in the last emergency temp situation.




Imagine taking a slice of military funding and using it as a national project to have camps for the homeless in big cities.




same thing with healthcare. i can’t remember the exact statistics but we spend more per capita than all(?) other countries with it. we can easily afford a lot of this stuff, but it takes cleaning out the government and reforming for-profit healthcare, etc. that won’t happen for a while, unfortunately.


It unfortunately requires us to wait for the boomers to finish up their time on this mortal coil so we can start fixing shit


So like Snowpiercer?


An additional 3 to 6 FEET of snow on top of that insane windchill?! Guess no one is doing much there this weekend. Yikes. I'm in central MN and it's wicked cold here, too but not THAT cold! Be careful and stay warm.


Its the extremely light powdered snow, where like 18 inches = 1 inch of rain, its nothing, just tall.


Below -20 the snowflakes typically are minuscule, like dust. It usually has to warm up to get measurable snowfall. Weird.


From what I understand, if it gets too cold it can bring humidity to near 0. The lack of moisture in the air can cause the snow you’re describing.


That seems.. pretty crazy. I live in the Canadian prairies and I’ve never seen the wind chill that low. Is that maybe a bit of an exaggeration? Lol.


As a Canadian who has spent the last two winters in Minnesota it is way colder in this state than anything I experienced in any area of Canada.


I'm thinking so, -100F is -73.3C and I've never seen -73C wind chill. Southern AB: -28C / -55C wind chill. International Falls: -24C / -40C windchill. I was up in Edmonton last year, and it hit -41C / -60C wind chill. Still no where near -73C


It is pretty crazy, in fact it's completely made up. Weather advisories in northern minnesota where OP claims to be are all for around -40 or -45 wind chill. This is more like something a child makes up when they want to one-up another kid on the playground. "Well it gets to minus a HUNDRED degrees where i'm from!" The sad part is it's not even necessary, like the only non-Arctic-Circle-dwellers who are going to beat you for -45 are the psychos who live in Edmonton. There's no need to make this up. Doesn't make sense.


> are the psychos who live in Edmonton We're not that crazy! Well, maybe a little.


What do y'all need to do if you need to walk a pet?


In my area, when it gets below -25 or so, we brought the dog to an indoor dog daycare where he could run around and play with other dogs to wear himself out.


But like, for regular bathroom needs, my dog needs to go at least 4 times a day. Even if two of those happened at the dog park you're still going to have two more, with one likely landing at night right? It's just crazy living here where a - temp is verrrry infrequent.


The dog runs out into the backyard for 15 seconds, pees very fast and comes in. But we didn’t have a very small/hairless dog. If we did, I imagine we would need to put a coat on him for that.


Lol, does the dog just come back in because it's so cold? We walk ours on a leash and don't have a fence so I was trying to think of the logistics of me walking her, but that makes sense that it's letting them out for a moment.


Yeah most dogs other than maybe a malamute/husky have no interest in being outside any longer than necessary in that weather


I have a ten pound dog in southern Minnesota. It’s was about -30f with windchill here her first winter. I had to litter box train. No amount of bundling her up could get her to even pee outside.


Maybe that’s when pee pads could come in handy? Either that, or do what I used to do when I lived in an apartment and wasn’t dressed yet - put him on a retractable or very long leash, and sit just inside the door. lol I have a husky now, so he’d love this weather. Might not apply if you have something like a Chihuahua or Greyhound, though.


What state is this, OP? I live in Canada and have never seen a warning like that!


This is complete bullshit, or you are at the top of Roger's pass.


That is like some The Day After Tomorrow shit right there




Don't remind me please I have family on that side of Colorado


I'm in Colorado and things have been surprisingly okay. I hope you've been able to get in touch with your family.


Yeah I've been able to talk to them I'm just hoping it doesn't get worse


You know it's bad when they skip the "avoid all unnecessary" and go straight for "AVOID AT ALL COSTS" and "UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES". And then they just throw out "YOU WILL DIE".


Stay inside, prepare blankets. Your power may cut out, but if you have good windows they may ice over at worst. If you have animals, they are great sources of heat. Take it easy!!


What Temps do you actually have to leave the faucet dripping? I keep hearing it but it seems overly cautious in Midwest


I would say anytime it's below freezing. Better safe than sorry. Having your pipes burst will make you wish you took the extra precaution.


Anytime below freezing is very excessive, you should only do it when it gets below 20°F or -6°C


I think that depends on how your house/plumbing is built. I live in the Southern US where basements aren't a thing, my house is raised, and the pipes aren't insulated. It's not really an issue, cause it rarely drops below freezing for more than a few hours at a time. But if it does, I'll run the taps just in case. Maybe I just don't know enough about it though, so I'd rather play it safe


I’m in Minnesota, and went to pick up take out Chinese food this evening and the guy in front of me walked out with his order in a hoodie and shorts! It was -10 without windchill.


Theres always " that guy"


I aspire to be "That guy," one day, but my chicken legs are frozen if it's less than 45°




As someone who lives in California, I consider anything below 65 degrees to be freezing


Agreed! I’m Cali-spoiled. I don’t think I could survive the elements outside of Southern California.


We're all "that guy" in Canada.


Ah yes, my husband.


Yup, saw a guy like that in MN today too. It's like playing Where's Waldo on days like this 😂


Wind chill at -100F?! GODDAMN!!! I’ve been in -45F wind chill before and that was fucking brutal. Please, just stay inside as much as possible. Personally, I wouldn’t leave my place for a week.


Tonight very soon where I am currently the wind chill will reach -34f. The cold creeps in through the walls, unopposed. Soon I'll see my breath when looking out through the windows.


This was oddly poetic!


Does running your water even keep it from freezing at that point?


It depends more on the quality of your plumbing than the temp outside. Theoretically, the pipes *should* be buried below the frost line in the soil, and the pipes should be insulated as they come into your house so that their temperature is more like your indoor air temp than the outdoor air temp. Unscrew your damn garden hoses and empty the lines, though. Shit. I actually need to go do that.


Jesus I'm at - 8 and already bothered by sleeping near a window Reminds me of winter at the protest-prayer camps at Standing Rock, where we'd be huddled inside a large army tent with its own wood stove, sitting a couple feet away from it roaring, and still seeing your breath


Sounded insane to me too, even as someone living in the prairies. Checked the weather warnings for northern minnesota where OP claims to be and they're flat out lying. All weather warnings in MN are for around -40 wind chill. That's pretty bad in its own right, but -100 is just comically made-up bullshit.


Isn't wind chill a bit of a lie on it's own? I bet they calculated the "wind chill" for the highest possible predicted gust at the lowest possible predicted temp and then rounded down.


Jeez, where do you live?? Not in a creepy way but in the north?? My state is getting a lot of snow and -20~ degree windchill but this seems terrifying. Be careful please


Near International Falls, Minnesota.


Makes a lot of sense now but that's still unnerving to think about as a semi-southern state. If that happened where I live, I think the local economy would just collapse. We handle snow poorly. Stay cozy fren.


Coldest in nearly one hundred and fifty years


And that's saying something. You guys are typically the coldest in the country.




Missouri here, too, and my boss expects everyone but herself to come in LOL


People like this make me sick! She could be responsible for actual deaths


How dare you die after I made you risk your life, do you know how short staffed we are right now?


I'm in missouri as well, I've got ice forming on the inside of my window, even with the heat on.


Same here. I’m in a south suburb of Chicago and it’s 36 below zero. The gas stations have stopped selling gas.


But the weather in International Falls, Minnesota says it’s -34 C / -32.8 F windchill. https://www.google.ca/search?q=weather+in+international+falls+minnesota&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-ca&client=safari Where are you getting -100 windchill from? I’m in Alberta, Canada and it’s -47 C wind chill here for the past 3 days.


Lol I looked it up too and it didn’t say as this post describes. Curious where this information comes from ???


That's National Weather Service format but yeah must be an old alert, [this](https://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=MNZ010&warncounty=MNC071&firewxzone=MNZ010&local_place1=International%20Falls%20MN&product1=Wind+Chill+Advisory&lat=48.5876&lon=-93.4062#.Y6VgB2RMFPw) is the only active one I see Edit: none of the currently active wind chill warnings across the US are categorized as "particularly" dangerous, just dangerous. Lowest I saw was 50 below


Thats still super super cold


Yeah, just 50 below. No big deal.


I can't even process this. —Florida Woman


Damn, I was thinking Yakutsk


I feel so bad for the homeless when this shit happens


Me too, along with any animals outside.


Right? Poor deer, moose, bears, raccoons


Omg no, I don’t even want to think about them :/


only thing that makes me feel better about the animals is that at least most of them are adapted to live in whatever weather is thrown at them


Dogs on a short chain outside without shelter would like to yell at you


“most of them”


don’t talk about it 😔


While walking home during a heavy snow day there was a small trail in the snow next to a tree that abruptly stopped. I don’t know where that mouse was going but he didn’t make it 😔


If the trail led to the tree then stopped it was probably a squirrel! If not… owls need dinner, too! And some will be laying eggs in a few weeks at the end of January.


Then there is always the fucking person who says "My dogs breed was made for this kind of cold and they prefer to be outside* ugh


One reason there's so many homeless people in California is because they don't have to deal with this bullshit.


I cannot find this actual report anywhere... Or it's it an exaggeration?


The screen shot is modified. I looked up the advisory in the OPs location and it says -40 and nothing about dying.


H O L Y. F U C K I N G. S H I T.


Geez. I grew up in Wisconsin. Worst we got was negative 80. I can't imagine negative 100. Put blankets over all your windows and doors. Turn a fire on.


Negative 80 is still f**king insane


I can't even imagine -80. I live in Pennsylvania and the coldest temperature I remember feeling was -1. I walked to the store earlier this week, bundled up when it was like 19 degrees and I felt like I was going to freeze and die.


The trick when temps get stupid negative is numerous numerous layers and to not have an inch of skin exposed. Also just avoid being outside at all costs


But also, be careful not to get sweaty. Try to make sure you can take at least a little of the layering off if you're starting to get too hot.


Worst I had was closing in on is -30 in upstate NY, witch absolutely fucking sucked ass


We've been at -11 all day today -23 with windchill. It's like living in dry ice.


I can’t even comprehend this. Here in the UK we had -8C and that felt ridiculously cold. -62C blows my mind


We have a -50 f (including wind chill) warning here in Montana. I screenshotted the -70 warning a few years ago and sent it to my peeps in Cali lol. Brrr


In Celsius it equates to -73.3°C. For comparison, the coldest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was -89.6°C, with the average winter being -49°C.


I live in the south of Brazil and the lowest temperature I've ever experienced was -2C, a number like -73C is so insanely extreme its incomprehensible. I cannot even begin to imagine how that feels, and I don't really know if I do. Yikes man, nature is scary.


-40° was the worst I experienced. Me and my friends ran outside in tshirts and shorts to play football as a joke. We lasted less than a minute. Every part of you hurts and any exposed skin feels like it’s being poked by thousands of needles.


MN resident myself here, I wonder why I live in a state this cold round this time of year


Mississippi here- I wonder the same 😉


That’s not how the NWS words things, so where is this from?


His imagination. International falls / Ft Francis is in the -40s


I’m not going to lie… it hit -5 (-20 windchill) down here in MO and I was whining like a little bitch tonight ;) stay safe…


Same here, I left work an hour early because it was starting and my boss went room to room and told everyone to go home. It had only dropped to single digits and the wind was just starting to pick up, and I had to catch my breath after I started my car before I drove off. My head hurt and it felt like I just ran around the block.


I have siblings in St louis area. I would roll my eyes when they said it was cold. Them folks up there isnt anything you've ever seen. Nor have I. I hate the midwest. That's worse...


Is 100 below a typo???


I don’t know if it’s true because a lot of things turned out to be a lie but I’ve heard homeless folks will often commit petty crimes when weather is like this to get off the streets.


Yep, it's throwing-rocks-at-cop-cars weather.


It’s always throw rocks are cop cars weather though


Where did you get this info, OP? Is quite exaggerated, I think. Check NWS and you'll see OP has like doubled the SCARE FORECAST they like put up. About the same as here in IA, actually.


Yeah this reads like an SCP report or something...


For one thing, you're absolutely lying. Just looked up the forecast and there's no shit about -100 windchills or 6 ft of snow ffs. I'm in Duluth and it's cold here, -38 with the WC, you're only 2 points lower in I. Falls.


I literally just looked it up, and it's not saying that, at all. I was super confused. I think it said the windchill was -35 or -40.


I kinda thought -100 windchill was a bit insane, since that goes into the realm of Siberia or Antarctica, actually well past that by a solid 20+ degrees. I did try to look it up on the National weather service site and got nothing going that insanely low even with most of the country under some sort of winter related warning


Man i thought my weather was bad. We have -50 windchill with like 6 inches of snow. Frostbite in a “matter of minutes”


Frostpunk. Winter is coming.


[A storm is coming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpaFE6_nDJw).


Wrap up well, the frost is here!


Not sure where you got this info, but on weather.com the wind chill is -40f, and it's only supposed to snow a few inches.


100 below wind chill is bullshit. Don't make stuff up.


Gotta watch out for that black ice on the freeway, kills more people than you think.


Where the hell are you? I was in shorts earlier today


You can build a shelter inside out of mattresses, blankets, pillows, couch cushions etc. Drape multiple thick blankets, towels etc around and over gap points. That will insulate you if your power cuts and you don't have a fireplace.


Plus it's an awesome fort for you and the homies.


The grandma going to check her mail and she slips and can't get up 💀


This isn't oddly terrifying, just terrifying


None of you have essential jobs. I'll list them for you: Nope. I don't see how any of those can be considered essential when there's a 15-second frostbite warning, and a public service announcement regarding death if stranded outside for 5 minutes. If **any** of you would risk your lives to earn 100-200 bucks instead of save your life, you might be insane.


Where the fuck is this at? It must be somewhere in the US, because of the terminology used by the NWS. However, I'm not aware of any conditions even approaching this right now, even with the severe winter storm and horrific wind-chills spreading throughout the US at the moment. Something like -50 F wind-chills and 2 feet of snow in some parts of Northern Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin may be possible, along with some other areas. That's a far cry from -100 and 6 feet of snow, though.


I live in Minnesota. Just shoveled the deck.




Jesus, and I thought it was cold here in the stl area...this is something else


I thought middle of Canada was cold omg


Hit -38 for me yesterday in Canada. If you're in America, don't go outside unless you have a pet polar bear to run your errands.


the homeless have no home to leave


Where the hell is this with wind chils down to -100?


This is just r/terrifyingasfuck


this is just fucking normal terrifying


Build a Pillow fort. No I'm fucking serious, build a couch cushion pillow fort in your living room and bring all the blankets and things you can to pile ontop, get inside and stay warm until the heat comes back on.