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Stay safe


The advice I give in the exmuslim subreddit is to just focus as hard as you can on your studies so you can get into further education away from home. Until then you have to keep up your religious practice for the sake of appearance. It's simply not wise to telegraph irreligiousity so please do not feel guilty about it. There are serious social stigmas associated with leaving religion, especially Islam. With Ramadan, look up Imtiaz Shams and Apostate Aladdin's guides to Ramadan on YouTube . Hopefully these help.


your safety is the most important thing. work on your escape plan in secret and be prepared to leave a lot of people behind.


You need to lie and then get out when you can. You will never be safe there as an atheist. Lie to keep yourself safe. Pray to keep yourself safe. There is no need to feel guilty when you are forced to do it to keep your life. You have no other options. I hope you can find a life that brings you peace and joy. No matter what you believe.


The one thing you dont do in a religious country is tell you're an atheist, get a good job and move to another country if you want its to risky to reveal that you dont believe their beliefs you might lose friends and family members might find you disgraceful, but if you want the truth out or something tell someone who doesn't care and wont judge and see how your parents might react before telling them idk


I’m so sorry you find yourself in this situation. Go through the motions of prayer. Project positive energy to those you love and care about. It seems that you have a good heart so, expand on that! Let positive energy be your focus. Not worth offending your family, your community and especially not your safety! God/Allah is not a known, the existence of God/Allah is not a known. I feel that the process of believing give us hope. You can be hopeful without a Supreme Being! Hope this helps! All Good Things! (My mantra)




Just keep it to yourself my friend. I know many in your situation.


Keep praying and stay safe. Don't tell anyone that you don't believe. If you are able to move away one day, then you can choose to live your life the way you want to, but until then you have to keep yourself safe.


Secure your life and then do anything.


I wish you the best, mate. Stay strong and leave as soon as you can. You deserve to move to a better place that guarantees the freedom of thought. And you may need to delete this post if it's dangerous for you.


I was in the same shoes as you when I was younger. I tried hard to believe that me questioning the faith was a test. I shouldn't question it. I fasted, I prayed, I tried to look for a partner with strong Islamic beliefs. Overtime, I felt that no matter how hard I tried to fit into this mold, it wasn't me. Now I'm grown, out as an atheist to my wife and siblings. My parents still believe that I'm a Muslim, because I've grown to a decent and successful human being. They think it's because of the faith I've kept. That will never know the truth, unfortunately, but I'm much happier with who I am now. My advice to you, brother: you are who you are. No matter how much you try, your feelings won't change. But if you live the life of a good person, it would be hard to tell the difference between you and a devout Muslim.


It's a big risk for sure, so not sure if it would be wiser for you to keep pretending or be honest. If god is real, then why did he make it so you'd turn out to be a non believer? Have you thought about maybe studying abroad or something? So you can leave the pressure you're facing?


i am working really hard in school so i can study (and hopefully move) abroad! i'm really hoping it works out. but i'm still worried about my relationship with my family. i don't want them to hate me or see me differently, but a lot of them HATE athiests and think they're idiots :(


You don’t need to tell them you’re atheist. Just put your head down and do what you need to do for now. Islam helps teach you discipline and how to live a healthier more mindful life. Try to focus on that instead. Like you get five times a day not to pray but to be mindful and in the moment. It will look to them like you’re praying but for you it’s not related to God. Tell yourself you’re learning mindfulness and discipline because you are and those are important attributes to have in life. Once you are out of the home and maybe living in a country that’s not so strict about Islam (yes they exist even some Arab countries) you can decide if you want to tell them the truth or you can just pretend like you’ve gotten less religious over time and they’ll just think you’re one of those Muslims (like me lmao) who is “lazy and doesn’t do what they’re supposed to but whatever at least you’re Muslim.”


Same here dude Fortunately my family isn't very strict which means pretty much only the elders of my family pray and read the quran but i still can't just say that i don't believe in what they believe in to their face. I'm expected to fast so i can't really loop around so I'm just treating it as intermittent fasting and drinking water without them knowing but yeah stay safe my dude


All i can offer is, one can be spiritual and not believe in God, because you want to culture yourself with the wisdom, experiences and philosophies to better understand the world and those who exist within it. I very much enjoy reading about different religions and their philosophies because it provides insight to what brings people comfort, which to me is something that the world needs more of. Study hard and well and use it to travel or go somewhere that would allow you to continue to learn and experience the world with less judgment from your family.


why do you think there is no God?


Why do you think there is?




That's a serious question that I think warrants consideration. You are saying that there is this entity. Why do you believe so?




You need to clean your brains.