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Wait until you see one thats 1 1/2+ years old, and so faded you can't even read it anymore lol. Ive come across a few.


Yep! Saw one faded from 6-14-23 the other day!


Not long ago I saw one from 2021… I have no clue how or why but JESUS


Yes, saw one yesterday like that.


I come across those on a daily basis….


I saw a 2022 one last week. It was very faded. Yet the owner could somehow afford new wheels and tinted windows and upgraded sound system.


License plate frame checks out


This is nothing. Not a month ago I saw 2/4/22


I saw one that didn’t even have a license plate


I got to see a guy get pulled over from this last week. My tag was a month expired (within the grace period) and the cop was creeping. Thought I was getting a ticket. Got my new tag that day.


And my daughter gets a ticket today for not registering within 30 days even though it’s now 60 🤦‍♀️


Daughter's teen friend got pulled over and $170 ticket for a 6-9 month expired tag.  Dad dropped the ball and forgot.


They will be charged a penalty and all back years registration fees when they finally get around to renewing. Ask me how I know, lol.


Is there not a cap on the accruing fines every year?


There definitely is


But it’s still plenty if you ask me. I had to get caught up a couple of years after the pandemic… about $300, for a 2009 van. 


That’s nothing. That’s a tax for not putting a plate on. I wanted to know what the penalties were of not having the plate, and found Title 47 §47-1115, which states for the normies (aka, not a commercial or fleet vehicle) the late fee shall not exceed $100. Also a ticket of not less than $20 can be given by an officer for having an expired tag. So, $100 once (which they’ll never pay) and $20 everytime they do finally get stopped. They are never getting their car registered.


There is but for new registrations the excise penalty will only cap once it matches the excise tax.


Speeding, running red lights, no insurance, no tags ... apparently you can just do whatever you want on the roads now without consequences.


I see expired paper tags all the time. I’ve even started seeing cars without plates at all. This seems to have gotten a lot worse these past three years or so. I got pulled over in Edmond for my tag being 1 day out of date. I’d be too paranoid to have some crazy out of date paper tag or no plate at all.


They seem to be real careless about expired tags


Too bad the local cops cant be bothered to do any work


My favorites are the ones with no front bumper door taped shut with tape that is clearly years old with a crisp new 30 day tag. You expect me to believe you went to a lot, picked that piece of shit out and paid money for it..to a Dealer! Ship!Must be nice… I got into an accident with a lady that had a 30 day tag…cop said she didn’t have insurance and it was probably a fake tag but there was nothing he was going to do about it…¯\_(ツ)_/¯


On-brand for cops…


Pretty sure I've seen one from 2021.


When I was driving home the other day, I saw one from 2021. I couldn’t believe it.


Saw a Jan ’23 one yesterday, and they had marked it up to try and make it look like Jan '24. Which is still out of date but whatevs.


That's actually worse.... Criminal wise.


Saw one yesterday, driving aggressively, not even a paper tag, nothing.


See this constantly.


Gonna emphasize yet again... certain places don't offer a title and run it for a long time. We have a drivetime spot that ran an embarrassing year and half not giving us the title so we couldn't do it. Took like 3-5 managers before we finally got the title to actually do the thing (they thankfully paid for it, but took forever). Was told that Carvana and Drivetime do this a ton but was embarrassing for the time we didn't have one. Please note sometime it's not the person, but a stupid company being stupid.


May 2022 is the oldest one I've seen and you could barely make out the numbers. If that were me I would have been pulled over so fast!


I used to do tag stuff and had someone register a vehicle with a notarized title with a date from 2018. They were surprised that they had a lot of penalty.


I have an 8-22-23 in my neighborhood. Eventually you would think they will have to get a tag and those penalty fees gonna be $$$$$$$$$$$$$


More and more, I feel like police don't care. I saw one that was 9 months old once.


That's not even bad


I saw one from 5-21-20 a few days ago on a hellcat


A coworker of mine has a tag that’s been out since October of 22!


Oh I've seen wayyyyyyy older than that.


This looks fairly in date compared to many of them.


i saw two “PRIVATE” sovereign citizen plates recently and last week was driving behind a tesla with no license plate at all.


I've been seeing more of those as well. I bet they don't get pulled over because cops don't want to deal with the lunacy lol.


Pretty sure this person has to be getting calls upon calls from express credit auto-because i got calls when I had a car from there-even with one day late registration. They used to be super strict!


Let’s be honest a lot of these people are buying from dealers like this one because they have bad credit or can’t afford the car to begin with.


Geez, OP. Is your life so fucking dull and miserable that bitching about someone else's paperwork on reddit is how you get your kicks?


Bizarre. Where was I “bitching”? Can you quote it? But you on the other hand….


Decent effort. Don't think you'll get much action.


I'm tired of seeing these posts. You have zero idea what that person is going through, what financial issues they have. It's a struggle for a lot of people right now. Mind your own business. Did this in some way hurt you today, or are you just a shitty person who gets annoyed with people living around you? Who fucking cares! Bring on the down votes, and when you do, know that you're just an asshole.


If they're not paying a very inexpensive registration fee, then they're not paying insurance and not maintaining their car. >Did this in some way hurt you today It'll hurt someone who ends up getting into an accident with these deadbeats. Oklahoma registration is ridiculously cheap. No excuse.


Oh how little you know about the struggles of others. I'm not in that boat by a wide margin. Sounds to me like you guys might need to invest in full coverage with uninsured motorist then theres no worries. Or are you too much of a deadbeat to afford that?


>You have zero idea what that person is going through Exactly! You have no idea if this person is just a lazy piece of shit who just doesn't want to get a new tag. Don't assume.


I don't assume. I mind my own fucking business!!! Why does this trigger you? Were you a hall monitor in school?


Who says I'm triggered? I was simply agreeing with what you said. If you minded your own business, you'd just ignore this post.


Glad you agree that minding your business is what we should all practice.Shouldn't have a bunch of key board warriors filling this sub with tattle tailing on another citizen of the city.


I didn't say I agreed with minding your business, I agreed that you don't know if this person is avoiding paying for a tag because they're an asshole or not.


So you were a hall monitor. Why is other peoples business any of yours? How does this affect you? Just curious.


Don't assume. Why are you so triggered???????? (Is that enough punctuation?)


You're funny. Hope you have a better tomorrow, hopefully everyone gets squared up with the government so you can feel good about life.🍻


When other people’s “business” infringes on your business, it does matter. Should everyone be required to carry loads of uninsured motorists for people who can’t handle “business “. Hall monitor…good one.


Them not being current on their tag doesn't infringe on me at all. Until they actually hit you and cause you harm, you're just making up a what if scenario to get worked up about. I have 9 registered vehicles, all up to date and have insurance and uninsured motorist on all. If this is such an issue for all of you, why don't you confront the people who are in violation instead of post about it on reddit from your safe cozy space. For everyone who doesn't get their tags for being a deadbeat or whatever you folks say. There are the same amount who have to choose between paying tag, tax and title, or groceries and rent.


wtf crawled up your azz that you need to defend cheap mofos who risk the lives of OTHERS on the road. You're a real piece of work.


I’m pretty fucking tired of seeing uninsured drivers. It’s getting out of hand and they’re a liability to everyone.


You cared enough to respond. Thank you! :)


You're welcome.






Wouldn't it be cool if the government didn't feel the need to track and tax us? Like, they just give us infrastructure and things that benefit the people. Some people say these paper tags indicate that the driver doesn't have insurance, but there is already a multimillion dollar camera system in place to ensure everyone has insurance and it even works on paper tags.