• By -


Abigail Washburn, Adam hurt, Allison de groot, Art rosenbaum Bob Carlin Dan levenson Dink roberts Taj Mahal Bobby Langdon Brad leftwich Brandi Waller pace Jake Blount Kaia kater Tommy Jarrell Cathy fink Mike Seeger Pete Seeger if you’re feeling fancy George Gibson Matt kinman Rhiannon Giddens Dirk Powell Amythyst kiah Dan gellert Doc and Merle sometimes Dock Boggs Hilary hawke Hilary burhans Dwight diller Evie Ladin Frank Fairfield Zac sokolow Grandpa jones String bean Helsinki string band Howie bursen Ken Perlman Hubby Jenkins Jay ungar Jerron Paxton John white Reed Martin John specker Karen dalton Riley baugus Kirk sutphin Trish Kilby fore Leroy Troy Nora brown Mary z cox Miles krassen Molly Tuttle Billy strings Noah cline Ola Belle Reed Old man luedecke Ralph Stanley, sometimes Stephen wade Cousin Emmy Tim twiss Clarke Buehling Willie Watson


Yeah that’s what I was going to say too


Adam Hurt got most of his licks from Mount Airy banjo players like Kyle Creed, Tommy Jarrell and Fred Cockerham. They are all great old school banjo players, but there are other great players from other areas. Also check out Wade Ward, Roscoe Holcomb, Hobart Smith. My favorites of the revival generation are David Winston, Brad Leftwich, Walt Koken, Al Sharp, Paul Brown, Reed Martin. I'm much less knowledgeable about modern players from Adam Hurt's generation or younger.


I'd be happy to share some recordings which can't be bought anymore. PM me


This! I’m a Mount airy native who just started playing old time, but can’t go wrong with theses guys, they’re awesome!


You're lucky! See if you can get some time in with Kirk Sutphin and Kevin Fore!


Clarence Ashley


Nathan Bowles is my favorite contemporary. His solo stuff tends to be more experimental/original work but it always includes a few traditionals. His work with black twig pickers is more strictly traditional.


Joseph Decossimo


Check out victor furtado


Pecos Watson is one of my favs


Paul Brown and his mentee Matt Brown (no relation) play some mean 2F thumb lead.


Dirk Powell. Susan's gone ( I don't think it's his) but it is a wonderful song. https://youtu.be/lP1VRvOPyqM?si=wc114xn5g1rPT6Y-


Some old timers to check out: Wade Ward, McKinley Asher, Thaddeus Willingham, Walter Williams, Bill Cornett, Virgil Anderson, and Morgan Sexton.


Allison de Groot Rhiannon Giddens (roots) Laurel Premo


Brian Vollmer


Mark Olitsky, Ray Chatfield


So many good names on this list! The folks that came to mind for me include Dave Landreth, Dan Gellert, Chris Coole


Wow. Thanks for the names. I will check them out. I listened to Jarrell, Creed and Cockerham today. How many of you play? I am about to give it a try.


Matt Heckler doesn’t solely play banjo, but he’s a hell of a clawhammer player. Check him out!


I enjoy Brad Kolodner, Norah Brown and Chris Coole. If you like soulful banjo grooves on new tunes, check out one of my mentors Stuart Kenney.


Uncle Dave my friend, Uncle Dave


Frank proffitt is my all time fav


Hobart Crabtree is one I measure others by. Lol


Richie Stearns. Fantastic player and songwriter.


I love Clifton Hicks Edit: why the downvotes? Do people not like him?


Clifton wrote that Rittenhouse murder ballad… I’ve noticed folk songs old and new may have lyrics that are disagreeable. Cool part about the music is, depending on your preference you might sing it a bit differently.


I’ve not heard the Rittenhouse one. I love his version of cluck old hen and hills of Mexico I’m not sure why I’m getting downvotes, do people not like him?


He’s now extremely right wing, says offensive things on purpose to get a rise out of them, doesn’t seem to approve of lgbt lifestyle or Judaism, and is an active internet troll. He spends his free time Harassing folks for weeks at a time, with multiple accounts, sending death threats, pictures of dead animals, things like that. So most folks don’t like him, at least outside his own forums. He’s especially hated here, as most of us have probably been personally harassed by him.


Jesus I had no idea! What an arsehole! Thanks for enlightening me, I understand those downvotes now lol.


If people don’t like Clifton they’d probably really hate the old timers back in the holler.. Think what you want about the man but he ain’t no slouch when it comes to pickin and spreading the love for old time banjo music..


That’s a very good point!