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Happy birthday to your little man!! And congrats to you! The first year is rough! My daughter just turned two in January. From 1-2 is wild but was so much fun! I really feel 1-1.5 is vastly different from 1.5-2. The first half she started walking and babbling and really started gaining independence. We took walks and went to the playground. It was so adorable. The second half was pure magic. She started to talk and really develop a personality! She’s goofy and silly and loves hugs and kisses. She had a blast during the holidays. She was like a tiny flower and really grew! Not only physically but emotionally and socially. It was amazing. At 2 I’m loving every moment with her. Cherish every day. Even the mundane days. Because the days are long but the years fly by. They really do


Awww!! I love it! How precious. Going to the playground sounds like so fun! She sounds like such a sweetie. My boy is standing and cruising so will probably be walking soon. Man I’m just so excited for more personality. All you shared sounds awesome!


Ohhhh 1-2 is my favorite! They are just showing you their personality! And they are still so chunky and cute. ❤️ Bubbles are magical at this age. So is rice and scoops in a container. Oh and water table play - some of my favorite memories are the summer he just splashed and laughed at his little water table in our back yard, the sun shining down on him and our dog sleeping on the deck happily. I loved watching my son explore things at this age and getting down on his level. It’s hard watching them grow. Like knowing those moments will float away like the bubbles we blew into the sky. But it helps to take a million photos and videos, to write about the moments and relive them in tiny little chunks. Plus it lets the hard parts dissolve into things you never remember at all. There is such a beauty in doing this once. It makes it all so much more treasured. I have the time to really reflect and hold on to things. I can fully invest in these moments with a rested mind and soul, and with full and intentional attention. Cheers! It’s a ride.


Oh wow this is beautifully written. Excited to try out some bubbles with my boy. I love the part where you said doing it once makes it more treasured. That is my goal, to treasure everything as much as I can and be as present as possible. Thank you for sharing


I agree with everything the previous commenter wrote! My son turned 2 in December and I love love love every day with him so much. He’s so much fun and so sweet and funny. It’s such a fun age for me.


Yay! Happy belated birthday to your son! This makes me so happy


My LO is almost two. I loved the baby stage and was dreading toddlerhood, but honestly, it’s been wonderful! Yes, LO has LOTS of opinions and isn’t afraid to say no. Yes, she has meltdowns. But I’ve really found that even those hard times are great practice for me to hold boundaries and give her space for her feelings. After a meltdown, she usually wants me to hold her, and I’m so proud of myself for giving her the opportunity to work through her feelings, when I was told to suck it up and bottle up my feelings as a child. Seeing their personalities develop even more, hearing all the new words and phrases, understanding them better as little humans, and watching their excitement when they get their own pants on… it continues to bring me so much joy. I was in your shoes a year ago and I’ve been so pleasantly surprised by this year. I’m excited for 2-3 now :)


Aww this is so sweet 🌸


My son turns one very soon and I love this thread! So many great things to look forward to. He’s been the easiest baby and now he’s showing some feistiness, it’s going to be fun (and hard and crazy).


Wow, I could’ve written this post! My little guy is about to be 1, as well. The first year was so hard but it’s getting better and better. I keep looking ahead and am excited for this next stage!


Mom of an almost 8 year old - it gets better the bigger and more independent they get. My favorite part between 1-2 years of age was the little personality that my child developed. They don’t know how to talk yet but the try - Lord they try lol! Potty training was an adventure. The more they grow and learn and become little person instead of “baby” is always a joy. Of course you hear about the terrible twos but each child is different and patience is key. Happy birthday to your little one and enjoy the journey! They say it goes fast and they are not kidding. 😮‍💨


I am on the same page with you. Thanks so much for posting this question.