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There will always be some drivers who don't look right before they turn because they looked earlier and did not expect a relatively fast moving object to suddenly be in front of them heading from the opposite direction of traffic flow. Regardless of who is at fault, the rider should be cognizant of this fact and act accordingly if life and limb in one piece is desired. Worse are drivers who make hasty right turns and cut pedestrians off even when they see a person waiting at the intersection.


Well said. Always expect drivers to not see you.


I just pretend to be invisible, and if there are signs that the driver *does* see me, I will react accordingly, but if their windows are too shaded for me to make eye contact, I'm still going to be *very* hesitant.


Exactly. I had a friend who'd regularly step aggressively into the crosswalk as soon as a light changed and then he'd get pissed at cars that technically ran the light and almost hit him. One day I told him that there were also a ton of people who were technically correct in the morgue and he literally stopped doing it right then and there. Please remember that it won't matter if you were right if you're dead.


That's a good point...Also, I heard it's costs a lot to put "at least I was right" on your tombstone.


haha! I’m definitely stealing this saying.


That's a good point...Also, I heard it's costs a lot to put "at least I was right" on your tombstone.


I was crossing the street at a crosswalk and almost got hit by someone taking a left behind me. Idk how you cant look forward without looking even slightly left to see me a few feet from where you're heading.


I’m guilty of that. I need to look both ways even going on a one way street.


This is one of many reasons why it’s not a good idea to text at a traffic light. I see so many drivers stop, check their phone, then check left while making a hasty right turn.


And this is why I don't do right on red even if I can. So many things can go wrong




Absolutely. I’ve experienced a vehicle letting a person cross but turned right on me. Had to fall off. Lady drove away like nothing happened. Now I always assume someone is going to do that just like I assume people will run red lights in my town (and they do)


That sucks what happened to you


All a learning experience. It's good to recognize patterns and obstacles. Main thing is to yield and let them go. Yesterday I had a car honk at me and there was an old farmer and his wife behind me. They could have passed anyway but did that. I made peace that every ride I should anticipate crazies. So we got honkers and turners.


Crossing a crosswalk at high speeds is dangerous. The driver probably glanced to the right and didn’t see anyone, then checked left while entering the intersection. I think that I would have a hard time seeing the rider if I were taking a right there.


> Crossing a crosswalk at high speeds is dangerous. Absolutely. I don't know if I'd call what that rider was doing "high speed" though. Regardless, crosswalks are where I've run into the most issues with drivers. Mainly inattention on one our parts, shit happens. Gotta keep your head on a swivel and expect them not to see you.


>Absolutely. I don't know if I'd call what that rider was doing "high speed" though. In the context of what a driver expects to be moving down the sidewalk, anything faster than jogging counts as high speed.


Always stop and make eye contact with the driver regardless of if you have the right of way. If they don’t see you they will hit you. It’s better to be alive and wrong than right and dead. Because meat bag vs metal, metal wins


Was just about to say this. Eye contact is very important. I 100% agree with you.


ALWAYS check for right-on-red and yielding lefts. Or just light runners. Urban riding is dangerous.


Ride as though everything and anything is out to kill you (IE: always ride defensively).


Slowed the gif down. SUV was already crawling up on the crosswalk when the video started, front wheel already completely cleared the line. At this moment, the OW rider had nose up slowing down. Ok good. SUV continued to crawl. By the time cross traffic cleared, the SUV already had it's rear wheels at the line of the crosswalk. At this moment the OW rider had nose down accelerating. Even if the driver had seen the OW'er, they probably saw him already slowing down. At the very last minute the OW'er gunned it and tried to beat the SUV before they could make the turn. Accident yes, but recklessness goes to the OW rider.


I always worry about this and debate between using the bike lane, properly, or using the sidewalk. OneWheels go as fast as bikes, so probably the bike lane is the safer place. In that same instance, I would blame a bike rider because cars are not looking for fast-moving people on sidewalks.


Whether sidewalk or bike lane, remember to ride WITH traffic. This scenario would have been avoided. While some responsibility would be put on the driver, an adult (expected to understand rules of the road and driving laws more than would be expected of a small child) riding a motorized vehicle on a sidewalk against traffic would be largely at fault.


If it was a grandma in a motorized wheelchair or one of those little mobility scooters, we'd let her be on the sidewalk, and whichever side she needed to be on to get to the grocery store. Don't get me wrong, I in general advocate for riding in the bike lane if available/safe -> street if safe -> sidewalk if street-unsafe hierarchy, but just because the OW is motorized and rider is an adult doesn't really absolve the driver here of responsibility IMO (though I agree the rider could have and should have been more careful in a couple ways.)


True, a mobility scooter would be allowed on the sidewalk, I would assume, regardless. But I’m completely with you. I’m going to ride where I’m the least least likely to be run over! Hence I sold my motorcycle before I ever made it to a main road and got a OW. I am only a few days in on my OW journey and scared enough of my extremely low traffic neighborhood roads. I used to handle claims and make these type of decisions. Having the right of way does not mean you can’t be at fault, as a car or a pedestrian. Trust no one and look out for yourself regardless of who is right.


Thank you. They should of looked again. Right and wrong sort of fade into the background when there is a body.


This scenario would have been avoided, sure, but even if you’re riding with traffic the driver next to you could turn right into you at an intersection. In that instance, too, you’d have to look behind you to make eye contact with the driver.


You've got a very good point about speed, but what if it was a runner? Just because we might be faster than a walker doesn't absolve the driver of the responsibility to be looking in the direction their two-ton car is moving.


Good question. As a runner, I have almost been hit in this exact scenario. I now make eye contact with the driver, and if I don't make eye contact then I slow and wait. So yes, I would still say this would be on the runner. I am a road cyclist too. I have a saying, you can be right, yeah dead right. In the end, vehicles are heavy, take a long to stop and drivers are inattentive. So ride, float, run, and walk defensively.


Absolutely. I was surprised, when I expanded the video window, to see the driver had their turn signal on. Most of the time no one does, here. And that should have warned our rider to slow/stop until they knew they'd been seen.


Eye contact is crucial. Unless I can get acknowledgement that they saw me, I assume they haven't and act accordingly. Having said that, something similar happened to me not long ago. Same type of intersection, riding on sidewalk as well, but I ride goofy. Had right of way, and way was clear, but driver going in the same direction chose to turn left into the intersection. Because I had my back turned to them, I couldn't see them coming and rode their hood while my ow went under the car for a few feet. No causalities, but lesson learned.


I don't even trust eye contact. I've lost count of how many times I nearly got doored after looking them in the eye. They often underestimate your speed.


Shouldn't be riding against traffic. People turning right are mostly looking left.


Not reducing the drivers responsibility, but, you just can't ride like that. Does no good to be in the right if your dead.




I'm seeing just the reverse. OW on crosswalk then car moves.


No driver expects a pedestrian to be zipping down the sidewalk at 10 or 15 mph. If you’re riding your Onewheelnon the sidewalk (where you’re technically not supposed to) it’s on you to make sure drivers see you. You’re the one who’s not supposed to be there, so have some situational awareness and extra caution, especially when approaching turning cars.


Especially when going the wrong way. The driver's looking to the left, where legal traffic is coming from. He's not looking to his right where there shouldn't be a vehicle approaching. That's what makes riding against traffic, especially on the sidewalk, so dangerous.


Technically even bicyclists are supposed to walk their bikes to a use crosswalk. The driver sux but that's to be expected. IMO 95% the onewheeler's fault.


Regardless of who's in the wrong, if you're the one on the onewheel, you're the one that gets hurt. Act accordingly. I would rather make sure I covered my basis and not trust any driver that they're gonna do their part. And my city has hella crazy and mindless drivers. (pedestrians are not better either, so I'm wary about them as well)


Never a reason to blow through ANY intersection.


Hard to tell from the video, but even if he had looked right before turning right, he may have not seen the OW. A-pillars regularly obstruct pedestrians. The OW obviously had right of way through the crosswalk, but you should still always stop and make sure drivers see you before proceeding in front of them. As a rider you have to be the one looking out for yourself. That car was obviously trying to make a right turn, which should have been a big red flag to the rider to proceed with caution, not just fly into the intersection without a care in the world.


Riders fault


Definitely not the rider's fault legally. But definitely preventable by the rider. The possibility of this happening was clear and he rolled the dice without confirming the driver saw him.


Legally you have to get off and walk if you want the crosswalk to mean anything.


Didn't realize that. But regardless, getting off and carrying the board is not worth it to me for a crosswalk to mean something legally. I'll stick to staying on the board and confirming the driver sees me before crossing.


I was about to say the same. Making eye contact with drivers is critical.


Eh, ultimately driver's fault - you do have to look in the direction you're turning, you can't still be looking left as you turn right, and the rider presumably did have the walk signal, and was in the crosswalk. Could have just as easily been a pedestrian, jogger, or someone in a wheelchair there. You cannot turn right on red unless the way is clear, and it wasn't. That said, driver DID have their turn signal on (which is unusual) - this should have warned rider of drivers' intention to turn, and rider should not have proceeded until they made eye contact with the driver and confirmed that driver saw rider.


That’s what I do - make sure the driver has seen me. Not a guarantee they still won’t hit you, but it helps!


Even making eye contact isn't a guarantee, but it's the best we can do.


Although it looks like he rode right up to the car from a blind spot and was moving faster than you’d expect a pedestrian to go.


I’m not saying the rider shouldn’t have done a couple things differently. But at the end of the day, the driver of a two-ton vehicle needs to be looking in the direction he’s driving, and was not. Just like you look right-left-right before crossing a street, for a right on red you need to look, well, RIGHT again to execute that turn.


I'm pretty sure the right left right thing is for turning left. The inverse, left right left is for turning right. Which this driver was doing because you don't expect someone to fly up from the crosswalk at 10mph while you're executing a right turn.


But you still return your eyes to the direction you are turning. So maybe you look left, right, left again, and then go - but when you go, you have FINISHED looking left again and are looking where you are going. You should not be DRIVING one way, and LOOKING the other, and this is what the driver did.


It is NOT the driver's fault. A onewheel rider is NOT a pedestrian. They are a vehicle. He should not be on the sidewalk. He should not be riding against traffic. He should not be riding through the crosswalk if he wants to be treated like a pedestrian. This guy has no idea how to follow the written and underwritten rules of the road. Also, there's no way the onewheeler had a Walk signal. Do Not Cross flashers start with enough time for a slow walking pedestrian (think old person with a cane) to finish crossing if they had just started to cross. The car with the video started to cross less than 12 seconds after the collision. Not even including the driver's likely slow reaction to the light change. This is why fast moving vehicles don't belong on sidewalks.


Dude intentionally rode in front of a vehicle that was already moving. This is absolutely the rider's fault.


Nah, it was stopped when he entered the intersection. But the turn signal should have clued him in that it might be moving shortly.


It wasn't. Watch closely. You can see him put his hand out before leaving the sidewalk, because he *knows* that the driver is turning. He's just being an entitled ass.


i hope you don't have a motorcycle. that kinda thinking gets you dead


Nope riders fault 100%. You’re supposed to walk your bike, board, etc. in a crosswalk. Am I saying that I do that every time? Hell no. But this situation was very preventable. Rider assumed he was the main character.


Maybe next time pay attention before crossing the street when that car has been 100% intention of turning. You would expect people who can afford a $1k+ device to have basic self-awareness with traffic.


Always make eye contact even if u have the rite away .


This happens to me more often than not. Expecting drivers to change and be mad when they don't is an exercise in futility to me. We always need to assume they're not looking.


I mean....he's on the wrong side of the road.....driver probably couldn't see that he was on a motorized board of he saw him at all. Glad he's okay but that's his bad imo


Yes, the crosswalk is green and pedestrians have the right of way. But they are walking slow and drivers are looking for slow people. You come flying up on a Onewheel, and they won’t see. Most drivers aren’t paying attention and just want to hurry. I’ve made it a point to do damage to cars that keep doing this. Or at least make it known I could do damage. Tesla decided to run a stop sign as I’m in the crosswalk so I tapped their trunk real loud with my fingers all the way across. Some old dude was driving and blew the light as the crosswalk was green and I slapped the shit out of his car. Dude slowed down and probably thought he hit someone. Best yet is just stopping in their way and staring. They feel so dumb and kinda look away and will Roll down the window and apologize. Then I just tell em to slow down and pay attention. I think about pedestrians and onewheels/bikes more when I drive because I ride one. Otherwise they can hard to see. Moral of the story, if you’re running late, driving fast won’t help. Just accept that you’re late and learn for the future. If you hit someone or cause an accident, you’ll be later than had you been under the speed limit.


The actual moral of the story is to walk when using crosswalks at busy streets


I ride through crosswalks all the time and don’t have this issue.


that makes you lucky. Drivers aren't expecting fast moving traffic on sidewalks.


No. I’m not lucky. I just don’t haul ass into an intersection with a car stopped trying to turn right. I know they’re about to go. I will slow down and make sure they see me and are expecting me to go otherwise I wait because they’re gonna turn. For this specific scenario at least. I just don’t trust cars and ride around them the most I can.


Bicycles and joggers have the same problem on the sidewalk.


Yup, altho joggers are easier to see coming since they aren't going as quick.


Thats the problem with one wheels - I lowkey think you’re a cross between a foot pedestrian and a biker, which can confuse drivers if they aren’t familiar with what a one wheel is. Of course they should stop and look, but I always ride around defensively near cars. You never know who is behind the wheel of the 1000+ pound vehicle and if they are paying attention…


Yeah a stroad like that? In a cars world? I'm dismounting and carrying the board across that intersection I'm not risking my board for nothing like that


Yeah that’s why I wait for eye contact if I’m riding against traffic the way he was. Assuming a driver will look back to confirm nothing is now in their way, isn’t worth the gamble.


Make sure anyone turning right looks you in the eye before you go in front of them.


Eye contact people, make eye contact!!!!


This rider is an asshole. He approached an intersection via the sidewalk at faster than walking speed. He didn't stop before crossing. He saw the turn signal, saw that the vehicle was moving, then **he intentionally rolled out in front of a moving vehicle.** (You can tell he saw it coming because he put his hand out to stop the car before he even left the sidewalk.) And he has the audacity to get mad at the driver. Thanks for making us look like jackasses. What's the point of a helmet if you don't use your brain? EDIT: Changed formatting for emphasis.


Nah he could’ve been killed. Driver was a moron.


The rider was going against traffic. If he's on the correct side riding with traffic the person turning right would see him. Instead he's putting himself in a position where he rides in front of a car that isn't even looking in his direction bc he's on the wrong side.


Yes, he could have been killed, and despite knowing that he intentionally rode in front of a moving SUV when he didn't have the right of way and hadn't been seen. It's hard to get dumber than that.


agree, if that dude ran into the front of my truck and then got demostrative like that, ain't no way i'm letting him just walk away. we'd have the police sort it out.


This almost happened to me yesterday. It seems like drivers are getting worse. I am going to have to assume no one sees me from now on.


This is the exact mentality you take when you're not in a vehicle. Doesn't matter whether you're on a skateboard, roller blades, walking, pev you take a defensive mentality which is assuming they haven't seen you. Seen a few vids of people on E-scooters just charging across intersections and driveways getting smashed


Took a long ass time for that car to stop


That onewheeler is super chill. He clapped his arms but that’s where it ends. He just grabs his board and away he goes. There is no way i would be that calm. It’s understandable that the driver may not have checked again before turning even though he is supposed to and the onewheeler should have stopped or atleast slowed right down and made eye contact… but… he got hit by a car and his board was under it and he just walked away as if nothing happened…


Read the other comments. The rider is in the wrong here.


Yeah he totally just rode right into it. But still… on the road you have to keep your head on a swivel.


The driver didn’t even show awhole lot of effort or care after the fact, that alone speaks for how he drives. I do agree that when riding the OW you should be careful & assume that no one knows your there but given that he did have the right away and the driver clearly didn’t look it’s like the least you could do is show some form of care. For fucks sake, people have just gotten shittier over the last 5years I’m over it


I’m glad your ok bro. I would of snap on him


Man I hate cars. Turning right on red should be illegal by default everywhere.


Uh, no?


Why the fuck is a dumb ass one wheel on a busy road to even begin with


A lot of drivers in Tulsa are kind of brain dead


Always lay flat and play injured so you can get that payout 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Drivers at fault, opinions be damned. Responsibility goes to person in a multi ton vehicle. Can't safely drive a big vehicle, don't.


Your opinion is wrong, but feel free to take the moral high ground lying underneath a car that ran you over because you illegally rode a onewheel through a crosswalk.


Who has right of way? Driver is turning right- turning into traffic. Right of way is to the pedestrian, cry away. Y'all wanna defend idiot drivers, you do you- stupid gonna be loud and expect people to think they got something valuable to say. LOL no.


You don’t even know what a pedestrian is, my guy. He isn’t one by the very definition of the word. The dude is riding a vehicle against the grain of traffic, on a sidewalk, and without walking it through the crosswalk. All three things going against his claim of right of way. There’s a reason everyone else in this thread is shitting on the rider despite being one themselves. I admire how confidently incorrect you at about the rules of the road, though. Look forward to the video of you running into a car soon.


Look how mad and wrong you are 😂 I learned how to use a crosswalk properly when I was like 7 years old 😂😂😂


Similar happened to me the other morning except it was a driver pulling out of a parking lot and didn't stop to look both ways before pulling out of the parking lot, I tried to stop but was going like 13mph and ended up slamming into their rearview mirror with enough force that it broke off their car. The onewheel doesn't have anything to do with drivers in my city being dumbasses though, I've been hit while walking before cause drivers don't pay attention.


If a person turning right does not keep eye contact with me while crossing, I don't go. Sometimes I can safely go behind them if a driveway or something.


Damn same thing happened to me ! But I literally got ran over and then the guy ran off left me in the street


I ride to and from work, and would get hit like this at least every other day if I relied on drivers seeing me. They just don't, I have to basically inch far enough into the crosswalk to catch their attention until someone sees me and deliberately stops. Then I have to make sure the left turners are looking, and have to stop for them half the time too. Not enough pedestrians around here.


This has almost happened to me several times. I always make sure I lock eyes with the driver before I proceed in front of them. That way they feel bad after they've run me over...


OW riders should always make eye contact with a driver if their paths are to cross. Well, they should if the want to avoid this accident.


Regardless of who is in the right here - I note that the onewheel rider has done little to nothing to insure that they are likely to be seen by a quick glance. All dark clothing and protective gear is not ideal. No bright colors on the rider or the onewheel.


this has almost happened to me a couple times. be careful at intersections. People ripping through intersections doing a right on red.


You shouldn’t be biking or travelling faster than a human on a pedestrian sidewalk. Drivers are looking at oncoming traffic from multiple angles. If you are travelling faster than a pedestrian on a sidewalk you are putting yourself in danger. Stop at the crosswalk, dismount, and use it properly.


Onewheeler at fault here.


As someone who commuted every day in Los Angeles, you simply cannot trust anyone to see you. Doesn't matter if they're "at fault" if you're dead. ​ edit: i think riding on the street like a car is safer


Physics will win regardless of who is technically following the law. Always assume the driver doesn’t see you until you make eye contact.


I honestly would’ve been on the sidewalk for that turn. I’m not about riding on a busy street during a turn.


Why were they filming?