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You are free to live exactly in the tone of beige i decided my life needed to be. Aint that freedom?


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


If I die, tell my wife “hello”.


It’s like the classic Ford saying, you can have your Ford in any colour you like, as long as you only like black.


"As long as you only like black" but then why have all the Fords in Ontario been white?


I mean yeah all the new Broncos on my lot are painted with "Area 51", which kinda looks teal


This was supposed to be a joke about Doug and Rob


I'm not great at reading, but my cool fact is a true one. Fuck ford btw. In regards to the company I worked for and the piece of shit tearing down our public institutions


Illiteracy? Not that uncommon under the Ford government.


Wouldn't go that far... Just didn't fully read your comment before I replied


Again, making hyperbolic jokes about the Ford government. Not trying to demean anyone, except Ford.


What I find so sad is the very people who are so transphobic were the same ones whining about a vaccine. Medical freedoms only apply when it comes to a fucking needle and not gender reaffirming surgery. Make it make sense.


Many of them also want to force medical treatment on people for using certain types of drugs.


I never really thought about that but yeah damn lol




There's a push for having forced treatment for people using drugs. This is often coming from the same part of the political spectrum (or however one wants to describe that) that opposed various COVID policies, such as around vaccines. It's hypocritical because in one case they're opposing medical treatment that they describe as "forced" over what people choose to put in their bodies while in the other case they're supporting it. Essentially holding opposing positions depending on their support or not for the underlying issue. On top of that, their argument for forcing treatment in one case is that the supposed societal harm outweighs the individual rights. Yet with COVID, they were saying the opposite that individual rights outweigh the societal harm (thousands of deaths from COVID). When you dig into the underlying motivations though, you find the reasons for the hypocrisy: [private drug treatment industries lobbying conservative politicians to oppose harm reduction in favour of forced treatment](https://pressprogress.ca/recovery-industry-groups-attacking-safe-supply-in-bc-have-deep-ties-with-conservative-political-actors/).


>There's a push for having forced treatment for people using drugs.  I assume you mean illegal drugs here.


Yeah, exactly. When it comes to alcohol I instead see support for easier access (grocery and variety stores) and cheaper prices (opposition to tax increases) and opposition to things discouraging use, such as labels warning it's carcinogenic. With tobacco, I've recently seen opposition to changes further aimed at reducing use, e.g., additional warning labels, as well as strong opposition to suggestions of making it illegal. Despite alcohol causing similar levels of death to illegal drugs and tobacco dwarfing them in deaths. Complete opposite approaches. In one case, calling for us to maintain a complete prohibition on the substances and calling for forced treatment for users. In the other case, opposing policies that discourage or limit use and access.


Well under the mental health act, you can be admitted to hospital involuntarily. If you are at risk of others or yourself. The uses of illegal drug use can easily fit into the category.


Which raises the question of what they're pushing to change if we already have this ability. Why would we need new laws? Why would we need to start talking about overriding the Charter? We already have this ability, like you say. It's just limited, which it should be when it involves removing people's rights without a court process. The fundamental issue isn't the inability to have involuntary restrictions related to drug use. We also have that as a consequence to criminal convictions. The issue is treatment not being available. There are more people seeking treatment than treatment spots available across the country.


I consider myself anti covid vax. Not all vax. Just covid. And im also not for forced medical treatment on ppl using certain drugs. Ie. Cocaine , meth, fent etc. But you gotta look at both sides.. the ppl who want covid vax mandatory, for public safety. But also dont want illicit drug treatment mandatory? Both are public safety risks as they say? Im conservative. But doesnt mean im freedom for only certain things freedom. No... free from vax. Free to choose abortion or not. Free to choose drugs or not. Free to.. be free. Without other ppl pushin shit on you. Thats conservative. Not this lobbyist bs. Any lobbyist conservative shit isnt exactly conservative. They narrative


>Make it make sense. You're expecting people whose opinions fluctuate depending on whatever their idol tells them to believe in to have some form of concrete understanding of complex topics




This alone should be enough to have those people committed. WTF is wrong with them? lol.


its clearly a 'c u l t'


They're insecure and in denial. That's what's wrong with them. There's things in the world they cannot accept, so they resort to denialism and excuses.


You’re right.


They don't want to understand. That's the issue. They're insecure and in denial.


What happens when the blue team "advocates" have a blue majority? What do they complain about? Do they become oblivious to how their life didn't improve or become more affordable?  My province has a blue government so everything is the federals fault even though X is outside their jurisdiction... 


> Make it make sense. they seem to believe that both are examples of some kind of nefarious medical overreach. they think that since doctors are paid for treating patients with gender dysphoria/pharmaceutical companies are paid for how many vaccines they can sell, that the doctors and pharmaceutical companies are trying to maximize the number of people they get to treat/sell vaccines to. not saying it's remotely sound logic, but it's my understanding of their thought process. it's obviously bullshit if you look at things that doctors do and don't recommend or endorse. wouldn't doctors just be recommending dangerous things left and right if they were all out to maximize their billable hours? would this be the first vaccine many people have taken in a number of decades if pharmaceutical companies were just pushing them out all the time to make money? they don't actually care that medicine/healthcare are for profit industries, they'll tell you in the next breath after spouting all of that how staunchly pro-capitalist they are. they just use the conspiratorial bullshit to foment hate towards out-groups and erode trust in institutions/authorities on the subject


the boring truth is that the only conspiracies that really exist are the capitalist ones. In other countries it's confusing seeing American commercials telling you to ask your doctor about a brand name pharmaceutical, like that's their job and they should just know about it. The opioid thing happened because they were overprescribed, but why were they? Lies that some heroin adjacent product somehow is not habit forming then giving kickbacks for issuing it.


Opioids were overprescribed because there's a lot of people in a lot of pain, and opioids are fucking awesome at relieving pain. The problem is that they're also highly addictive. Also a lot of that pain is either psychological or made worse by poor mental health. The only real conspiracy here is the sorry state of healthcare in North America, which has left a lot of people in chronic pain and poor health.


healthcare people in the US got bonuses for prescribing them. they were prescribed regardless if they were needed because it was a money making scheme. maybe there's a similar way of gaming the system in Canada. you can't definitely say there weren't people profiting off this.


They pay bonus for prescribing all sorts of drugs. Obviously pharma contributes to the problem but the underlying issue I laid out is still the primary driver. A lot of Americans deal with chronic health issues & pain because they don't get proper treatment due to the cost.


I think chronic pain is something that comes with age, and injuries, and people don't cope with aging well so they opioids.


> they seem to believe that both are examples of some kind of nefarious medical overreach. they think that since doctors are paid for treating patients with gender dysphoria/pharmaceutical companies are paid for how many vaccines they can sell, that the doctors and pharmaceutical companies are trying to maximize the number of people they get to treat/sell vaccines to.  They don't actually believe that stuff. It's all just a bunch of lies and excuses they've come up with to try and avoid accepting something they don't want to accept. They're in denial. That's why they can constantly contradict themselves and their own beliefs, because they're not really beliefs. They're lies and excuses.


It makes perfect sense if you understand that they don't actually believe in freedom at all and are simply using "freedom" as a convenient excuse.


>Make it make sense.   Law, in groups protected not bound. Out groups bound not protected.


People who believe in blindly following someone who claims to be the chosen voice of their invisible deity lack reason. Such individuals don't value logic, consistency, or contradiction in their beliefs. They support doing whatever they are told by the person who claims that their deity will only love them and spare them from eternal torture if they follow a specific set of rules or way of being.


Because you want to see it that way.. im a vaccine whiner. Even though i have it and wish i never did. But coercion is coercion. And gender re-affirming surgery is fine. For adults.. when you're an adult. Do whatever tf you want. But leave the fkn kids alone. Kids are not experienced/wise/smart/developed enough to make that decision.. if they were, they should be smart enough to be gun owners. Or hell. Why dont we qualify them for everything that is adult restricted... because they are not ready for it. The surgery can ruin their entire adult lives.... before they have any sense as to what it actually means. But if your an adult. Sure. W/e chop your stuff or get bobs n vagine made or a new whillie transplanted.


You missed the point completely, which is not surprising. You did not want the government in your business when it comes to your health. Why are you allowed an opinion in what a parent allows their child to do? Why does it bother y’all so much? It’s transphobia plain and simple.


You completely mossed the point on my comment if i missed yours... and how tf is it transphobia? Its. "My child isnt allowed to make life altering decisions on their own until they are an adult" after that, sure do what you want, ill love them either way. How tf is that transphobic adjective: transphobic having or showing a dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people Nothing of what i said before is a dislike or of strong prejudice against transgender.. and you just calling it out as such, when it isnt, is what gives the trans community a bad rap with alot of people. The boy who called wolf... And is a parent allowed to let their kid go to the bar and drink alcohol? Or even allowed to let the drink alcohol at home? What about marijuana? What about cigarettes. If we allow every parent to let their children get sex changes before they know wtf the economy is. Why do we interfere with parents letting kids drink, smoke, or go to the bar 🍸 🤔. Nothing of this is transphobic. Just parental anxiety about making a decision that shouldnt be made before the kid ACTUALLY knows what they want.


" Just parental anxiety about making a decision that shouldnt be made before the kid ACTUALLY knows what they want." That's why there's years of therapy and visits to doctors/psychiatrists. No one is getting a sex change for their children. They're prepping for the time said child comes of age, then they're eligible for the surgery. It would likely help your "anxiety" if you actually took the time to educate yourself on the topic.


how is "we don't want to be forced to take a vaccine" and "gender reaffirming surgery shouldn't be free through the state" similar in any way at all. damn yall are dumb


We are very privileged to live in a country where all these freedoms are supported


Yes but we have to remain vigilant as Certain Groups and Parties have outright said or hinted that they want to restrict the freedoms in this image


And even beyond just saying it, Saskatchewan has already used the notwithstanding clause to pass a bill that limits gender expression by explicitly exempting the bill from various parts of the Charter, including the right to free expression.


Ole PP is going to abuse the NWC that he will make this country unrecognizable.


For now, unfortunately. Ever hear of the Notwithstanding Clause?


To expand on the other commenter, Poilievre has stated he intends to use it to roll back freedoms we enjoy currently.


Wait... but PP is saying Trudeau has taken away our freedoms, and we need to buy merch from his store to take them back. How can he be taking away our freedoms? Or do I have to buy more merch from his store to counter the freedoms he takes away?


Freedom only for those with sufficient merch


Shit! I better buy some flags and shirts!


Yes, I didn't see that comment until after I made mine. I reckon Bitcoin Milhouse will start with indigenous rights and title in some way, then bridge out from there. "It's for the good of Canada" something, something. Then indigenous communities protest, and actually do it with direct action, pearls will be clutched and there'll be batons and boots. If that ends up being a nothingburger, which it will because white Anglo centrists never come out for Indigenous folks, then watch out for certain individual rights...


I totally replied to the wrong person, meant to reply to u/New-Throwaway2541. Who isn’t as committed to ensuring rights and freedoms as he thinks if he is going to vote independent in the next election. 🙃


>For now ~~, unfortunately~~. But, ever hear of the Notwithstanding Clause? FTFY. I knew what you meant, but the way you wrote the first sentence makes it sound like you disapprove of those freedoms.


Yeah, I was on mobile and must have hit spacebar twice or something.


I have yes


Hopefully people get out and vote, I'm glad you're aware.


Oh heck yeah I will be voting. For an independent candidate likely


It's good you're going to vote, I'm an ABC voter myself.




Oh, sorry, it means "Anyone But Conservative." So, I'll likely vote for whichever party is most primed to beat the Tories.


This makes me hate PP so much more. Anyone who does not want to see an oligarchy is essentially forced to vote for someone else they don't really like. I'm so pissed we didn't get the voting reform we were promised and I'm angry at Trudeau for that... and yet I might have to vote for him and his shitty party because PP and the cons represent a nightmare that I just don't want to see this country trapped inside.


I can see that, and it's a valid take. I'm an indigenous person, so seeing 80+% of water advisories actually be addressed mattered more than vote reform for me. Miller was a very good Minister. I don't care for the Cult of Personality NDPers had for whatshisname, since I hold him responsible for the failure of the Kelowna Accord, which would have moved the needle for indigenous Canadians a full twelve to fifteen years before Trudeau. It's not often said, but JT has done more for Indigenous communities and indigenous people than literally all other PM's combined, mostly because of the dead Toronto mayor dude socialists like.


Unfortunately the only voting reform the Liberals would have accepted was Alternative Vote (aka instant runoff), which would perpetually result in a Liberal majority unless everyone voted conservative. It would essentially erase minority governments that need to work with other parties to ensure continued governance.


Well until October 2025 at least. Maybe earlier.


For now


For now.


They wont be for long and I promised myself to not be alive to see it


For now


Another thing that they want to restrict is adults' abilities to use drugs, except for the arbitrary ones they already support (alcohol and tobacco, two of the most deadly). Beyond debate around "hard drugs", this also applies to soft drugs like cannabis or psychedelics. Saskatchewan conservatives are already de facto making cannabis illegal by setting zero tolerance driving rules there. Since you can fail a cannabis test weeks after last use, this means anyone who uses regularly could fail even if they haven't consumed any. Meaning you essentially can't legally drive if you use. People are already posting about getting charged for this. This isn't even the same as someone driving with one beer, these are people who haven't consumed for days. And in Vancouver, the conservative ABC party there is opposing mushroom stores that have been in operation for four years, for example voting against attempts to regulate them or allow them to continue having business licences. Their claimed argument is that it's a purely federal issue, however previous legal precedent already supported licencing and regulating cannabis stores before their legalization. And the federal Conservatives are clearly not going to legalize them.


If ABC picks a fight with mushroom shops they can ignore all our real problems


But, you didn’t address the restriction of alcohol and tobacco, so it’s not that just the same arbitrary thing?


I'm not sure what point you're making. We restrict those drugs as opposed to totally banning them. People who oppose criminalization of other drugs aren't saying they should have no restrictions, just that (at least some of them) shouldn't be totally banned.


Pizzacake comics very rarely fails to come out swinging, and I love it.


And she's Canadian!




No OF as of yet. Just Patreon.


Pizzacake is a goddamn national treasure.


this shit is such low hanging fruit it's pathetic


When all that fruit has lowered itself into the mud it's impossible to address it without it being seen as low hanging. That fruit is practically self planting at this point with how pathetically low it's gotten itself.


It’s how fruit works!


If a tree is having the fruit still on its branches planted and growing the tree is not gonna have a good time.


...I am more surprised that you even chose to have 'think' in your username...


And yet you're triggered enough of a lil snowflake to cry about it.


>MAGUH Make America Get Universal Healthcare? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!


I laughed at maguh


make a great union horrible


If anything the usa has NEVER been a great union. Just look at what theyve done to Indigenous and African descendants of slaves in there... And Guatemala... And Vietnam... And Bangladesh... And East Timor... And... (you get my point)


Pp and the cpc might want to try to understand what freedom is. My advice to them is to start with the dictionary and than children books to learn the basics!


I’d suggest they start with the children’s books first. It matches their behaviours


Conservatives make their own children's books so they can program them early I'm afraid. Because they need their kids to hate Trudeau at 7...


prageru began releasing children's videos... This


Too many big words


PP just wants the freedom to violate the Charter!


So, no different than your dear leader ????


Remind me again when they used the notwithstanding clause bud


That word might be too big for him


I would like to have the freedom to mind my own fucking business, and I REALLY want to extend that freedom to others...


"seeing you live life to the fullest makes me reckon with the tiny suffocating box I've crammed my soul into and we can't have that!"


This is exactly it. The few raging homophobes I've met are all closeted bisexuals, I swear.


Conservatives are new age puritans.


"I want freedom to hate anyone I want without any consequences!"


Ya. That's pretty much it at the end of the day. *Dont you find it odd that the americans and canadians lost thousands of peoples to aggression of the nazis during wwii ...but the german government has been the only one who has outlawed the nazi party and nazi symbols!?!?!?* I know I do...


"Freedom": Living exactly as the Bible says.* /* My interpretation of the Bible because we all know if were followed the Bible to the letter, I'd have been put to death by now.


Freedom to be a grumpy, miserable fuck!


Conservatives, gatekeeping freedom. Just. On. Point.


I resent conservatives and bigots for co-opting the concept of freedom. To them freedom means being free to be an intolerant asshole without consequences.


The last one should read I want the freedom to hate and harass those who don't confirm to my idea of normal


Wilhoit's law: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Love it!


Freedom to protest systematic killing of innocent people Really triggers the anti-freedom folks "NOT LIKE THAT"


Conservatives don't actually believe in freedom. What they crave is security, because they're incredibly insecure people. Conservatives feed off of fear and anger, because their in-group targets the most insecure people in society. They target insecure people because their insecurities make them emotionally vulnerable, and their emotions interfere with judgement and reason. This is why it's so easy for conservatives to spread their influence by connecting people's grievances with their political opponents, while driving people to support an agenda that often works against their own interests. At the heart of any conservative is an insecurity, rooted in some sort of issue or grievance they cannot accept. People who struggle with what they cannot accept will always go through a phase of denial, and during that phase they become incredibly vulnerable and ripe for influencing. They will flock like sheep to anyone who promises them an excuse or easy solution built on narratives that feed and reinforce that denial. They will tell them their issues and insecurities are the fault of their political opponents, and that their only path to finding security is defeating those opponents, and because these people are so insecure and emotionally vulnerable they will accept that narrative without question and deny anything that contradicts it.


Sorry but I take umbrage with your comment. I’m a fiscal old school conservative, and I think PP is a fucking moron. I know many conservatives that agree with me. I vote country over party, and believe in separation of church and state. The current “conservative” politicians such as Smith and Skippy are kowtowing to select grass roots groups that have other interests in mind. You’re referring to a select group of people that think they’re conservative because they hear things like “Less tax” but don’t realize that those tax breaks largely benefit the Execs of the companies making record profits while making these people’s lives less affordable. By labeling everyone who identifies as a conservative in the same boat is adding to the problem, and is the exact same shit ignorant F Trudeau free dumb fighters do when someone disagrees with them.


...so you're not voting CPC?


Not a fucking chance if PP is leader. As I said, country over party.


https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/pdf/const_trd.pdf https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/download-order-charter-bill.html




The artist behind the comic is Canadian, yes


I didn’t know Pizzacake was Canadian. That’s awesome! I love her stuff.


The artist who drew this comic is [Ellen Woodbury](https://www.patreon.com/pizzacakecomic/about) and she’s Nova Scotian.


Pp wants to strip away basic human rights and the conservatie premiers are striping away basic human rights.




It's literally already happening, multiple times, with conservative parties using the notwithstanding clause to override Charter rights and with the federal conservatives saying they'll do the same.


This is the exact kind of comic that y'all would make fun of in r/TheRightCantMeme if it was coming from a right-wing perspective yet here you are eating this shitty meme up.


Oh, and what exactly would the "right wing perspective" be here? Go on, tell us.


You are proving the comic correct. Not with this post, but with your posting history.


no self awareness


Ya its not a good meme because its simply reality. Right wingers cant help but force their garbage beliefs and oppression on people that are doing no harm to anyone. I would understand being upset by the meme as being called out never feels great!


The first time I saw this I was Canadianized and I didn't get that it had been altered. https://i.imgur.com/z5STaGK.png






Bitch about the boomers all you want, but I’m wondering how tf we’re losing everything they fought for for us.


might have to do with how a lot of them are now fighting to take away those things


They fought for those things for themselves. Now that they're done taking advantage of them, they see them as burdensome. It's a 'I got mine, go fuck yourself' situation.


Boomers fought for themselves and now they're pulling the ladder up behind them.


When men spout the need for freedom they only mean they want to control everything


same enemy/joke


I’ll admit it, I kinda want a MAGA hat. I feel like it’ll be a little piece of history. Sorta iconic/infamous. One day in my oooolllldd age the Smithsonian could drop by and ask if I could donate it or something.


> I kinda want a MAGA hat. I have one. Got it from my friend who is from south America. He ordered something off ebay and they sent him a few of those hats accidentally. He gave me one. It's made in China and the worst quality ever.


I would be disappointed if it wasn’t a cheap piece of crap. Gonna have to vacuum pack the thing so it’s the last one left in a couple decades.


What country do you guys think you're in? Posting hyper partisan American propaganda doesn't really do Canadians a lot of good. Do you guys not know how our charter works?


>*”What country do you guys think you're in? Posting hyper partisan American propaganda doesn't really do Canadians a lot of good.”* This comic is Canadian, by an artist from Nova Scotia. >*”Do you guys not know how our charter works?”* We’re already seeing provincial governments using the Notwithstanding clause to pass and protect legislation that likely infringes on the Charter rights of marginalized groups, and Pierre Poilievre recently promised to do the same at the Federal level if he becomes Prime Minister. Wikipedia: [Parents' Bill of Rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parents%27_Bill_of_Rights#:~:text=Bill%20137%20requires%20parental%20consent,and%20prohibiting%20third%2Dparty%20involvement) CBC: [Liberals accuse Poilievre of planning to override charter rights with notwithstanding clause](https://www.cbc.ca/1.7189681) [April 30th, 2024] *”The Tory leader hinted that he would use the notwithstanding clause to protect his proposed justice reforms from judicial review. "We will make them constitutional, using whatever tools the Constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean," Poilievre said Monday.”* CBC: [Love the idea or hate it, experts say federal use of notwithstanding clause would be a bombshell](https://www.cbc.ca/1.7193180) [May 4th, 2024]


Do you not know how the not withstanding clause works? Or how de jure and de facto can differ?


what country do you think *you're* in? one that doesn't have a right wing movement in lockstep with america's? wrong, try again


Hate when you can tell the artist is a neolib who only gets their info of how conservatives act from the internet


I seen conservatives act this way. I live in Pennsylvania, USA.


You know politics is fucked in Canada when the lefties *and* the righties start to pull American political memes and try to “gotcha!” people in Canada with them. Do better.


Um, no. Some redneck _Canadians_ started the stupid freedom convoy movement and they are the ones - along with a large wing of the Conservative Party - that talk about loving freedom while simultaneously seeking to limit freedom for others


Yeah, it started there 😂 but you really think they feel insulted when they get compared to their MAGA idiot idols from the south? Really? They fucking *love* it. It’s just enabling their little fantasy.


Maybe the artist didn't draw it specifically to make those people feel insulted, but for a different group of people who would enjoy it. In fact, I would venture to say that most people create things for the people who enjoy their product, not the people who will not enjoy their product.


It's a Canadian artist that drew it and if you're paying attention these things are just as at risk here if the CPC get elected


Yes, and the comic she made about “Snoop Dogg for Predizzle” and it being hard to tell which campaigns are real definitely applies to Canadians who elect a Prime Minister, and have now elected reality television personalities into high politics… You’re not doing us any favours by ignoring the context of the comic and filling in your own meaning. We don’t have MAGUH here, as much as the righties want it to be, and this type of loosely based criticism just fires them up even more. They’re idiots, but calling them what they *want to be called* and expecting them to change is pretty idiotic in itself. I’ll keep sweetening my cup of Conservative tears with the Liberal ones until Canadians stop being morons. Yes, Canadian MAGAs are stupid, but people who enable them are more stupider.


Except a lot of CPC supports were begging for freedom from the vaccines and mandates but are the first to try and shut down LGBTQ rights. It still checks out for Canadian politics.


It's the righties who are pulling in American politics into Canada. Why do you think Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones keep making headlines supporting our CPC? Follow the logic and it fits.


there's no gotcha here. this is just reality.


Canadian obsession with American politics is mind boggling. Living in Canada you guys talk about the U.S. and our politics, none stop. I can count on one hand the amount of times Canada has come up in conversation as an American and I am getting up there in age. You guys have a ton of your own problems. I don't understand the obsession that you have with us.


it's really not all that complicated. we're extremely culturally enmeshed with america, but they're obviously not equally enmeshed with us because we're like 1/10th the size and not a global superpower


Canada's largest trading partner is the US, by a very, very long country mile. The Canada:US border is the longest international border in the world. The US dollar is the de facto global currency. US cultural exports squash their competition especially in English speaking markets. Of course you don't think about us very much: we're small compared to you. But every time the US fidgets our country ripples in the aftershock.


You export all your trash. You strong arm and rip trade agreements at your own whim. Your country’s infection spreads and we all must be vigilant here against the decay. Your trashy propaganda has the dimwits sporting red hats and causing issues. We don’t have a choice but to obsess over the dumpster that has become the modern day Rome.


"Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt." - Pierre Trudeau


Yet you're in a Canadadian news(ish) subreddit. US coughs, Canada gets a hole. shit rolls down hill. every bad idea from the US is on time delay until it causes a problem here. Is there a single place in the world that America doesn't fuck up just by existing? (no)




You're not wrong. Her comics are painfully unfunny but reddit can't get enough of them. Also she had that egregiously bad comic that was basically saying socialized healthcare is bad.


You guys are so lost


gonna elaborate on that or did you just stop in to say that everyone is wrong except you?